A Shot in the Dark - Cover

A Shot in the Dark

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - 13 year old Davis is caught by his teacher, Mrs. Jenkins with porno pictures, pictures of his dad, the Judge fucking someone who isn't his prominent wife. The principal and Davids' teacher, new lovers themselves, decide that it's time Mrs. Judge joins their sex club. What they don't know is that David sees tehn through the window and takes pictures of all three of them fucking and uses those pictures on his own teacher, the same Mrs. Jenkins.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Spanking   Orgy   First   Masturbation  

David Fahey sat in the foyer outside the principals' office waiting for Mr. Todd to see him. This time it was bad, really bad he thought. Mrs. Jenkins with had caught him with pornographic materials, pictures he had stolen from his house, well actually his dads' home office. The two pictures showed his dad fucking a long-legged, big-busted blond woman. In one picture he had his cock deep in her pussy and in another she was giving him a blow job. It was bad enough that he was caught showing them to Peter and John, but the woman in the photos wasn't his mother and Mr. Todd and Mrs. Jenkins would immediately realize that fact. Mrs. Fahey was the renowned Chairwoman of the County Board of Supervisors, and everybody in the County knew who she was.

Then there was the matter of his father. David figured that when his dad heard that the pictures were in the hands of the schools' principal he would probably kill him and get away with it too because his dad is a judge in the counties superior court system

"David Fahey. Come in my office!" The principal said in a not to friendly voice.

David walked into the office and stood by Mr. Todds' desk.

"Sit down David. It seems to me young man that you have been spending more time in my office than in the classroom. Last week it was fighting on the playground and two weeks before that it was peeking in the window of girls' showers at the gym. For a thirteen-year-old you sure manage to get yourself into a lot of trouble. Now let me get a hold of Mrs. Jenkins and see what you have been up to this time." He reached over to his phone and dialed a number.

"Mrs. Jenkins. Room 404."

"Mrs. Jenkins, this is Mr. Todd. Could you please come to my office on the Fahey matter?"

"Yes sir. I'll be right there."

Doris Jenkins walked into Mr. Todds' office and stood beside the chair where David was sitting. She had a manila folder in her hand.

"Well Mrs. Jenkins, what has David done this time?"

"Mr. Todd. He had pornographic photos in his backpack and was showing them to the other children. Here, look for yourself." Doris handed the folder to Mr. Todd and waited for his reaction, a smug look on her face.

"Jesus Christ, it's Donald Fahey and that sure isn't Marilyn Fahey. Holy Mother! David how did you get these?"

"Ah... well Mr. Todd... I... I found them in dads' office."

"OK. I've got to think about this. Mrs. Jenkins would you please take David and go back to class and not a word of this to anyone and I mean anyone. Understand?"

"Yes sir." They both said.

Marilyn Fahey was sitting at her dressing table in the master bedroom. She had just finished showering and was getting ready for the financial subcommittee board meeting that afternoon. She was just about through with her eyeliner when she sat back and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Hummm, she thought. I don't think I look 41 at least not in the face. She rose up and walked over to the full-length mirror in the walk-in closet. At 5 foot nine inches and 134 pounds with long blonde hair she was a striking woman. She stood with her back to the mirror and looked over the shoulder at her butt. No sagging butt, at least not yet. She turned around and admired her breasts. Lifting first one and then the other while looking in the mirror. 34C and standing proud. She wouldn't pass the pencil test, but they still looked good. She scanned down her body and noticed that her bush needed a little trimming but otherwise she looked almost the same as she did when she married Donald fifteen years ago.

She walked back into the bedroom and started back on her make-up. So if I look so good how come Donald has lost interest in sex? I tried to be alluring and sexy but he just doesn't respond anymore. I really don't understand why but I know for sure that I'm fucking horny. If Donald doesn't come around quickly I don't know what I am going to do for sex. She looked over at her nightstand. Max, her nine-inch dildo just wasn't doing what she needed done, not by a long shot. No I need some real cock!

Maybe he has a girlfriend she thought. No, I don't think so. As a sitting judge he wouldn't be that stupid. He would loose everything if he were caught in an affair. So would she though, her election to the Board of Supervisors was really a function of his prominence in the community. And she had used it ruthlessly to get the Chairmanship. No an affair would cost both of them dearly.

Marilyn heard the phone ringing and got to it on the third ring. "Hello."

"Is this Mrs. Fahey?" the unfamiliar voice said.

"Yes, who is this?"

"My name is Todd, Mr. Ray Todd. The principal of Lincoln Elementary. Your sons' principal Mrs. Fahey."

"Oh. Oh yes, Mr. Todd. What can I do for you?"

"Well there has been another incident at school with David. I need to talk to you privately. It is a matter of some urgency Mrs. Fahey."

"I see. What has David gotten himself into this time?"

"I'm unable to discuss it over the phone, but, if you could come to my office I will be glad to share it with you. Privately."

"Well Mr. Todd, I am just getting ready for a board meeting at three this afternoon, but I could probably be there by five, if that's OK with you?"

"Fine Mrs. Fahey. The school will be closed but I'll make sure you are expected and I'll see you at five then."

"Yes, five it is."

Ray Todd hung up the phone and sat back in his chair. He was going to own Marilyn Fahey. Three times she had cast the final vote that cut his budget and those three cuts had made him make drastic cuts in his staff. No, Marilyn Fahey was not a friend of the school system. Christ she didn't even know who he was! Well that all would change tonight. He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Mrs. Jenkins, Room 404."

"Mrs. Jenkins. Mr. Todd here. Would you please come to my office at the end of classes today."

"Yes sir, Mr. Todd."

At four-thirty Mrs. Jenkins walked into the principals' office, closed the door behind her and walked up to Ray Todd and kissed him passionately on the lips. When they broke apart she looked at her lover of six months.

"God Damn Ray, you taste great. It has been hard to wait all day for one lousy kiss."

"Oh Doris you look beautiful too. When I saw you earlier with the Fahey boy, looking at those pornographic pictures I got a hard on just watching you."

"Well, I was just a bit wet too. God did you see the size of Judge Faheys' cock? I could just imagine it sliding in and out of my pussy. Oh, no offense Ray. I didn't mean to..."

"Oh that's OK honey, none taken. Even from a male perspective it is a good-looking cock. But that's not why I called you, its Marilyn Fahey - she'll be here at five."

"Oh. You are going to give her the pictures? I would love to be a fly on the wall when she confronts the Judge."

"Well, not exactly. What I have in minds is..."

Marilyn Fahey parked in front of the administrative building, got out of her car and walked up to the glass front doors. They were locked but she saw a man standing in the doorway so she knocked. The man saw her and came over and opened the door for her.

"I'm Marilyn Fahey to see..."

"I'm Ray Todd Mrs. Fahey, come in."

"Mr. Todd. Do I know you? Your face looks real familiar. Somewhere I've..."

"Yes Mrs. Fahey. We have met at several budget hearings on school funding. Meetings where you voted against the necessary funding measures for our school."

"Oh. I see. Well I have to vote what's the best for the entire county Mr. Todd. Now what is the urgent matter about my son?"

"Come in my office and we can discuss it then. Please, you first."

Marilyn walked into the large office and saw another woman sitting in one of two large lounge chairs by the side of Mr. Todds' huge mahogany desk. Behind the desk were two large bookcases filled with academic texts. There was a large couch by one wall with a beautiful watercolor painting above it. The only windows in the room were two six-foot tall but only 12-inch wide windows that let in light from the southern side of the office. She took a seat next to the other woman.

"Mrs. Fahey, this is Doris Jenkins, your son's teacher." Mr. Todd said.

Marilyn reached out and shook the teachers' hand. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Jenkins." She turned back and looked at the principal, sitting back in his chair. "Now then, Mr. Todd, about David."

"Ray. Please Mrs. Fahey. And may I call you Marilyn?"

Marilyn was none to please to have this man think he could call her by her first name, but not knowing what David had done this time she held off saying anything. "Yes Ray, that's fine. Now about David."

"Doris, hand Marilyn the folder."

Marilyn took the manila folder from the teacher and opened it up. There were two pictures inside, 9x12's, showing her husband copulating with a woman - a woman who was definitely not his wife. Her hands dropped to her lap, the pictures falling to the floor. "Oh my god. Oh My God. Where did you get these? Jesus, not from David?"

"Yes Marilyn, from David. He apparently stole these from his fathers' office, bought them to school and was showing them to two of his friends. That's when Doris saw him with the folder and took it away. She sent him to my office and then brought the pictures to me later."

"Oh Christ. How many people have seen these? We'll be ruined. He's going to loose his Judgeship if this comes out. What the hell am I going to do? That fucker! He couldn't just keep his cock in his pants. Oh no, he's got to go around town fucking bimbos." And then she started to cry.

Doris took her hand and patted it while Ray came around the desk and gave her some Kleenex. "Now, now Marilyn. Perhaps there is a way out of this after all. A way where there won't be a scandal."

"What... what did you say? How? Oh My God, what has he done?"

Ray took a seat on the arm of the chair putting his arm around the distraught woman. Rubbing her shoulder. "Marilyn, lets look at the facts. The two boys' who saw the pictures don't know it's the Judge or who the woman is. Really only David, Doris and I know the real truth. I think that you and your husband can control David so that only leaves Doris and me." He let her think about that for a minute.

Marilyn looked up at Ray, then over to Doris and then back to Ray. It was obvious what they were up to, blackmail. They were going to blackmail her and the Judge to keep quiet. Well, what the hell was she suppose to do about it? They had the pictures. They could show them to anyone that wanted to bring down her family. And then there was Ray. He hated her for vetoing his budget; he was after some sort of revenge. "Look you two, I realize that you have the upper hand here and I'm willing to cooperate, but you have to know that the Judge and I don't have a great deal of money, some, but we're not really wealthy. Perhaps we can make installment payments or something."

Ray smiled down at Marilyn and rubbed her back somemore. "Oh Marilyn, Doris and I don't want your money, we want you!"

"WHAT? What do you mean, you want me?"

"It's pretty simple Marilyn. Doris and I have been having an affair for the past six months. We are a bit... ah... kinky if you will, and we think that you will be a nice addition to our sex lives. You see, it's really simple. If you agree to play along with us we will agree not to release the photographs on the county web site - the web site all county employees have access to, so what do you say? Do you want to play along with us Marilyn?"

Marilyn's head hung down to her chest. She drew a deep breath, looked up at Ray and Doris and said, "Ok I'll do it. But I have to have some assurances that you won't go public with the photographs."

"That's fine with us. We have decided that we'll rent a safety deposit box for the photographs. The rental agreement will stipulate that no access to the box will be allowed without both of our signatures. That way the pictures can't be accessed without both of us being present."

"Fine. I'll accept that condition. Now what do you want me to do?"

"Well Marilyn, as you already know I am still angry that you turned down our last three budgets. You need to be punished for that and being that this is an elementary school, I think a spanking would be in order. Don't you Doris?"

"Oh yes Ray, a spanking is definitely in order."

Ray rose up and walked over to the couch. "Come over here Marilyn, we might as well get started right now."

She got up and walked to the couch and stood in front of the principal.

"Pull up your skirt please."

Marilyn reached down, grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifted it up above her waist. She stood there, her white thong panties showing, waiting for his next order.

David was supposed to go home as soon as school ended but he seldom did. He usually hung out with Peter and John around the gym. He was still convinced that he could get some pictures of the girls showering. Maybe even a teacher - wouldn't that be something to have, a picture of a naked teacher. He had been carrying his digital camera around for two months trying to get a good shot of one of the girls, hell, even one of their panties would do. "Come on guys, let's go around back again."

"Bullshit. We aren't going to get anything today. I'm headed home." John said.

"Me too, I'm tired." Peter joined in.

"Well screw you guys, I'm staying, I just know this is my lucky day."

David had made the rounds of the windows in the gym without any luck. He was about to head home when he noticed his mothers' car in the parking lot. Oh shit, he thought, Old Mr. Todd is telling my mom about the pictures.

He rode his bike up to the administrative office building thinking that maybe he could hear what was going on in the principals' office. He tried the front doors, but they were locked. He walked around the building but the only windows anywhere were to tall thin ones in Mr. Todds' office. They were about six feet off the ground, too tall for David to look inside. He started to look around for something he could stand on.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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