My Best Friend’s Fiancé - Cover

My Best Friend’s Fiancé

by BeanerMan

Copyright© 2025 by BeanerMan

Erotica Sex Story: A young woman agrees to help her friend test her fiancé for The Chastity Challenge. But gets a bit more than she bargained for.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Black Male   White Female   .

“Where are you?” I hissed into my phone, hoping that Derek couldn’t hear.

“Five minutes out girl, no worries,” Rhonda replied. No worries?

No? Worries? Oh, fuck that.

Fuck, I had just had her fiance manage to take my dress off (without me even noticing, mind you) while giving me the hottest make out session I’d ever had, and she was saying ‘No worries’.


You see, Rhonda is my best friend. Roommates at college, and jobs at the same firm after graduation.

She’d been my ‘wingman’ when I met the love of my life, Stephan. My maid of honor at the wedding. And the person I gushed to about losing my virginity when we got back from our honeymoon.

Probably a bit TMI there, but after 26 years of being a virgin, discovering you had a rather ... overactive libido ... was a bit of a shock. I mean, three years in and Stephan still teases me that we never saw any of the sights on our cruise, but I had the cabin ceiling memorized.

So, you can see that I was gonna be there for Rhonda with her latest man, Derek. Someone she thought was ‘the one’.

A quiet voice made me cover the speaker on my phone. “Hey, you doing okay in there?” Oh, fuck me! Derek was standing outside the bathroom door.

I whispered into the phone, “Hurry!” And hung up. “Fine! Be out in a minute!” I called to him, then splashed a little water on my face.

Oh, I wasn’t fine. I wasn’t fucking fine at all. Rhonda had called me a couple hours ago in a tizzy. Apparently, there’s some new viral video thing, the ‘Chastity Challenge’, where you film a friend as they ‘test’ your guy ... or gal, or whatever. And Rhonda thought it was the perfect way to combine online ‘Likes’ with making sure her new guy was going to be faithful.

And, well ... BFFs?

So, instead of making it a little early for Date Night with Stephan (one I had gotten quite dolled up for, I have to say), I was making a detour to Derek’s apartment.

And then my first mistake. I took a selfie while sitting in my car, and sent it to Rhonda. Showing off the light and flowy sundress I was wearing. And asking if it worked for her plan. She gave it a thumbs up, so I asked if I should head in now.

And she responded ‘perfect’. So I headed in (using the key they kept hidden behind the hallway light fixture). And caught Derek with his pants down.

No, literally. He was watching something on his big screen when I came in (which he immediately switched off) while wearing only his boxers (which he covered up with one of those couch throw pillows that Rhonda loves).

“H-hey?” he stuttered. “W-what are you, uh, doing here?”

I just gave him a saucy smirk, and sat down on one end of the couch. Which worked fairly well at covering up the fact that seeing him shirtless had caused my mouth to dry up.

Derek was a good six inches taller than Stephan, and most definitely better built. I mean, Stephan was decently in shape, but Derek’s dark skin was stretched tight over muscles upon muscles upon muscles...

Okay, get a grip on yourself, I told ... well, myself. In the bathroom mirror. Just walk out there, and do that again, and everything will be fine. Rhonda will be here in ... four minutes. You can stretch this out for that long.

Just don’t make another mistake like earlier, and you’ll be fine. I put my sexiest grin on my face (the one Stephan calls my ‘oh, we’re already fucking, you just don’t know it yet’ look), eased open the door, and sashayed back into the living room.

I mean, the sexy act worked earlier. I had (once able to talk without drooling) patted the couch and told Derek to sit down. He did so, but keeping the throw pillow over his crotch meant I was able to snag the remote before he was fully settled. And turned on the tv to show what I had expected. Some big-tittied pale blonde getting railed by a black guy with an enormous schlong.

“Naughty, naughty,” I told Derek.

He just groaned, and started to ask me not to tell Rhonda. I just laughed.

“Please. I’m no tattletale.” I shrugged, and the sleeve of my sundress slid down a little, exposing a few inches of my creamy white skin, and the bright white shoulder strap of my bra. “Besides ... it’s just human nature, isn’t it?”

And with that I placed my hand on his leg, right between the bottom of his boxers and his knee. And turned back to (pretend to) watch the movie.

Really though, I was covertly checking out my phone. And saw the magnitude of my mistake. After her last ‘Perfect’ message came another.

“That dress is absolute perfection. That’s the sort he loves to peel off me.”

Then another...

“No, don’t go up. I’m fifteen minutes out. Wait for me to get there. Can’t film if I’m not there.”

Oh, fuck me. I jumped the gun.

I stared at the screen, trying to think of how to get out of it. Derek scooted closer, and asked “What do you think of the actors?”

“The guy is hot, I’ll give them that. But the girl? More plastic than a Barbie doll. Plus, why give her a tit job, but only make them about a cup size larger than mine? And they...”

I trailed off then, as his hand had come to rest right above my knee. And he started to slowly, gently, slide it upwards.

“Derek,” I said, turning to him, but he silenced me with a kiss.

Oh, fuck me, what a kiss!

It started off gentle, but he seemed to sense my reluctance and pulled back. But just a smidge, so he could murmur “Like you said, just human nature, right?”

And then he devoured me. It was like his lips attached to mine, and started sucking my libido out through my mouth.

His hands were everywhere, caressing my back, my legs, and ... oh, fuck me, he grabbed my ass like it was water in the desert. And his mouth only left mine to cover the rest of my face with kisses. And we were rolling around and around on that couch.

And it wasn’t until his lips made their way down, onto the swell of my breasts, that I realized something important. (Well, I mean fine, I noticed after he’d been kissing them a while, and made a small nip onto the sensitive skin, but only a ‘little’ while). You see, I realized that I didn’t think my sundress would go down that far.

In fact, as I took stock, it didn’t. But that didn’t matter, as it was currently draped over the tv, where it had been blindly tossed after he peeled it off of me. And I was currently wearing a pair of high heels and my Date Night bra and panties set. Which he was well on his way to divesting me of as well.

Which led to me pulling back, and ‘freshening up’ in the bathroom. (And a hushed call to a BFF who really REALLY needed to get there soon).

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