Bowling Partners - Cover

Bowling Partners

by Mushroom

Copyright© 2025 by Mushroom

Drama Sex Story: Pat and Ed had a decent marriage for the past 20 years. But after discovering he is cheating on her for the second time, she gets some unexpected help from one of their bowling partners. One that happens to be significantly younger than she is.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Cheating   Cream Pie   First   Petting   Caution   Revenge   .

I was in a silly and flirty mood. I was at a party with my husband, and it was the birthday of one of the youngest members of our bowling league. He was just turning 21, and we took delight in trying to get him plastered. And we were all enjoying this, as we had planned this in advance.

Josh was a cute kid, and despite his youth he was a good bowler. But he was also quiet and shy, and I wondered why he never seemed to talk about a girlfriend. And myself and the rest of the older gals insisted he take turns dancing with all of us. Thankfully our husbands picked out the songs, so none of that rap stuff.

My husband and I had started bowling before we even got married, and I had a 185 average, and his was 205. Mostly we did mixed doubles, but sometimes we did mixed couples (doubles only needs one person of the opposite sex while couples requires two of each sex). This league had started two months before, and it was mixed couples. We had named out team “We’ve Got Balls”, and both Angie and I laughed after we voted on it. My husband and I paired up with two single bowlers, Angie and Josh. And Angie was just a few years younger than we were, at 35.

We had decided to take turns by our lane numbers that night, and I actually smiled when Angie stepped back laughing as I moved in on him. And awesome, it was Santana! And suddenly it was like I was 14 again. Messing around with my first real boyfriend in the back of his car as we listened to “Black Magic Woman” on the radio.

I looked up into his eyes and smiled, and moved his hands to my hips and started to move my body in time with the music. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and continued to look into his eyes. They were a deep dark brown, and we were both smiling as several of the old biddies started clapping and giggling. And I was glad that when we turned so I could face Ed, he was grinning and smiling as well.

And remembering years ago, in the back seat with Jeff. Feeling him pressing me down as his hands slipped down and moved up my inner thighs under my skirt listening to the same song, I could not help but get even more excited. I teasingly moved my body against Josh a few times before slipping back away again, it was a lot of fun dancing with somebody that was younger than my son.

Finally there was a lot of applause as the song ended and I moved aside so Janice could take her turn. Thankfully Ed was grinning when I returned to him, and handed me another drink and said that had been sexy to watch. I kissed his neck softly, and whispered that I hoped he would help me enjoy something even more when we got home.

That night we all got a ride home in the van that Clarence usually used for vanpools at work. But it was still packed, and I ended up sitting in Josh’s lap for the first two stops. And although he acted like a gentleman, I was sure I felt his erection against my ass for most of the trip.

Thankfully our kids had already moved out, one in college while the other joined the Navy. So as I went upstairs to take a shower Ed locked everything up. By the time I finished my shower and left the bathroom, Ed had already done the same thing in the other bathroom and was laying nude in bed.

Now as usual I had gotten horny from the dancing, and as I had been feeling a young man with an erection pressed into my ass afterwards that only made things worse. However, I was to be denied that night, as when I entered the bedroom I could already hear that Ed was snoring.

The next week we all teased Josh mercilessly, but he seemed to be enjoying it. And as we finished earlier than most of the rest, the four of us went into the bar and had a drink as the other teams finished. And during this Ed and I related that we were getting ready to put our house up for sale.

Angie looked at us with some concern, and asked if there was anything wrong. I simply shook my head, and said we were ready to downsize. “Tim is at college, and Mary is in Virginia. So a five bedroom house is really more than we need. So we are looking for a smaller two or three bedroom one. It’s not finances, and we are not getting divorced. It’s just time to get something smaller is all.”

I looked at Ed when I said that, and he quickly nodded. Of course, neither of us felt any reason to tell them that there had been some problems that had almost resorted in a divorce the year before. A few months after Mary left for boot camp, I had caught him fooling around with a gal he worked with. And of all things, I discovered it when I doing the laundry.

I was checking his pockets, and found a receipt for a motel a few blocks from where he worked. And when I confronted him with that, it took about an hour until he finally admitted it was a onetime thing with a gal he worked with. He swore he would never do it again, and she had already left for another job. So I decided to let it lie. For the moment, at least.

But in the end, I told him that if I discovered it happened again, he was moving into another room as we discussed if the marriage could be saved. And in a passing almost snarky remark, I said that I may just go ahead and do the same thing myself, what’s good for the gander is good for the goose.

And couples bowling again was one of the things we had tried to do in order to associate with other couples. We just happened to be on the only team that had a non-dating or married couple. And more than a few times we would have drinks until everybody was finished and the league secretary would give us the preliminary placements.

But for some reason I could not put things behind me. And it was just as we were finishing the second half of the season Ed told me he had to leave town the next weekend. I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted that he had to go to another store in Phoenix because they were changing over to a new point of sale system. And as lead trainer it was his job to teach them how to use it.

“It’s just for a long weekend, Thursday to Monday. I’ll be back Tuesday afternoon.” I was a bit pissed because he had been bowling well above his average, and that might take us out of the running for top finisher. We were currently in second, by only 18 points. And since an absent bowler was given their average score minus 30 points, that might even push us down to third or fourth place. And it did not help my mood much when on the evening Ed left, Angie called me and said she was not going to make it either as she had been invited out of town for the weekend.

I simply sighed after I hung up the phone, as I saw us more than likely falling to the middle of the pack, and hopes of an award or decent pin money at the end of the season completely dashed. Not that we ever did more with that than throw it into the bar tab at the end of season party.

But on Friday afternoon I had just gotten home from work when a call came in from our credit card company. It was their fraud department, and they had gotten several suspicious charges on our credit card. I told them my husband was out of town on business, so that was likely it but to let me know what they were. But what shocked me was when they told me what charges had been made.

A hotel in Las Vegas, several drinks at different casinos, and a dinner that was almost $200. I for a moment considered denying them and cancelling the card, but knew that might make things worse. So I told them it was accepted and hung up. And on a suspicion I pulled up his social media page on the computer. And after about ten minutes of digging, one of his single female coworkers had made a post about loving staying at the Luxor in a post made the night before.

I was pissed as hell, and decided to hell with it and headed to the lanes. When I got there I informed the League Secretary that there was only Josh and I, so she set us at the wall. That was the two lanes everybody hated, but had to take turns at. As the dropouts that usually happened after a month or so, we had an odd number of teams. So each week a different team would take the farthest two lanes, and just bowl for points.

Josh arrived about ten minutes later, and as the others were still getting set up we started. He tried to joke with me as usual, but I simply apologized and said I was not in a great mood. And as it was just the two of us with no opposing team, we finished our three games before the others were even halfway through theirs.

Josh went to turn in our scorecards, and I immediately headed to the bar. I was almost finished with my first vodka and tonic when he joined me and ordered a beer. He asked me how the house hunting was going, and I shrugged.

“Oh, we’ve looked at a few, but it all seems rather pointless now to be honest.” He asked me what was wrong, and I steered him over to a booth on the other side of the bar. “It’s just that I caught Ed cheating on me, again!” I picked up a napkin and wiped my eyes, and he looked startled and asked “Again?”

I told him about catching him the year before, and our resuming bowling as a way to try and get closer again. “The idea was that it would bring us closer together, and find things to do together. But he decided that he would rather bang one of the girls at work than spend the evening here with me. The first one was bad enough, she was around thirty-five. But this one is twenty-four, he was already in High School when she was born.”

I then told him about my ultimatum the last time, and that this weekend we were supposed to go through the garage and start downsizing and throwing out things we did not need to keep. We had been there over a decade after all, and as all families do we had accumulated a lot of junk over the years that we did not need anymore.

I sighed again and said that if nothing else, I could use the weekend and do that, as there was a good chance it would need to be done no matter what. And it was only when I stood up that I realized that I had more to drink than I thought and wobbled on my way to the bathroom. Thankfully Josh took my arm and guided me there. I took care of business and washed my face, and when I came out Josh was waiting for me.

“Pat, you’ve had too much to drink tonight to be driving. Come with me, let me take you home. Things will be better I’m sure in the morning.” I saw he was right, but had him guide me to the counter to tell them that I was getting a ride home. Thankfully the manager just took the description of my car and wished me a good night. They were always good about that, and having bowlers get a ride home was not unheard of. And so long as they knew we would not find our cars towed away when we came back the next day.

Josh had an older Toyota pickup, and soon I was sitting in it leaning against the door as I gave him directions home. Once there he helped me get inside, and sat on the couch as I went to the bathroom and took a moment to vomit up the five or six drinks I had that night.

I got us each a glass of orange juice from the fridge and we were sitting on the couch talking. And I was a bit surprised when he offered to help me in the garage. “Honest, I don’t mind at all. I was just going to sit at home and play some games anyways, I’d like to help you out.” I gave him a hug, and wiped my eyes again as I accepted.

I looked at the clock and saw it was almost midnight. And when he asked what time he should return I told him to just stay here. “You can just stay in Tim’s room, and feel free to wear anything he has in the closet. I should be feeling better in the morning, and then I can make us some breakfast before we get started.” He accepted, and after helping me stand again I gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek before showing him the room.

I took a shower myself, and was feeling a bit better when I crawled into bed. And while I thought I would toss and turn all night, I drifted off to sleep fairly quickly.

The next morning I threw on a robe and headed out to make coffee. Once the pot was going I decided waffles would do. So I got out the mix as the waffle iron was heating, and I was just starting on the third one when Josh came out. He headed into the bathroom, and I realized that was the first time I had seen him without a shirt on. And as I had imagined, he was a fit young man. Not muscled, but not flat and thin either. Just a firm young man. Closer to my first lover Jeff than the stocky Ed.

After breakfast I threw on some old jeans and a shirt, and after driving to get my car we returned and went to work in the garage. We worked at it for about four hours, and I was glad we had been saving some boxes already. By the time we took a break for lunch there were ten of them, mostly filled with toys and old clothes. I made us each some hotdogs, then we went back to work.

Finally we took a break for the day, and Josh headed out with the first load of things that were being donated. It took him three trips, and I smiled seeing that half of the garage was now empty. I took a fast shower when he was gone, and when he returned I told him to go take his own. “And just grab what you want of Tim’s once again. How’s spaghetti for dinner?”

He thanked me again and headed off to get cleaned up as I put the pot of water on the stove and started to cook some sausage. By the time he came back I was just finishing up, and soon we were eating. I thanked him again for helping me, and he said he was glad to help. I had opened a bottle of wine, and I was two glasses in by the time we finished dinner.

We sat and chatted on the couch, and I found myself talking about our kids, and how good things had been for most of our marriage. “Josh, it’s not that I want to leave him or get a divorce. It’s, it’s just that this is the second time that I know of now. And I told him last time that if he did it again, I might just do the same thing myself. I thought surely that would make him think twice about giving into temptation.”

He shook his head, and called Ed a real moron. “I mean hell, if you were my wife I would not even think of getting with somebody else.” I thanked him for that, but as I was well into middle age and picked up a few pounds I was hardly hot and desirable anymore.

“Oh nonsense, Pat. You are a real MILF I think. And to be honest, I’ve always admired gals your age. Mature, classy, and more on your mind than just the latest pop singer or fashions. I mean, you dress really great, and what you wear looks fantastic on you. My last girlfriend liked wearing those ‘booty dresses’. And I admit, she looked great in them, but it could be frustrating when she would flirt with other guys when she was out with me.”

I rested my hand on the back of his and laughed. “Hell, I admit I had some like that when I was that age. And yes, it can be flattering when another guy hits on you. But I never flirted back if I was with somebody, that would just not be right. But, I guess things were a bit different when I was your age.”

By that time we had killed the wine, so I went and brought out the vodka and cranberry juice and we continued. I even found myself talking about Mary, and one time catching her and her boyfriend making out and feeling each other up on the couch, as Tim and his girlfriend were doing the same thing on the other end of the couch. He laughed at that, and said although it was strange they were both involved on the same couch as their sibling, it was surely not all that bad. “I mean hell, at least it was not the two of them together.”

At that I had to laugh, and admit that although they were close I never had any suspicion that they were that close. Our conversation after that was meandering, and I realized I was drunk and Josh had more than a bit of a buzz on also. And I was considering heading to bed when he asked if we could dance again before bed. And I knew it was not a good idea, but I found myself nodding and saying that would be nice and maybe help me forget what Ed was likely doing at that time.

He turned the stereo on and found the soft rock station. And he felt really good holding me. And I was not incredibly surprised that I could feel his cock pressing against me. And even though it was wrong, I felt aroused knowing that I was turning him on. And without even realizing it, I pressed myself more tightly against him. Feeling his firm chest against my breasts and my left thigh pressing against the cock running down his leg.

I barely even realized when he started kissing my neck, with the excitement of feeling this young man against me in addition to the alcohol. And when I pulled back so I could put an end to it, he grabbed the back of my head in his hand and pulled me in. Kissing me, kissing me deeply and in a way I had not experienced in years. And I could not resist as I started to kiss him back.

After that it was kind of a haze. His hands at some time moved down from my back and grasped my bottom, mashing our hips together. Then slid into the back of my slacks as I was clawing at his back with my left hand, my right running through his hair.

After that, it was all a blur until we were locked together on my bed. Our clothes had been tossed all over and I was laying on my back and looking up at Josh’s face. His lower belly pressed to mine, my thighs spread wide and feeling his cock nudging against me. He softly whispered if I was sure, and I simply grasped his ass and pulled, whispering for him to fuck me.

And he did exactly that, and I groaned as I felt him slide into me. God, he felt amazing, pushing that hard cock into my needy pussy. It was a bit of a stretch, as I had not had a cock in me other than Ed’s in decades. And Josh was just as long, but a tad thicker. And with my arms holding him tight and feeling his weight press me into the mattress we started doing that age old dance that is best done by two people alone. And I was thinking of little but how this was so wrong, but also so right as he fucked me over and over again. And finally feeling both satisfied and a little frustrated as he kissed me almost savagely and thrust almost painfully hard into me. Then that pulsing sensation at the opening of my cunt, and the hot wet feeling inside as his cum spurted into me.

I was still a bit dazed that I let this young man only a bit older than my son fuck me, and he had fucked me well. And it did not even matter that I had not had an orgasm myself, I had pleased him with my middle-aged body and it still felt really good.

But then I felt something I had not since the earliest days of my marriage. The cock that was softening inside of me suddenly started to reverse, growing firmer and pushing deeper inside of me again. Josh was no longer growing soft and about to slip out of me, but was growing harder pushing back inside. And for the first time in years I was feeling a man fucking me for the second time, his gift inside of me making him slide even more fluidly in and out of my body.

And after a few minutes, I felt the sensations in me growing. The pleasure rising, the urge to continue growing more intense. My hands clawing his back as he pumped down into me over and over again, driving me harder into the mattress. And I was returning that passion, pushing my hips back up at him. Smelling the mixing of his cum and my wetness fill the room along with the wet liquid sounds of his cock piercing me over and over again. And as my thighs raised and my feet hooked over his calves, I knew this time I would get there also.

And with a delighted cry I went over the top and came. Feeling his cock thrusting over and over into my cunt as I came around it and under him. Clawing his back as I bit into his shoulder, it was the best orgasm I had felt in longer than I could remember. And a few minutes later darling Josh came in me a second time.

We both fell asleep at some point after that, between the alcohol and fucking two times in a row I think we were both wiped out. But at some time in the early morning before dawn we did it yet again. And I was a bit more sober by then, and looking up at his face in the soft pre-dawn light I had to admit I felt more alive than I had in ages. And having a strong young man fucking me for the third time in just a few hours certainly helped that.

We were both a bit embarrassed when we finally got up, and I could feel his cum still dripping out of my pussy, on my ass, and running down my thighs before I slipped into the shower. I don’t think Ed had fucked me three times in one night since right after Tim was born. And in recent years, it was more like once every week or so if I was lucky, more often every other week. Maybe.

We were both a bit shy the next morning, and after making us breakfast he asked me if everything was alright between us. I took a bite, then slowly nodded. I told him that it should not have happened, and we could not allow it to happen again. That between my emotional state and the alcohol, I had done something I had never done before.

“Josh, I know that Ed is cheating on me, and not for the first time. But I can’t do it in return. That would make me just as bad as he is.”

He gave me a sad nod, then reminded me that neither of us had gotten together with the intent of cheating in mind. And Ed had obviously done it several times, even arranging the weekend in a way that I would not suspect.

After eating, we both showered and Josh went back to work in the garage as I stripped the bed and threw everything in the laundry. And by the end of the day most of the garage had been gone through. And as he took more boxes to be donated, I started going through Tim and Mary’s rooms.

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