Meteor Phenomenon - Cover

Meteor Phenomenon

by Caesar

Copyright© 2004 by Caesar

Incest Sex Story: The reactions to witnessing the meteor storm is recounted for one neighbourhood.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Mind Control   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Lactation   .

Copyright© 2002-2003

And earnest young woman in Thrace
Said, "Darling, that's not the right place!"
So he gave her a thwack,
And did on her back,
What he couldn't have done face to face.

The event had been advertised in all the local papers for the last week - it caused only casual, sporadic, interest in the normally quiet suburb street on the outskirts of a western Canadian city. It would take a riot to cause any widespread interest - a riot in their own street that is.

The night was perfect, not a cloud in the sky. Very little wind, though some of the residents would have enjoyed a respite from the dry overbearing summer heat. And best of all, for those looking toward the sky that night, no moon.

Phyllis stood with her arm around her wide-shouldered husband and the other around her early-teen daughter. "I still don't see anything yet mom." Her daughters voice sounded like she would be anywhere but standing in the middle of the street in the middle of the night.

The thirty four year old mother looked around to see if any of her neighbours had noticed her 'perfect' family - and that they were attending this solemn event. She really could care less about the real reason why they were standing out in the middle of the road well after midnight.

Doris came out with both her hands filled with sweaty glasses filled with iced tea. "Here Sam. Has it started yet?" Her husband was laying back in his lawn chair staring at the sky, he simply grumbled his negative reply. He had always thought of himself as an amateur astronomer.

Susan saw the shadowed movement of her sister in laws neighbours and opened the front door to see what they were all doing. Quietly, so as not to wake her brothers family, she crept out to the front side walk.

Gail was seated on the steps to her home, the darkness hiding the tears that followed from her eyes. Hours earlier her husband had told her he was leaving her. She had to escape the silence of her home, every direction reminiscent of her marriage and husband, and to let her son sleep. She knew not, nor cared, why so many of her neighbours were outside at the moment.

Josie finally got Jasmine back to sleep, and stood up to move her baby back into its crib. A voice through the open window caught her attention and after placing the slumbering child on her side and the light fleece blanket to her tiny chin, she looked out through the bug screen.

"There it is!" It could have been Phyllis' voice but no one was paying attention.

At once several pairs of eyes moved toward one place in the sky and saw the meteor. Five pairs of eyes saw it about the same moment, and each were captured by its brilliance. Of those five sets of eyes, they had some things in common that would allow the sight of this meteor to alter the rest of their lives... starting as soon as they woke from their next slumber. The first male they would see after waking the next day after watching the meteor would be the sexual purpose of their lives and would deny nothing to him. All because they were the female of our species that had had children.

The papers had promised a rare and magnificent meteor phenomenon, and to those five pairs of eyes, they could have not been more correct.


The feeling the sixty four year old awoke too was distantly familiar. Her neck to ankle flannel nightie was sticking to her body but in a way that was not familiar as the sweaty hot nights that she was used too these last weeks. At first the grandmother of five thought she had wet herself - cursing the tall cool glass of ice tea with Sam only a few hours earlier. But a strangely familiar tickle high inside her thighs caused her open her eyes in shock - the moisture sticking her thick nightie to her body was her own sexual juices.

The old woman slowly sat up and looked down at her lap, where the white flowered patterned material was dark with moisture and stuck to her legs and groin. "My god", she half whispered in amazement.

Never in her life, and certainly not in many years, had she expelled so much juices from her body.

It scared her just a little.

Across the room was her husbands single bed, and it was empty. For that Doris was thankful - fearing the stern gaze she expected to receive if her religious husband saw her in this state.

Her wrinkled hands trembled as she slowly gathered the hem of her nightie up her old legs. She watched as her body was exposed, feeling her cheeks burn with shame as the thick clear substance was revealed.

Then her nightie was held above her navel and Doris looked down at her soaked satin panty - seeing her dark hair clearly through the wet material.

The toilet flushed causing Doris to jerk in surprise, throwing her nightie back down over her legs. "Oh god." Sam was just in the bathroom.

Please don't come out and see me like this, she prayed.

The door opened and Sam strolled in wearing his boxer shorts and a frown. "Doris, your awake?" He had not even looked at her. "Have you seen my book anywhere?" The sixty eight year old man walked next to his own bed and groaned as he bent at the waist to retrieve the bible on this bedside table.

He shuffled back to the bathroom and closed the door. It was the only 'book' he was willing to read since he was in school many decades before.

Not once had he seen his wife's wide eyed gaze.

Doris wondered if she was having a heart attack, as she was not much younger than her husbands sister whom had died of heart failure only last year. Yet as her own hand seemed to find itself between her old thighs and she roughly squeezed herself - a wave of long forgotten pleasure flowed through her body. That pleasure hit her mind like a sledge hammer and the old women fell back to her pillow and starred at the plain white ceiling in astonishment.

This just could not be, she knew.

The other hand joined the first and both began to frantically rub at that forgotten erotic place between the grandmothers legs.

Doris dug her heels into the bed and shoved her hips upwards, bite into her bottom lip and closed her eyes. It has been at least a decade since she has had to masturbate - but even that distant memory seemed to be dull in comparisons to the overpowering urges she was now experiencing.

Again and again she shoved her hips up, her fingers pressing her nightie and panty almost into the groove of her cunt. That was what it now was, a 'cunt', not the word she was forced to use if the situation demanded the title of 'vagina'.

She began to grunt like an animal as she tried to appease the fire between her legs. The area from her navel to her knees now soaked in a new wash of her thick juices.

Doris's eyes suddenly flew open, feeling almost alien with intensity and she quickly sat up. Blinking several times, the normal calm wide look did not return, instead her gaze narrowed and she starred at the door to the bathroom.


Nothing. Her voice was scratchy with tension and the bathroom had been build for silence.

Doris cleared her throat and called loudly, "Sam!"

Movement... water running in the sink and then, the door opened.

Sam stood in the doorway to his bedroom and looked at his wife in astonishment.

Doris was laying upon her bed with feet wide, her nightie was bundled just above her knobby knees and she seemed to be perspiring wildly. What also was amazing to the retired old man was the strange look in his wife's eyes. "Doris... ?" He feared that his wife was having a stroke or maybe an embolism.

It took a couple of tries before her voice rose, "I need you Sam."

Sam stepped into the room, and stood at the foot of his wife's bed. "What is it Doris?" He feared the answer and silently asked god to give him the strength for whatever he needed to do in the next minutes of his life.

With her brow furled tight the grandmother spoke loudly and clearly, "I need you to fuck me Sam."

It was most certainly the last thing he had been expecting his church-going wife to say.

"My god woman!" He could barely get his words out. "What are you saying... how can you say that... ?" Sam could not keep the contempt from entering his heart and min.

Doris yanked her nightie up to her navel so that her husband could see the wet undergarments and the darkness revealed between her thighs.

Sam almost tripped as she tried to back away, a hand finding his wife's dresser and holding it for support. The other hand now clenching his 'book' against his chest - like a shield.

Doris rolled off the bed with movements reminiscent when she was a spry forty year old instead of her currently sixty four. Taking only a few long strides she stood before her scared husband. "Fuck me Sam." She starred into his eyes, as if to transfer the sincerity of her request.

Sam, though, had never even heard his wife say the 'f' word and she had always scolded her own children for even saying 'shoot'. She must be having an embolism he thought.

Her hands moved below her waist and suddenly Doris stepped out of her panties, already forgotten as they left a trail of female slim down her elder thighs and calves and upon the hard wood floor.

"I need you Sam."

He felt her hands at the elastic waistband of his boxer shorts and he closed his eyes and prayed for strength. This was a sin, he kept reminding himself. His wife and life-partner was having some type of mind-episode.

Doris shivered in delight as her husbands wrinkled old cock, and that was what it truly was to the old girl now, met her downward gaze. Her mouth watered for it and her ass clenched, but it was per cunt that felt as if it was electrified and drawing toward the old pecker.

Pressing her soiled nightie from her shoulders, it came to rest as a pile upon the hard floor. The old woman did not hesitate as she dropped to her knees and opened her mouth as she leaned forwards.

There was little warning, and Sam prayed god would understand his fear and contempt that was immobilizing him.

It was a feeling so alien to the old man that he just knew it was mortal sin. Of course he did not need to open his eyes to realize what his wife was doing - and it shocked him. Forty two years of marriage and not once had she... done this to him.

Doris had never taken her husbands cock into her mouth, never rolled her tongue across its soft head, or felt her lips move along its length. Yet she loved it, felt that love between her own legs and even into her soul. Gone was the god she had prayed too all her life, as she now sucked on the only thing worth worshipping.

All too naturally, the old girl started to move her face up and down before her stunned husband, all the while sucking strongly on his 'altar'.

Sam knew he had to call someone, nine one one maybe? Yet he could not do that right now, with his wife doing... well acting so strangely! He was cornered against the dresser after all!

Doris sucked and sucked, bobbing her head slowly up and down her husbands cock. Through all her years, and all the times her husband had climbed above her in their marriage bed, it was never like this. It was like... being a virgin again, thought the old woman. She could not help but move one of her hands between her old soft thighs to touch her fiery furnace.

Seconds passed and then minutes and Sam wondered when his wife's 'episode' would pass when he felt it.

Doris knew tears of happiness were rolling down her cheeks as the small soft muscle in her mouth began to flex and grow. It began to grow till it pressed her lips wide and the head pressed against the back of her throat. She still could not get enough!

Oh my god, thought Sam, she is drawing me into her delusions! He opened his eyes and looked down at the perversion and alien sight of his aged wife bobbing her face over his groin, his penis hard as it repeatedly invaded into her mouth.

It had been just over ten years since he had a hard cock - though it had never been put to the test as it was now enduring. The last time was also the last time he had coupled as man and wife with Doris.

He starred in astonishment as Doris sped her lewd movements up.

It seemed like the greatest loss of her life, that she had never tasted the spend from her husbands cock. Yet now, any minute now, it would begin to spurt its rare seed onto her tongue and down her throat. The old girl began to imagine it spurting all over her face, into her gray short curly hair, on her hard wrinkled nipples, in her gray curly cunt hair, on her round soft wrinkled ass. Her own pleasure was fast approaching but she was aware that it could not be reached without Sam's.

Though she had been married to the man for two thirds of her life, devoted in all ways that she could have imagined at the time to her husband - her bond with him now was stronger and... foreign.

The hard muscle in her mouth jerked suddenly and Doris stopped all thought, stopped all movement and held her breath.

Sam gasped in pleasure, surprised at the long forgotten feeling of orgasm, as his body jerked even as his penis within his wife's mouth did the same.

Doris felt a thick wad of sperm land on the back of her tongue and she quickly pulled her husband out of her mouth. Sam spurted again and again, as the old lady tried to watch it even as her tongue hung out to capture every drop.

Her eyes were filled with tears of joy as the taste was beyond her imagination and simply the most delicious thing to ever pass her lips. Two fingers submerged in her loose cunt were desperately clasped by deep muscles as her her body began to vibrate and jerk with her own release. As Sam shot his load on her face and upper chest his wife before and below him groaned out in an orgasm to rival any other pleasure in her long life.


Phyllis awoke with one hand beneath her bikini panties, stroking her surprisingly wet slit. Her other hand slipped across the divide of her queen sized bed to find her husband missing. She groaned and rolled onto her stomach even as the centre finger slipped into the liquid hot groove and slipped up her hungry hole.

The mother of one bite into her pillow in frustration and cursed her bastard of a husband. Leave it to him to abandon her in her time of need, he must have left for work already.

Her daughter should have gone to school... or was it a school day... she could care less, rapidly Phyllis deduced.

Phyllis slipped her free hand up to her face and spit onto her index finger. Quickly, rushing, she slipped it behind and beneath her skimpy panties. She added two more fingers to her cunt as a finger began to press into her ass hole. It had been months since her bastard of a husband had properly fucked her, let alone used one of their cock-like toys simultaneously in her rectum.

Being the prettiest girl in high school, as Phyllis had little doubt, as well as married to the star of the football team and simply the handsomest man she had ever known. Phyllis had always been about how things looked, demanding that things always looked perfect and beautiful. Demanding it of her child, for the quiet little girl to make an attempt at her mothers school pride, cheer-leading. It was a disaster - the teenage girl was humiliated and scorned by both her maternal parent and her peers.

Phyllis tried to think of her husbands fat cock, plunging in and out of her cunt. It wasn't enough and imagined he was behind her fucking her tight sweet ass. Still, the thirty four year old knew it was not enough to dispel this passionate heat she had awoken too.

The aerobic hard bodied mother of one jumped up out of bed, praying that her wide shouldered, slim waist and rippled stomach... husband was still home. She so much needed a cock.

A rare embarrassing thought crossed her mind, that any cock would do. Phyllis shocked herself, realizing, for the first time since her teens, that she did not need only the best or prettiest thing to satisfy her. Angrily, she dispelled the idea, passing it off to the heat of the moment.

Yet the knowledge that any cock, simply any long hard phallus, will more than satisfy her. She craved a cock, desired it beyond comprehension. Cursing herself, all the while, for not waking earlier to satisfy herself upon her husband!

Striding out of her large master bedroom wearing only her cunt-wet bikini panties, the thirty four year old woman saw that her husbands briefcase and shoes were indeed gone. A shiver of loss, fear and anger rolled through her body. And a single tear rolled down her check in desperation.

Frantically, in the front foyer, the sexy woman slipped her skimpy panties down her long shapely legs and immediately forgot them on the carpeted floor. She rushed to the kitchen tearing open draws loudly and in a panic.

An inch wide rolling pin was found and she immediately squatted down to ease the end of it within herself. It only felt like hard wood and it disgusted her.

Her hands now trembling, Phyllis tore open the refrigerator door and grasped a single fat carrot in triumph. Again she squatted down and eased the fat end of the vegetable within herself. Again it did nothing for her, feeling only like a cold dirty vegetable.

"God damn it!"

She spun around and stopped when she saw her daughter standing in the doorway to the kitchen looking at her mother in shock. "What the fuck are you looking at?"

Then Phyllis looked down to her daughters pet that sat by her feet - Flea. Suddenly Phyllis thought of something that would have disgusted her at any other point in her life, but she simply had to have it. Or, him, rather.

Phyllis softened her voice and spoke to her daughter in a sweet singsong pattern that had won her way with her husband many times in the past. "Tell Flea to come to momma." Her words may have been for her daughter but her eyes were glued to the black orbs of the sixty pound mongrel.

No one moved.

The desperate woman squatted down and clapped her hands together, "Here boy! Come to momma."

The only response for for Flea to wag his tail.

Phyllis quickly turned and jerked open a cupboard, pushing items out onto the floor until she found what she was looking for. She returned to her place a meter before her stunned daughter and her animal.

This time when she looked at her daughter she put on her sweet voice, "Mommy needs to borrow your pet for a while OK darling?" The girl only stood staring in shock as if unable to move. The lack of response caused her mother to instantly switch her moods, "God damn it, are you just going to stand there or are you going to let Flea fuck me?"

The only response was for the teenager's eyes to widen.

Flea though was now standing and walking excitedly behind his mistress.

"That's a boy, come here to mommy."

The dog, though, was well trained and while it seemed agitated, did not go past his mistress.

Phyllis, never giving the dog a moments compassion or love till this very day, and, thus, felt desperation enter into her body. She simply needed the cock of that animal and nothing else in this world would suffice. She knew in her heart, in her soul, that she had found the one cock to satisfy her. And all three of her hungry holes were anxious for him.

With more humility than she had ever shown to her thirteen year old daughter she said, "I'll do anything darling... I mean it. Please let Flea fuck me?" Her eyes were watering and she felt like dropping to her knees to beg, her body though was trembling in need and she did not think she could drop to the floor and not get back up unless it was after a good hard fuck.

Barely a whisper, "Anything?"

A sign of hope, and the mother rapidly nodded, "Anything darling." And she meant it - that mongrels cock meant that much to the woman.

Finally, "Let me watch... ?"

At first it shocked the image conscious parent, but then she remembered that hard cock and the pleasures it would surely give her. "Yes... anything."

"... and take pictures?"

Phyllis was beyond caring. "Yes... anything!"

The girl spoke down to her pet, "Sit boy." Promptly he sat onto his haunches and stared at Phyllis with is dripping tongue hanging out. The older woman never even noticed her daughters hasty exit as she watched transfixed to that tongue, imagining it licking her cunt, pressing into her ass hole, sucking it between her lips!

Her daughter brought her out of her passionate cloud with an instruction to Flea, "Go fuck mommy boy."

Phyllis was almost to the point of mind numbing desperation - so much so that she did not even realize her daughter was now naked and holding her eight millimetre video camera aimed at her mothers body. Instead, with violently trembling hands, the thirty four year old opened the peanut oil and then began to pour it upon each of her round hard breasts and over her well trimmed pubic hair.

She then allowed herself to drop on the marble floor of her kitchen even as Flea confidently strode forward.


Joel knew, instinctively, what the feeling was before consciousness returned. With a delighted groan, he stretched and spread his feet wide.

Slowly, blinking against the harsh morning light, he squinted down his naked body. There above his groin was his attractive wife's head moving slowly up and down.

"Hum... good morning Josie."

She pushed thick brown hair from her forehead and without removing her husbands prick from her mouth looked up into his eyes.

What he saw surprised him, the intensity within his wife's gaze was filled with something he had not seen for some time. At least before their daughter, Jasmine, had been born. Since that joyous time, both parents were only trying to get through each day - staying a step ahead of exhaustion.

Joel translated the look as pure lust for him. A lust that had been lacking since their first child's birth. He did not question the look, as they both may have been near-exhaustion they had also been very horny. Any sexual contact between them in the last five months had been simply rushed, purely physical affairs.

Josie closed her eyes again and savoured the delicious taste of the man-meet moving in and out past her lips. She had not question the desire that she had awoke too, but her slumbering husband next to her seemed the natural outlet. It was something else, as well, something primeval in the raw desire to submit to her husband, to feel his pleasure. Than, and only then, she knew, would her own pleasure be attained.

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