Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 35

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 35 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Constance Nettleton ran out of her house as Margaret's Mercedes pulled into her driveway. Margaret had the top up even though the night was still warm. Connie slipped into the passenger seat dressed in a pink mini-skirt and matching blouse tied just under her boobs. Margaret wore her usual Ramada Inn uniform, a black cocktail dress with a plunging neckline to advertise her breasts. Connie's eyes flashed to the cleavage.

Connie leaned over and kissed Margaret. Their tongues rubbed softly. Margaret could tell Connie was on already aroused. The young girl caught her breath and asked, "Why the Ramada? I thought only old people went there."

"That's right." She backed out of the driveway and started in the direction of Black Mountain's hottest pickup spot. "Well-off old men."

Connie thought the unimaginable. This gave her the nerve to ask about something she heard Marion Anderson, her mentor in the Black Mountain Social club, say to Margaret. "Yesterday, you said something to Marion about $2,000 for Lamont's birthday party."

"Yes? You have a question about that?" Margaret's eyes darted down to the split revealed under the hem of Connie's short skirt. No panties? Hmmm.

"Well, yeah. What are you supplying Marion for Lamont's birthday that could cost that much?" Connie had a feeling that she knew the answer to the question.

Margaret felt herself getting wet from the girl's perfume. "Before I answer that, I want to hear about the Black Mountain Social Club. What did I miss in not joining when I was sixteen?"

Even though sworn to secrecy about the club's activities, Connie began a detailed narrative of everything she had experienced since joining, right up through her night with Lamont. She was just describing the hard fucking she got as they entered the Ramada Inn lobby. An elder couple gave her a stern look as the young girl said, "I came so hard, Maggie. I've got to have him again."

Margaret had warmed to the adventuresome young girl and laughed, "I think Marion is worried that Lamont might have liked you too much. A one-time threesome is exciting, but you regularly fucking Lamont could bring on disaster for a politician. Look at what happened to Clinton, and he just got a few blowjobs. An older black congressman fucking an underage white girl in Mississippi, while his wife watched, could give him real re-election problems and maybe even bring back lynching."

Connie giggled, "I know, but I just don't think a boy at school is going to rock my world like Lamont did."

Margaret nodded. "I know. There's something about a mature man between your thighs fucking the shit out of you."

Connie sighed, sounding like a woman with far more experience that she had, "I know. But where do I find one?"

Margaret pointed to a small sofa in the lobby. "Sit down and let's talk about it."

The young women sat down together. All the males passing through the lobby turned at the scent of the powerful pheromones the young women gave off. The deep ache they felt as they sniffed the air was the same yearning that sent their cavemen ancestors off of kill large mammals and lay the bloody carcasses at their mates' feet. Connie's skirt attracted attention as it barely covered her lack-of-lingerie secret. Margaret quickly counted four men who were giving them very intense stares. Connie noticed none of this.

Margaret laid her hand on Connie's knee and whispered, "Look around the room... slowly. Do you see men staring at us? Grown men, not boys."

Connie's blue eyes instinctively spotted the four men and inspected them closely. Three were quite handsome she noted, but the fourth, an elder man in his sixties wore a suit that dripped money. Her blonde head nodded as she swept her eyes back over the men, evaluating each.

"This is were you can find men like Lamont, rich, powerful, and sexually charged." Margaret squeezed Connie's thigh.

"Oh, God!" The young girl whispered. She leaned to Margaret's ear. "They want to fuck us, don't they?"

Margaret chuckled softly, "Yes, they do."

Connie's round eyes stared into Margaret's. "Do we let them?"

Margaret knew she was hooked. She dropped her bomb. "For a price!"

"A price?" Connie's eyes darted back to the men and then returned to Margaret's. "You mean we... them for money?"

Margaret nodded. "Yes, Connie, we fuck them for money. Lots and lots of money."

"You do this? You've picked up men and had them pay you to fuck you?" Her voice barely lifted over the hum of the lounge conversation.

"Yes, I have. It's better than fucking little boys. These men know how to treat a woman in bed." Margaret's sugary voice laid it on thick.

"How much do you charge?" Connie's questioning encouraged Margaret.

"Usually a thousand dollars."

"A thousand bucks!" Connie's loud response turned heads all over the lobby. Margaret shocked expression lowered her volume. "A thousand bucks, no shit!" She repeated in a whisper.

"Sometimes more." Margaret reeled her fish in.

"For how long?"

"Usually an hour."

"How did you get started doing this?"

For the next half hour Margaret related her entry and history in the prostitution business. She told it all—jail with Teri and Molly, about Nathan, Milt, and John and Colleen. She told her about her trip to New York this weekend. Connie added up the total revenue that Margaret had made in the past two weeks. The young girl was also very impressed at the sex. Margaret had graphically told her everything that she had done—even Nathan's big cock in her ass. She only left out the part about her father; she wasn't charging him, yet.

"So, that's how I got in the business."

"Does your boyfriend know you do this?"

"No. And I'm not going to tell him. This is business."

"Wow, this is so hot!"

Margaret whispered into Connie's ear, "Would you like to help me?"

Connie's eyes ballooned. "How?"

"I'm meeting a man here who wanted to do a threesome with two girls and my friends Teri and Molly are busy and I need a third."

Connie's pointed to Margaret and then herself. "He wants to watch us... ?"

"Yes, he wants to watch us... and then join in."

Connie's shook her head, "I don't know."

Margaret forcefully said, "You didn't have a problem with it in Marion's limo yesterday."

"I know, but she's my... lover. This would be in front of a stranger."

"Would he become a friend if he paid us $2,000, and I split it with you?" Margaret watched the greedy little bitch think about it. Fifty-fifty split. You'll walk out of here with a $1,000 in your purse."

"Oh, shit. I think I'm going to pee my pants." Connie stood up and Margaret pointed to the ladies. Margaret followed her even into the stall.

Connie hiked up her skirt and sat on the toilet. She began to pee and looked up at Margaret. "I can't believe, I'm even thinking about this. I could get into so much trouble."

Margaret opened her purse and showed Connie twenty hundred dollar bills stuffed in her wallet. "You could make a lot of money too. How many French fries do you have to serve to make a thousand dollars?"

Connie giggled, pulled off some toilet tissue and wiped her pussy. She said, "What the fuck? I don't have to do anything I don't want to do, do I?"

Margaret shook her head, "No, I'll handle any really kinky stuff."

"Okay, what do I do?"

Margaret moved in front of her and pulled up her cocktail dress. She hooked her g-string panel and said, "Get me wet."

Connie's round eyes took in Margaret's taught pussy lips and leaned forward. Margaret only gave her a minute in her crotch before pushing her head back, she wanted the little cunt warmed up and ready, but not fully satisfied.

"Let's go back to the lobby."

Connie stood up and flushed. Margaret caught her face and kissed her lightly. She could taste her own pussy juice on the girl's lips. Connie tried for more, but Margaret led them back to the lobby.

"You wait here, while I get him." She sat Connie down on the sofa and left for the bar. The whole story about having a client waiting was bullshit. She knew she could rustle up a good time in a few minutes by just trolling the bar.

Craig, the bartender who fucked her on her last visit, was working the near end of the bar. She dropped down on the first bar stool, and he strolled over. "Hi, Maggie, how's business?"

"I just got here and I'm looking for some. See any prospects?"

Craig pointed the glass he was drying to a table with a man in his late fifties drinking by himself. "He's a businessman from Chicago. He's half in the bag and talked earlier with me about finding him a date." Margaret looked him over. She knew Connie would love him. He was tall, thin, and very black.

Margaret dropped a fifty into Craig's tip jar. She gave him a hot look that said, "Maybe later," and strolled over to her target.

Craig watched the young woman approach her client and wondered how such a young girl made the move from hottie to whore. He saw her introduce herself and the pair began to negotiate. He took a bar order from a waitress for two martinis and mixed the drinks as he watched the man take out his wallet and count his money. He knew Maggie was one of the best and very expensive. Craig saw the man smile and nod. Margaret stood and nodded at Craig as she left the bar. Her newest client would follow after a discrete period of time.

Margaret found Connie sitting on the couch talking to the man in his sixties who was laughing at something she said. She walked up to her, and while ignoring the older gentleman, said, "Sis, we've got to go."

Connie appeared startled but picked up on Margaret's meaning. She turned to the man sitting next to her. "Alan, I would love to chat some more, but my sister says it's time to go. Maggie, Alan owns a machine tool company in Miami. He's here in town to buy something or other. He's very interesting." Connie re-crossed her legs and gave Alan a hint of heaven.

The gray-haired man laughed, and said, "I'm sorry you have to go, Connie. I wish we had more time to talk."

Margaret took the man's measure and decided she had been too hasty. She opened her purse and pulled out a white card that she pressed into the man's hand. "Call me next time you're in town, Allen. My sister and I would love to have dinner with you, wouldn't we Connie?"

Connie nodded and shook Allan's hand. "I hope you do call. I'm sure we all could have a good time." Connie gave him a lingering handshake, and Margaret kissed him on the cheek. She whispered, "Call me, we're expensive, but very good."

Alan gave the two a startled look. "I'm sure you are. I'll be sure to call, next time." Margaret nodded and Alan left them alone.

Margaret said, "You didn't lose any time in meeting an older man."

Connie protested. "He came up to me. He was very nice."

"I'm sure I know what he wanted."

In a testy voice the young girl answered, "Well, I got tired of waiting for you. He seemed rather sexy for a man old enough to be my grandfather."

"It takes time to settle the details of a meeting, honey, but I've got us a very wealthy customer."

"I'm still nervous about this. I mean what if we get arrested."

Margaret huffed, "We're not going to get arrested. He's not a cop. He had way too much money on him to be a cop."

Her curiosity aroused, Connie asked, "How much?"

"I think he had around four thousand dollars on him."

"Shit, that's a lot of cash."

Margaret nodded, "Yes it is, and we're going to clip him for as much as possible."

"How are we going to do that?"

Margaret explained it to Connie, who only interrupted her four times with expressions of disbelief. Let's hope the little girl is a good actress.

Margaret introduced the client to Connie as Henry Davidson. He was tall, over six feet thee inches, and had salt and pepper hair. His trim build and black skin attracted Connie immediately. He reminded her of Lamont. Her eyes rested on his crotch hoping his resemblance extended to hidden territory.

The man took Connie's hand. "You must be Maggie's little sister."

Connie shot Margaret a glance and said, "Yes, I thought we were going to a club, but Maggie said she needed to stop by here to see if anything was going on."

Margaret jumped in. "Connie, you wait down here. Mr. Davidson and I are going up to his room to talk about some business."

Connie hotly replied, "You're not leaving me down here to get pawed by all these old farts. I'm going with you."

Margaret raised her voice to match. "You're not coming up! We have some private business to discuss."

Margaret's little sister shot back. "Yeah, I know what kind of business you're after. Dirty business."

Henry began to look uneasy standing in the lobby as the girls raised their voices. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea?" He stuttered.

Margaret glared at him. "Don't go anywhere." She turned to Connie, her voice in a stage whisper. "Listen you little bitch, you're going to sit down here and wait for me!"

Connie glared at her their faces were inches apart. "No, I'm not!"

Henry stepped between them, "Look, I've got a suite, what if your sister waited in the spare room. She could watch TV or something."

Connie gave him a smile. "Well, it's better than sitting down here and getting hit on. I'm game."

Margaret shook her head. "No way, I don't want you in the next room while we're..."

The young girl cackled, "While we're what... fucking?"

Margaret leaned in close to Connie and whispered loudly, "You just shut the fuck up!"

Henry looked around thinking the cops had to be on their way. "Maggie, we have to take this somewhere. We're starting to attract attention."

Margaret gave Connie a death stare and spat out, "Fine, Connie you can come up with us."

Henry looked relieved. "Let's go. The elevators are over here." He escorted the two silent women into the car and up to the fourth floor. The suite had two rooms: a living room and a bedroom. Margaret pointed to the living room, and Connie went in and closed the door.

Henry said, "I guess we'll have to be quiet."

The still angry Margaret said, "Fuck her! I'm going to get her for being such a bitch. I'm going to scream my lungs out."

Henry smiled; he liked them noisy. He pulled out his wallet and counted out ten one hundred dollar bills. Margaret stashed them in her purse. "Well, I guess we should get started." She appeared nervous as she reached behind her back, and Henry heard the erotic sound of her zipper lowering. Margaret tossed the straps off her shoulders. The dress slipped to the floor and she stood in her black g-string panties still damp from Connie's oral efforts.

Henry quickly stripped. Margaret noted he had a nice cock and knelt before him. She started a slow and heated blowjob. Henry took his head in her hands and slowly fucked her mouth. Margaret worked him like the pro she was. Henry was well along toward his orgasm when he saw the door to the living room open a crack. A blue eye fitted itself to the gap, and Henry knew Margaret's little sister was watching.

When he made eye contact with Connie she opened the door a little more. Fuck, the girl is naked. Naked and playing with her pussy while big sister is blowing me! Damn, she's a fucking babe.

Connie opened the door a little wider giving the man a clear view of her body. She saw he was an equal to Lamont when his cock was not in Margaret's mouth. His cock was just as black as Lamont's, and it made her pussy just as wet.

Henry wondered what Margaret's reaction would be when she turned around. Connie had the fingers from both hands in her pussy when she moved her toe and opened the door fully.

Henry was close to losing it when Margaret stood up and said, "It's time to fuck, baby." She turned around and saw Connie naked. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Connie slammed the door shut. Margaret crossed the room to open it again. "You little slut, what do you think you're doing? You're going to fuck this up and lose us a lot of money!"

Connie started to cry. "I'm sorry, but I thought he might pay more for the two of us."

Margaret, still in her panties, faced off with the naked Connie and shouted, "I'm doing this for mom, but there is no reason for you to act like a whore too."

"But, we need the money for mom!" Connie wasn't backing down.

Henry, who had zipped up when the shouting started, walked up to the naked girls. "What's wrong with your mother?"

Margaret glared at him. "It's none of your fucking business!" He flinched at her anger.

Connie turned to him, giving him a full view of her sixteen-year-old body. "She has cancer, and we can't pay for the treatments."

"Shit, that's awful." Henry almost felt guilty about taking advantage of two such young girls, almost.

"Look, it's none of your business. Let's go back in the other room and finish what we started." Margaret took his arm.

Connie took Henry's other arm. "How much would you pay for the two of us? We need the money for the chemo!"

Margaret slapped Connie's face hard. "You're not getting involved with this. It's just him and me!"

Connie recoiled from the blow and faced Henry. "How much for both of us?"

He looked suspiciously at the young girl. "What do you mean the both of you?"

Connie sank to her knees and sobbed. "Anything, we'll do anything. Mom's going to die!" She collapsed to the floor convulsed in sobs. Margaret dropped into a chair and buried her head in her hands joining her sister in weeping about poor mom. Henry looked at the sobbing girls. This is the strangest fucking date I've ever had. Maybe I can help.

He pulled out his wallet again. "I'll give you another three thousand if you'll both party with me." He trembled as he removed the bills from his wallet and held them out to the girls.

Margaret moaned, "Connie, you can't mean this. He might ask us to do nasty things together." This brought a smile to Henry's lips and fire to his imagination. The girls ignored the cash in his hand.

Connie crawled over and laid her head in Margaret's lap. "We have to. All we needed was another four thousand. They could start chemo tomorrow."

Margaret pulled Connie up into her lap and the girls embraced. Connie wiped the tears from Margaret's eyes. "We can do this, sis."

Nodding while she hugged Connie, Margaret look up at Henry and said, "We'll do it." The older girl reached out and took the money from him.

Connie turned to him and said in a wavering voice, "What do you want us to do first?" Her blue eyes gazed at Henry and awaited his command.

He said, "Kiss."

Margaret hissed, "No!" Connie took the older girl's face in her hands and pressed her lips into Margaret's to stop the protest. Margaret rebelled and struggled, but then deflated and returned the kiss.

Henry's life long fantasy was a girl/girl scene with two sisters. He owned a hundred DVD's of lesbian porn even some illegal ones that purported to be sisters. None of them matched the scene before him of the sisters, bound in their tragedy, learning to kiss as lovers. Connie's hand moved up and cupped Margaret's breast. She clutched the hand and struggled to remove it but Connie kept up the soft motion over Margaret's perfect orb.

"Shit." Henry whimpered. He unzipped his pants and let them drop to the floor. He dropped his briefs on top of the crumpled pants.

Margaret could feel Connie's attention switch to the fat black cock sprouting from Henry's loins. The eight inches of black dick made her forget all about Lamont or playing out her little lesbian scene with Margaret. She said so all could hear, "Sis, I want to suck his cock too."

Henry fell back on the sofa and allowed his shaft to point skyward. Margaret whimpered. "Baby, I don't want to see you do that. You're too young."

The girls resumed kissing while Connie twisted Margaret's nipples. Henry's hand wrapped around his cock and began stroking. Connie's eyes never left his cock. Connie slipped to the floor and tried to push apart Margaret's knees. She looked up and whispered loudly, "Please, I want to. Just like we do every night."

"But I can't let you do that in front of him. What we have is private." Margaret whimpered.

Henry gasped, "You've sucked her pussy before?"

Connie turned and looked over her shoulder at Henry her blues eyes tearing into his soul. "She taught me how to do it when I was twelve."

"Connie, don't tell him that!" Margaret relaxed her legs and Connie opened them wide. She leaned down and began to lick Margaret's pussy. Henry got up and moved beside Connie to watch her tongue lap the older girl's wet lips. Margaret pretended to not feel the arousal Connie's tongue created in her pussy. Henry watched the younger sister go down on the older one as his cock trembled at the sight. She's getting into it. Look at the bitch, teaching her little sister to eat her pussy at twelve. She's fucking getting into it. Her fucking nipples are standing up and hard.

Henry's large hand reached out and caressed Connie's round pink ass. The girl looked back at him and then down at the hard dark brown cock. "You gonna fuck me?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna fuck you." Henry swiped his hand up and down his cock. "But first, I want you to suck it." He took Connie by the hair and moved her face to his cock. The president of the Black Mountain High School sophomore class didn't hesitate. She lapped the head, spit on it, and took four inches immediately. Henry's eyes rolled up in his head as Connie have him head. The little teenager showed Davidson that she did not have the slightest fear of his thick prick. Margaret moved by his head and offered a tittie for him to suck. Connie rubbed his ball sack as she gave head to her second black cock.

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