Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 29

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 29 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Lisa Mathews' afternoon was shot after Connie, Gerald Horner's secretary, informed her that the legal position at Horner Enterprises was not open any longer after she failed to get the pot-stashing janitor any jail time as per their illegal agreement, but Connie left open the door for employment as her personal assistant. The salary package was very generous for a "go-fer" job, and the deal closer was the Mercedes—that and the six-inch stack of new case files on her desk.

Her letter of resignation was tucked into her purse. Every time her fingers reached for the top file she pulled them back. Touching the brown folders would end her resolve. She knew what was in the folders. She had read too many to doubt what was there. They should have a class in law school about the scum we would be defending. In class, they were the poor, the downtrodden, held down by The Man. I reality they sold drugs; they raped and murdered their girlfriends and then molested their kids. In all this time I've never seen one rich person hold them down. The poor live under the tyranny of the other poor. They sit on each other's backs holding each other down and then rape them. No one wanted to see anyone make it, because when one of them made it, it made it look like each one left behind was a bigger failure than before.

Lisa stood up and turned her back on the stack and left her office. Her boss, Alex Binder, was four doors down. She knocked and entered. Alex's office was slightly larger than hers and he didn't have to share. These were the perks for the boss. She scanned his cluttered office and remembered that the bosses in the movie law offices had corner windows with views beaches.

He looked up at her. She pulled the letter from her purse. He knew instantly what it was. Papers about clients traveled in folders or through the Internet. Only one thing comes from purses and suit-jacket pockets.

"You're quitting?"

She was shocked that he didn't look at the letter. A blank piece of paper would have worked just as well.


"Better offer?"

"Yeah." She slumped into the chair by his desk.

"Tired of working for the rich and famous? Or is it the poor and ignored?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I forget which."

He frowned. "I never forget. I never forget that these people need me, and that without me they would be spending unnecessary years in prison. Without me cops could get away from anything in their treatment of poor people."

Lisa's conscience tugged at her sleeve, but she flicked it off with a broken fingernail. "Alex, my clients are scum. They rape and murder and are surprised they get arrested. They expect to rape and for me to get them off, so they can go out and rape and murder more, and get arrested again. Alex, these clients of ours rarely rape and murder any one wealthy or upper class; they rape and murder their friends, their relatives, and their neighbors." Somehow her finger found itself in his face. His crossed-eyes had no trouble focusing on her anger.

She paused. I didn't mean to get this worked up. She stared him in the eye and said, "Do you believe in God?"

His eyes widened and he started to speak, stopped, and started again. "No," he said with a definite finality.

"Then you're a fool." She spat out. "Any one who believes that spending your life helping these people, without believing in God or with heaven as a final reward is simply a fool."

His eyes grew cold, "That's your opinion."

"No, Alex,... it's a fact. Here!" She shoved her letter into his hands. "I quit."

"Lisa, with an attitude like yours, you can leave today if you would like. I'll get someone to cover your cases. I will if I have to. You used to care, Lisa. What happened?"

She began to cry. "Who's supposed to care about me, Alex? Our clients?" She turned defiant, "You're pissing down a very deep hole, Alex, and you're never going to see the water rise."

Lisa returned to her office and cleaned out her personal effects. She began to weep again when everything fit into her brief case, now emptied of its files. So little, after so long.

Her bridge snapped under its weight and the fire that weakened it. The flaming embers dropped into the river and now she had no way back.

She sat dully in her car, contemplating her future. The job with Horner Enterprises was her only hope, without that she was waiting tables, or worse, working at Wal-Mart. Her hand reached into her K-Mart fake leather purse and pulled out her cell phone. She punched the numbers that totaled her salvation.

"Horner Enterprises."

"May I speak to Connie Holliday?"

"Mrs. Holliday."

"Connie, it's Lisa Mathews."

"Lisa! So what may I do for you?"

"I'm calling about the job offer."

"I wasn't aware that there was a job offer."

"I meant the possibility of one."

"Lisa, I just discussed this with Mr. Horner, and he has left this in my hands."

"Connie, could we get together to discuss this then?"

"I would love that. When could we meet?" Lisa's heart throbbed as she remembered the duet they had played in Connie's office. Her future boss knew well the quality of her work.

"I'm all booked up for the rest of the week. I would have to do it next week sometime."

Lisa knew that every day that slipped by reduced her chances. "Could we meet in the evening?"

Connie smiled to herself. She liked the woman's assertive nature. "How about this evening? We could have dinner, and discuss your future with us."

Lisa knew she had a chance now. She just had to convince Connie to use her. She smiled at her choice of words.

"I would love to have dinner with you."

"La Bistro, eight o'clock. That's not too late for you is it?"

"No, not at all."

"Remember, it's an elegant restaurant wear your best."

"Don't worry, I'll be ready."

After Kimba locked the front door she went to work on the appeal of Portia Handy's excessive bail. Normally a clerk's job, Kimba know from typing so many how to word one herself.

As she was finishing Lawrence came out of his office. Kimba started the document printing and turned to her boss, "I heard you two this morning." The cold tone of her voice left no doubt she knew he was fucking a client.

Lawrence didn't try to lie. "It was a spur of the moment thing." He said softly.

"Well, Larry, these kinds of things can go wrong and you could get suspended or disbarred." She didn't try to soften her words.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I know. I need to decide what to do about it." He pulled pages from the printer and read them quickly. Kimba did good work. She was smart and he knew he was wrong.

He gathered the pages and said, "You're right and I'll take care of it. We're on the edge of great success and I don't want to blow it now."

Kimba watched him leave for the courthouse. She hoped he knew what he was doing.

Halfway down the stairs Margaret's cell phone rang. She checked the number, but didn't recognize it. "Hello."

A deep voice warmly responded, "Maggie, darling, how are you?"

"Nathan! How sweet. How are you?" She ducked into the bathroom at the bottom of the stairs and locked the door. She didn't want her mother walking in on this call.

"I'm lonely, honey, I miss you desperately." The deep baritone carried a note of urgency.

Margaret gushed into the phone, "I've missed you too," she giggled into the phone, "I miss your big black cock too."

Nathan's voice grew lustful. "It misses you too baby. Are you ready for a trip to New York? I've got The Producers tickets."

"I'm all excited, lover. I can't wait."

"What is this weekend going to cost me, babe?" Wagner knew she wasn't his girl friend, but a working girl and they had their price.

"Nathan, I think I will give you the weekend for three thousand. Does that sound good, honey?"

Nathan laughed loudly. "I think four would sound better."

"Oh, Nathan you are a sweetie. You make my pussy just tingle for your big dick when you talk like that."

"My big dick is hard for you now, Maggie."

"Nathan, you mean if I were there right now, I could lick your cock?"

"Oh, yes, Maggie, you could. I would love to see my black meat sliding between your red lips."

"Honey, I would suck your cock as deep as I could. Are you stroking my favorite cock right now?"

"Yes, I am. I can't control myself where you're concerned. I've been hard for the last hour. I had to finally call you to hear your sweet voice."

Margaret whispered into the phone. "I'm lying in my bed right now, and I just pushed my panties off. My pussy is so wet for you. My finger is fucking it."

"Oh, shit, Maggie. I need to taste that sweet pussy of yours."

"I am, Nathan, I'm licking the finger I just took out of my pussy."

"I want to lick it, baby. Sit that sweet cunt on yours on my face." His breathing rumbled over the phone.

"Oh, Nathan, I'm riding your face, smearing my pussy juice all over you." Margaret moaned with great passion.

"It's so fucking good, Maggie." She could hear the rustling of his clothes as he stroked his cock.

"Nathan, I need your big dick in my little pussy." She need to move him along.

"Yes, baby, let me fuck your tiny little cunt."

"Yes, daddy, fuck it into me." She hoped the twist in his fantasy would cause him to erupt.

"Oh, baby, yes I'm fucking you so hard."

"Daddy, fuck me... you're going to make me cum daddy." The young cheerleader was beginning to think that all old men wanted to fuck their teenaged daughters.

"Oh, fuck, I am baby. I'm gonna fill that hot pussy of yours." His loud voice boomed from her cell phone.

"Fill me up, I need your cum, Daddy... fuck me... cumming!" Margaret faked her orgasm with the skill of a middle-aged society matron.

"Oh, yes,... cumming... cumming... in your tiny cunt, baby. Shit!"

"Nathan, you make me cum so hard." She gushed in appreciation of the orgasm he imagined he caused.

"Me too, honey. What a mess I have here."

"You wouldn't if I was there, I would lick it all up, Daddy."

"Maggie, the 'daddy' talk really turned me on." Nathan's breathing returned to normal, but the lust still simmered.

She chuckled, "Then you may hear it again." Maggie was still sitting on the pot whit her skirt still down and her panties still on. She pushed them down and peed.

"Baby, the limo will be at your house at 11 am. It will drive you to the airport and I'll have the plane ready there."

"Are you flying?"

"No, I have a crew of three, two pilots and a flight attendant. They will treat you like a queen, baby."

"It sounds like so much fun, Nathan, I can't wait."

"I'll see you then, Maggie, unless I can't wait too."

"Bye, lover. See you on Saturday."

Nathan hung up. Maggie folded up her phone and sat on the pot for a couple of minutes while deciding how to deal with her parents. High school seniors aren't supposed to fly off to New York with wealthy men who pay for their services. She had to get her mother and father out of town. It's time my parents had a romantic weekend while I'm gone.

' Lisa Mathews knew when she dressed for dinner she had to impress. She couldn't afford a dress of the style she knew she needed. Her credit cards were maxed out, and so she started calling friends. An old high school friend owned an evening dress and with a couple of pins it fit her perfectly. In the mirror she could see enough cleavage to interest Connie and it was slit up the side to allow her a lustful view of her leg.

She spent an hour on her makeup. It was vital that Connie want her. She scraped together enough money to buy an expensive perfume. It was all she could think of as she stepped up to the cold looking Frenchman guarding the restaurant.

"I am here to dine with Connie Holliday."

His look softened. "Miss Mathews?" He gave her the smile of an old friend.

She nodded.

"Right this way." He led her through the restaurant to a corner table. Lisa looked from Connie to her dining companion, a man in his fifties, with graying hair and wearing a Ralph Lauren suit. The Frenchman held out Lisa's chair. The gentleman stood as she was seated. Connie introduced him. "Lisa Mathews, Charles Zigler. Charles owns a company that sells our exercise equipment over cable television. He sells close to fifty million dollars worth of equipment for us."

Lisa shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Zigler." He was handsome, and he looked like fifty million dollars.

He smiled, "Please, Miss Mathews, Charles."

"Lisa." She noted that he patted her hand in a familiar manner.

Their waiter stepped up and asked Connie, "What may I bring you to drink?"

Connie said, "Vodka on the rocks."

Charles, "Glenlivit straight up."

Lisa ordered a martini.

Connie placed her hand on Lisa's, "Dear, don't you think a Manhattan would be more sophisticated."

"Of course, Connie, I would love one." She had never had one, but this was more an order than a request.

After the waiter departed Connie said to Charles, "Would you excuse us? Lisa and I need to visit the ladies room."

Charles rose as the ladies departed. Connie walked off clearly expecting Lisa to follow.

When they were in the ladies room Lisa checked the two stalls for occupants, Lisa watched this nervously, where they going to screw right now?

Satisfied with their privacy, Connie faced Lisa. "Honey, this isn't your normal job interview, it's more of a test."

Lisa sensed trouble. "It is?"

"Yes, you see Charles Zigler, our dining companion is considering using a competitors equipment in his cable commercials. This could lose us a lot of money."

Lisa listened and began to worry.

"Your job interview consists of ensuring Charles doesn't use anyone else's equipment. You are to do anything you can to keep him."

Fear filled her heart. The fear from walking out of her job and walking into the ladies room with Connie; she said, "You want me to sleep with him?"

Connie gave her a knowing grin. "You do anything you need to. If he signs a contract in the morning, you're hired. If he doesn't don't ever call me again."

Lisa's hands were shaking. Connie said, "Calm down, you'll need all your wits about you. If you can be creative under pressure you will become a valued employee of Horner Enterprises, and be richly compensated."

"We're going back out there and when we sit down, I'm going to get an emergency phone call and have to leave. You are then on your own. Are you prepared to do this?"

The unemployed lawyer knew she had no choice. She nodded.

Connie flashed her a broad grin. "Good. Let's get back out there."

Lisa caught Connie's arm. "Wait, Connie. What if I had said no?"

She put her hand on Lisa's, "Why, dear, I would have sent you home, and I would have fucked him. He's very good from what I hear." She flashed her white teeth at Lisa and pushed the door open.

Charles rose again when they arrived at the table. Connie kept a close eye on Lisa. Her new employee quickly relaxed to her fate. She engaged Charles in a discussion of the cable television business and twice had momentarily touched his hand.

On schedule Connie's cell phone rang and she bowed out leaving them to dine together.

On Connie's way home her cell phone rang again.

She saw the familiar number on the display. "It went like you said."

"Good, I've been worrying about being without a closer."

"She was playing the part perfectly when I left."

"She thinks that if she doesn't get him to sign in the morning she's out?"

"Yes, she's going to try very hard this evening to please him."

"Makes me almost wish I was there."

Connie laughed, "Me, too. She owes me."

"Charlie will turn her inside out tonight. I told him to wear her out."

"I know, I still get chills about the night I had to sub for the closer. He is fabulous in bed, almost as good as you."

Gerald hooted. "Connie, you don't have to butter me up, you know that."

"Yeah, say why don't I stop by, and you can butter me up."

"That sounds great, but everyone's home, and my daughter said she wanted to talk to me before she went to bed."

"Okay, it's lunch tomorrow. Should I have our newest employee join us?"

"Sure, why not? I would love to see you get paid back in full."

"Mmm, Gerald, I'm so horny right now, I might just go home and fuck my husband."

Gerald Horner laughed and put the phone down. Connie deserved a raise for pulling in Lisa Mathews as their new closer. His cock had thickened during their conversation. What am I going to do when she retires? Finding someone with Connie's skills would be very difficult. He would have to interview many, many, young women to find her basic qualities, of smarts, beauty, cunning, and sexual energy.

His mind wandered from the proposal before him to build the most advanced weight training machine on the market. It would collect pulse, blood pressure, O2 levels in the blood, and blood sugar data and work it into a personalized workout automatically. His engineers said it was possible, but the cost was still pretty high.

The idea of Connie's nude body riding his cock while Lisa licked his balls slowed down his progress. While entering new figures into a spreadsheet he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Margaret entered and quietly shut the door behind her. Her father heard the click of the lock. She wrapped her arms around her father's neck from behind and whispered, "What ya doin, Daddy?"

"I am trying to get the cost of a exercise machine down to where we can afford to build it, sell it and still make money."

She kissed his neck and hissed, "Daddy, I'm bored."

His blood stopped flowing. "Where's your mother?"

"She's at club meeting."

"And your brother?"

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