Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 28

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 28 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Harvey Kapowski waited in his orange coveralls as they brought Portia Handy into the courtroom's holding room. She looked down at the little man and sat away from him on the bench. He could see from her look that she saw him and then erased him from her mind as being unworthy of notice. It was a common reaction, but it still angered him.

The bailiff came in to remove his handcuffs and led him out into the courtroom. He knew he would walk out of here a free man, but when you're standing below the normal level of society, you don't get a fair shake all the time. The bailiff escorted him to the defense table. Lisa Mathews shook his hand, but he noticed she looked troubled.

"Is there a problem?" Harvey was worried something had gone wrong and he would soon be back in a cell.

"No, everything will go as agreed. Don't worry, you're going to walk out of here a free man, or at least, free on probation."

It went quickly, the clerk read the charges, and Harvey stood up and pleaded guilty. The judge sentenced him to time served and two years probation.

Lisa snapped her briefcase shut, held out her hand to congratulate another client that had escaped jail, and left him behind.

Harvey looked around at the flood of reporters filling the courtroom. Not a single one looked at him or asked him why he had done what he did. He walked out, unnoticed, to return to his anonymous existence.

Judge Samuel Davis stood behind the door leading to his courtroom. His clerk, Pauline Chambers, helped him on with his robe. He tried to tell if his niece was wearing a bra as she raised her arms to help him. He growles, "Who's doing the draw on these cases? I get the Horner girl last week, and that smelled to high heaven, then I get the midget, and now I get the Chief's daughter. This could be good."

"Uncle Sam, you can't take out your hatred for her father on the girl. This is too high a profile case. You can't try and get revenge on the chief in front of every news camera in the county."

"Honey, this is my fucking courtroom, and I can do what I fucking well like."

She looked her uncle over. He was a terrible dresser and had worn his robe inside out more than once before she started working for him. "Uncle, if you go out there and fuck that girl in front of a national TV audience, you'll be over turned so fast, you won't even have your lunch ordered." Pauline had grown up around judges and lawyers and didn't take shit off her Uncle Sam.

He looked down at his five-foot tall niece. "Like I said, Pauline, it's my court room."

She knew he had backed down from doing something very stupid, but she was afraid his attitude had only moved from stupid to dumb. He opened the door and strode into the courtroom.

The bailiff got the crowd up and down. He saw his courtroom was packed tighter than Roosevelt's Supreme Court. Reporters even occupied the empty jury box.

The bailiff announced the case. "The People vs. Portia Handy who is charged with bodily assault on Jason McKinley and conspiracy to commit first degree murder." A rumble rolled through the courtroom at the murder charge. Portia slumped back in her chair unbelieving the last charge.

"Will the defendant please rise." Lawrence Fishbone helped Portia to her feet.

The bailiff chanted, "To the charge of bodily assault how do you plead?"

Portia screwed up her courage and said, "Not guilty."

"To the charge of conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree, how do you plead?"

Portia nervously looked at Fishbone, he hadn't warned her about this. He subtly shook his head. "Not guilt."

Judge Davis announced, "Preliminary hearing in one week."

Arthur Anderson waited for the judge to ask for his bail recommendation. Arthur knew the girl wasn't a risk and was willing to grant personal recognizance, but he never got a chance."

Judge Davis raised his gavel and proclaimed. "Bail is set at two million dollars. Next case."

The reporters caused a panic as they all headed for the doors at once. Two million dollars! Each crammed the doorways trying to reach their satellite trucks first. Pauline stood by the door to the courtroom. She had cracked it open to listen to her uncle's revenge. She flinched at the number.

Lawrence Fishbone leaped to his feet and screamed. "This is outrageous! I object."

The judge looked down at Fishbone, a successful "colored" lawyer. The judge didn't know which upset him more—successful or colored. He repeated louder, "Next Case!" The bailiff called the next case.

Fishbone turned to Portia, "Don't worry, he can't do this. I can get this overturned in a few hours."

Portia looked stricken, "A few hours. I'm going back to jail from here. I thought I could go home after this."

"Portia, to get out of here now, your mother would have to sign for two hundred thousand dollars. She doesn't have that. Let me talk to the DA. We had a deal for personal recognizance. The judge just let a wild hair tickle his ass." Portia left for the Youth Detention Facility, where she would at least spend the night now.

Dawn Faulkner hated gym class. The only saving grace during her junior year was that it was last period. She didn't have to strip and walk naked into a shower filled with skinny girls who would make rude comments or just stare and shake their heads. She could just go to her corner and change quickly back into her street clothes.

Lori Daniels dressed in the same corner. Best friends since second grade, the girls each took solace with the other over their size. Dawn knew that with Lori she didn't have to worry about her large breasts that no bra seemed to be able to fully tame, or her wide ass that drew such nasty comments from boys. She and Lori could have been sisters, and in their minds they considered themselves so.

Lori had been strangely quiet today, causing Dawn to pause in putting on her blouse. "Lori, is something wrong?"

Her friend stared at Dawn. Tears welled up and rolled down her cheeks. She impulsively embraced Dawn. "My mother's leaving my father!"

Dawn whispered, "Why? What's happened?"

Lori looked around. "I can't tell you here. Who knows who is listening?"

"Would you like me to come over to your house after school?"

"No, Dawn, it's too crazy at my house. Could I come to yours?"

"Sure, get dressed and we'll have some quiet time. My folks don't get home until around five thirty."

Lori struggled to regain control while she changed. I'm not going to let those skinny-ass cunts see me cry!

Arthur Anderson threw open the door to his office and slammed it behind him. Melissa knew he was pissed when he sped by her with a curt hello. She got up quickly and entered her uncle's office. His eyes flashed. "Melissa, get me Judge Fisher over at the appeals court. I want an emergency hearing as soon as possible." He turned to her niece. "That Judge Davis can't take such a blatant act of vengeance out on a young girl without paying for this."

Melissa got Judge Fisher's office, but no Judge Fisher. His secretary said he left early and wasn't expected back. She left a message for him to call the DA as soon as possible.

Arthur softened as he watched his niece handle the call. He loved having her around. Her beauty, her efficiency, and sexual availability made her irreplaceable. After she hung up he said, "How are the wedding plans going?"

She set her head on her hand. "So far, so good. I'm ready to get married, Uncle Arthur. We can turn what we have from casual sex into adultery then."

Arthur laughed at his niece's attitude. She and her sister Caroline had been his lovers since they were young teenagers. "What you and your sister doing tonight?"

"Caroline and I are going out. We've decided we're going to fuck someone new every night until the wedding."

He laughed, "So, I guess that leaves me out."

She gave him a quick peck on the lips. "You'll get yours on my wedding day."

He watched her leave and wished he had more time at the moment.

Portia returned to her cell at the Youth Detention facility crushed. The bedclothes now lying on the top bunk screamed at her that she might be here over night. Francine was gone. The still, small room filled her with the dread of spending more than a year in this small room with a crazed killer. Portia unfolded her sheets and slowly made her bed. Her mind whirled with how wrong her life had gone. It all traced back to Jason McKinley. She knew it wasn't his entire fault; she spread her legs to receive him into her, but she knew he was a train that ran her down without a later regret.

Francine returned fifteen minutes later.

"I thought you weren't coming back, didn't you make bail?"

Portia turned on her side and looked down at her enigmatic roommate. "The judge had a grudge against my dad and set the bail at two million dollars. We don't have the two hundred thousand dollars to put up with a bail bondsman."

"So you're in here until your trail?"

"I hope not, no offense. My lawyer said he would get the bail overturned on appeal tomorrow."

"So you're in here tonight?"

"I guess."

Halley stopped by to welcome Portia back. She liked the girl's attitude and had already spread the word the new girl wasn't to be fucked with. "Sorry about the bail, honey. You're going to be with us at least for one night."

Portia shrugged her shoulders, "Francine's pretty cool. I don't think I'll have a bad time."

Her roommate smiled at Portia. Halley said, "Well, I'll leave you. I'll stop by in the morning and check on you.

Lori Daniels made it to Dawn's room at her house before breaking down again. Dawn guided her to the bed and sat down beside her and held her until she stopped sobbing.

Dawn reached over to her nightstand for a couple of tissues and Lori wiped her red eyes. Still trembling, she repeated, "My mom's going to divorce my dad."

Dawn's eyes misted. "That's so sad."

"And I'm the cause!" She burst into tears again. Dawn passed her more tissues.

"Oh, Lori, kids always think that. Remember, in our Family Tech class they talked about how kids always think it's their fault." She hugged her friend closely.

Lori sniffed and blew her nose. She softly said, "But in my case it's true."

Dawn patted her back. Lori leaned her lips to Dawn's ear. "I've been sleeping with my father."

Dawn's blood froze. "You what?"

Lori began to cry again. "Yes, for almost a year."

"But how could you keep something like this from me! I'm your best friend! We tell each other everything!" When Dawn said this she realized that she too had been keeping a secret from Lori.

"Daddy said he would go to jail if anyone knew."

"Is your mother going to tell the police?"

"No, but Daddy had to agree to give her everything we owned. I have to move to Chicago with him to live with grandma." The two girls sobbed out their grief.

Dawn sniffed. "When?"

"Two weeks."

Dawn need to know something badly. "Lori, how did it start?"

Lori knew she could trust Dawn with the details of her deep secret. She began to let it all out.

"Last November daddy and I went to my other grandma's for grandpa's funeral. We stayed overnight at a hotel in Washington D.C. Daddy and I had to sleep in the same bed. He went to bed right away and feel asleep. He was so tired from driving all day. In the night, I woke up and he was touching me and moaning mom's name. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do." Lori began crying again.

Dawn held her and thought about her own dark secret. How it started much the say way during an overnight hotel stay. Lori calmed down and went on. "I just lay still and let him touch me hoping he would go back to sleep." She lowered her voice, "But Dawn, it began to feel good." She licked her lips. "Really, good."

Dawn's mind reeled at the effect Lori's words had on her. She too knew the touch of a parent on her body. Lori went on. "Daddy didn't know it was me. He thought it was mom! So when he pulled down my panties, I just lifted my butt a little." Lori stared into Dawn's eyes. "Was that so bad? Letting him do that?"

Dawn's mouth was dry. She could only whisper, "No."

"Then he moved over me. His eyes were still closed. I was still mom to him. Dawn, I could feel his cock between my legs."

Dawn's legs trembled as she imagined the scene. Her panties couldn't hold her juices and she could feel them wetting her shorts. She recalled the tongue on her pussy, so many times already.

"He moved over me, Dawn, trying to put it in. It poked and prodded at my pussy. It made me crazy. I know now he couldn't get in because I was a virgin."

Dawn managed an audible, rasping reply. "You didn't..."

Lori nodded. "I did. I moved my hand down and helped him find the right spot. He groaned behind his sightless eyes and pushed. He had to push four or five times before he could get in me."

Dawn moaned, "Oh, God." While still a virgin, Dawn had dreamed many nights of a similar event. She knew she would have done what Lori had so bravely done; she would have pulled her father's cock to her pussy.

"Oh, Dawn, it hurt so bad, but I tried not to move. Daddy is pretty big and, thinking it was mom, didn't know he was in a virgin. I had to hold him tight to make him just stay still."

Dawn's mind cried out for her daddy to push his cock into her.

"I thought he might have really gone to sleep because he didn't move for a couple of minutes. He just lay on top of me. Finally, I moved my hips a little. It was funny, Dawn, I just had to do that. This woke up Daddy and he began moving his cock in me."

Dawn tried to do it quietly. She moved one hand off Lori's arm and down to her skirt. She so, so slowly pulled up the hem, and stole her hand inside. Her index finger met her clit with only the moist cotton separating them.

Lori hugged her harder. "Dawn, he was fucking me!"

"How did it feel?" Lori didn't pick up on the lust in Dawn's voice.

"Oh, it was incredible. His cock took me places I had never been before in my bed while I was alone at night."

"He fucked me for about five minutes before I had an incredible orgasm. Nothing like I had ever felt before."

Dawn's finger nudged aside her sodden panty crotch to get directly at her clit. "Go, on, honey. Tell me!"

"Then his eyes opened and he looked down and said, 'Lori, no! I thought you were your mother!'"

"Did he stop?" Dawn hoped he hadn't.

"He stopped fucking me, but he didn't pull out. I wrapped my legs around him holding him in place. I told him not to stop, and that I liked it a lot."

Dawn knew if it ever happened to her she would love it just as much. She hoped her daddy would never stop. Her finger kept stirring her honey over her clit.

"We just looked into each other's eyes for the longest time. Then he leaned down and kissed me. Dawn, I knew right away what to do from our practicing. I pushed my tongue into his mouth. He sucked it for a bit then gave me his." Dawn and Lori had practiced kissing during the summer vacation. They hadn't progressed beyond kissing. They wanted to know what it felt like when a boy kissed you, but had not moved beyond the French phase.

Dawn and Lori's faces moved closer and their lips met. Each pushed out their tongue and they flicked together. Dawn slipped two fingers into her wet cunt and pretended daddy was there.

Dawn broke the kiss. "What happened then?"

Lori's tears had vanished over the last few minutes and she giggled, "Silly, he fucked me. It was so incredible. Daddy has a big cock and it just stretched me out so. You can't know what it's like to be under your Daddy and him fucking you with his big cock."

Dawn's fingers moved quickly to her clit.

Lori whispered in Dawn's ear. "The best part though is when he cums in you. When his cock jerks inside you and he fills you with his sperm. I came again as he filled me up."

Dawn's orgasm blasted through her body. She shivered and groaned. Her fingers clawed at her pussy as she climaxed.

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