Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 26

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 26 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Portia Handy had never been to juvenile hall. Her father, the Chief, had dealt with adult criminals and left the youth of the community to Katherine Baker and her staff at the Youth Detention Facility. Mrs. Baker ran the facility with a firm hand; she was the boss and no guard or administrative employee doubted this. What very few knew was that Mrs. Baker loved young white pussy. For the twenty years she ran the youth prison, she had made many late night visits to the locked-down rooms of young, white girls who had made a mistake that landed them under Mrs. Baker's control. Katherine Baker was the Queen Latifa of the Youth Detention Facility. Big, black, and powerful, she walked the halls of her building like a feudal lord. Two years ago, after the quiet settlement of a lawsuit by a girl once under her care, Mrs. Baker had taken her taste for young fluff elsewhere. Mrs. Baker could now look, but she couldn't touch, until today. She stood at the window of her second floor office and waited for her latest prisoner, who would discover that notoriety would not help her at this facility.

Tisha Jones and Nick Carter drove Portia over in a unmarked car. She went out the back door of the station in one of Jones' old uniforms pinned up and tucked in to fit. The bill of the cap pulled down in front.

The reporters spotted the three officers leaving the back of the station, and went back to sipping their coffee.

Katherine Baker hadn't known the Chief well. Baker and the Chief had long ago come to an agreement that each had their own turf and that Katherine's was the Youth Detention Facility.

Tisha Jones knew Baker from when she handled youth transfers from the county jail. Each of them were on the high side of forty, but Baker had put on weight over the years. Topping two hundred forty pounds, she found it easy to put fear into her troubled girls, and she did it often.

The officers drove their car directly into the garage behind the brick building. Katherine Baker put on her best administrator face as Portia climbed out of the car.

Tisha, against normal procedure, rode in the back with Portia. "Portia, this is a tough place. I was hoping you wouldn't have to go here."

Portia looked up at her and a tear started to fall. Tisha wiped it away. "You can't cry here. They'll take it as a sign of weakness."

Portia sat up straighter. "I should act like I own the place."

Tisha laughed. "Well. That would help a lot. You have to talk big. Look people in the eye."

"I'll try." Portia thought back over all the crime novels she had read and tried to draw from them the necessary attitude.

Portia remembered the book that had given her the idea of her crime. The book was called the Missing Jewels. A wife had cut off her husband's balls after years of sexual abuse. Portia knew exactly what to say.

Katherine Baker met the trio at the door. She nodded at Portia, and then greeted Trisha. "Honey, welcome to the Youth Detention Facility." She glanced down and saw the gold star. "Tisha Jones, what is that you're wearing? Is that a detective's badge? When did this happen?"

"Today's my first day."

Katherine gave her a big hug. She looked at Nick. "Listen, don't you fuck with her. She's going to be a great detective. If I hear you boys, and I mean boys, are messing with her, I'll put the word out to every woman in the department that you're fair game. You won't get a report typed correctly, and I don't even want to think what might be in your coffee." She pointed a stubby finger at him.

He laughed, "Don't you worry Miss Baker, we've always liked Tisha. She ain't gonna get no shit from us."

Baker smiled a wide smile of white teeth. "Now, is this the little girl who cut off her man's family jewels?"

Portia gave her a respectful smile and said, "Yes, ma'am. Cut 'em clean off."

Baker roared, her fat tits bouncing. Nick tried to sneak a peek. He knew Baker didn't take to being stared at. "You and I are going to get along fine. Let's go get you processed." She turned on Nick. "We're done with you. Only ladies allowed past this point."

Nick got in the car. He said to Trish, "Call me and I'll come back for you." The new detective nodded.

Baker took Portia by the arm, not a police strong arm, but a gentle press to guide her along. "We're going to process you in my office."

Baker and Jones talked about her new status as they flanked Portia down the hall to the director's office. Portia looked at ease, but inside was struggling to hang on. All the crime novels said she had to keep her cool, had to look tough, and don't look afraid. Fear was death in prison, they said.

Portia stepped into the Director's office and held her nerve. She forced herself to calmly look around at the awards, certificates, and pictures on the wall. Baker pointed to an X marked on the floor in black tape. "That's the prisoner's mark, stand on it when you're in here. If a guard comes in and you're not on the mark, you might not like what happens.

Baker saw that Portia's reaction was calm; she stepped to the mark and stood on it. Most girls jump for the X. The director leaned against her desk facing Portia. Jones sat down in a leather chair near by.

"Strip." Baker said it calmly, but Portia knew it was an order. Gathering her courage, she slowly unbuttoned the police blouse, when unbuttoned; she slowly pulled it from her pants. Portia tried to appear calm; it was easier when she moved especially slowly, but she didn't realize that this made the move very sexy. Baker and Jones watched her brief pink bra come into view. Portia reached behind her back and lowered the bra exposing her small breasts. She stood tall and inhaled deeply, her small tits swelled and the nipples began to become erect. Portia stared at Baker's cleavage as she left the women to take in her body. She unbuckled the belt and pulled it out slowly, becoming aware of the sexual tension in the room. Baker noticed Portia's eyes on her tits.

The two didn't move. Tisha watched from the side the young girl's small breasts. She thought they were exactly the same size as Wendy's. Tisha crossed her legs.

Portia unzipped her pants. The soft scratching of the pants falling to the floor was loud in the silent room. Tisha's thighs pulsed as she saw the round pink bottom exposed. Portia had put on a pink thong that morning not knowing it would be on display later in the day.

Baker saw Portia's pussy fully defined by the thin pink material; the girl seemed so relaxed. In the past two minutes, Portia's nipples swelled, she was becoming aroused by her nudity before the older women.

Portia pulled down the thong and gently laid it on the pile of her clothes. She stood up and moved her left foot a few inches off the X on the floor. Katherine saw the insolent move, but couldn't take her eyes off the fresh, pink and totally bare pussy in front of her. Tisha swore to herself for taking a spot that deprived her a view of the little girl's cunt. The girl looked like a younger Wendy and Tisha squeezed her thighs together thinking of her lover.

Baker stared at Portia's body. Portia returned the stare. Baker wondered what would happen next if Jones weren't in the room. Baker hadn't played with one of her girls in years, but Portia she could see was special, very special. Katherine leaned over her desk and opened a drawer. She pulled out a rubber glove. Portia steeled her self and realized what came next. She stepped off the mark and leaned over Baker's desk next to her.

"You certainly are co-operative, Portia."

"Miss Baker, I realize what a chore this is for you to have to deal with me special." Portia looked up at her.

Baker put on the glove with a practiced snap. She squirted lotion from a bottle on her desk onto the glove. Portia calmly watched Baker's rub her fingers together, spreading the lubricant; she new what was coming and was ready.

Tisha had a good view now that Portia was leaning over. She could see the bare pussy lips and Portia's little ass hole just above.

Baker rubbed the new prisoner's pussy lips with her slick fingers. Portia didn't make a sound, but she rolled her bottom enough for Baker to notice. Fingers that should have been searching Portia's cavity rubbed her clit. The slick gloves gave Portia a warm, wet sensation; she rolled her ass in a wider circle, with less pretending.

Katherine's panties were a mess. Tisha knew she was leaking through to her slacks as she watched Baker finger the young girl. Tisha swung her leg, squeezing her groin muscles. Baker saw the motion and knew she was masturbating. The bitch! That's what I need right now.

Baker's self-control was slipping. She pushed two fingers into Portia. She should be searching, but her actions came closer to finger fucking. Portia's ass was making wide round turns as Baker looked for contraband. One more place to search. Portia felt a thumb rub over her asshole. She was ready. Baker was surprised that Portia pushed back from the desk and impaled her ass on Baker's thumb. Baker pressed her fat thumb fully into Portia's ass. The girl's hips stopped rotating and began a clear fucking motion on the prison director's fingers. The only sound in the room was the squishy noise coming from Portia's filled openings. Baker strongly returned the strokes. Portia pressed back harder, still not making a sound. Tisha's forehead gleamed with perspiration. She could see Baker's tits swaying in her blouse. She was just as warm. Her breasts shined with the moisture created from her efforts and arousal.

Portia's body froze. Baker knew she was climaxing. Her pussy needed a similar stimulation, which Katherine knew she would be applying when this was over. After a few seconds, the girl relaxed, but remained in position. Tisha was so close when Baker pulled of the glove and said, "You seem to be clean." Portia stood up in a relaxed, almost impudent posture.

"Thank you, Miss Baker, for being so gentle with me. I really appreciate it."

Katherine was pissed the little girl had bored under her skin so deeply. "What you think doesn't matter." She buzzed her secretary, "Bring in her uniform."

Angie Baker, Katherine's niece brought in an orange coverall and underwear. She saw Portia standing three feet off the X and directly in front of her boss' desk. She noticed both Tisha and her aunt both were sweating, only the naked girl looked calm.

Baker ordered, "Get dressed."

Portia picked up the white panties on top. She stepped into them, noticing that Angie hadn't left the room. Portia made sure the director's secretary got a good look at her very wet pussy. Angie gave her aunt an angry glance. Her aunt gave her no reaction, but when she looked back at Portia, adjusting the panties around her pussy, the new inmate gave her a warm smile.

Portia picked up the white bra. "Do I have to wear a bra?"

Baker hesitated, and then said, "It's in the regulations."

"But do I really have to wear it?"

Angie watched in shock, as her aunt said, "No, not if you don't want to. If anyone gives you crap about it, let me know."

Angie knew something had gone on in here. The odd scent in the air she was sure was pussy. Both women looked tense, while the prisoner looked cool as she zipped up the coveralls, covering her bare breasts. She looked at Angie and softly licked her lips. Angie jerked as her body reacted to Portia's gesture. Her panties pressed against her pussy; they were warm and damp. Who the fuck is this, and why do I want to fuck her? I can see Aunt Katherine wants to fuck her too. The detective looks like she just did.

Baker turned to her niece, handing her a file. "Take the young lady down to the block. Give her to Halley." Angie took the file and beckoned Portia to follow her.

About halfway there, Angie worked up the courage to ask, "What went on back there?"

"I was searched, that's all." Portia gave her an odd smile and shrugged her shoulders.

Angie knew it had to be more than this. "It just looked like it was more than that."

"No, just a simple search."

"What are you in for?"

Portia looked disappointed that her celebrity was not universal. "I cut Jason McKinley's nuts off." Portia didn't think it was going to hurt her case if she admitted it. It was all over the papers.

Angie stopped, "No shit." She turned to Portia and moved close. "My cousin got pregnant by him. He deserved what he got. Good for you." Angie started back down to the cellblock, and then asked, "The paper said, they never recovered his balls. What did you do with them?"

Portia then told the greatest lie of her life. The idea she came up with in the back of the patrol car. "I ate them."

Angie stumbled. Portia caught her, pulling her up. Angie turned on her. "You fucking what!"

"I ate them."

Angie's eyes were horrorstricken. "You ate them!"

"Yeah. I couldn't think of anything more fitting."

"Holy shit, girl. Wait until I tell my cousin. She's going to love you." Angie shook her head as the headed down the hall again.

They came to a barred door. Angie pressed a button and a buzzer sounded. Angie opened the door and indicated Portia to enter.

A slim, black woman in her late fifties walked up. "Halley, this is Portia Handy, the Chief's daughter."

Halley interrupted, "The nut slicer?"

Portia nodded. "Damn, girl. The boy knocked up my niece. About time someone did something about him."

Angie leaned close to Halley, "Ask her what she did with his nuts." Halley looked at Angie strangely and said, "Okay, I'll bite. What did you do with his balls?"

Portia liked the attention this detail was bringing her. "I ate them."

"Holy shit! Fuck me and die, you ate the motherfuckers?"

Portia nodded displaying an angelic smile.

Halley laughed, "Wait until I tell my niece! You are one cool bitch, honey." She patted Portia on the back.

She consulted a paper on a clipboard, pondered a moment. "Portia, I was going to put you in a room by yourself, but I think I'll put you in with Francine. You'll like her, and she's harmless. Some of the girls in here may come on strong, but you look like you can deal with them." She motioned Portia to follow her.

Halley couldn't resist repeating. "You really ate them motherfuckers?"

Portia nodded.

"Honey, I just got to ask, did they taste good?"

Portia giggled, "Halley, with a little salt, they were the fucking best."

Halley roared as they headed to meet Portia's new roommate.

Wendy Walters had no need to rise early to see her story on paper. She was exhausted from writing the story and didn't set her alarm. Bob knew she would be needed to work up a follow-up story for the next day's paper, but she could get started late morning without any trouble.

She woke up and wished Tisha could be with her, but she knew Tisha would never speak to her after her betrayal. Last night Tisha had called her cell phone several times, but she had no desire to have an argument over the phone about the story.

Wendy knew she had to at last face the messages from her. Her punched in her voice mail password and listen to the first message. It was a tearful message about being fired. The Chief had thought the story about the faked documents had come from her. Tisha apparently believed that Bud had passed the word on to the paper about the evidence alteration, but blamed it on her. The next six messages were much the same. These were shuffled up with five calls from Bob for her to call the office. The last from Tisha dated 7:47 this morning had a completely different tone. She said, that the Chief hadn't told any one that she was fired before he died. The Chief died? What the fuck? Not only hadn't the Chief told anyone she was fired, but also her promotion to detective still stood. "Please call me later Wendy, I'm dying to see you. Please. I know you must have been busy with this story, but call me on my cell phone. I love you."

Wendy ended the call and called the office.


A voice she didn't recognize came on the phone. "Shit, Bob wants to talk to you. Just a sec." She was put on hold and then Bob was on.

"Hey, Miss Walters, how's if feel to be the most famous journalist in the country?"

"What the fuck are you talking about? I just got up!"

"Hey, sleepy head get dressed and get down here. Every news organization in the country wants you on their program."


Bob caught her up on the morning's news.

She rummaged through her closet for some clothes she could wear on television. She hadn't done laundry in a while, but came up with jeans and a western style shirt. Not great, but it should do.

Her cell phone rang. It was a number she didn't recognize.


"Please hold for Miss Couric."

"Who?" Wendy never watched television.

"Miss Walter's." The voice seemed familiar.


"I read your article this morning and it was fabulous. In light of the tragic events of today, I would like you to be on our program tomorrow."

Wendy still didn't get it. "What show?"

Miss Couric paused, briefly not understanding, "The Today Show, in New York."

"You want me to fly to New York to be on your show?"

"No, we can do a remote from our news truck on the scene."

"No, shit."

Miss Couric was wondering if she had the right person. "You did break this story about the Chief of Police's daughter castrating a young athlete?"

"Yes, I did. Forgive me, but I never watch television. So sometimes, I'm not up on the latest programs."

Miss Couric swallowed her tongue. "Yes, I understand, we've only been on television for fifty years. So can I write you in?"

Wendy replied, "Can I call you back? I'm not sure what my schedule's going to be."

Miss Couric sounded pissed, "Did Diane Sawyer call you already? The bitch can't be trusted. Remember that. She's a ratings whore like you wouldn't believe. Don't forget you'll be doing the interview with me! If the producer puts you on with that weasel Matt Lauer, you tell him he's made a B-I-G fucking mistake."

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