Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 25

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 25 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

When the doorbell rang at the Handy household Annabelle and Portia had almost finished packing. They were going to Annabelle's sister's house to hide from the media that were sprouting around the hose like weeds.

Annabelle recognized Tisha Jones, but didn't know of her promotion. "Tisha, what brings you here? I thought you worked the jail." She ignored the patrolman standing behind Jones.

"Mrs. Handy, I've been promoted to detective. Is Portia here?"

"Yes, she's right up stairs. She's busy packing?"

Tisha gave Annabelle a shocked reaction. "Packing? Where are you going?"

"To my sister's. She lives on a farm outside Darby."

Tisha kept her cool. "I need to see Portia."

Annabelle yelled up the stairs for her daughter. Portia came down the stairs quickly. She was anxious to get away.

She stood by her mother and said, "Hi, Officer Jones."

Tisha took a deep breath and plunged on with the formula. "Portia Handy, you are under arrest for the criminal assault on Jason McKinley." Tisha pulled out her handcuffs. She had never used them before out side of handling rowdy prisoners. She clipped one end on Portia's right wrist. The girl tried to resist, but Jones anticipated this and curled her arm down and spun the girl to slap the other cuff on. "You have the right to remain silent..." She marandized the girl.

Annabelle screamed, "You can't arrest her. Jason's dead. Who cares who cut his balls off?"

Tisha pulled Portia with her. The girl and mother sobbed as Tisha pulled her to the car with her mother pulling her in the opposite direction, and the patrolman trying to pull Annabelle off Portia. Cameras on the satellite trucks recorded this circus and Annabelle's wailing as Jones stuffed Portia into the squad car. The patrolman got behind the wheel and backed out through the developing throng of reporters. Annabelle screamed, "Police brutality" to anyone of the media who would listen. She then went into her house to call a lawyer.

Annabelle didn't know whom to call. Joshua never needed a lawyer. Her brother-in-law, Curtis, was a lawyer, but he was an ambulance chaser. She knew if she used him Portia would surely get life in prison. He spent his legal career staying ahead of the Bar Association's disciplinary committee. She remembered meeting Author Anderson, the district attorney, at several social functions.

She called the office and got Melissa, Arthur Anderson's secretary and niece, and asked to speak to the DA.

"May I get your name?"

"Annabelle Handy."

"Oh, my lord, Mrs. Handy, this is Melissa, his secretary, Please accept my condolences for your loss and your daughter's legal problems."

Annabelle softly replied, "Thank you. You are most kind."

"I'll get him on the line for you."

Melissa buzzed Arthur. "Annabelle Handy is on line one."

Arthur hesitated, and then picked up the phone. "Annabelle, I'm so sorry about the Chief's passing. He was a good man."

"Arthur, I thank you, but I'm calling about Portia. They just arrested her."

"I know, I am sorry about that too. My hands are tied on this. It's a high profile case and the media attention is severe."

"I don't really give a shit, Arthur. I need the best defense attorney in town."

"Annabelle, should you really be asking me about this? I have to prosecute the case. Me giving you advice on who to hire would not look good."

"Listen, Arthur, I'm not out to fuck you here. I just need a name."

Anderson paused, and then said, "Lawrence Fishbone."

"Is he a Jew?"

"No, he's black."

"You want me to hire a colored lawyer?"

"Annabelle, you asked for the best defense attorney in town. You better hire him fast. He's going to be a big name soon. He's not long for Black Mountain. Which I'm more than glad for; I'm tired of him beating my ass in cases."

"Okay, if you say so. I'll call him."

Lawrence Fishbone sipped his double-mocha cappuccino as he walked to his law office at 12 Main Avenue. He walked to work this morning to consider adding to the staff of his law firm. He was the only attorney right now, and he had to consider hiring someone to help him out. His cell phone chirped, and he stopped and set his cappuccino on the top of a fire hydrant.

He said, "Hello."

"Lawrence Fishbone?"


"This is Annabelle Handy. I got your name from a friend. My daughter Portia is in jail for castrating Jason McKinley. I need a lawyer. I heard you were the best."

Lawrence looked skyward and said a prayer of thanks.

"I am that, Mrs. Handy. Please accept my condolences."

"Thank you, Lawrence."

"Is she in jail right now?"

"Yes, over at the Youth Detention Facility."

"When is the bond hearing?"

"I don't know."

"That's all right. You want me to take your daughter's case?"

"Would you? How much do you charge? We're not a rich family."

"Don't you worry about the charge, Mrs. Handy. This is a very high profile case. I'll do it pro bono, for free. The publicity will be very valuable for my career."

Annabelle's shocked voice said, "You're kidding!"

"No, ma'am, cases like these can make me a lot of money later. I'll be at your house as soon as possible, and I'll start the wheels turning to get Portia out of jail."

"Mr. Fishbone, I can't thank you enough."

"Don't you worry Mrs. Handy, I'll give Portia my best in this case."

"I know you will Mr. Fishbone."

Lawrence set the phone down and began whistling. This was the case that would push him into the national spotlight. He called his secretary into his office.

"Kimba, I want you to send out a press release."

Kimba Jenkins had joined Lawrence when he first opened his law office. She proved efficient and tolerant in the early days when the paychecks didn't always arrive on the right Friday's. A woman in her forties, Lawrence didn't know for sure how old she was, with no current husband, and two kids in high school, he kept their relationship businesslike. One hard slap to Lawrence's face on her third day on the job ended any thoughts he had about an office affair.

She sat her tall, slim frame down in a chair and put pen to paper. "Send this to every news organization you can think of, Kimba." He put his feet up on his steel desk and formed his fingers into an attitude of prayer. "Annabelle Handy has hired Lawrence Fishbone to represent her daughter, Portia, in her defense from the charges filed relating to the assault on Jason McKinley. Lawrence Fishbone has practiced law in Black Mountain for five years and is considered one of the finest lawyers in the city... No, Kimba... make that the state. As a sign of his interest in the injustice of Portia's arrest, Mr. Fishbone will represent Portia Handy pro bono."

Kimba looked up at this last. "Pro bono? You're kidding!"

Lawrence smiled over his peaked fingers. "Nope! This case is going to send us big time. If this case goes like I think it will, I'm going to be a nationally known attorney. We'll pull in celebrities, business people, and just the filthy rich."

"You think so?"

He sat up in his chair. "I know so, and you'll benefit from this too. I've never forgotten your patience in getting paid in the early days. You're in for a big raise if I can pull this off."

Kimba's bright teeth gleamed in response. "Any more?"

"No. Send it off and then we wait for the interview requests."

"Sounds good to me, Larry."

"Who's my next appointment?"

"Allison Demarco."

"Did she say what it was about?"

"Just she needed a lawyer for a work related problem."

"Sounds like another workman's comp case. God, will I be glad to be free of these low-rent cases."

Kimba simply smiled and went back out to her desk leaving Lawrence to imagine what he would say on the O'Reilly show.

Allison entered her office while Jack Gardner took his morning inspection walk through the school. Jack wanted to make sure every one had left for their unplanned day of mourning. She sat down at her computer and logged on. From her purse she took a CD jewel case. She opened it and removed the blank CD and put it in the drive on her computer. It took five minutes to burn her secret files to the CD. She then attached the files to an email and sent it to a Hotmail account she opened that morning. Later in the morning she planned to stop at the public library in Black Mountain and forward the files to Jack Gardner from an anonymous library computer.

Satisfied that the files were on their way, she unlocked the file cabinet in the corner of her office and removed a file labeled, "Sanitary Facility Invoices." It didn't have any documentation on the schools bathrooms. The file contained all the paper documentation for the charges in the email attachment, in total, she thought it would be enough filth on Jack Gardner to put him away for a long time.

She left a note on Jack's desk telling she had left for a dentist appointment and would be back after lunch. Carrying her insurance policies in a large handbag Allison left the school to visit her attorney.

Jackson Williams tried to read a book. The party Friday night and Jason's death made concentration difficult. Charles Dickens's Great Expectations required a clear mind to absorb his nineteenth century prose. Dickens' original readers didn't have the Friday night orgy to play over in their minds or a classmate with missing balls and an extra hole in his head to distract them from the long descriptive passages.

His cell phone rang. Hannah! About fucking time she called me. After dropping her off after the party Friday night she had vanished. Jackson had called her several times without success on Sunday. He knew she had to attend some club meeting on Saturday. The quiet girl, that sat down at lunch last week to chat with him, took him on Friday night to a party that exposed him to the sexual heat burning in the teens in his class.

"Hi, babe. Where ya been?"

Hannah laughed, you're not going to believe where I've been."

Her voice rang with intrigue. "Then tell me." He popped the snaps on his jeans preparing for a good story.

"You won't believe it. I have to show you. Are you home alone?"

"Yeah, mom's at work, and won't be back until five."

"Wonderful, I'll be there in ten minutes. Take a good shower and be waiting downstairs. Wear shorts, nothing else." Jackson thought he would be spending his day off school screwing Hannah all day.

Ten minutes later he was downstairs in the kitchen with a bottle of his mother's vodka. Opened only last night for a single drink it was still almost full. Jackson poured out two cupfuls and refilled the bottle with water. He had gotten away with this before. He mixed up two screwdrivers and waited for Hannah.

When the doorbell rang, Jackson looked through the spy hole and saw Hannah and a white woman in her forties. He hesitated since he was only wearing a tight pair of shorts. The bell rang again. He opened the door by reflex.

Hannah walked in pulling the woman behind her. Blonde and dressed about twenty-five years too young, Jackson looked over hip-hugger shorts, the red thong that crept over the waist, the crop top tee shirt and the braless tits that jiggled underneath. Her hair bounced in two ponytails. She looked embarrassed.

Hannah pulled her between them. "This is Kristy. She's my little slave."

Jackson was appalled. "You have a slave?"

Hannah looked at Kristy and waited. The woman, whom Jason thought older than his mother, bowed her head to Jackson, "Yes, Sir. I am her slave."

Jackson turned to Hannah. "I don't think that this is very appropriate."

"What? I can't have a slave?" Hannah wrapped her arm around Kristy's bare waist snuggling up.

"It's just so wrong." Jackson's scholarly sense of history found this whole discussion in very bad taste.

"Is this wrong?" Hannah lifted the front of Kristy's tee shirt. Her breasts hung low and had faint pink nipples already hard. Each breast had slight purple splotches like bruises.

"Shit, Hannah, you're amazing." Jackson's eyes swallowed Kristy's tits whole. Mature white women turned him on. Nelia, the dead counselor, had been his fifth. Two women stilled called him. He had promised his mother he was done with older women after Nelia's husband shot her for fucking him.

Hannah held up Kristy's tits. "Don't you like?"

Jackson licked his lips, "It's not that I don't like, it's the idea of slavery."

"Jackson, baby, in all that history you've read, have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a slave? A subhuman you could treat how you wished. Kristy's like that, but she loves how I treat her. Don't you, slave?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah." Kristy's nipples were so puffed up Jackson wondered if milk would come out.

"A woman, who will do whatever you tell her to do, no matter how gross or humiliating. That's you, isn't it Kristy?

"Yeah, Miss Hannah."

"Kristy, meet Massa Jackson." Jackson noticed that Kristy eyes locked her gaze on his crotch.

Kristy held out her hand, "I am very pleased to meet you, Massa Jackson."

Jackson took it. "Pleased to meet you, Kristy. Where did you find her, Hannah?"

"At my club meeting Saturday. She thought she would take me home and use me for her pleasure." Hannah pinched Kristy's nipples hard, bringing a cry of pain from her. Jackson jerked back from the sharp sound. "Didn't you, baby?"

Kristy nodded and squirmed. "Yes, Miss Hannah."

Hannah kept up her grip. "Who turned out to be the boss?"

"You did, Miss Hannah!" Jackson didn't believe the control his girlfriend had over Kristy. Who was this woman? Was she some kind of hooker?

Hannah loved the warm glow she got when she thought of what Clarisse Gardner would think if she knew Kristy Anderson was about to service her boy friend. The Kristy's life as the wife of the Black Mountain District Attorney had jumped out of its rut, but now she wondered if the rut wasn't a safe place to be with its high walls. "So you're now my slave?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You do what I say?" Hannah smiled at Jackson.

"Yes, Miss Hannah." Kristy's eyes simmered with lust.

"Will you suck my boyfriend's cock?"

"Hannah, this isn't right?" Jackson raised his hand to stop Kristy's answer.

"What's wrong, Jackson. You don't like the idea of getting your cock sucked?" She turned to Kristy. "He didn't mind Friday night when a middle school white cheerleader sucked his big black cock."

Hannah felt Kristy's body tremble. "Does that turn you on, slave?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

Hannah winked at Jackson. "Do you like to suck cock, slave?"

"I've never sucked a... cock, Miss Hannah."

"How old are you?"

"Forty-three, Miss, Hannah."

"And you've never sucked a cock?"

"No, Miss Hannah."

"Why not?"

"My mother said it was dirty and I should never do it. No matter how much a boy might ask me to."

Hannah winked at Jackson again.

"What about fucking, how many men have you fucked?"

"One, Miss Hannah."

"Just your husband?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

"What about women, how many women have you sucked or fucked?"

"I don't know, Miss Hannah."

"Why not?"

"I have been with many women, Miss Hannah. I'm not sure how many over the years." Hannah was still squeezing her nipples. Kristy looked like she didn't need much more stimulation to climax.

Jackson's hard on stretched his shorts. He caught Kristy looking. Hannah went on. "So you like to eat pussy?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

"Listen to what I learned yesterday, honey." Hannah had worked over Kristy all day.

"You like young pussy, slave?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

"What's the youngest pussy you've ever had?" Hannah grinned at Jackson.

"Fourteen, Miss Hannah."

"Who was it?" Hannah's eyes gleamed as she forced the woman to answer.

"My nieces, Miss Hannah."


"Yes, they're twins, Miss Hannah."

"You seduced them and licked their young pussies?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

"This is the good part, Jackson. Who else seduced them?"

"My husband, Miss Hannah."

Hannah kissed the slave's neck, which flopped over to give her full access.

"Your husband fucked his fourteen-year old nieces."

She nodded. It was too much to say it out loud.

"How long has he been fucking them?"

"He still does, Miss Hannah."

"Do you still eat their pussies?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

"Does your husband know you suck his sperm from their pussies?"

"No, Miss Hannah."

"But you do suck it from their cunts?"

"They make me, Miss Hannah!"

"Why have you kept this up for all these years, slave?"

"Because if he ever tries to divorce me he'll go to jail for fucking them as children and for incest, Miss Hannah."

"You haven't felt like divorcing him?"

"No, Miss Hannah, he treats me well, and I still love him."

Jackson couldn't believe the story of incest Hannah pulled from Kristy. The nieces, he thought, must be real bitches to be able to hide fucking their aunt from their uncle.

"Hannah, that's hot." His cock strained the front of his shorts.

She leaned over Kristy and kissed Jackson. She pulled his body so they sandwiched Kristy between them. Jackson ground his hard prick into Kristy's pussy. Their slave rotated her hips to grind her clit onto the bone battering the front of her skirt.

Hannah pushed back on Jackson. "Strip, baby. Show my cunt your cock."

Jackson stripped off his shorts without hesitation. Hannah pulled him into a new world of sexual excitement. Kristy's wild eyes followed the waggle of his eight-inch cock as he kicked away his shorts.

"Do you want it, slave?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

"You want to suck it, slave?"

"Yes, Miss Hannah."

"Strip down to your panties, slut."

Kristy stripped off her top with crossed arms. She fumbled with the zipper on the skirt and shoved it down which left naked in her red g-string panty. She dropped to the floor in front of Jackson. Kristy wrapped her hands around his cock having ample room for both hands. The purple head already leaked a drop of precum. She aimed the long shaft at her lips and closed in. Her pink tongue slipped out and tasted the drip on Jackson's cock.

Hannah sharply ordered, "Suck it, slave!"

Kristy's lips encircled Jackson's cock. Hannah smirked, "You're her first, honey. She's never sucked a cock."

"Damn, Hannah, you're the fucking wildest girlfriend a guy could have."

"You better appreciate me, Jackson. Suck him, whore." She nudged Kristy's bare ass with her foot. "Deeper."

The novice struggled with Jackson's bulk, but tried to push her face down deeper. Hannah pressed on the back of her head. "Baby, we practiced yesterday with a polish sausage. She took all of that."

Kristy gagged and Jackson felt a river of saliva run over his cock. He feared she would throw up on him. Hannah didn't think that taking all of a fat, black cock wasn't too much to ask for a novice cocksucker.

"Suck it, bitch. You did it yesterday."

Kristy coughed, "Forgive me, Miss Hannah. I'll get it this time."

The DA's wife paused as she confronted her second attempt at sword swallowing. She spit on his cock and jerked on him to spread out her spit. Her intensity amazed Jackson. He had no doubt she would succeed this time. Her lips opened and she shoved her head forward. The head of his cock drove into her throat down her gullet. She coughed, her body shook, but she kept it down swallowing around the shaft. Tears ran down her cheeks and the edges of her mouth turned up in joy. Jackson groaned and came. He pumped his cum down her throat. The slave's assault on his cock left him unprepared for the sensations of her throat's contraction around him. Kristy choked, but swallowed, her face as bright red as a stoplight; her hands pulled on Jackson's ass keeping him deep in her throat. He emptied his balls into Hannah's slave. She held him down until she had every drop of her massa's cum.

When his flow stopped she relaxed her grip on his ass. She pulled back and a long string of cum connected the tip of his cock to her lips. She looked up at Hannah in expectation.

Hannah patted her head, running her long fingers through the blond hair, "That had to be the greatest first time blowjob in the history of oral sex."

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