Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 18

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 18 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

The Black Mountain Social Club packed the stretch limo; six women and six girls were elbow to tit as they crowed together, excited and talking about the day's activities ahead. Clarisse had her arm draped over Anna's soft round shoulders. Each woman was paired with the girl assigned to her at the first meeting of the social season. The women and girls had spent the past week getting acquainted. They had gone shopping, gotten makeovers, and each one had spent some very quality time in bed. Marion Anderson was teaching sixteen-year-old Constance Nettletonhow to make a mimosa. Mary Lou told her that learning to make drinks was a valuable part of growing up. The girls were surprised when their mentors handed them a glass of the orange and champagne cocktail Constance had mixed with such care. At sixteen any drinking they had done had been outside of the view of adults. Beer sipped gingerly, to get past the taste, at parties where the parents where absent. Sipping mimosas with mature women had a naughty edge to it that promised more as the day progressed.

Clarisse raised her glass. "Ladies, to a magnificent day at the spa." She tilted her glass back and drained it. The eleven other glasses were emptied and refilled.

Anna turned to Clarisse and whispered, "I can't believe we're having drinks. This is so fucking cool."

Her mentor touched her lips. "A lady doesn't use such words, dear." Clarisse leaned in and licked her ear. "Unless of course, she's on the verge of cumming. Are you fucking cumming?"

Anna shivered and experienced a small climax. She gasped, "Yes! I'll remember that Clarisse."

Clarisse's arm dangled over Anna's trembling shoulder; her fingertips brushed the bulge of the girl's breast. She leaned close to her and whispered, "It's all part of becoming a woman; you need to learn how to drink moderately." Clarisse Gardner wanted to devour Anna right here. She just couldn't get enough of her young body.

Anna cuddled close to Clarisse feeling the woman's breast pressing into her arm. She gave the older woman a warm smile and whispered, "When can be try on some more clothes?"

Clarisse's blood warmed at her tone. "We may have a chance today."

Anna's eyebrows rose. "At the spa?"

Clarisse nodded. "They have private rooms for their customers to use if they need to unwind a little."

"Really?" The young girl was constantly surprised at the sensuality that went on between women. "You, mean we could be alone together to..."

Clarisse nodded, and very softly whispered, "Yes,... to make love."

Anna's breath quickened. She put her hand on Clarisse's lap and replied, "I would love that." She whispered. "I dream of you at night and then I need to..."

"You are a darling." She touched her lips to Anna's ear. "I masturbate thinking of you too. The taste of your sweet pussy is always on my tongue."

"God, Clarisse. I am so horny right now." She giggled at her confession.

"Save it just a little while, Anna. I shall see that you are satisfied."

"Clarisse, I think I love you."

"Oh, darling. I know I love you." Anna took Clarisse's hand in hers. She didn't notice that many of other couples were also holding hands.

The limo pulled up to the Nature's Own Health Spa just short of eight o'clock. The ladies and their charges spilled from the limo with much giggling; they were well under the sway of their mimosas. A pair of tall, thin, buff women met them and smiled at their obvious inebriation.

"Ladies, I'm Dollie Matley. I am here to guide you through your Nature's Own experience. We have a full day ahead of us, and we should get started. My assistant, Gay Stransky, and I will take you to the dressing room and get you ready for your Nature's Own bath. Follow me, ladies."

Anna followed holding Clarisse's hand as they entered the brick building. Inside was a tropical paradise with large palm trees and exotic plants; rattan chairs decorated the lobby, which resembled a hotel with a check-in desk and lounge chairs. A television played mutely on the Home and Garden channel next to a stream that entered through the wall and trickled over smooth petals before exiting through an adjacent wall. Anna noticed the air was warm, moist and scented with a floral fragrance. Dollie and Gay led them to a wooden door carved with Polynesian gods. A small gold plate in the center labeled it the "Undressing Room."

Anna thought that the room looked more like a library. Soft easy chairs were spread randomly and on three walls were doors; so close together that the rooms behind must have been very narrow.

Gay picked up an envelope that was lying on the desk by the entryway, "Ladies, I am going to pass out your lanyards with your membership cards. The Black Mountain Social Club membership cards are good for one year. They entitle the members to all the services of Nature's Own. Please wear them at all times, we do have new staff that sometimes do not recognize old customers. The card will also open doors to unoccupied private lounges and to your personal closet." She waved her hand to indicate the doors around the room. "Each of you has your own closet to store your clothes and valuables while at Nature's Own. If you will all please undress, I will return shortly to escort you to the baths."

Anna looked at her card, on it was her name and a gazelle. She noticed the door closest to her had a bas-relief of a tiger. Clarisse took her hand, "Come this way, honey, your closet is next to mine."

Clarisse slid her card through a slot in the door and it slowly swung open. Anna repeated the action to open her closet door.

"Clarisse this is so beautiful! Look, shelves for shoes, hangers for dresses, drawers for smaller things."

"Anna, Nature's Own is one of the most exclusive women's spas in the south. No men allowed. There are none on the staff. It is a very private place and serves a very restricted clientele. They spare no expense in seeing that we have the most exquisite pleasure here."

Clarisse turned around and asked Anna, "Would you help me, darling?" Anna lid down the zipper of her mentor's sundress, revealing Clarisse's bare back. Clarisse lowered the dress and stepped out. Anna stared at her lover who was wearing only a dark blue g-string.

Clarisse turned Anna around and lowered her zipper. Anna was treated to the sight of five other older women, also only dressed in g-strings helping their charges out of their dresses. The girls had, like Anna, all worn bras and thongs since bikini panties were now banned from use. Anna felt Clarisse's fingers removing her bra and pulling it down her arms. Anna giggled. This is like gym class for adults. Clarisse pulled down her thong and Anna watched the other girls being stripped. For the first time she looked at them as sensual beings.

Her best friend, Constance Nettleton, was paired with Marion Anderson, the wife of their congressman. Marion was tall, almost six feet; her chocolate skin next to Connie's tanned tone was an exciting contrast. Anna noted the full breasts on Marion's well-toned frame. The dark nipples made her wonder how erect they would get from a soft tongue. Anna squeezed her thighs to try to quench her flow. This place is just too much.

A short redhead, Marjorie Ridings, who Anna only vaguely knew was with Tabatha Hayworth, the wife of the president of the Black Mountain School Board. The woman had large breasts that seemed to defy gravity as they rode on her small chest. They swayed from side to side with each motion of her body. Tabatha was also short and broad. A blonde, whose true hair color was belied by a small strip of hair rising over her impossibly small panties, was lowering Marjorie's thong. Anna looked at Marjorie and wondered about getting to know her better at school. Majorie's breasts seemed to float on her chest, and Anna had a sudden desire to lick them. They shared one class, but had never spoken. I've got to do something about that.God, this place makes me horny.

Anna's eyes moved on from her close examination of Tabatha Shatzer's round bottom to Elonora Eveland, who was pulling off the thong of Katherine Shatzer. Elonora and her husband Bob managed the Black Mountain Wal-Mart. Elonora's jet black hair was matched by Katherine's equally dark hair. Anna could see that they weren't matched down below as Katherine had a broad growth, while nothing leaked from Elonora's g-string, even when she bent to remove Katherine's thong. Anna saw her g-string slip and a plump lip slipped out. Elenora reached back to restore her covering and gave Anna a smile when she caught her looking.

Beatrice Bates was an English professor at Medgar Evers University in Black Mountain. She was probably the youngest member at thirty-eight. Her husband was the conductor of the Black Mountain Symphony Orchestra. She was about five-foot two and Melanie Mackenzie, was at least five inches taller than she was. Beatrice had a rather broad ass, Anna thought Melanie had the most perfect body of the girls. Her proportions and her high breasts made her model material. She had done some modeling, but her interests lay in science and academics. Another girl I need to get to know better. I wonder if I could organize a sleep over for all of us. Maybe one of the older women could get us the fixings for mimosas.

Anna looked over at the last pair. Hannah Lincoln and Kristy Anderson, who was a housewife, married to Arthur Anderson, the Black Mountain District Attorney. Hannah was a distance runner on the track team. She had a stunning physique, toned and powerful; an artist could have immortalized her body in marble. Her parents came over from African in the seventies and built up a grocery business in town that was soon going national. Marion Anderson was black, but Hannah was the deep, almost purple black of native Africans. Anna's mouth dropped at the vision of Hannah nude. I have never seen anything like her. I hope I get closer to her today. Kristy Anderson pulled down the girl's thong and knelt before her, as did a maid serving a queen. Kristy's figure was average, and she was intimidated by the power that Hannah gave off. The dominant-submissive roles in the partnership became quickly reversed during their first time together in Kristy's bed. Anna thought Hannah looked a little tired. She thought that Kristy had brought it on, but it was the result of a late night party after last night's game where she got to know Jackson Williams very well. Hannah hoped her shower that morning succeeded in removing all traces of Jackson. Kristy didn't like finding her filled with semen. It turned Hannah on to watch her clean it out, but she didn't want to trample on Kristy's taste buds too often. While the rest of the girls were sexually inexperienced, Hannah knew her way around the body of a male or female. She had Kristy under her thumb and took advantage of the woman's lust for women.

Clarisse finished stripping Anna, and they hung up their clothes in the closet. She put Anna's panties in one of the small drawers and set her shoes on the bottom shelf. Clarisse was impressed with the way Anna had adjusted to the nudity of the women in the room. The older women had all pulled off their g-strings and stowed them in their closets. "Anna, there are slippers in the bottom, put them on and we'll be ready for the baths."

"What do we wear around here?" Anna was looking for a towel or robe.

"Nothing dear, when we walk out of here everyone will be nude. For the rest of the day we will be dressed as God originally clothed us."

Anna crossed her arms over her breasts. "Naked! I can't run around naked."

Clarisse laughed. "You are now, look around you. We're all naked and it's all very comfortable." She pulled Anna close to her and Clarisse's breast pressed against her arm. "Honey, Women have to be comfortable together. Haven't we gotten comfortable being naked?" She kissed Anna on the shoulder and let her hand slowly drift down until she was caressing her ass. Anna shivered.

"Alright, Clarisse, I think I can do this."

"Anna, dear, after ten minutes you won't even notice you or any one else is naked. Now put your lanyard on so we can get started."

Anna pulled the loop over her head and put her arm around Clarisse for moral support.

Jack pulled up to Allison's house. It was a large rambler in one of the better neighborhoods. Jack had been there many times. Her husband, Greg, had no idea that Allison had been having an affair with Jack for almost the entire duration of their marriage. She loved Greg, but no one filled her up like Jack did.

Jack knocked on the door and Greg opened it. "Morning, Jack. Ready for the big conference in Jackson?"

Jack smiled and said. "Yeah, it's a bitch. I didn't want to go, but the School Board insisted that we go to the administrative quality conference."

He laughed, "That's too bad. I'm sending the kids to grandma's and spending the day playing golf. I'll think of you while I'm nailing a birdie putt."

Jack faked a sorrowful expression. I'll think of you while I'm nailing your wife. "I'm pissed. Allison and I will be spending the day cooped up in a hot conference room." Yeah, right, you wife will be spending the day naked in a hotel room fucking me.

Allison came down the stairs with her briefcase stuffed with new lingerie. "Greg, I'm ready to go." She kissed her husband. "Don't forget to put on sunscreen, I don't want you to get sunburned like last time."

"I won't babe." He kissed her deeply in front of Jack to show him whose woman she was and didn't Jack just wish he could bed such a babe.

Allison looked at Jack and with a heavy voice said, "Let's go Jack, the sooner we get there, the sooner I get back to my hunk." She led Jack out the door, and he opened his car door for her. She gave him a wide spread view of her black panties as he shut the door.

"Damn, you are one fine woman, Allison. After this week I can't wait to get you into a hot tub and get you very dirty."

She giggled. "I know, this week was one of the worst." She gave him a side look. "Are you out of trouble over this pot bust?"

He gave her a nervous laugh and said, "What kind of trouble could I be in?"

"Jack," she turned sideways in the seat to face him, "don't bullshit me. I've worked for you too long. You and the Coach were up to something and I think it blew up in your face."

Jack knew Allison was on to him. Being dishonest with her was a dangerous course to pursue too long. It was time to come clean... "Yeah, the Coach needed the Chief to get off McKinley's ass about knocking up his daughter. So I threw him the Avery kid."

"Jack, that's awful. The boy's in jail now for rape!"

"I didn't make him rape a girl. I just needed to get the Chief to lay off Jason. He was going to take him down on some trumped up charge. The Avery kid was just handy. That fucking janitor moving the pot almost brought everything down on us. Allison, I just about shit when they arrested Margaret Horner."

"I thought you looked a little pale," she giggled. Allison was distracting Jack from his driving by opening the top two buttons of her blouse. Allison knew Jack loved her to wear a black bra under a white blouse; it was so slutty. The black lace showed through the vee in her open blouse. Jack could see the clasp in the front. It was a two-hour trip to Jackson and she was going to torture him every mile of the way.

The Reverend Eldrich Kendal was reeling from the news in his morning newspaper of the castration of the town's star running back. The pastor was of two minds. He loved football, but he also knew about Jason's love of impregnating girls. Biblical justice, that's what it is, he thought. The eye-for-an-eye type of justice settled nicely with his southern fundamentalist view of the Bible.

He finished his paper and coffee and was considering returning to bed to wake up the missus in a husbandly fashion when the phone rang.

"Morning, Brother Eldrich."

"Brother Johnson, how nice hearing from you this morning."

"Brother Eldrich, do you have a copy of the paper before you."

"I've just finished reading it, Brother Johnson."

"Look in the classifieds, Brother Eldrich. Second column near the bottom it starts out 'Local video production company.'"

The pastor found the ad and was appalled.

"Brother Johnson, do you think this means that someone in Black Mountain is making pornography here."

"I think it does, Brother Eldrich."

"I'm calling the Chief right away about this. We must get this stamped out immediately."

"I knew you would be a man of action on this, Brother Eldrich."

"I'll call you back with the Chief's plan of attack on this."

The minister knew the Chief wouldn't likely be at the station this early in the morning, so he called him at home.

The Chief picked up the cordless phone on the kitchen table. The caller ID read "Eldrich Kendal." The chief considered that enough shit had rained on him the night before and thought about not answering it. The reverend he knew would be persistent though; it was his nature and fueled by a fervent evangelical energy.

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