Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 17

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 17 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

The bedside phone rang as it had so many times in his long term as Black Mountain Chief of Police. Annabelle rarely woke up anymore when it rang. A fumbling thick-fingered hand reached out from under a quilt and picked up the handset. The Chief pulled it under the covers.

"Yeah." Only police business caused his phone to ring at this hour. Somebody was dead or worse. The Chief had learned along ago that there were worse things than being dead.

"Holy shit!" He jerked up in bed; his bulk almost tossed Annabelle onto the floor.

"What the fuck?" Annabelle was now awake now rubbing her eyes.

"I'll be right there." He slammed down the phone and swung his feet to the floor.

"Joshua, what the fuck was that about?" She was sitting up now trying to focus on her husband who was rapidly pulling on his uniform.

"Some one just cut off Jason McKinley's balls."

"No, shit. Do they know who?" Annabelle was now thinking if her sister was still up. Shit, she would want me to wake her for news like this!

"No, I've got to go. He's in the hospital right now. He's lost a lot of blood and he's in critical condition." The Chief buttoned his shirt and grabbed for his keys and wallet on the dresser. Taking pity on his wife and her lack of news for her sister, he shouted as he trod down the stairs. "I'll call you when I find out what happened."

Annabelle decided to wait to call her sister until she had details, and she turned over and went back to sleep.

When Wendy called Tisha Jones, the Black Mountain City jailer, early in the afternoon, Jones was wary at first, but after a few minutes of conversation realized that Wendy hadn't referred to their little session in the cell, and kept her conversation to asking Jones out to the football game. She accepted and the women decided to meet at the Ramada Inn and have dinner.

The dinner had gone well and the two found they had similar interests in athletics and politics. Tisha might not be as radically liberal as Wendy, but she was definitely a Democrat.

They enjoyed the game immensely even if it was a total blowout. After the game, Jones invited Wendy to a bar in the next town where they could go dancing without attracting the stares they would have in Black Mountain.

The Lady Shack was for women only. There was no sign on the door, nor did the large, butch bouncer have any orders to deny entry to men. Any man who did wander in from his ignorance would find the atmosphere inside as frigid as a Greenland Christmas and quickly seek warmth elsewhere.

A cute little girl barely old enough to work in the bar, but not drink, took their drink orders. Tisha and Wendy moved out to the crowded dance floor. Wendy hadn't danced since college, but found Tisha a great partner. They jumped and twisted on the fast numbers and glued themselves together on the slow dances. It was the second slow dance when Tisha pressed her lips to Wendy's and they joined most of the dancers making out to Melissa Etheridge.

When the band broke they found their table and sat close holding hands. The bar was noisy, and they found talk difficult. Soon Tisha was pulling on Wendy's arm to leave. Wendy saw the liquid gleam in Tisha's eye. It could only mean pleasure.

Tisha and Wendy walked out into the warm night air holding hands. They moved out to the parking lot and leaned against Wendy's small car. Lips pressed lips as they tried to sort out their feelings. A twenty-two year old woman and a forty-two year old woman didn't always fly on the same course.

"Where should we go from here?" Tisha didn't really want to take Wendy to her small cheap apartment.

"I don't know. Somewhere quiet. My place is such a dump. Why don't we just go somewhere and park."

"I know a place down by Lake Lily. I know of a clearing on the creek that feeds the lake. The grass is soft and the view in the moonlight is very romantic."

"That sounds wonderful." Wendy wanted some time alone with Tisha to sort out her feelings.

Wendy drove and between shifting gears she held Trisha's hand as she followed the police officer's directions to the well-know lake near Black Mountain.

"Just up here. Past the bridge." Tisha noticed a car on the side of the road. "Must be someone looking for some privacy, but they need to get off the road." She squeezed Wendy's hand and pointed to a dirt road that turned to the right just past the bridge. "Turn here and go down about a hundred feet.

Wendy eased the little car off the road and entered a tunnel of trees. "Slow down, honey. It's just up here. The tree covered road opened up on a clearing. "Pull in there." Wendy turned to the right and stopped at the riverbank.

Wendy turned off the car. Tisha opened the door and got out. The creek shimmered under the bright moonlight.

"Tish, could we go swimming here?" Thinking about some midnight skinny-dipping.

She laughed, "Oh, we could do some wading. The creek's a lot wider than it's deep here. Let's lie on the grass."

"I've got a blanket in the back." Wendy moved to the back to the car and opened the trunk. The trunk light illuminated the inventory of a newspaper reporter's emergency equipment: packages of easy-open food containers, water bottles, and blankets. Wendy removed a folded fleece blanket.

"This looks like the trunk of a cop on a stakeout. All you need are some old Wendy's bags."

"Don't talk like that about my bags." The two laughed as they moved over to edge of the bluff.

"A car trunk is much the same with reporters, at least reporters that do more that write obits."

"Hey, buck up. Your boss said he'd give you another shot. He's got a good rep, Wendy. You're young. You'll get your chance. Just keep all this shit back here. You'll get to use it."

Tisha watched in quiet anticipation as Wendy placed the blanket on the grass above a bluff overlooking the river.

Tisha pulled the corners nearest her to smooth the wool blanket. She and Wendy sat down and Wendy snuggled up to Tisha's strong shoulder. Wendy whispered. "This is a lovely spot. Do you come here often?"

Tisha whimsically said, "Not for almost twenty-years. I wasn't sure it would still be the same."

Wendy kissed Tisha's neck and asked, "Is it still the same?"

"Yes, even after all these years. The river's eaten a little of the bluff, but it still brings back memories?"

"Of whom?"


"Was she an old friend?"

"My first lover. She and I would come here after games at the high school. This was where I made love with her the first time."

Wendy and Tisha's lips met. Soft, gentle contact of damp lips began a more romantic second sexual encounter on the soft blanket. Tisha knew Wendy's knees would not suffer, as they must have on the cold concrete floor of the jail cell. Tisha pulled on the bottom of Wendy's tee shirt; Wendy raised her arms and pulled her lips back enough to let it pass over her head. Tisha's fingers pressed on the small bra clasp and Wendy's small tits greeted the warm night air. Even with the warm evening, Wendy's nipples were hard crinkles. Tisha's index fingers prodded the hard bugs. Wendy urged Tisha's shirt up and off. The black woman's more substantial bra landed on Wendy's. Wendy filled her hands with Tisha's tits. She worried the nipples with her fingers inspired them to puff out into edible cones, and eat them Wendy did. She slid over on top of Tisha and feasted on her plump breasts. Wendy pulled down Tisha's sweatpants and thong. Tisha quickly opened her legs to encourage Wendy's rapid attention. This time Wendy dove in without orders. She sucked the soft, full lips and licked them free of their tangy juices. Tisha laid back and enjoyed Wendy's voluntary efforts. She raised her head and looked down at the white face bobbing in her groin. "Baby, I'm sorry I forced you to do this the first time. This is so much better. Lick my cunt, baby."

Wendy answered with her increased efforts at pleasing her new lover. She knelt at Tisha's altar and worshiped the fat lips in her mouth. Tisha came up on one elbow and used her other hand to press Wendy's active lips and tongue harder onto her pussy. A flicker of light caught her attention and a car drove onto the wooden bridge off to the right. Tisha ignored the interruption and focused on Wendy whose tongue whipped over her clit and drove the cop closer to her orgasm. Tisha's attention wandered from Wendy's tongue when she heard a siren in the distance. She saw a girl who got out of the car, opened the passenger door, tied a rope to the seat and threw it over the bridge. Her duty and pleasure came into a swift conflict. What she saw was very suspicious behavior, and what she felt was the best pussy licking she had gotten in years. Her hips bucked up into Wendy's mouth as her eyes watched the girl on the bridge leaning over the side looking down into the creek surrounded by the sound of another siren. Wendy sucked hard on her clit and lashed the hard bump with her tongue. The little reporter's finger entered Tisha's pussy and rubbed her G-spot. Just as Tisha exploded in her climax she saw another girl climb up the rope from the creek bed with a white bag slung over her shoulder. She pushed Wendy's face back and sat up.

"What's wrong? Was I too rough?" Wendy's dripping chin rested on Tisha's black hair.

Tisha pointed to the bridge. "Look, a girl just climbed out of the creek." Wendy didn't know what she was talking about.

"What's with the sirens?" Wendy was beginning to realize she had missed something while going down on Tisha.

"Turn around, look." The girl who appeared was now pulling the rope up and throwing it into the car. The driver got in and the climber threw the bag in the back seat and jumped in too. The car slowly started at drove off into the darkness.

A reporter had the same sense of curiosity as the cop. Wendy watched the car disappear. "What the fuck was that about?"

Tisha, still catching her breath said, "I don't know. Who climbs up a rope out of a creek at night? Looks pretty strange for a case of frog gigging."

Wendy, the northerner, repeated, "Frog gigging?"

Tisha laughed, "Spearing frogs at night."

Wrinkling her nose, Wendy hissed, "What do you do with speared frogs?"

"You eat the legs."

"No, shit."

"Yeah, it tastes like chicken." Tisha giggled. "I wonder if I should call this in. It might tie into something."

Wendy was still pretty horny. "Let's finish here and we can stop by the station when we get back to town." She pushed down her shorts and panties. Tisha licked her lips at the soft pale flesh lit by the moonlight. Tisha knew she should find out why she heard so many sirens, but her first opportunity in too long a time to have sex with a willing partner led her into a dereliction of her duty. "Yeah, I could use a snack, before we go back." She lowered her lips to Wendy's pale pink pussy.

Wendy lay back and for the first time since the night before graduation had her pussy licked by a very experienced lesbian. Her last lover was a fifty-year-old journalism professor who lived on young female reporters. The women ignored the helicopter that flew over. Tisha turned Wendy inside out making her cum repeatedly. The blanket was soaked with the women's juices when the sound of the last siren faded, and made them think that the girls might have done something more significant than spearing a few frogs.

Jackson was hesitant when Hannah Lincoln invited him to a post-game party at Bobby Turner's house. Bobby was a senior and an All-State defensive lineman for two years running. He was looking to get his third at the end of this season. While not a legend like Jason McKinley, he knew he was headed for a successful Division I college program. The scouts watching Jason were also watching him.

Jackson wasn't in the mood to party. The death of Nelia had affected him greatly. Hannah had driven a wedge into his grief earlier, and now he was driving her to a party he didn't want to go to. His mother in taking the hard line about not letting him mope about her death pushed him into going. She wanted him to stop seeing older women and concentrate of girls his age. She was thrilled that Hannah was only sixteen.

Bobby lived on a farm just outside of Black Mountain. Early during his football career, he and his friends had taken their unused barn and turned it into a party house. On the main floor he built a dance room with a sound system supplied by a team booster, a video room with a big screen TV contributed by another booster. The hay in the hayloft was gone, replaced by a padded floor and black-light illumination. The load music from below hid the moans from this den of lust. Many a virgin's blood had stained the black padding on the floor.

The team booster who was the local Miller distributor kept the dance room supplied with a couple of kegs for every party.

The music was too loud for conversation when Jackson and Hannah arrived. Hannah, he thought, looked like she had been here before. She pulled two large plastic cups from a tube and filled them with beer. She screamed in his ear, "Drink up."

Jackson didn't care for the taste of beer, but drank up anyway. Hannah downed hers in one gulp and nudged up the bottom of Jackson's glass to speed him along. Once they had the first round under their belts, she dragged him to the dance floor.

Jackson didn't dance, but when he looked around it looked like none of the males did either. They simply rocked their bodies and let the girls dirty dance around them. When Hannah turned around and backed into Jackson he knew enough to take her by the waist and pull her tight to him. Her ass rubbed his cock, and he quickly matched the other guys on the floor with full erections for their partners to use.

Hannah wore a short black leather mini-skirt and a short top that went stopped between her tits and the top of her skirt. Jackson noticed that her tits bounced more here than at the game. Her nipples were holding the shirt out from her body, so he quickly figured out she had lost her bra somewhere along the way. His hard cock made him wonder if her panties were keeping the bra company.

Her grinding against him and the rapidly downed beer relaxed him enough that his hands began to wander over her body. Being only one generation removed from Africa, she was coal-black. Her skin gleamed as she began to perspire in the heated atmosphere of the dance floor. When she jerked down rapidly his hands slipped up and he held two slippery, bare tits in his hands. She banged his cock with her ass in approval. He slipped his hands down to her waist and jammed his cock into her to let her know she was getting him very turned on. She looked back at him and pulled his face to hers. She kissed with heatedly, her lips and tongue sucking on his.

The music slowed and she turned around. His hands slipped without any thought to her round ass. His leg slipped between hers, and she trapped it with her strong athletic thighs. He could feel her hard muscles grinding into his cock.

Her hand dropped to his ass and pulled him tight. He looked into her eyes for the shy sophomore from lunch. She was gone; buried under a deep layer of lust. She laid her head on his shoulder and sucked on the soft flesh of his neck.

They swayed to the music and Jackson saw some of the guys had pulled up the short skirts of their partners and were getting some bare ass. He lowered his right hand below the hem of her skirt and slowly brought it back up. A hot, damp, and bare cheek filled his hand. She tightened her grip on his neck and pressed back against his hesitant hand. His fingers lost their nervousness and fondled her firm butt. His other hand soon followed, and she started nipping at the skin on his neck.

Jackson knew he was going to cum in his pants if he stayed out here much longer. "Let's go somewhere quieter." He said in her ear.

"Sure, baby. Let's go watch the game."

She pulled him into the video room where the tape from tonight's game was on. Hannah spotted a empty beanbag chair and pulled him down with her. The sound of the game was muted and the contrast with the noisy dance floor was stark.

Jackson lay back against the bag, and Hannah rolled over on him. Her lips found his and they began to make out. No one else in the room seemed interested in the game. A spiral stairway in the room led upstairs. Couples climbed the stairs, and other couples came down the stairs. Jackson saw Bobby Turner go up with two of the younger cheerleaders before Hannah pulled his head down and he found his lips around one of her black nipples. She found his cock with her pussy and was making the front of his jeans very wet. His hands couldn't leave her ass. He had been right about the panties. They were gone. When his pressed one long finger into her pussy she whispered, "Let's go up stairs where it's not so public."

She pulled him up, and he followed her up the stairs. The steep steps gave him his first look at her pussy. He almost licked it right on the stairs. His experience with older women always included a heavy round of pussy licking. They had taught him well how to please, and he intended to use every trick on the girl that was easing his guilt and grief so effectively.

At the top of the stairs he couldn't see anything except a large white bowl gleaming from the UV light. It was full of condoms and Hannah plucked out a pair as she pulled him by it. The smell of sex and the sound of it were overpowering. He heard a young voice moan, "Oh, Bobby, fuck me." It was rapidly followed by a similar voice that encouraged him to "fuck the little cunt."

Hannah pulled him down to a soft spot on the floor. "Oh, baby," she said, "I've been waiting for this all night." She found his zipper and yanked it to the bottom. She pulled out his cock her hot mouth surrounded him.

Hannah Lincoln could suck a cock, he learned quickly. He reached out in the darkness and found her ass. He pulled her to him and set her pussy on his face. She was dripping. He dove in and sucked the moisture from her dropping lips. He applied every trick he knew and soon she was moaning and pumping his face with her pussy. His tongue up her ass pushed her over, and she added her shrieks to one of Bobby's girls. She released his cock as she came and bounced hard on his face.

She collapsed on him, but he didn't slow down on her. His lips and tongue soon had her grinding his face again. He felt another pair of lips on his cock and hoped it was one of Bobby's girls. The two girls competed for his hard cock, switching it from one mouth to the other. One of the girls rolled a condom down his cock. She climbed on and put him in her. The moan didn't sound like Hannah. His fingers found their union, and her silky pussy hair meant that Hannah was letting someone take the first fuck. The crinkly hair on his face meant that Hannah was back for more licking.

The darkness leant a surreal atmosphere to the sex. Jackson was sure he was fucking one of the cheerleaders, but had no idea which one. She was a kinky one though. She leaned down and joined him in eating Hannah. His tongue lapped up Hannah's juices while the dirty white girl was licking her ass. Jackson had never done a threesome before; his older lovers were content to have his long, black cock in their pussies or asses.

Jackson felt someone move between his legs behind the cheerleader. She stopped licking Hannah and groaned, "Oh, fuck yes, put it in my ass." He could feel a movement inside her and knew it was someone's cock joining him inside her. The unknown fucker pushed his dick all the way up her ass with her panting encouragement. Hannah turned over and shoved her pussy into the girl's mouth. Jackson licked around on Hannah's ass until he found the spot the cheerleader had just left. He shoved his tongue in a listen to his date's cry of, "Oh, shit, yeah, Jackson, eat my ass."

Jackson was stunned this went on after football games. At that moment he became an ardent football fan, vowing to attend every game, home and away for the rest of the season.

He and his assistant pounded the cheerleader until she screamed out her climax. Jackson filled the condom around his cock, and Hannah creamed the little girl's mouth. Damn, he thought, he could feel his friend cumming in the little bitch's ass.

As they wound down, they separated and Hannah cuddled up next to him. "How was that?"

Jackson laughed, "That was fucking fantastic."

She giggled, "I'll tell you Monday at school which cheerleader you got to fuck."

"How would you know that in this darkness?"

"Only two are at the party and one shaves her pussy."

"Fuck, that was hot."

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