Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 15

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 15 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Wendy Walter was back on the obituary desk. I could be typing one of these about my sinking career. When her boss, Bob Jamison, walked by he saw she was muttering to herself as she pulled another data sheet off the pile.

"Perk up, Wendy." Bob Jamison, the editor-in-chief of the Black Mountain Citizen, stopped at her desk, "Don't let this get you down, Wendy. Your grandmother had to think of the big picture, and in this town, that included the happiness of Coach Lombardo."

"Fuck Coach Lombardo!" Wendy growled.

"Now isn't that a pleasant mental image." Bob chuckled.

Wendy chortled and then let go with a brief laugh, "Yes, I guess it is."

Bob sat down on the corner of her desk. "Wendy, you're new here. The man owns the town. He's working on his fifth straight state football title. You write a story about God that you can't backup, don't be surprised if your hair gets singed with holy lightening."

"I just thought grandma would back me up, that's what so disappointing." Wendy leaned back in her chair giving up on the obits for the moment.

"Your grandma has a lot of employees here that she's responsible for. When advertisers threaten to pull their ads over the coach's reputation being threatened, she has to think of the big picture. A lot of people depend on your grandmother for their livelihood."

"Yeah, I guess so. I still think the story is right on."

"I agree. I think you had the story right on, but you just couldn't get the last piece of the puzzle together."

"Well, maybe next time. Do I get a next time, Bob?"

"Wendy, for a rookie, you're a hell-of-a reporter. The next big story that comes through here is yours."

"Thanks, Bob." Wendy said with more pleasure than she would have liked. This guy might not be such a pig as I thought.

"Come on champ, buck up. We all have our ups and downs. Come to the game tonight. My treat." He dropped a couple of tickets on her desk. Call up some one and go. You'll get a real idea what this town is by watching it at a home football game."

"Thanks, Bob. I don't know who I would go with."

"Just call someone. You might be surprised."

He walked back to his office.

Wendy twirled the tickets in her fingers. She hadn't really made friends with anyone since arriving. The closest she had gotten to anyone was Officer Jones, the woman who assaulted her at the jail when the Chief had her arrested. It seemed a bit sick to call her, but al least she knew they shared on common interest in the bedroom. She picked up the phonebook to look up the number for the jail. She wondered if Officer Jones liked football.

Julio was nervous, very nervous. He had zero experience with girls and less than that with beautiful women. He had feelings for Miss Lee that students shouldn't have for their teachers. The sight of her luxurious body filled his dreams at night and left stains in his shorts in the morning. He was sure his mother thought the stains came from dreaming about the girl sitting next to him in calculus class, not from his graphic arts teacher.

After her invitation to meet after school, Julio remembered little of the class. His eyes overruled his ears, and he spent the remainder of the class watching Miss Lee rather than listening to her. He wished he could take a picture of her standing there teaching in her black, polka-dotted dress. It was shorter than average, but not so short as to invite rude noises or remarks. Julio had learned an important lesson today in class. His breath shortened as he remembered how soft a woman's breast could be. He hoped there would be a test on this. When Miss Lee turned to the black board to write tomorrow's assignment, Julio imagined himself standing behind her, lowering her the zipper down the back of her dress and helping her step out of it. She would pose on her desk as he filled up data card after data card as he took pictures of her scantily clad body.

The bell woke him up. Standing up, holding his books in front of his erection, he made his way to the boy's bathroom and some needed relief. He knew he only had five minutes to get to his next class, but this stop was vital. After dropping his pants he sat back on the toilet seat and examined his cock. He pulled the ruler from his book bag and measured it again. Still seven inches, he tossed the ruler back into the bag and took his cock in his hand; he masturbated to his memories of Miss Lee's soft breast. He turned his head and unbuttoned her blouse, pulled out a full, pale tit and began to suck. Miss Lee moaned and pressed more into his mouth. She whispered, "Let your cock out, honey. Let me touch it." When her imaginary hand touched his cock, he exploded. Shit, I got it on the door. Momentarily satiated he headed off to Math.

He wasted no time getting over to the photo studio after the last bell. When he entered her room, he didn't see her. "Miss Lee," he called out.

"Just a moment, Julio, I'm changing. Now, you wait out there unless you want to see your old teacher naked."

That was all it took for Julio's erection to return in force. He slid his books over his embarrassing condition and waited for Miss Lee to stop being naked in the other room.

Miss Lee stepped out into the classroom while attaching a small gold earring. She had traded the black knee length dress for a tight, black dress with the hem running slightly above mid thigh; the top had two large straps that covered her breasts leaving the inner slopes visible; it was a teenaged boy's erotic dream. "Sorry, but I'm going out later, and didn't want to cut into your time, Julio."

"That's quite alright, Miss Lee." It was like finding the hidden door to a Penthouse magazine and walking inside, he thought.

"Put your camera on the tripod and I'll get the lights set up." Julio followed his instructions, but noticed that Miss Lee was having trouble where a light plugged into the floor. She was bent over and Julio could see the bare flesh above the top of her stockings and three inches of the black straps holding the stockings.

She struggled a bit and then got it. Julio was sad when she stood up. Miss Lee worked rapidly. Julio was shocked when she bent over and the top panel of her dress pulled away, and he could see her entire breast. Should I tell her? What if she goes out and gets embarrassed because her boobie is showing? But, I just can't. It would be too embarrassing. So he enjoyed the view as Miss Lee straightened the cord.

"Now, what should we photograph? Ah, here." Miss Lee pulled over a small table and set a pot of artificial flowers on it. "Try that!"

Julio snapped off a few shots and then stopped. "Miss Lee, the pot just doesn't move. One picture will be the same as the next."

Miss Lee sighed, "I guess you're right. I don't have much time, but I guess I could be your model."

"You?" Julio was in shock.

"Sure, I'm about all we have, if that's okay?" Miss Lee smiled at him and moved the table and plant. Setting a bar stool under the lights, she jumped up and sat down on it facing off to his right at an angle.

"Is this okay, Julio?"

"It... it... it's great, Miss Lee." Julio could see the dark top of the stocking, and a thin sliver of bare leg. He snapped the first picture. In the viewfinder he could see the photograph captured her completely. After the strobes flashed, Miss Lee crossed her legs. The garter was now visible and the thin sliver of pink leg grew until it was the primary focus of the image. His eyes were drawn there first like a compass to north.

He took another photograph. Julio was so concentrating on his work that he forgot to hide his erection. Miss Lee's eyes followed it as Julio moved. The next photograph showed Miss Lee's skirt had ridden up an inch and her tongue was licking her lips.

"Get some closer shots, Julio."

He moved his camera just a few feet from Miss Lee.

"Is this good, Miss Lee."

"Julio, come here." As he stood before her, Miss Lee put her hand on his chest and leaned into him. His eyes were glued to her partially exposed tits. "Julio, when we're working in the studio like this you may call me, Arania."

"Arania?" He looked confused.

She giggled, "It's my first name, silly." She kissed him on his cheek so quickly he wasn't sure she had actually done it. She sat back and said, "Shoot some pictures of my upper body now."

He took a photograph, and she would turn a bit to give him a slightly different shot. They developed a rhythm: shoot, move, shoot, move, shoot move.

Julio became aware that as Arania moved she exposed more of her breasts by leaning forward and twisting her body so one of the dress straps slid off to the side.

Julio's camera beeped breaking up their dance. Arania shook her head and her glossy black hair flew out and settled back on her tan shoulders. "Arania, the card's full."

She jumped down from the stool and moved beside him. "Let me see." Her breast, only covered by the thin dress, rubbed his arm. She made him show her every picture; even the one's showing her bare leg and two showing a bare breast. She snickered at those and said, "I trust you'll delete those when we're done. I can't have naughty pictures of me floating around the school, can I?" Her hand settled on his neck.

Julio's voice didn't work and his reply came out in a whisper, "No, Arania, I'll delete them, I promise."

"Julio, you don't have to delete them right away, you can enjoy them for a while. If you know what I mean." Her fingers burned on his neck, and he began to sweat.

"I'm not sure I do, Arania." He was trembling at her touch.

"Oh, Julio, don't play innocent with me. I know you are in need. It's obvious." Her hand stole around to the front of his pants, and she lightly ran a fingernail over his erection.

"Ohhhhh," he gasped. No wet dream was ever this intense.

"Julio, perhaps I could help you."

"Help?" It was a gulp more than a word.

"Yes." Her red fingernails took his zipper and pulled it slowly down.

"Now, you can't tell anyone about this. This is just our secret." She put a finger to her red lips.

"Yes, Miss eh,... Arania. I will never... ever..."

She kissed his cheek as his zipper hit bottom. "I know you won't, honey." Honey! His body shivered, and Arania could see goose bumps on his neck. This boy is just so sweet. I may have to just eat him up.

With a practiced ease, Arania extracted the rigid shaft. "Oh, my, Julio, that's a big one."

"Oh, yeah? Ohhhhhhhh." He groaned as her fingers encircled his cock.

Arania loved virgins. Handling a virgin cock was like touching a diamond-so hard and so rare. "Close your eyes, Julio."

He complied. In his darkness the sensations of her fingers were magnified. Their gentle strokes... suddenly, the end of his cock was enveloped in a moist warmth. He looked down to see the end of his cock in Arania's mouth. This was just too much, and he came. Long jerking spasms that tore through his body, long wet streamers of cum that had no where to go but down his teacher's throat. Arania savored every drop as it slid down. The virgin cum in her mouth ignited a fire in her pussy. Her fingers were under her dress and madly massaging her clit. In seconds, as Julio's flow slowed, Arania's pussy rained her cum on the floor. Her orgasm was extreme and electric. She cleaned her student's cock with her tongue and stood on wobbling legs.

She kissed Julio's lips. "Now, remember, you can't speak of this to anyone." She placed a finger again on his lips.

Julio reflexively crossed himself. "I promise, swear to God."

"Good. Now would you straighten things up and lock up? I need to go."

"Of course, anything."

"Let's meet again, on Tuesday after school. Is that alright?"

"Yes, Arania, I'll be there."

"Good." He scurried to the lights and began turning them off. Arania paused at the door, looked at the boy's tight ass as he leaned over the cables, and licked her lips. She knew she had found her new assistant for the year.

"It sure is a nice day out today," Anson said to Greg as they lay their towels on lounge chairs by Anson's pool.

"Yeah, it's great." Greg was looking forward to some time alone with Anson. Since their breakthrough two days ago they were inseparable, but people were always around.

"There's no one home either. My mom's at a tennis lesson and Maggie's at cheerleader practice."

"That's cool" Greg was horny as he watched Anson drop his swim trunks to the deck and stand at poolside naked.

He shrugged at his friend who quickly dropped his trunks too. The boys looked at each other for a few seconds then moved together. They kissed hotly and embraced crushing their hardening cocks between them. The sensation of cock rubbing cock made the boy's moan through their kiss.

Anson knelt on the hard concrete and sucked Greg's dick deep into his mouth. He loved the taste of his buddy's cock and licked the head while Greg fucked his mouth.

"Suck it, Anson. Make me cum. I've been so horny all day thinking about you." He pumped Anson's mouth and, with the short fuse of their youth, pumped a load into the mouth sucking his prick.

Anson licked his lips. "This is so cool, sucking cock. You've got a great cock, Greg."

Anson stood up and shared the load with Greg. Their tongues savored the man juice flowing between them. After the flavor faded, Anson slapped Greg on the ass. "Kneel down on the lounge chair."

Greg knew what was coming and willing got on his hands and knees. Anson picked up the tube of suntan lotion and squirted a stream of the green liquid on his fingers. He applied the cool oil to Greg's asshole causing his friend to moan. Quickly he slopped a handful of lotion on his prick while watching his friend's ass sway in expectation.

Anson applied his prick to Greg's asshole and pushed inside. Every time was a little easier he noticed as he eased his long prick inside Greg whose cock was starting to harden again.

Anson was thankful for the privacy fence around the pool as he sawed his friend's wood. "Damn, Greg, I love fucking you. You're so fucking tight."

"You feel so good in my ass, Anson. Fuck me... fuck me hard... shot your cum in my ass... oh, yeah, like that... like that."

Anson listened to the hot talk of his lover and soon slammed his cock deep in him and came, pumping his cum deep inside Greg's tight hole.

The boys pulled apart and dove into the pool. They swam and came together, kissing and touching each other. They were dressed and doing their homework up in Anson's room when his mother came home from her tennis lesson. She stopped in to say hello to the boys. She didn't know that all three of them had sperm in their asses.

Allissa walked into the dressing room at the Candy Land as Amanda was putting on her lip gloss. The blonde looked at Allissa with fear and hatred. After Allissa had put a fingernail file to Amanda's neck over a dancing scheduling dispute she intended to avoid the older stripper.

After bringing home more the seven hundred dollars the night before Allissa was in a better mood. Another week and she could get Sean out of jail. She hung up her costumes and walked over to Amanda who studiously ignored her.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Amanda gave her a surprised look. "I was under a lot of stress and I lost it. I hope you can forgive me." She now had Amanda's full attention.

"I think it would be more that fair if we traded off on the opening spot." Amanda's foul mood began to slip away.

"If you think so, that would be fine."

"And to make it up more, let's do a girl/girl double set."

Amanda's mouth went dry. The customers went crazy over two strippers lezzing out on stage. "Yeah, that would be great. I accept your apology."

"Then let me get ready. Do you have a school girl outfit?"

"Yes, but I left it at home."

Allissa pulled out matching outfits, "That's okay, because I brought two." She held up the matching outfits.

Amanda stared at the short plaid skirts and the white blouses, with the knee socks clipped to the hanger. Her imagination grew to surround this idea. "Oh, shit. This is going to be hot."

Allissa sat down next to her and explained how they would do the act.

The buffet was the big interest at the Candy Land when they first opened the doors. The all-you-can-eat buffet was included in the $12 cover charge. The food was good and attracted more attention than the stripper at first.

The line was still long for the prime rib when the stage lights came on. A soft classical violin concerto started playing. The groan from the crowd was quite audible. This was a country western crowd. Vivaldi wasn't on their "Top Ten" list.

The curtain at the back of the stage opened unnoticed by the customers in the buffet line. Amanda walked out wearing the schoolgirl outfit. Her blouse buttoned to the top, her blond hair in pigtails. She had a magazine in her hand and walked to the front of the runway just in front of the pole and sat down Indian style. Her white panties gleamed in the gloom of the club. The customers on the end of the runway got a close up view of her slim legs and cotton panties.

She held the magazine in front of her face. WOMEN WHO LOVE WOMEN. Small pictures of naked women graced the cover. She lowered the magazine to her lap and began to turn the pages. The light violin music laid a foundation for the scene and didn't overwhelm the slow movement of Amanda's arm as she turned the pages. A thick smoldering of curiosity mixed with the cigarette smoke drifting up from ashtrays.

Allissa walked out on the runway. She was dressed identically with her hair in pigtails too. The crowd stirred at this, and men in the buffet line stopped dishing food to watch. Mario glanced up from his paperwork to see the monitor in his office that displayed the stage. What the... ?

Allissa walked up to Amanda and leaned over. In a little girl sing-song voice she said, "What ya lookin' at?"

Amanda without looking up said, "A magazine I found under daddy's bed."

Allissa made an overacted expression of shock and put her hand to her mouth. "What kinda magazine is it?"

"It's a nasty magazine. It's got lots of pictures of naked ladies. There's no boys, though." Amanda turned the pages.

"That's kinda boring isn't it? Who wants to look at naked girls?" Allissa said loudly.

Amanda slipped her hand inside her blouse and rubbed the top of her breast. "It makes me kinda tingly to look at all the naked girls." Mario was scrambling around his office trying to find the remote control for the sound on his monitor. He finally just ran over and turned it up on the unit.

Allissa yanked the magazine from Amanda's hand and hid it behind her back with one hand and shook her index finger at the naughty Amanda. "I'm gonna tell daddy you're looking at his dirty magazines. Mama says we're not supposed to look at them." Mario stood directly in front of the monitor. Oh, shit. What's she up to?

"Give it back." Amanda made a motion to take it back. Allissa shook her head still hiding the magazine behind her.

"No, I'm gonna give it to mama, you're gonna get a big spanking for stealing daddy's dirty books. Daddy will probably spank you himself. We both know how much it hurts when daddy spanks our bare bottoms."

Amanda tried to take it by reaching around, and the women's bodies pressed together as the struggle took place. Their tits pressed tightly together, and their lips were an inch apart.

The two on stage had the attention of the men now. The buffet lined emptied as men scrambled to get the best seat. Amanda backed Allissa against the pole. She reached around both sides and their tits smashed tighter. Amanda grabbed Allissa's hands and pulled hard, binding her to the pole.

"Give it back!"




This went on as they ground together. The pace of their disagreement slowed, and then stopped. They stared at each other not moving for several seconds then Amanda softly kissed Allissa. The soft violin music was forgotten. The quiet hiss of breathing was the only other sound. The steaming buffet food was cold compared to the heat rising from the stage. Allissa broke the kiss, swept her head back and forth over her mouth and then spit on the stage.

"Yuck! You kissed me." She spit again and wiped her hand over her mouth.

Amanda stepped back, released her, and then slapped her face hard. The crack echoed in the silent club. A man near them moaned. Allissa fell to the floor sobbing. A large red spot bloomed on her cheek. Amanda looked at stripper lying on the floor, remembering that Allissa said she had to hit her hard.

Amanda knelt over her and loudly cried, "You little bitch." She spit on Allissa, and moved back to her original spot, sat back down, and resumed flipping through the pages. Silence returned; food sat uneaten; men struggled to restrain their hands from touching erections blooming all through the bar.

Allissa stopped crying, sat up, and whipped her eyes. She sat with her legs spread so her white undies were exposed. The men gasped at the large wet stain on the panties. Amanda knew what caused the audience's reaction. She had poured a glass of water over the front of Allissa's panties before they came out. Allissa crawled over to Amanda, displaying her wet ass for the customers. She silently stopped, Amanda unaware she was behind her. She slithered up against Amanda and rested her tits on her shoulder and looked at the magazine. A dollar bill flew onto the stage and landed near them. Neither reacted to it. Amanda unbuttoned two buttons on her blouse and her hand slipped inside. Allissa softly rubbed her tits into the back of Amanda's head. Another crumpled bill flew on the stage and rolled past them.

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