Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 14

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Jackson bounced between fury and humiliation. Fury at his mother for making him come to school the day after Nelia Ferndez's death; humiliation at his treatment when white students pointed and sniggered, the whispers of "big nigger cock," and "dark meat," and black students high-fiving him for getting some "white pussy." Both sides disgusted him, he had truly cared for Nelia, and to think he was responsible for her death was too much to bear. He decided to not speak to his mother for the rest of his life.

Hannah Lincoln, a sophomore, had always had a distant crush on Jackson. She was a young star on the girl's basketball team, but was attracted to the handsome Jackson for his serious academic achievements. Her close involvement with the Neanderthal male athletes left her with a view that they could barely manage to open their lockers without an assistant coach to read the instruction book to them.

Today she saw him sitting alone, with no advanced math book spread before him, and the saddest expression on his face. He looks like he could use a friend. She wound up her courage and marched over to his table.

In a voice she feared quavered said, "May I sit here?"

He gave her a startled look. She shivered as she knew in a fraction of a second his mind had evaluated her appearance, pulled up any memories of her, which would be few and deeply buried, analyzed why she was standing there, and came to a decision whether to let her sit or send her away.

"Sure, have a seat." He said it so painfully, she thought. She pulled out the chair and couldn't take her eyes off his pain as she sat down. "At least, you're not here to poke fun at me or are you?"

"Why would I do that?" Hannah couldn't believe how depressed he looked. Her attraction to him was founded on his sense of humor and his intellectual integrity; this just wasn't the Jackson she had seen in the past.

"You don't read the papers or watch the news, do you?" His surprise was evident.

"I had a ton of homework last night, and I didn't finish until this morning just before I left for school."

He smiled at her. A smile of such relief, that she forgot about her lunch. "So, you haven't heard." He paused and though about how to proceed. "I don't know where to start. Once the word got out I haven't had to explain it to anyone; they all just know."

"Explain what?"

Jackson leaned down and pulled a newspaper from his backpack. He passed it across to her. If he had tried to tell her the story he would have broken down in tears. Hannah slowly read through the story, punctuated with soft several soft expressions of "oh, God" and a louder "shit."

She turned to the back page and finished the story. "Why are you here today? How can you face all of this?"

"My mother said, that if I have been with women like a man, then I had to face the consequences like a man. That my lack of self-control killed an innocent woman." He lowered his face into his arms.

"Jackson, you got one tough mama." She hoped her mother never forced her to face something like this all alone.

"Yeah," He sat up and put the newspaper back in his backpack. "She is."

"Remember this though, Jackson, you're were you are because of how tough she is. The difference between an Ivy League school and a jail cell can be one tough mother."

He nodded and sighed, "I know. She's always pushed me to do the right thing. I lost sight of what that was because I didn't have the strength to stop Nelia and say what we were doing was wrong."

Hannah reached over and touched his hand. "My parents are the same way-very tough. They came over to America before I was born to escape the repression in Nigeria. We've made a good life here, far more than would have been possible in Africa. They tell me about the torture and death that is a way of life in Nigeria and all over Africa. They make me study hard and constantly remind me that what we have here may not be perfect, but we can find happiness in America. You need to learn what makes you happy, Jackson."

He looked into her dark brown eyes. She was younger than he, but taller, her hair pulled back in a bushy ponytail; she looked like one of the African queens he learned about in history. "I'm glad you sat down. You just stopped today from being the worst day of my life."

Hannah's eyes gleamed with welling moisture. "It's not often that a person can do that. Thank you for saying that." She left her hand on his, and was not surprised when his other hand came to rest on it.

When they cleared their trays they walked in step together off to their next class. Jackson's day didn't get better, but it had stopped getting worse.

Lisa parked her sputtering Geo in the Horner Enterprises parking lot. The first thing I'm going to get is a nice car, maybe even a Lexus. Am I willing to sell Harvey Kapowski down the river? Without a doubt!

Gerald Horner had alerted security to notify him when she entered the main doors to the Administration building. Lisa entered the building with her appearance being recorded on the plant's video monitoring equipment.

She stopped at a desk manned by a uniformed guard. "I'm Lisa Mathews, and I'm here to see Gerald Horner," she announced.

The guard examined her, not in an offensive way, but in a way that probed for unusual bulges. "Do you have an appointment?" She nodded. He picked up a red phone and announced her.

"Ms. Mathews, please go to the elevators and take one to the fourth floor. You will be met."

She thanked the guard and when the doors opened on the fourth floor another uniformed guard met her. The pleasant looking blonde guard clipped a visitor's tag on her blouse and indicated she should turn to the right and follow her.

They went down a hallway with closed office doors. Lisa noticed that each door had a lock like a hotel room door, the type requiring a plastic key card. I thought they made exercise equipment. It looks like an awful lot of security for making tread mills.

The guard led her through a door using a key card hanging from her neck. An older woman sat behind an expensive oak desk working on a computer.

"Mrs. Holiday. This is Lisa Mathews. She has an appointment with Mr. Horner, I'll leave her with you." Connie rose smiling and took the guard's arm as she escorted her out of the office.

"How is that sister of yours? Has she had her baby, yet?"

The guard laughed, "No, she's over due and it's killing her. She desperately wants to have it."

"Well, Janie, the first is always the most exciting. You never know what to expect. When are you going to be expecting?"

"Connie, I just got married, give me a chance."

Connie giggled and whispered loudly, "Well don't you wear him out, honey. He's a real cutie."

"Oh, Connie, the things you say." Janie was still laughing as the door closed behind her.

Connie smile's evaporated like a drop of water on a Mississippi summer sidewalk. "Mr. Horner will see you right away. He is interested in your proposal. May I see your bag please?"

"My purse?"

"Yes, it will stay out here while we meet." Lisa reluctantly handed her purse over; Connie stowed it in a desk drawer.

"Now, Ms. Mathews, would you please step in here." Connie held the door open to a private bathroom.


"Ms. Mathews, I need to check you for listening devices."

"You think I'm wired?"

"It's a possibility; Mr. Horner has some rather aggressive competitors who would use any advantage to ruin his reputation or to cause him legal difficulties. Surely this should not be lost on you?"

"I suppose not." She entered the bathroom and Connie followed.

"What should..." Lisa started.

A cold-voiced Connie spat out "Strip!"


"Yes, I'm going to check you for wires."

"This is ridiculous." Lisa was stunned at her treatment.

"Ms. Mathews, if you walk out of here without being checked for listening devices you will be escorted to your car and sent on your way. If you want to talk to Mr. Horner than I would suggest you strip and lay all your clothes on the counter. You are here to trade a client's civil rights for a job here. It's your choice."

Lisa stared at the forbidding woman. She began to unbutton her K-Mart Jaclyn Smith white blouse. She stared at Connie as she pulled the blouse off and laid it on the counter. She reached behind her back and her white bra followed the blouse. Her hands unzipped her skirt and lowered it. She felt Connie's eyes softening and admiring her body now clad in panty hose and a white thong. Lisa stepped out of her high heels and pushed her panty hose down her legs. She laid them on top of her clothes and with a frank stare in eyes pushed her panties to the floor. If the old broad is going to fuck with me, I'm going to pull her chain too. Lisa turned her back to Connie and bent over to pick up her panties. She dropped them on top of her clothes.

She pirouetted and said, "Look, Connie, no microphones." Her breasts swayed with the motion. She looked at Connie as she licked her lips, "Well..."

She excited Connie; she knew that. She's teasing me; trying to prove she's stronger than I. We'll see. Connie walked over to the counter and slowly searched her clothes leaving Lisa standing naked watching the woman touch her clothes.

"Lisa, you are a very pretty woman." Connie glanced back at her and slithered her glance down the nude woman's body. Lisa wasn't a stranger to the lust-laden glance of women. She had on many occasions slept with women.

She stepped up close to Connie and replied, "You are quite attractive yourself." She left her bare breast slide along Connie's arm. Connie didn't react to the contact.

"Lisa, everything looks fine here. I'm sorry I had to do this to you, but Mr. Horner trusts me with protecting his interests." Her hand moved around Lisa's waist. "I don't have to do this often. It's a good thing too, because being required to strip search pretty women causes me much distress."

"Distress?" Lisa's moved her arm around Connie's waist too. "I would hope seeing me naked wouldn't cause much distress." The women moved together.

"Not so much distress, Lisa, but excitement." Connie was waiving the bait and reeling Lisa in.

"Excitement? You find me exciting?" Lisa was teasing her.

In his office Gerald Horner flipped on his television and punched channel 675 into his remote. The image of his secretary and a nude woman appeared on the screen. Their arms were around each other's waists and he heard Connie say, "Yes, I do. Mr. Horner doesn't know it, but I am a lesbian."

Horner roared as he watched the seduction. He pulled up a program on his computer and began digitizing the live video feed from his secretary's bathroom.

Lisa was surprised. "You are?"

Connie pulled her close and Lisa felt her nipples pressing into Connie's silk blouse. "I am. I love women, and you are a very attractive one." Her hand slipped down to Lisa's ass.

Lisa was panting at the close contact. Connie moved her head close to Lisa's and kissed her on the cheek. Lisa tightened her hands, "Lisa, am I too old for you? Do you find me unattractive?"

The young woman looked deeply in her eyes, "No, I don't think you're too old. You seem just right to me." Lisa moved her head to bring her lips to Connie's. She kissed the older woman. I think if I can please her, my way to Gerald Horner will be easy. She is delicious for a woman her age. She's getting me wet.

Connie and Lisa kissed deeply. Gerald Horner pulled his cock out of his pants and began to stroke it lightly. The two women kissed and their hands began to explore. Connie had easier access to Lisa's nude body and took advantage to fondle her breasts and to run her fingers through the young lawyer's pussy hair.

Lisa pulled on buttons and pulled down zippers. Connie's clothes quickly piled on top of Lisa's to make a fragrant jumble of clothing on the counter. Lisa said, "You're beautiful." Lisa fondled Connie's full breasts. I hope my tits look half this good at this age.

"They used to ride a lot higher," Connie giggled. Lisa laughed and leaned down to suck one of the fat nipples. "To much milk sucked by too many babies."

"They're delicious, Connie. Let's sit down on the couch." The two women sat and began to kiss again. "Connie, what about Mr. Horner? Won't he wonder where I am? I was supposed to have a noon appointment."

"Before you see him I have to check you out." She slipped her hand to Lisa's pussy and rubbed her lips as the lawyer spread her legs for their access. "He will expect me to make a thorough examination of you." Her fingers slipped inside the lawyer's wet pussy and slowly finger fucked Lisa who slumped down on the couch and spread her legs further. "Do you like this?"

Lisa nodded and moaned. Connie pulled her fingers out and licked them. "Very tasty, Lisa. May I?" She licked her lips.

"Oh, God, yes, Connie. Lick me."

Gerald loved to watch Connie's talented tongue lick a new conquest. Connie could tear a pussy apart with her active tongue. He lengthened stroke on his long dick as he watched Connie's tongue invade the spread pussy before her.

Lisa lay still for a moment, and then her hips rode up and down in time with Connie's tongue. Her fingers pressed into Connie's hair and groaned. "Damn, honey, you're fucking incredible... lick it... fuck yes, harder... suck it harder."

Gerald had to slow down. The hot scene before him was bringing him close. He had other plans for his load than blowing it over a fifteen hundred dollar suit.

Connie pressed a finger inside Lisa and the young woman arched her back and loudly moaned her pleasure. Horner's secretary brought her along rapidly. Lisa had never had a woman lift her to such heights before. She came while holding Connie's head firmly into her pussy. Rolling back and forth on the couch she pumped her fluids into Connie's mouth. Sucking them up while working her clit with her tongue she took the young woman to places she had only dreamed about.

As Lisa lay panting on the couch, Connie rested her chin on her pubic area. "I think that I'm going to like having you around here."

Lisa sighed, "That was fantastic. Can I return the favor?"

"Maybe later, I wouldn't want Mr. Horner finding you here like this." She gave Lisa's pussy a quick kiss. "I think we should get dressed." She helped Lisa to her feet and began putting on her clothes. "You are a sweetie." She pulled Lisa to her for a quick, but very French, kiss. "Maybe later."

Connie quickly dressed and walked to the door of the bathroom. Lisa asked, "Aren't you going to put your panties back on?"

She laughed, "No, I'm way too wet right now. I'll come back in a few minutes and put them on. Now you get yourself back together, and I'll see if Mr. Horner is ready to see you."

Connie walked out and left Lisa dressing. She entered Horner's office and locked the door. She gathered up her skirt and lay down over the top of his desk. Horner was standing by the desk when she entered without pants or briefs, his long cock hard and ready.

He stepped up behind her and pushed his cock into the hot cunt he had fucked so many times. "Connie, you are a wonder. Is there any woman you can't talk out of her pants?"

She laughed and moaned as the long cock penetrated her. She didn't need Lisa to reciprocate when she knew she would have Gerald Horner's ten inches, readied by the view of her going down on Lisa.

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