Small World - Cover

Small World

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Jan is proof positive that large pleasures can come in small packages.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Enema   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Jan spent a sleepless night, tossing, turning and often crying, trying to convince herself she had made the right decision, yet painfully aware of what she was giving up. She had never missed anyone as much as she missed being in the arms of Michael and Sheila. As the first rays of the morning sun poured through the window, she rose lifelessly, bathed and made ready to greet her husband who should be arriving within the hour.

A last look out the window at the house next door and Jan attempted to cast off her melancholia by tidying up the front room a final time. She wore the floral print dress that Tim liked so well and wore the perfume that was his favorite. As she saw the car pull up in the driveway, her heart was both aching with loss and fluttering with the anticipation of starting their relationship anew. As the front door opened she flew into Tim's arms her own arms around his neck, her kiss passionate. Oddly, he simply stood still, his arms still holding the suitcase and briefcase, his lips unresponsive. It was unlike Tim to stay angry, but obviously something was amiss. For a fleeting moment she wondered if he, somehow, knew of her indiscretions with the Tompkins.

"Tim, I'm so sorry. I don't want us to ever fight again. You' were right. I acted badly. I..."

"No, Jan, it's not you, it's me."


"I just can't lie to you anymore."

"Tim, what are you talking about?"

He set the suitcase and briefcase down and led her to a chair while he remained standing.

"Jan, I don't know how to say this without hurting you... I want a divorce."

Her mouth dropped open.

"What??? Tim, I realize I made you angry the other night at the restaurant but..."

"It has nothing to do with the restaurant. Jan, I... I've been seeing someone."

"You've what?"

"I've been seeing someone for about a year and a half. I've hated myself for not telling you, for stealing around behind your back."

Jan was absolutely speechless as Tim continued.

" We met at a computer convention. She was just out of college and beginning as a computer analyst for a firm on the coast. We had dinner with some friends that night and I went back to her room. One thing led to another and..."

Jan's voice was still full of shock as she asked, "Is she... ?"

"A diminutive? Yes."

"And you... you love her?"

"Yes, we started by calling each other. Then, if you'll remember, about a year ago, I began making a lot of out of town trips."

"You said they were business."

"I know and I hate myself for lying to you. Glenda and I have been together at least a couple of dozen times."

"But why tell me now?"

"Because she and I want to be married. Jan, you're a wonderful woman. I haven't wanted to hurt you... I don't like hurting you now, but this is something I just couldn't help. Glenda and I have so much in common, our work interests, our tastes, our values. You and I seemed to have gone in opposite directions."

"Then why did you make such a fuss about the restaurant?"

"I guess, subconsciously, I was searching for a reason, an excuse to see her. Somehow it made it easier if I felt anger toward you."

"And you've been with her the last three days?"

There was an embarrassed, guilty pause.

"... Yes. There was no conference. I did go to St. Louis, but... it was to see Glenda."

"I... never dreamed."

"I know this a real shock and I don't blame you for hating me."

"I don't hate you Tim. I've always wanted you to be happy. If this is what you truly want... are you absolutely sure?"

"I'm sorry Jan, but, yes, it is."

There was an empty pause when neither knew what to say.

"I'll make sure the settlement is fair. I'll be willing to give you much more than half..."

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