The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Over the next few weeks Marcy, Kirk and Coleen settled into their arrangement. Tuesdays and Fridays were reserved for Coleen"s and Kirk's trysts. At Coleen's suggestion, Marcy had joined them for a threesome, but both the young housewife and her husband felt uncomfortable and so Kirk and Coleen then continued to see each other alone. It was decided that on Tuesdays, Coleen would come to the young couple's house, after leaving Jamal and driving a block or two away, parking the car, then walking back from the opposite end of the block, to prevent her husband from suspecting anything. Fridays were reserved for motels and hotels, the couple always being careful to avoid anyone they knew.

Marcy had once tried staying in the house, downstairs, while Coleen and Kirk occupied the bedroom upstairs, but later she told Kirk she found herself straining to listen for sounds of passion and Kirk shared that, he too, felt constrained knowing Marcy was downstairs, so each Tuesday evening, Marcy would go shopping or to a movie, arriving home late, giving Coleen and Kirk ample time for their lovemaking.

Oddly, although there were moments of insecurity and perhaps a jealous pang or two, Marcy had to admit that she had never seen Kirk happier, and too, their own lovemaking was improving with Kirk now sometimes reaching orgasm, despite her own orgasmic deluges.

It was on a Friday evening several weeks later that Marcy was busying herself with some housework, Kirk having left earlier to join Coleen at a motel across town. She had picked up some outdated magazines to be laid aside for recycling when she turned and was brought up short by the figure standing only a few feet away.

She gasped, frightened, then flustered, trying to maintain her composure.

"Jamal... I... didn't hear you knock."

The voice was rough, uncultured, powerful, the face containing a slight leer.

"That's because I didn't."

"Well... you know you and Coleen are always welcome, it's just that..."

"Just that you wasn't expecting me?"

"Well... yes."

"You wasn't expecting me because you thought I was sittin' home twiddlin' my thumbs while your husband was out fuckin' my wife."

"What????" she cried, trying to act shocked.

"Oh come on now, don't give me any of that innocent crap. You think I don't know what's been goin' on? You think I don't know that your husband's been fucking Coleen for several weeks now?"

"I... I... don't know what you mean. Surely you're mistak..."

"Cut the crap Marcy. I been followin' Coleen for weeks now. I got suspicious one night and followed her in my pickup truck. Imagine my surprise when she only drove about a block or two away, parked the car, then walked back here. I saw you leave when she got here, just like you do every Tuesday night when she comes to fuck your husband. What's the matter, won't they let you watch?"

"Jamal... I..."

"And I know about Fridays when they find a motel where you husband can stick his dick in my wife for hours at a time!"

"Jamal, I can explain. Coleen is helping Kirk..."

"Oh she's helping him all right. Helping him to get his White rocks off in her Black pussy!"

"Jamal, it isn't like that."

"Oh, then just what is it like?" he sneered.

"He... that is we... I mean..." Marcy stammered, trying to find the words, knowing none would be sufficient.

"So," continued Jamal, walking a few steps closer, "I figure that since your husband is screwing my wife, I'd just return the favor."

Marcy's mouth dropped open.

"You... you can't mean that," she cried.

"Think not?" he asked, moving toward her, cutting her off when she tried to move away.

"Jamal, I think you'd better leave."

"Not til I get some White pussy."

"No, absolutely not!"

"Don't you say no to me!" he exclaimed, drawing back his powerful hand.

Marcy cringed, instantly afraid.

"Besides," he continued, you owe it to me."

"Owe it to you?" she asked incredulously.

"Sure. If your husband gets to fuck my wife, then I get to fuck you."

"Jamal, surely you don't believe..."

"And there's something else," he sneered. "I've told Coleen she could fuck any Black man she wanted, but if she ever fucked a Whitey, I'd kill her and the White mother fucker too. Damned few juries will convict a husband who finds his wife fuckin' another man in a motel room. Right now you're the only thing that's keeping me from drivin' over there and blowin' both of 'em away."

"Jamal... you wouldn't!"

"Think not? They're in the Warm Springs Motel, room 217. Would you care to bet that they're not fuckin' each other's brains out right this minute?"

He withdrew a 45 automatic from his hip pocket.

"Say no one more time and I tie you up, go blow both their brains out and then come back and fuck you anyway."

He smiled as he saw the fear of a trapped animal in her eyes.

"So what's it gonna be, bitch? Fuck me or be responsible for both of 'em gettin' killed and get fucked anyway?"

Marcy's mind worked at a feverish pace, trying to think of something she could say or do, yet she knew she was trapped, that there was no way out.

"... What do you want?" she asked, her voice weak, defeated.

"Oh, you know what I want, so you can just get your White ass in the bedroom," he smiled, pointing upstairs.

"Jamal... please don't..."

"NOW!' he shouted.

Marcy almost jumped at the power in his voice. Slowly she turned and walked to the stairs, began the climb to the second floor.

As she entered the bedroom, she turned to try a final time, to implore him to desist from this madness, but she saw him survey the room.

This where they been doin' it? This the bed where your husband been fuckin' Coleen?"

She knew now there would be no reasoning with him, no way to reach him, to convince him to stop his almost demented revenge.

"... yes..." she answered, her voice now small and barely audible.

"Then get your ass naked!" he commanded.

Marcy started to make a last plea, but the look in his eyes told her he was in no mood to listen. Slowly she began undressing. She slipped from her shoes, then reached to unbutton the soft cotton blouse she wore. As she shed the blouse, she saw the disapproving look in his eyes as he noted the small size of the bra she wore and the fact that she didn't even fill it completely. Next came the jeans, leaving her in only bra and panties.

She looked to him, pleading in her eyes, but his eyes were like steel, uncaring, focused on only one thing.

She unsnapped the frilly bra, held it in front of her for a moment before letting it fall to the floor.

"I can see why your husband wants Coleen instead of you. I hope you got more of a pussy than you do a set of tits."

Her eyes dropped in shame and anguish.

"Now the panties," he commanded, "get 'em off!"

Hesitantly, she hooked her thumbs in the small thong and slid it off. She always wore her sexiest underthings on Tuesdays and Fridays because Kirk would often want her after an encounter with Coleen and she wanted to arouse him even more by dressing provocatively.

"Get on the bed and spread 'em," Jamal growled.

She closed her eyes as she lay back, letting her legs fall open, her recently shaved nest exposed to the brute who stood leering.

"You ever been fucked by a Black man before?" he asked as he slowly undressed, his eyes running up and down her nude body making her feel even more helpless and vulnerable.

She nodded her head negatively wondering if she should tell him that Kirk was the only man to whom she had ever made love.

As he lowered his shorts, Marcy gasped to see the appendage, now completely rigid and throbbing which sprung from his briefs. Longer by at least four inches, it was the girth of Jamal's manhood, almost twice as big around as Kirk's, which astounded the young housewife.

"My God," she breathed.

He crawled on the bed and straddled her chest, his monstrous rod slapping her across the lips.

"Suck it bitch!" he ordered.

Marcy forced her mouth open as wide as possible and, even then, had difficulty getting it into her mouth. She had performed oral sex on Kirk on several occasions and so her tongue went to work immediately as she began sucking and licking the massive weapon to even larger dimensions.

Jamal knew deep throating him was impossible, but he still enjoyed ramming it to the back of her mouth and shutting off her air until the helpless woman was ready to faint from lack of air, then pulling it back into her mouth and grabbing her ears, pulling her head in a forward and backward motion to give him the same type of satisfaction as thrusting in and out of a vagina.

Finally, he grunted loudly and she felt him tense.

"Here it comes, cunt... swallow it!"

Marcy choked twice trying to swallow fast enough to keep up with the massive flow of semen which seemed to erupt from him in a never ending river.

He sneered at her as he had her suck him to another erection.

"You gonna enjoy this bitch, 'cause I know you ain't never had one like this before!"

When he laid the head of his weapon against her labial lips, Marcy became aware, to her chagrin, that she was wet.

"Please, Jamal..." she whined, begging as he pushed only enough to let the head spread and penetrate her engorged vaginal lips.

But he was only playing with her. He began rubbing the massive head over her clit sending bolts of searing pleasure thorough her body which, despite Marcy's best efforts, began to betray her.

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