The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Marcy had certainly been right about the reception her idea would get from Kirk. He, at first, was appalled at such a plan, but over several days she kept reminding him how much she loved him, how much she wanted to see him satisfied. He, of course, insisted he was satisfied, but she knew better and told him so. Without mentioning anyone specifically, she described the requirements she thought necessary and by assuring him that the woman would provide physical satisfaction only a couple of times a week, she and Kirk sharing each others bodies the rest of the time, and that there would be no jealousy on her part, only a loving satisfaction that Kirk was getting what he wanted, no needed, courtesy of his wife, she gradually was able to get Kirk to accept the possibility that such an idea could actually be made to work.

"But, who would we get? I mean, I just can't walk up to strange women and ask if they want to go to bed with me two or three times a week."

"Suppose you let me find someone? "

"How are you going to find someone?"

"Let me worry about that. You can try it and if you don't like her, I'll find you someone else."

He shook his head.

"I don't know, Marcy, this just sounds too crazy."

"Please, Kirk. I want you satisfied. Don't you realize how much this means to me? If I can be sure you're satisfied without having to sneak around or leave me altogether, I'll be as happy as you."

"... Well... if you really think this will work..."

"It will work, Kirk. We'll make it work. You'll get the satisfaction you need and I get to keep my husband."

"Marcy, I've told you, I'd never leave..."

"OK, so maybe it's just my insecurities, but how many families have been broken up because of sexual problems?"

Worn down by her arguments and admittedly intrigued by her plan, Kirk finally shook his head in resignation and smiled.

"If you're sure this is what you want."

"It is."

"OK then... uh... when... ?

"Let me find someone. I promise you'll like her."

"Sounds like you already have someone in mind."

"Maybe I do," she smiled, "maybe I do."

The next day, Marcy called Coleen and they laid plans.

On Kirk's birthday, Marcy met him after work and they spent a very enjoyable two hours at small and intimate restaurant which they both had wanted to visit for some time. During the delicious dinner, Marcy gave him his card and the identification bracelet on which she had had their names engraved, his on the outside, hers on the inside.

"It's wonderful honey," he said, smiling and putting it on, "Now I can keep you close to me all the time."

He reached over and kissed her tenderly.

"It's been a wonderful birthday. Thank you Honey."

"Oh, your birthday's not over yet. Just wait til we get home," she smiled coyly.

He returned her smile, conjuring mental images of Marcy in one of her flimsy and revealing negligees. Since they had married, Marcy had worked hard to make herself more attractive to him. She had joined a fitness club and worked out religiously each day. She had also been taking over the counter hormones to increase her bust line. The result was a well conditioned body, her legs now muscled and more shapely than before. Her waist remained unusually small, but the increases where she wanted them most -- her breasts and hips -- had been, disappointingly, very modest. She had suggested breast and hip implants, but the cost aside, Kirk had insisted he wanted her just as she was.

"So, something new?" he asked, images of a sexy new negligee flashing through his mind.

"Definitely!" she smiled.

The small compact pulled into the driveway.

"Hey, you left the lights on again," he smiled, chiding her just a bit.

"How careless of me." she replied, as they got out of the car and walked to the front door.

Kirk started to put the key in the lock, but noticed the door was unlocked.

"Hmmmmmm forgot to lock up too. I hope we still have a TV and some furniture left."

"Oh you'll find plenty to entertain you, I'm sure," she giggled as he opened the door.

"I'm looking forward to..." he started, choking off in mid sentence as his eyes fell upon the sight which met him.

Standing in the middle of the front hall was Coleen, smiling, clad only in a bright blue sash which read "Happy Birthday", her full breasts and dense pubic bush in full display. Kirk's mouth dropped open in momentary astonishment, his eyes flitting back to Marcy who smiled hopefully at him, then back to the ebony goddess who stood before him.

"Happy Birthday, handsome," grinned Coleen.

Again he looked to his smiling wife.

"You... you... mean... Coleen?"

"Happy birthday, darling. She's my gift to you. I hope you enjoy her."

Kirk stood speechless, not even aware of the bulge already in his pants.

"Oh he already likes what he sees," Coleen said, indicating his erection, "but, Sugar, before the night's over, you're gonna get to do a lot more than just look."

He looked a final time to Marcy.

"I... I don't know what to say. Are you sure?"

He was embarrassed as his young wife reached down and felt the throbbing beneath his pants.

"It's OK Kirk, it's what I want..." and she smiled again, "... and it's obviously what you want too."

"I... I..."

"Happy Birthday. See you tomorrow," she said, reaching up and kissing him on the cheek, then walking out the front door, closing it behind her and driving to her mother's where she had arranged to spend the night.

"God, Coleen I've never felt anything like that before!"

The two lay in bed naked, catching their breath, Kirk having orgasmed for the fifth time in a little over an hour and a half.

"There's more where that came from. Any time you want it."

"I... I... had plenty of girls in high school but..."

"That's just the point, Lover, you had girls. A woman is something else altogether."

"Oh man, I'll say," he replied kissing one of her huge mammaries as he fondled the other.

"Like 'em do you?" smiled Coleen.

"They're beautiful Coleen, so soft and warm and..."

"... Big?" she completed it for him.

"Yeah, Marcy's are... nice... but..."

"Small. Yeah, she's really tried hard to work on that, but some women just don't come fully equipped."

"And you're so much tighter than she is."

"Well, maybe it just seems that way because she..."

"Squirts." he said.

"You know, a lot of men find that a real turn on."

"I know, but once she comes, it's like the dam has already burst and I just can't seem to maintain any intensity."

"You seemed pretty intense a few minutes ago when you were humping me like it was going out of style."

He blushed.

"Yeah, but you didn't give my tool a shower just as I was ready to cum."

"You liked it then?"

"Oh Jeeze, Coleen... I loved it."

"So did I. You've got a great tool there Kirk and you know how to use it."

She turned to look him in the eye.

"Ever had a Black woman before?"

"No, but I did it with a Chicano cheerleader once.

"Well, once you get over the fascination with my color..."

"You're a beautiful woman Coleen, regardless of the color of your skin. I've thought so since the day we met."

"Once you get over my brown skin," she repeated, "you'll find I'm like any other woman."

"Oh no, you'll never convince me you're like any other woman. You're a hell of a lot more woman than anyone I've ever known."

"Maybe you shouldn't say that," she replied.

"No, I didn't mean any disrespect to Marcy. She's a wonderful person and a great wife. It's just that you're so much better..."

He hesitated, searching for the right words.

"... in bed?"

He blushed again.

"Yeah. In a lot of ways you make her seem like a little girl."

"How do you mean?"

"I don't just mean your lovemaking. She tries really hard to please me, but tonight, when we came in the door, you stood there without any clothes on and you knew you could make me want you. You were brimming over with self confidence. Marcy has always been so insecure."

"What do you expect? The wallflower of Ratcliff High married to the star quarterback and the apple of every girl's eye."

"I just wish she would quit worrying about me being attracted to other women..."

"Hey!" she playfully interrupted.

"Present company excluded, of course," he replied, smiling. "She just has this notion that at any minute, another woman is going to come along and take me away from her. I told her three years ago that I was going to make a life for us, but she just doesn't ever seem convinced, no matter what I do or say."

"And what about me Kirk? You just told me I'm better in bed than she is, that I have confidence in myself where she has none..."

"I wasn't lying Coleen. In so many ways you are more of a woman than she is. But, she's my wife, the woman I've decided to spend my life with. As wonderful as this is, being here with you, making love to you, this was her idea."

"Is she going to be enough for you now?"

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