The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 21

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

The two women debated whether to bring rape charges against Jamal and Kamon, but decided against it. After all, both had had sex willingly with the men on numerous other occasions, making it hard to convince a jury that this time it had been non consentual. They also had no witnesses as the two teens did not enter until after Jamal and Kamon had abused them and it would be highly doubtful the two girls could have been persuaded to testify anyway. So, both women called in to the set, claiming food poisoning and got a two day reprieve.

But back they went to work on Wednesday finishing Marcy's current picture in which she played a spy for the CIA who has to bed down several enemy agents in order to get the information desired. She is caught and abused by the enemy agents until rescued by Nikki and other federal agents. Nikki had been given a few lines and had done well, her acting lessons obviously beginning to pay off.

Five pictures later, Marcy was named outstanding Adult Actress and to celebrate, she and Nikki, once again went apartment hunting, this time the apartment was spacious and expensive. It was at this time that Davies suggested a tour of adult nightclubs, radio and TV interviews and more spreads for adult magazines. Marcy was whisked from one engagement to another which, along with her busy film schedule began to take its toll.

"God, Marcy you don't look so good," commented Nikki.

Marcy looked in the mirror at the dark circles under her eyes.

"Another party last night and five more guys Davies wanted me to entertain. I didn't get in until four-thirty. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm not half as busy as you, but I'm still having trouble getting enough rest, what with all the parties and such."

"There's another party tomorrow night. I'm going to talk with Sean about it, see if I can get him to cut back on the schedule a bit."

"Good idea," replied Nikki.

The following evening, Marcy and Sean retired to his study, when she asked to talk with him alone.

"You just need something to help you get through," he said reaching into his desk and withdrawing the paper, straw and razor blade.

"No, I don't do drugs!" insisted Marcy.

"No ones talking about doing drugs. This is just a little something to help take the edge off."

"But that's..."

"Look, you're very busy right now, I realize that. I know that your schedule can be demanding and tiring. All I'm saying is that when things get really hectic and you need a boost, you can get a little help, just until things get back to normal."

"I... don't know. I've heard..."

"What you've heard about are people who use it too much or too often. Look, you're my major star. Would I want you to try anything that might hurt you?"

"Well..." mused Marcy, unsure.

"Look, just try it this once. If you don't like it, quit. If you do like it, use some common sense and it can help you get through a lot of situations that could otherwise seem impossible."

"I can just try it... once?"

"Of course. Once isn't going to hurt you... now is it?" he smiled, opening the paper, pouring the white powder, cutting it into four lines with the blade and sniffing two of the lines himself.

"See," he said, handing her the straw, "nothing to it."

Five minutes later, Marcy walked out of his study, feeling refreshed and ecstatic. She immediately took three of Sean's business associates upstairs and gave them the ride of their lives. As they returned to the events downstairs, Marcy, still feeling the Cocaine high, found two other partners to entertain, and with her renewed sense of energy had most of her clothes off by the time they reached the bedroom door. Next came a woman, then two more men, a man and his girlfriend, two women and four more men all within the space of ninety minutes.

As the last man zipped his pants, Marcy was not yet ready to call it a night and so went looking for the host. After a few knowing smiles, Sean escorted her upstairs and partook of Marcy Deveraux in all three of her bodily orifices.

When the party finally ended, Marcy was still feeling an unbounded energy as she made her way home, but as the drug began to wear off, Marcy dropped into bed and slept through her alarm the next morning.

"Marcy, they're calling from the set. You were due to start shooting an hour ago."

"Oh my God, Nikki, tell them I'll be right in."

Marcy wondered how she would ever make it through the day. All the euphoria and energy she had felt last night was gone and in its place a heavy fatigue that even coffee did not do much to alleviate.

"Sorry, I'm late," she said as she hurried onto the set and changed into her outfit.

"Are you all right?" asked Davies.

"Uh, yeah, I just overslept. It won't happen again."

The day seemed to last forever, Marcy flubbing some lines badly and even Davies commenting that her sex scenes did not have her usual freshness and energy.

"Want a little something to help?" he asked during a break.

"No, the stuff made me feel great last night, but this morning I feel like I've got an anchor around my neck."

"You just need a little more to get you through the day. Here," he said slipping the paper into her hand.

"No, I..."

But knowing she had three more sex scenes to do before the day's shoot was over, Marcy clutched the paper tightly.

"I'll be right back," she replied, slipping into the bathroom, reemerging a couple of minutes later.

"Now that's the Marcy I know," smiled Davies as he watched her take on three men, one in each orifice and ride them with her usual zest and zeal as the cameras rolled.

That night Marcy was scheduled for a public appearance at a popular Hollywood strip club. Somehow she felt differently when she took off her clothes for a live audience and Davies almost always had a few clients or friends who wanted a little special entertainment after the show, so for the second time that day, Marcy willingly accepted the gift of chemical euphoria before going on stage.

As the weeks and months wore on, Marcy knew she was growing more heavily dependent upon the white powder and tried to stop or at least cut down, but it seemed harder and harder to get through a day's shoot or an evening of hostessing without it.

Even Davies was beginning to get concerned when Marcy began showing up late for filming and more than once she simply had not shown up at all, later apologetic, but she was beginning to experience mood swings, extremes in her ups and downs that were beginning to make everyone, including Davies wonder exactly which Marcy was going to show up on a given day. Once affable and easy going, Marcy could, at times, become demanding, almost diva-like, impatient with the other actors or the lighting people, walking off the set, telling everyone she would not return until the "idiots" got it right.

Nikki had noticed the mood swings as well and had tried talking with her friend/lover. Marcy had assured her that her 'habit" was under control and that she was using only once in a while, but Nikki, as well as everyone else knew Marcy had developed an eight hundred dollar a day habit and was beginning to use even more heavily since her body was building an immunity and it now took heavier does to get the desired effects.

Marcy was now missing casting calls on a regular basis and her acting was erratic, at times the same old Marcy, and, at others, she seemed a zombie, spaced out and just plodding through her lines and her sex scenes.

Nikki's own career, in the meantime, was beginning to take off. She had progressed wonderfully in her acting lessons, dropping a lot of her inhibitions before the camera and delivering lines naturally and convincingly. She had been cast in a main supporting role in another of Davies films and, at last, was offered the lead in a film which Davies had originally earmarked for Marcy but, with the problems she was having, he decided to take a chance with Nikki.

Davies and Nikki both talked again with Marcy, trying to get her to bring herself and her Cocaine habit under control. As usual, she denied there was a problem and when she heard that Nikki had been given the lead in a picture for which she was originally scheduled, Marcy hit the roof.

"So, plotting behind my back. What's the matter Sean, I'm not tight enough for you anymore? Is Nikki here giving it to you and your friends now?"

"Marcy, you don't know what you're say..."

"Oh, I've seen it coming! Acting lessons, huh? Don't you mean you've been fucking him every chance you got, screwing yourself into better parts and now, when my back is turned..."

"Marcy, you know I wouldn't..." began Nikki.

"Wouldn't what, move in the first chance you got? We'll you can just move out as well."

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