The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

It had now been a week and a half since Marcy and Kirk had made love. Until recently never more than a day or two had elapsed between their love making sessions, so Marcy was now more anxious than ever. She began to question whether Kirk would remain with her if she could no longer bring him physical pleasure. She realized she had no real reason to question his faithfulness since he had never been anything but a model husband and had reassured her on countless occasions that he would never leave her, yet, despite his remonstrations, Marcy knew he had to feel disappointment and dissatisfaction. She was so in love with Kirk that she realized she would do anything to keep him... anything.

While doing housework that afternoon, Marcy watched a favorite soap opera in which a couple who wanted children but could not have any because of the wife's infertility, found a young woman who agreed to go to bed with the husband, then bear his child and give the baby to the couple.

As Marcy watched, an idea flitted across her mind. What if she could find a woman who could satisfy Kirk in bed, someone who could take care of his sexual needs, not totally, but often enough so that she and the other woman together could keep Kirk's needs fulfilled? She shook her head as if to expel the outrageous idea, yet as she tried to busy herself with laundry, the idea kept reappearing, nagging at her, clawing its way back into her conscious mind.

A prostitute? No, Kirk would never stand for it and besides there was the danger of disease. A young coed from the community college nearby? Definitely not. A single woman just might want to take him away from her. After all, Kirk, at twenty-one was still handsome and debonair and turned women's heads all over town. It was not unreasonable to expect a pretty coed to fall head over heels for him and want him for her own. No, Marcy reasoned, the woman should be married, certainly experienced so she could please Kirk in bed, but not a threat to their marriage and someone she could trust... Marcy smiled. Once she had identified the criteria, she realized, she did not have far to look.

Coleen Williams stood drying herself after a quick dip in the pool. The Black, thirty-seven year old unsnapped the bra of her bikini and dropped it to the floor. She looked into the full length mirror on her bedroom door and smiled, admiring her still lovely face, as she drew a deep breath and watched her still firm, already ample, breasts swell to their maximum, the nipples large and suddenly erect as the cool air conditioned breeze swept over them. She wiggled out of the thong and turned to admire her curvaceous legs and thighs, but it was her rear she thought which was her best feature. Round and plump, it filled out her dresses and tight skirts sensuously, sharing the admiring glances of onlookers with her impressive breasts. She smiled again recognizing with all due modesty that with her face and body, she might easily be taken for a twenty-five year old. Not bad, she thought, for a woman old enough to have a son entering college this Fall.

The phone twittered. The beautiful Black waited, as she always did for the answering machine. After its brief message, her friend Marcy's voice came on the line.

"Coleen, if you're there please pick up. I have something important I want to talk over with you."

The older woman picked up the small portable receiver.

"Marcy, I'm here. What's so important?"

"Could I come over?"

"Sure, honey. Give me ten minutes to get dressed."

Marcy did not have far to walk. The Williams' house was only a few doors down the street.

Marcy had liked Coleen from the moment she and Kirk moved in. Somewhat older, Coleen had been a valuable friend and advisor to the young, inexperienced housewife. Her easy manner and sense of humor had, on many occasions, made the difference in getting Marcy through a particularly exasperating day and she now considered the attractive Black as much a second mother as friend.

Coleen's husband Jamal was another matter. A grade school dropout and in trouble with the law at an early age, he was crude of language and manner as well. He was smart, she would give him that, having pulled himself up by the bootstraps, worked hard for a construction company and finally started his own business which was now flourishing, but Marcy always felt uncomfortable around him. Perhaps it was his size. At six feet six and over two hundred and forty pounds, his muscled body was quite imposing. Yet, size alone could not account for her unease around him. They often played cards and she and Jamal would, likely as not, wind up as partners. His looks across the table, the slight smile curling at the corner of his mouth, was it confidence in his hand or something else? She could never be quite sure. At any rate, even though she couldn't see what Coleen saw in him, he had been friendly with both she and Kirk and had even helped Kirk with some repairs when the "kids" as he called them had moved in down the street.

"Come in. What can I fix you?" asked Coleen as she held the door open for her friend.

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