The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 19

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Marcy's next film about castaways on a tropical island garnered her a great deal of attention as her beautifully tanned body was almost constantly undressed and she made love with abandon to the men and women on the island, eventually being crowned queen.

It was within a few days of the time the film was released that Marcy got a call from Sean Davies. Marcy had been learning not only her craft, but her profession as well. She knew Davies as one of the most influential and successful adult film producers in the business. He called to say he had seen her latest film and was very impressed with what he saw.

"I guess there wasn't much you didn't see," laughed Marcy, somewhat embarrassed.

"And I loved every bit of it. I'll come right to the point Miss Deveraux, I'd like your permission to negotiate with Mr. Slezak to buy out your contract."

"I... I'm very flattered, Mr. Davies, but I feel a certain loyalty to Phil. He gave me my start, helped to get me established in the business."

"I can understand and certainly appreciate your loyalty, but there are two things to consider. First, you have outgrown Mr. Slezak and the quality of the films he produces. Continue with him and you will quickly stagnate, your career will go nowhere beyond your current accomplishments. I can afford you the type of support which can catapult you to the very top, and secondly, it is common knowledge that Mr. Slezak is in financial trouble. A buy out of your contract would help him, you and me."

"I haven't seen Phil lately but, I'll ask him this evening."

"I'll await your answer."

That evening Marcy did arrange to meet with Slezak who confirmed that, indeed, he had just been audited by the IRS and owed substantial back taxes, penalties and interest.

"Davies made me an offer I just can't turn down, Marcy. I had visions of making you a star, but the truth is, Davies is in a much better position to do that. He has better connections, a lot more financial backing and a reputation of turning out the best films in the adult industry. As much as I hate to have to sell your contract, you couldn't be going to a better situation."

He hugged her.

"So this is good bye?" she asked.

"Yeah, we both have got to move on. Even with the buy out of your contract, I'm still in hock to the IRS. I won't be making any movies for a while, I'm afraid."

"Sorry, Phil, you've been nice to me."

"You're easy to be nice to, kiddo, but don't worry about me. Give me six months to a year and I'll be back."

"I'm sure you will," she smiled.

And with that Marcy Deveraux became the property of Sean Davies. Right from the start, things were different working for Sean, as he preferred to be called. Marcy's salary was increased by a factor of ten. She now worked from scripts, albeit abbreviated ones. The plots were still pretty basic, but there were a lot more remote shots and the crew now consisted of at least a half dozen people, still meager by regular movie standards, but a significant improvement over what she had experienced with Slezak. Each movie would now shoot for six weeks to two months, compared to the six to seven day schedule Slezak maintained. Davies had also been true to his word about Nikki, providing her with a number of smaller parts and two nights ago, the beautiful mulatto had rushed home with the news that Sean had arranged for her to take some acting lessons, promising that as her acting ability improved, so would her roles.

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