The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Four days later Slezak called Marcy, his voice full of enthusiasm.

"Marcy, we finished the film and I want you to know you look terrific. A gorgeous body and your sex scenes are fantastic, some of the best I've seen! Sweetheart, I'm starting a new picture day after tomorrow and I'd like you to star in it!"

"Star? Me?"

"Absolutely. But first we got two things to take care of. I want you under an exclusive contract to make films for me and... we need a name for you."

"You mean like a movie name."

"Right, something, well... provocative. I was thinking along the lines of Susie Squirter. What do you think?"

She laughed.

"Maybe something a little less obvious."

"OK, actually the first name's not bad. Marcy..." he mused aloud.

"How about Marcy Childers, my maiden name?"

"No pizzazz... wait, I got it, Marcella Devereax. Course we'll still call you Marcy."

"Hmmmmm, Marcy Devereax, yeah I like it."

"Then Marcy Devereax it is. All credits are done post production so I'll add the tag in the credits of the film we just finished, "and introducing Marcella Devereax". How does that sound?"

"Great. Gee this is all happening so fast."

"Gotta move fast in this business kid."

"What about this new movie?"

"Tell you what. How about I drop over this evening, you can sign the contract and I'll tell you all about it."

"Yeah, sure. Jamal and Kamon will want to know all about it... Uh, about Nikki..."

"We're shooting an orgy short next week. I'll use her in that."

"What do you mean orgy short?"

"These are short films, mostly for the internet these days. They're only about five to seven minutes long. No plot, but lots of action if you know what I mean. Nikki's a knockout, but like I told you earlier, she can't act her way out of a paper bag, so we'll start her in some of the shorts, then maybe later, if her acting improves, I can use her in one of my feature films. The shorts only pay fifty bucks a pop but at least it's a start. But enough about Nikki, how about I come by about eight?"

"See you at eight," she replied and hung up, still dazed by the news.

Slezak was right on time and after being given a drink, replayed his good news for Jamal, Kamon and Nikki who all were excited as well.

"So, if you'll just sign on the dotted line..." started Slezak, placing the contract in front of Marcy and handing her a pen.

"Just a minute, I'm her agent, " interjected Jamal reaching for the contract.

"Of course," replied Slezak handing him the document.

Jamal scanned the document not really knowing what he should be looking for.

"What does this "Exclusivity" mean?" he asked.

"It means Marcy makes pictures only for me for the next year. She agrees to make at least twenty-five films and I agree to pay her a thousand per picture."

"We want two thousand," said Jamal.

"Two thousand is out of the question... uh, for the moment. Remember, Marcy's just starting out. The contract is renegotiable at the end of one year. If she's as big a hit as I think she's going to be, we'll talk a lot bigger numbers then."

"If she's going to be as big a hit as you think then she's worth two thousand now."

"Look, Mr. Williams, this is not a major film studio were talking about here. We grind out roughly a picture a week and we measure success in the thousands, not hundreds of thousands or millions."

"I have an idea," injected Marcy.

"What's that?" replied Slezak.

"I agree to a thousand a picture, if you agree to putting Nikki in at least fifteen of them."

"Hmmmmm, I think I can swing that," he grinned.

Marcy looked over to Nikki who was all smiles.

"Now tell me about this new picture."

"It's a sci-fi theme. We had another name for it, but right now I'm leaning toward, "Marcy Does The Martians". See, there's this planet where the men have just come out of cryogenic suspension, but the women's units have malfunctioned and won't release the women for six months. So they send a guy to earth and he kidnaps this cheerleader, that's you, and takes you back to mars. It's a gang bang mostly, you doing one guy and then the next, keepin' 'em all happy until their own women come out of the chambers. At the end though, the guys like you so much better than their own women, they reset the women's chambers for another five years and we end with you doing them all."

"What about a script?"

"We sort of make up the dialog as we go."

"Not exactly academy award material, is it?" smiled Marcy.

"Hey, Star Wars it ain't, but remember this is the adult film industry. Our movie goers and video renters are mostly men who want one thing, beautiful women who know how to use their bodies. They don't want the plot to get in the way of the sex."

"So when do we start?" asked Marcy.

"Be at the my studio at nine, next Tuesday."

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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