The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Phil Slezak''s office was a small, hole-in-the-wall walk up and definitely not in the better part of town.

"Let's just go. I'd be happy to stay with the web site," commented Marcy as they approached the door with "P.Slezak - Producer" stenciled on in black paint that was beginning to peel.

"No! Jerry said the guy's office didn't look like much but he's really a big time producer," said Jamal, giving Marcy a push.

They entered the office where a young blonde, gum chewing secretary almost dressed in a tight skirt and halter looked up.

"Uh, we're here to see Mr. Slezak," offered Kamon.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Kamon and Jamal Williams. We are... uh... these girls... agents."

The office didn't even sport an intercom so the secretary walked into the adjoining office and closed the door. A few seconds later she emerged and motioned to them.

"Mr. Slezak will see you now," she uttered almost as if reciting a line from a movie.

Slezak's office was a lot like the man himself. Although you couldn't see any dirt, you felt it was hidden in the corners. Posters advertising cheap porn movies hung on the wall, Cocksuckers From Hell and Blonde Bimbo Blowjobs being the two most notable. The man himself was not very tall with disheveled oily black hair, his complexion dark, his eyes almost squinty. Marcy thought to herself a better name for him would have been Slezbag.

He stood up and smiled as the four walked in.

"Ah! " he said eying Marcy and Nikki, "I'm Phil Slezak, won't you sit down?"

The secretary brought in a couple of additional chairs. As the introductions were made, the producer hardly took his eyes off Marcy. He obviously liked what he saw.

"All right, I know you are busy people," he said smiling, "so I'll come right to the point. I saw your web site and these two absolutely delectable young ladies. As you know I'm a producer of adult films and I'm interested in possibly having them appear in some of my movies."

"Possibly?" asked Kamon.

"Well, we'll have to have a screen test, see how they look on camera."

"How soon?"

"As soon as you like. I could set it up for tomorrow evening."

"How much," asked Jamal.

"Depends on the part. It they test well, I think I can offer small parts right away and, depending on how they perform on screen, starring roles within a few months, if not sooner. The small parts don't pay a lot, but give necessary exposure."

Do you suppose he meant that as a pun? Marcy asked herself silently.

"But," he continued, "a starring role will get you a couple of grand, easy, maybe more."

Jamal and Kamon looked at each other and smiled.

"Where do they come for the screen test?" asked Jamal.

"I have a small studio just down the hall," he said, turning to the two women. "Ladies shall we say about eight o'clock?"

"Why at night?" inquired Nikki, as if she had to ask.

"I am busy on the sets of my pictures during the day, but if you'd rather not..."

"No, it's OK," shot back Jamal quickly.

"Great, " said Slezak, rising, "I'll see you ladies tomorrow evening."

"What about us?" asked Kamon.

"Screen tests can be stressful, a lot of pressure to look beautiful and deliver lines convincingly. I think it best if they come alone."

Kamon and Jamal exchanged looks. They weren't fooled either, but this was easy money and they didn't want to pass it up.

"OK," replied Jamal, "they'll be here."

The so called studio was nothing more than an apartment with a few lights and a camcorder sitting on a tripod in the middle of the cramped living room. Marcy and Nikki had both worn dresses and their most abbreviated underwear which they could slip out of easily as they were under no illusions as to what they would be doing for their "screen test".

"Ah, Ladies, good evening," said Slezak.

They sat and talked briefly, Slezak obviously trying to put them a bit more at ease.

"I have seen your pictures, so I know that nudity is not a problem, but have either of you ever made love in front of a camera?"

Oh brother, have I! thought Marcy, but nodded negatively as did Nikki.

"Well, things have to be a little more real for the camera. You have to be a little louder than you normally are, a little more energetic, you have to make it larger than life, yet, at the same time, you have to make it appear natural, as if this is the way you make love all the time. Do you understand?"

They both nodded affirmatively.

"OK Marcy let's do your test first. Nikki, there's some soda and beer in the refrigerator."

Nikki took her cue and left.

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