The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

The following weeks were like something out of a medieval comedy. Marcy, continuing to secretly pleasure both Lamar and Jamal when Coleen and Kirk were together; Coleen in addition to her conjugal duties to her husband, bedding both Kirk and Lamar and believing those relationships were being kept from Jamal who was aware of both and, in fact, had planned Coleen's seduction by Lamar; Kirk, still enjoying his biweekly trysts with Coleen, unaware that anyone but Marcy was aware; Lamar, who had become aware of everything, thanks to his father, was regularly sharing Marcy with Jamal (and often his friends) and getting into his mother's pants whenever he wanted (so to speak, since she hardly wore them anymore); and then there was Jamal, still asserting sexual dominance over Marcy for what had started as sexual blackmail had become a love/hate relationship in which the young housewife found herself craving Jamal's attention to her newly enhanced body and the reamings he was giving her. Jamal was also continuing to bed Coleen, but only so she would not suspect anything was afoot. The fire had died, he now despised her, biding his time, making several calls to his brother in California to complete his plan of revenge. He and Lamar had had several talks and the boy had eagerly agreed when Jamal had laid out his plans. Lamar had been busy with his palmcorder.

Marcy, Kirk and Coleen had all been caught off guard when Jamal suggested Kirk and Marcy come over for dinner. Hesitant, yet afraid to refuse for fear of raising suspicion, they had agreed and now the five of them sat in the living room, the dinner over.

The conversation had been polite but guarded and now had nearly died away as both women and Kirk were finding the evening more awkward as time went on. Jamal smiled as he looked across at Marcy who was attired in a sheer mini dress which showed ample cleavage and thigh. Marcy had wanted to wear something more conservative, but Jamal had instructed her at their last tryst that she was to wear something alluring and provocative.

"Marcy, you're looking especially fine tonight," smiled Jamal.

Marcy and Kirk were caught off guard.

"Why... why thank you Jamal," she managed.

"You look bitchin' too, Mom," Lamar joined in, complimenting the thirty-seven year old who Lamar had insisted, as usual, wear no bra or panties, instead, donning tight skirt, slit high up the legs on either side revealing a lot more leg and thigh than Coleen was comfortable in showing to this group and the inevitable spike heels that Lamar loved to see her in. Coleen had, thus far, been walking carefully, her full breasts tending to bounce under the blouse quite noticeably and the slits in her skirt giving everyone a look at her legs and thighs virtually to her waist. Coleen was finding herself excited to wear such an outfit for Lamar and even Jamal, if he had asked her, but now, in front of her neighbors and under the present conditions, she felt self conscious.

"Two very sexy women, wouldn't you say so Kirk?" asked Jamal grinning broadly.

"Uh, yeah... sure, very sexy," stammered Kirk in embarrassed reply.

Kirk was not experienced at deception and the whole evening had thus far been a burden to endure. He had managed some small talk at dinner, but found he could not meet Jamal's eye, when they talked. How could he? He was secretly screwing the man's wife.

"Speakin' of sexy, I got a video everybody ought to be interested in."

"What kind of video?" asked Kirk.

"One of those adult videos, you know, porn," smiled Jamal getting up, retrieving the tape from a drawer and inserting it in the VCR.

"Is this really appropriate?" asked Kirk, glancing toward Lamar.

"Sure, he's old enough. He ain't a virgin any more... are you Lamar?"

Lamar grinned and shook his head.

"Ya see, I had Lamar here sort of edit some scenes together so it tells a story."

"A story?" asked Kirk, "Most porn I've seen didn't have much of a plot line."

"Oh this one's got a great story, one you just won't believe," smiled Jamal pushing the play button. "See it starts with this White guy fuckin' this Black guy's wife..."

The TV screen brightened to life and there, clearly were Kirk and Coleen, both naked, Kirk between her legs and pumping her for all he was worth while she was humping him every bit as vigorously and shouting, "Yes, fuck me Kirk! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! I'M CUMMMMMMING!"

Kirk, Coleen and Marcy were dumbfounded, their mouths dropping open in stunned silence.

On the screen, Kirk withdrew and quickly Coleen had him in her mouth where he orgasmed, the semen dripping from the corners of her mouth.

"See," continued Jamal, "they thought the husband was too dumb and would never find out."

The TV revealed Coleen rolling over to all fours while Kirk took her anally, both shouting to the other how good it was.

"Jamal, I..." Kirk stammered.

"Jamal, it wasn't like that. Kirk needed..." started Coleen.

"Oh, yeah, let's see, that just makes the story better. The wife was just helping him to get his rocks off. Seems his wife couldn't do it for him anymore," sneered Jamal.

"How did you know th..." cried Kirk.

Jamal looked to Marcy. Kirk and Coleen also turned to her in disbelief, Marcy avoiding their eyes.

"Oh, it gets better, this story of ours," continued Jamal. "See when the White husband started screwing his neighbor's Black wife, the little lonely White housewife started lookin' for some herself."

"Wha... ??????? gasped Kirk.

The scene changed and now it was Marcy whose image appeared as she sucked Jamal to a full erection, then lay back and grunted heavily as he entered her. Within seconds, they were both mindlessly banging their bodies together in total abandon.

Kirk's mouth dropped open as he stared at the image in disbelief.

"She just couldn't get enough," leered Jamal as Marcy threw her hands to her face, hiding in abject humiliation as she listened to her video self implore Jamal to "ream his White bitch".

"Where... where did you... ?" she finally stammered.

"Oh, Lamar here's pretty good with that little camcorder of his, but wait, there's more. The little White bitch was so damned horny, she wanted more, so..."

Now the scene was of Lamar burying himself in Marcy, the housewife crying out as a powerful orgasm swept over her, her own vaginal fluids oozing out around his penis and clearly dripping onto the bed.

Kirk looked to Marcy in utter astonishment. She tried to face him, couldn't.

"See, she got to lovin' Black cock, couldn't get enough, so she had the guy's son start linin' her up more Black cock and some Black pussy to boot."

Now the scene was the night of the cheerleader and ballplayer orgy, showing Marcy eating nest after nest as her own womb and anus were repeatedly filed with cock and semen.

Marcy was crying now, as Kirk still sat in total shock, mesmerized by the images and sounds.

Marcy knew that Jamal was misrepresenting how it had all started, but she also knew that to try to place any of the blame for this on Jamal would only make matters worse.

"Please, Kirk, let's go home," she pleaded with her non responsive husband.

"Oh, don't go, it get's a lot better," smiled the Black husband, "see she got so horny she had her new boyfriend arrange a gang bang."

Again the image changed and this time the scene was a dark parking lot, where a woman, prostrated across the fender of a car was being reamed by one Black man after another. There was not a lot of light and the image was dim but the camera suddenly zoomed in on the woman and in startling close-up, Marcy could be heard moaning and grunting in abject pleasure.

"Jamal, that's enough, please," cried Coleen, her own shame still burning, but also feeling deeply the devastation which Marcy must be experiencing.

"I'll say when it's enough," responded Jamal. "There's still one part of the story we haven't told yet. You think the White bitch was horny? Well, how about a wife who'll fuck her own son!"

Coleen gasped in horror as the scene cut to a series of quick vignettes, showing Coleen modeling, stripping and offering herself to Jamal in every conceivable place and position. Lamar had hidden the palmcorder well.

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