The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Jamal sat on the front porch drinking a beer as he contemplated his revenge. When he had discovered that Coleen was bedding a White man twice a week, his first impulse had been to beat her to within an inch of her life, but he had resisted, determined to find something more fitting more degrading and more long lasting than a simple beating. He wanted to hurt Coleen and he wanted to hurt her badly. When she had first suggested an open marriage, he had been resistant, but had finally consented when she had practically begged. The only condition, the only condition he had placed upon her was not to go to bed with any White men. She had faithfully promised and so he had agreed. Now she had broken that promise and become a White man's slut, screwing around with Kirk twice a week behind his back. Well, he thought, he had his revenge on Kirk. He had screwed Kirk's wife now on several occasions and turned her into a whore. Lamar had told him about the reunion and the orgy with the cheerleaders and ballplayers. A smile swept over his face. He'd love to be there when Kirk finds out what his wife has become, when he discovers that his little mousy wife screwed over a hundred and thirty men in one night.

Yes, his revenge on his White neighbor was progressing nicely, but right now he needed a plan to pay back his lyin', cheatin', White fuckin', slut of a wife. The longer he thought about her carrying on the affair with Kirk the more angry he became. He wanted her to suffer and for a long time. He had, of course, continued to go to bed with her occasionally so as not to make her suspicious that he had found her out, but what he really wanted was to eventually disown and divorce her, leaving her destitute and a whore. He wanted Coleen to wind up nothing better than Kirk's wife, a slut who was nothing more than a fuck doll for some young buck and his friends, just like what Lamar had done to Kirk's wife...

Wait a minute, he thought, a plan beginning to surface, why didn't I think of that before. He smiled broadly and could hardly wait until his son came home so her could share it with him.

Two Friday nights later, Marcy was delighted to arrive and find Jamal, not Lamar waiting for her in the living room of the Williams' home. She was doubly delighted to find that they were alone and her body would be exclusively his for the entire evening.

"Where's Lamar?" she asked.

"Oh, he's got some special plans of his own tonight."

"And do you have some special plans of your own?" she queried.

"Yeah, and all of 'em involve a naked White bitch," answered Jamal as she started a seductive strip tease.

The two naked bodies lay entwined as the two lovers caught their breath.

"God, it's hard to believe Coleen. We've been seeing each other for over four months now and I want you just as much now as I did that first night."

"You make me feel good too, Sugar. I've never had a man treat me like you do... like a lady. "

They both smiled.

"Maybe we're just good for each other," he said, his hand coming up to cup, then squeeze her large, full breast.

"You can say that again. I've cum five times and we've only been here a little over an hour."

"You're a couple ahead of me," he laughed.

"So, are you just gonna lay there and squeeze my tit or are you gonna stick that thing where it belongs?"

He looked down at his flaccid penis.

"The spirit is willing but the flesh is..."

"All that flesh needs is a little encouragement!" she smiled as she quickly scooted down and her mouth closed on his lance.

"Oh, Coleen, if only Marcy were as good as you."

"Enjoy your wife when you have the chance, Kirk, but right now enjoy this!"

She began sucking, her tongue beginning its well practiced magic and within seconds, the White husband was full, throbbing and aching to take her.

She rolled over on her back, her legs coming over his shoulders as he lay atop her.

"Put it right here, Lover! Put it where we both want it!" she implored. "Oh, yes! Yes, Kirk, deeper! Deeper, Baby! Yes! That's it, now fuck me Baby, fuck your Black mare till she can't take any more!"

Jamal had hardly worked up a sweat, yet Marcy had already cum twice. What, she wondered, was the mysterious power this man held over her. She didn't love him, in fact nearly detested him at times, especially when he became intent on degrading her so, yet no one, not even Kirk, could take her to such heights of sexual fulfillment. As he began to pump her now even more powerfully, she felt her clit again stimulated beyond imagination and a third orgasm begin to build.

"Oh Jamal! Jamal! JAMALLLLLLLLLLL! " she screamed as the climax crested and she ejaculated.

"That's it bitch, cum! Yeah, squirt it all over! Yeah, keep cummin'! Yeah just like that!"

Marcy, of course had no control over her ejaculations, which were even more voluminous when the orgasms were overwhelming, as they were with Jamal.

"Here it comes, bitch!" He cried, his own orgasm rushing to consume him.

"Yes, Jamal! Yes! Cum in me! CUM IN ME!" she exhorted as she felt his hot seed pour into her womb.

It was approaching midnight when Kirk finally dragged himself away from Coleen and dressed. He was deliciously exhausted. This woman's sexual appetite was unquenchable.

"You've exhausted me, yet I don't want to leave," he said quietly.

"I feel the same way Baby, but you mustn't keep that beautiful wife of yours waiting."

"And you, your husband," he added.

"What you and I have is something special," she smiled.

"Yes, who would have thought I would ever have a fantastic, beautiful mistress... and that my wife would know and approve?" he laughed.

"Well, you're not the only one who has someone waiting for you and remember, unlike Marcy, Jamal would hit the ceiling if he knew about us."

"OK, OK, I can take a hint," he said, finishing tying his shoes.

Coleen still on the bed naked, reached for her flimsy negligee as Kirk, came round the bed, kissed her and then made his way to the door.

"See you Tuesday," he said smiling.

"It's a date," she laughed as he shut the door behind him.

Coleen lay back on the bed and picked up a magazine from the motel table. She would wait the twenty minutes of so she always did after Kirk left, so that no one would connect them, even if they saw her leave.

There was a knock at the door. Coleen smiled as she went to the door. Kirk was always forgetting something and having to return to retrieve it.

"What did you forget this ti..."

Her mouth dropped open in shock as it was not Kirk but Lamar who stood looking at his mother, her body hardly hidden at all by the sheer bra and panties. In reaction, she made to close the door, but Lamar's foot was already blocking closure and he forced his way into the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Lamar! What are you..."

Coleen was so flustered, she could hardly get the words out. She quickly looked around for something to cover her, but there was nothing in reach.

"What am I doin' here? Oh, just checkin' up on you."

"What are you talking about?" she cried as she reached for the bed sheet to wrap around her.

"Cut the crap, Mom! Think that'll cover up the fact that you been screwin' that White guy, Kirk."

"I don't know what you mean," she gasped.

"Come off of it, Mom. You been fuckin' him for the last four months, every Tuesday and Friday. Did you really think I was that stupid not to notice?"

"Her world collapsing, Coleen asked desperately, "Does your father... ?"

"No, only me," he lied.

Actually it had been his father who, knowing how the boy felt about his mother and especially how Coleen felt about incest, had suggested this plan to Lamar, and it had also been Jamal who had helped his son sneak into the Denton''s home and hide the palm corder last Tuesday.

"Honey, it's not what you think," she said, trying to find a way out.

"Oh it ain't huh? Then what about this?" he said, taking a videotape from his pocket and throwing it on the bed.

"What's that?" she asked.

"You'll find out," he answered, motioning to the combo VCR/TV which many of the better motels provided.

Coleen put the tape in the machine and pushed the play button. Instantly, her heart sank as she saw the Denton's bedroom where she and Kirk walked in, kissed, undressed and began making love. Her exhortations had been especially loud that night and Coleen could only bury her head in her hands as she heard herself shout, "Fuck me baby! Harder! Yes, fuck your Black bitch! Make me cum! That's it, make me CUMMMMMMMMM!"

"Stop it! Please!" she begged.

Lamar sneered as he shut off the VCR and extracted the tape.

"You can have this one if you like. I have a copy."

"Lamar, what do you plan to do with that tape?" she asked, the signs of fear all over her face and in her voice.

"Nothing... if I get what I want."

"What is it you want?"


"Me? What do you mean?"

But Coleen already knew the answer. Lamar had lusted after his mother since early adolescence. The boy had given her suggestive looks for years, but the first time Coleen had become aware of Lamar's incestuous intent was a night a few years ago when Jamal was away and there had been a storm. Lamar had come into her bedroom saying he was frightened by the lightning and thunder. Coleen had wondered at the time, since Lamar had never shown any sign of fear before, but she let him crawl in bed with her until the storm passed. She had thought he would sleep on one side and she on the other, but the boy had other ideas, snuggling close to her, his arm closing around her from behind as she lay on her side facing away. She had almost bolted when she felt his erection against her backside, but he held her tightly, his hand coming up to squeeze her breast as his other hand began to pull her nightgown up around her waist, giving him access to her treasure. Fighting free, she had jumped out of bed and stood looking out the window, tears of painful memories streaming down her face, as the boy had urgently begged her to come back to bed. She had told him she would not return to bed unless he slept on his side. He assured her he would do as she had asked, but after fitfully getting to sleep, she had been awakened to find him once again fondling her breast and, having slipped her nightgown up while she slept, trying to enter her as well. She had scolded him and sent him to his room, but later, when she tried to have a talk with him, he simply looked at her breasts or between her legs and she became so uncomfortable she had to leave the room.

As he grew older, the looks continued and he took every opportunity for their bodies to touch, such as when they passed in the narrow upstairs hall, or, as she was washing dishes, Lamar would pause while walking past, pause directly behind her, then pretend to need a drinking glass. Since the glasses were kept directly above the kitchen sink, Lamar would lean against his mother as he reached over her head into the cabinet. This would press their bodies together and she often felt his erection pressing against her as well.

Since her talks with him had had no effect, Coleen had asked Jamal to talk with his son. Jamal had done so, but the only effect had been that Lamar had been a bit more subtle with his lascivious looks, but, particularly during his senior year, Coleen had become extremely uncomfortable around her son and it was not altogether with sadness that she learned of his intent to attend college in another town.

But now, this. What could she do? The memories of her own brothers abuse of their mother still fresh in her mind she looked up to him.

"You know what I want," he said, leering, "what I've wanted for a long time."

"Lamar, I'm your mother!"

"So? You're one hot bitch with one hot body."


She couldn't believe he was talking to her this way.

"Oh, come on mother! You've known I wanted in your pants for years. I've just never had the opportunity. Well, now I do."

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