The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton - Cover

The Rise and Fall of Marcy Denton

Copyright© 2004 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Marcy's infidelity leads to a new career as porn queen -- but at what price?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Marcella Denton uttered the three gasping whines so characteristic of her orgasms as her body surrendered for the third time to the exhortations of her husband, her eyes teared and her vagina flooded with her own secretions, flowing around Kirk's penis and drenching the towel beneath her.

Marcy was a squirter, one of a rare few women who involuntarily secrete fluid from their nest at the moment of climax, sometimes so forcefully as to almost seem as if they are urinating.

Her husband stopped his thrusting as her after-shivers subsided. She felt his frustration. The same frustration he had been showing for some time now.

"I'm sorry," she said for perhaps the hundredth time as she tried to urge him on.

"Please don't stop, I want you to cum too!"

He smiled resignedly.

"It's OK honey. I've told you it's hard to keep the fire going when you turn a hose on it."

She looked away, turning red with embarrassment.

"Kirk, I can't help it. You know I'd stop it if I could!"

"I know. It's just... hey, I enjoy being inside you even when I don't cum."

"But I want to feel you cum inside me. I want you satisfied! I want to have your baby... our baby!"

"We've just got to be patient and hope, honey. You know what the doctor said. Maybe kids just aren't..."

He didn't finish and Marcy didn't respond immediately. Instead her thoughts flashed back to the almost unbelievable last three years.

In high school, Marcy had been sure Kirk didn't even know she was alive because Kirk had been going with Laura Stimson for almost two years and everyone assumed they would be married soon after high school graduation. After all, Kirk was the handsomest boy in school, star quarterback of the football team and headed for a prestigious college on a full football scholarship. Laura, on the other hand was a real life Barbi doll, blonde, beautiful, her body already the envy of every girl and the center of attention of every boy in school. She was a cheerleader, honor student and valedictorian of her class. She planned to attend the same college with Kirk and the two were constantly making plans for marriage and careers.

Marcy, on the other hand, had been a late bloomer, her face pleasant enough with soft rounded features, long auburn hair and deep hazel eyes, but her breasts were still small, her nipples virtually the only thing standing out from her chest and her hips and legs straight and almost shapeless. Add to that the fact that Marcy was extremely shy, her self confidence non-existent, and the result was a high school senior who had had actually been on only one date in her life and that had been a disaster. Marcy had been so backward her date had to pry any comments from her and she passed the evening so mortified that not once did a smile cross her lips even though the boy tried on several occasions to get her to relax. Needless to say, he never asked her out again and neither did any of the other boys.

Marcy's mind replayed the events of that fateful October evening as it had every time she began to question, which was often, what she possibly had to offer Kirk to keep him with her.

The team had just won the conference championship the previous weekend and Kirk and Laura had gone to the local lover's lane in his convertible to neck. A foolish argument ensued over their making love, Laura, although she and Larry had made love numerous times, wishing to return to a friend's party, while Kirk wanted to remain and "try out" the back seat. The argument grew heated with Laura getting out of the car and catching a ride home with a friend and her boyfriend, parked nearby.

Kirk had roared off alone, determined to show Laura who needed who. Marcy had been on the way home from the library when Kirk's car roared past, tires squealed to a halt and he slowly backed up.

"Hey... Marcy isn't it?" he called to her.

She had been so shy, she had almost not responded at all, but who could resist the opportunity to talk to the cutest guy in school. Besides, he knew her name--he actually knew who she was.

"How about coming for a ride, Marcy?"

"Gee... I don't know... I 've got to get home."

"Oh come on, just a short one. I need some company."

"Where's Laura?" asked Marcy walking over to the car.

"Who knows and who cares?"

He looked over the girl standing next to his car, clutching the books to her chest. Pretty, he thought, not much of a body... but..."So how about it? Want to go for a ride?"

She bit her lip in consternation, wanting to go, knowing she shouldn't.

"Come on, a pretty girl like you needs some company too."

Pretty? He had called her pretty. Her heart raced.

"Well, just for a little while."

"Great," he smiled, "hop in."

She scooted into the passenger seat.

"I know a great place," he said, gunning the engine and pulling into the street.

"But I thought we were just going to ride around."

"Yeah, that too," he laughed as they sped away.

She was breathless. He had driven back to the lover's lane and found a quiet secluded spot. His arm had gone around her shoulder almost immediately, Marcy petrified and thrilled to realize the handsomest boy in school was showing her such attention.

"I've had my eye on you for some time," he told her, pulling her a bit closer.

"Really? I didn't think you even knew I existed."

"Oh I've known all right. I've wanted to ask you out for some time, but as long as Laura was still in the picture..."

"You mean you two aren't..."

"I decided tonight, I'm free to ask out anyone I want, to be with anyone I want, and right now I want to be with you."

Marcy's heart skipped a beat. She could not believe it. She was here, in a lover's lane, with Kirk Denton, Mr. Ratcliff High.

"I bet your lips are sweeter than hers," he whispered, as he reached over and kissed her, Marcy's first kiss ever. Her eyes fluttered closed and her heart raced. His tongue pushed slightly at her lips, Marcy at first not realizing what he wanted.

"Never French kissed before?" he asked.

She nodded negatively.

"Just let your lips relax and open your mouth a bit... like this," he explained as he kissed her again. Marcy's lips came open and his tongue penetrated her inexperienced mouth. Marcy could hardly get her breath as the handsome young man held her closely as he first drank from her and then allowed her to drink from him. Marcy felt her temperature begin to climb, her body aching for more of what she had never experienced before. When they kissed again, she drank heavily and eagerly from him, a strange yearning beginning to build deep within.

Although Marcy had never so much as kissed a boy before tonight, she and her girl friends had talked of boys on many occasions using the baseball euphemisms of her parent's and even grandparent's time.

First base, she thought, catching her breath, before her mouth surrendered to his once again.

His hand came up to cup her breast. Marcy broke the kiss and gently pushed his hand away.

"I... can't... I mustn't," was all she could think to say.

"Well, in that case," he said turning back and reaching to start the ignition.

Marcy was panicked. She was about to lose him, his kisses, his strong mouth, his tongue, his... company.

"No wait!, she cried, "it's just that I've never..."

He turned back to her, smiling, knowing he had won.

"Then you've missed out on a lot, Marcy. Come here."

She leaned back over to him, their lips beginning to hungrily feed on each other again as his hand came up under, but not touching her breast. This time Marcy's hand found his and gently pulled it onto her breast. She hardly needed a bra and, having seen Laura and some of the other girls in the girls shower room, knew she had little on her chest to offer the handsome quarterback, but his fingers deftly unbuttoned her blouse, found her nipple through the bra and began rubbing and pinching first one and then the other to erection as Marcy felt the sensual heat creep up her body and burn her cheeks. Again she started to pull away when his hands went behind her to unsnap the bra, but the thoughts of losing this boy, this feeling, this night, were simply too great. So, instead of resisting, Marcy leaned forward to make the clasp more accessible. Within seconds blouse and bra were laying in the floor.

"Oh Kirk, They're so small," she cried, afraid he would laugh or be repulsed by her naked, but nearly undetectable breasts.

"But sensitive I bet," he breathed, leaning over and taking her left nipple between his teeth, nipping it just slightly and then letting his lips and tongue begin to swell the small nodule to its maximum as Marcy gasped, never having realized how sensitive they were, especially in the mouth of an experienced young man who, before beginning a steady relationship with Laura had bedded most of the females in his own class as well as in the class a year behind theirs. Such a reputation had he acquired that even as a sophomore, three senior girls had invited him for a private party at Harrington Lake. They had not been disappointed.

Marcy's breathing was ragged now, coming in gasps as his lips and tongue played over her immature breasts.

As her hands ran through his hair, her eyes closed and she breathed, almost aloud... second base!

Marcy suddenly realized her panties were soaking wet as Kirk's left hand began to wander south.

"Kirk... KIRK!" she cried, almost in anguish as his hand found the hem of her skirt and dipped underneath.

"I... can't," she cried, "I can't..." as she felt his hand find the bare flesh of her leg and begin its sensual journey upward.

"Tell me to stop and I'll drive you home," he whispered, his hand well up her thigh.

"I shouldn't be doing this..." she uttered without conviction, her legs spreading slightly to admit him where no one had ever been before.

His lips now alternated between her breasts and her mouth, keeping the girl breathless, and building in her a need that would soon have to be satisfied.

OH, KIRK!" she uttered as his fingers first made contact, through her panties, with her nest.

"Kirk... I've... I've wet myself," she cried in the throes of embarrassment and unbridled need.

"It just means you want it Marcy!"

"Kirk, I can't... Ohhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhh Kirk!

Marcy was burning up. Despite herself, she began a slight thrusting against his fingers which were straining against the thin cotton material.

"No Kirk..." she cried weakly as his other hand found and unbuttoned her skirt sliding it off.

"Kirk, we can't, " she whimpered as her shoes and socks joined her skirt and bra in the floor of the car, Marcy's only item of dress now, her white cotton panties.

She thought to herself that it must stop, even though her body was screaming for more.

"Please don't do that Kirk... please!" she begged as he grasped and slowly slid her panties down and off completing her nudity.

"Kirk, I can't do this!" she whined as he motioned for her to get into the back seat.

God, she thought to herself, he's already to third base.

"You know you want it Marcy. You know you want it just as badly as I do," he said in a low and commanding tone.

"Oh, Kirk, I've never..."

"I won;t hurt you Marcy, I promise."

"Kirk, I want to, I really do. I'm... I'm just not sure."

His mouth found hers at the same time his fingers found her nest.

"OH GOD!" she cried as he found her pleasure mound and began the stimulation which he knew she couldn't refuse.

"Help me get undressed Marcy!"

"Kirk, I..."

But her body was his now and they both knew it. Her hands tore at his clothes until both were naked, his finger bringing her closer and closer to the secret, ultimate pleasure that would announce her arrival into womanhood... that and giving him her virginity.

Even as she implored him to stop, Marcy was climbing into the back seat with the star quarterback.

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