The Wives' Softball Coach - Cover

The Wives' Softball Coach

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - In this completed novella, Joe is a submarnie sailor who is left behind on a patrol to attend school. He and a friend volunteer to manage the wives' softball team. During the season Joe and Kevin get drawn into the lives of the players in ways they never imagined. The scene is Hawaii in the early 1970s and I lead you through the beauty and the dirt with plenty of philosophy and fucking.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports  

The next game in the wives' softball league was another wild barnburner. It was two out in the bottom of the eighth inning. The score was 13-12 in favor of the Swordfish wives. We finished the regulation seven tied at twelve. So we had to get two runs to win.

Roxie led off and singled to right. Hannah singled up the middle to move Roxie to second. Leticia filed out deep and Alicia followed with a grounder to first that moved Roxie to third and Hannah to second.

I signaled for time out. I looked down the bench to Lily Kipper, a short, blonde from Boston. She couldn't hit or catch a fly, but she could run like the wind. I called her over. "Go in and run for Hannah." She hadn't gotten into many games, but she didn't understood baseball or play it well, but she did understand running."

She gave me a big grin and headed onto the field. Hannah ran back and as she passed me to the bench whispered, "Fuck you." She sat down on the other end of the bench from me and pouted.

Next up was Kelly Flynn. I could see she was nervous as she stepped up to the plate. I called time and walked out to talk to her.

She was swinging the bat just outside the on-deck circle. "Are you nervous?"

She grinned at me. "Yes I am."

"Well, you should be. The whole game rides on you getting a hit. Opps, I'm supposed to come out her and make you relax aren't I?"

Kelly laughed out loud. "Yes, I think you are."

"Listen, just walk up there and treat it like practice. If you make good contact, Roxie and Lily will run like hell."

I walked back and sat down on the bench next to Kevin, my co-coach, the one who got me volunteered for this job. An act that will always be appreciated for the pussy this generated for us.

"She'll do it. I know it." Kevin lately had become quite the optimist.

"I hope so. The girls are always in a good mood after a win." He winked at me to let me know he was horny and looking for a little navy wife pussy tonight.

Kelly took the first pitch-strike one. She took the next three-all balls. I started to wonder if she was too scared to swing in the situation. She took again for strike two. I called time again and walked out to make sure Lily and Roxie knew to run when the pitcher threw the ball.

The pitcher launched the ball. Roxie and Lily were off like shots. The ball headed for right field. The entire bench jumped up. It cleared the glove of the red head playing first by a foot. Roxie was halfway home from third and Lily was already rounding third when the right fielder, who was not playing Kelly deep, scooped up the ball and fired home. The throw has true but the catcher lost the ball in the two runners sliding into home on top of each other. Roxie's foot crossed the plate with Lily's hand inches behind. The umpire screamed safe and the team ran onto the field. The girls lifted up Kelly and Lily and marched them back to the dugout.

Hannah walked up to me as we were stowing the gear. "Joe, I'm sorry for what I said out there. I was pissed you pulled me out of the game. I wanted to score the winning run so bad, but I would have been out by twenty feet. Lily was the only one of us who could have beaten that throw."

"Thanks, I'm glad you aren't still pissed at me. I just did what I could to help you win."

She leaned into me and whispered. "I think the coach deserves a really sloppy blowjob later."

"This coach never turns down a blowjob by one of the players when offered."

She smiled and everything was cool between us.

We all headed for the post game victory party at the EM club on the Sub Base. It was a Thursday night so I had no trouble finding up a table and supplying it with two pitchers of beer. I waved at Jenny when I saw her pulling Kelly though the crowd. A tall girl, close to six feet tall, thin and average looking, Jenny guided her to the chair by mine.

"Kelly, how's the game winner." I believe in always rubbing in a great performance."

"Oh, Joe. Lily really was the game winner. She scored the winning run."

"Kelly, in baseball, much more credit is given for batting in a run than scoring one. You get the credit. Period."

She blushed and sat.

"Oh, here Kelly, have a beer." Jenny poured her a beer and slapped her on the back pounding home my compliment.

"But Jenny, I don't usually drink." The tall brunette was not one of the regulars at the after-game parties. Only her hero status had persuaded her to come along.

As the night wore on Jenny kept her glass full and involved in a steady stream of conversation. A few minutes after Jenny and Kelly sat down I got up to go to the head. On my way back Hannah grabbed my arm and jingled a set of keys in her hand.

"Jenny lent me her van for a few minutes." She rubbed her tits into my arm.

"Why is that?"

"I told her I owed you a big, sloppy, blowjob, but didn't have a convenient place to give you one. So she gave me her keys and told me not to get any cum on the upholstery. I told her I was insulted that she thought I couldn't swallow any guy's load. Let's go."

She led out of the EM Club holding my hand. She unlocked the rear door and we slipped inside.

Hannah kissed me and lowered me to the well-used bed in the back of Jenny's conversion van. She made quick work of my zipper and jerked the shorts down my legs and off. She lifted my hardening cock up and slipped the head into her mouth. Hannah knew how to suck cock. I leaned back on the bed to properly receive my reward for a good call in the game. This reward you couldn't write into a major league managerial contract.

She licked, sucked, and fondled me. A Hannah blowjob occurred on several levels. I pressed my cock deep into her mouth; she swallowed the head. As her throat fucked my cock she pulled on my full balls. Hannah knew just the right pressure to put on my balls to squeeze out the juice without injuring the fruit.

I stopped her for a second, "Do you want to fuck?" She was too hot a fuck to settle for just a blowjob.

"Can't. I'm going over to Alicia's tonight. She likes her pussy fresh and cum free. Maybe next time." She lowered her mouth back on my cock and began long slow strokes. This was something I didn't know about Alicia. I mainly remembered opening up her tight ass for the first time. Hannah's hand corkscrewed the shaft as she fucked my cock with her mouth.

She lifted her head and spit a large glob of saliva on the head. She dove to the bottom pulled off and spit on it again. A long string of spit stretched between her lips and my cock head. Hannah loved to give sloppy blowjobs. I smiled at her; she was just showing off now. She grinned a cock-stuffed grin and went back to working to pull the cum from my balls.

She tickled my ass and slipped a long finger inside me. I rubbed her cheeks and started to shoot my cum into her mouth. Hannah swallowed briskly pulling hard on my cock to get every drop. Her last swallow was for show as she made a production of getting the last drop down her throat. She kissed me, and I must say, her mouth was almost free of the taste of my cum.

I pulled up my pants and we went back inside. She passed Jenny the keys and Jenny wiggled her fingers at me. I sat down at the end of the table and saw that Hannah was now sitting by Alicia with her arm over the back of Alicia's chair. The husbands on patrol are going to come back and either bow down to Kevin and I as being responsible for all the threesomes ahead, or kill us for turning their wives into lesbians.

I saw Kelly and Jenny were still chatting. I had an idea of where Jenny was going with Kelly, and wasn't completely opposed to it. Jenny, after her introduction to the world of pussy from Hannah, had taken to it like an Aussie to beer. Kelly, the innocent young navy wife, was in a set of sexual cross hairs, and didn't know that Jenny was pulling the trigger.

I got up to go to the head; beer does that to you, and I walked around by them. Jenny had her hand on Kelly's thigh, and they were talking head to head. When I came back they were getting up to leave.

Jenny looked at me with a hungry look in her eye. "Kelly and I are going to head out. Do you want to come with us?" I sure did. I gave Jenny a wink that Kelly didn't see. I looked at Kelly who giggled and nodded at me. I don't think she really understood where she was headed tonight. Jenny's van was going to get another workout tonight. I hoped the smell of hot pussy and semen had cleared up from Hannah and I, though I doubt Kelly would recognize these particular scents. I wonder if Jenny's husband would approve of the use she was putting to all his expense and labor when he converted their van into a camper.

"Sure." I was never going to pass up something like this. I had enjoyed Jenny's pleasure in the van already, and there was more than enough room for a comfortable threesome. Jenny took Kelly by the hand and led her out of the bar. Two women holding hands vibrates a tuning fork deep inside me. My entire body was humming.

I followed watching Kelly's small ass cycle its revolutions. Jenny's bottom, as usual, packed her tight little shorts. Tonight was really beginning to look up. Hannah's blowjob was a nice way to take the edge off, and I was looking to give my dick a real workout before morning.

Jenny handed me the keys. "You drive." Yes ma'am.

I climbed into the driver's seat, but no one joined me on the passenger side. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Jenny in the cabinet under the sink reaching for her stash. She kept a bag of Hawaii's finest taped to the back of her sink.

Kelly seemed to be shaking her head no. I couldn't tell if this was "No, I don't smoke" or "No, I don't want any." Jenny laid the bag out on the table and with nimble fingers rolled a large joint. Shit, I knew the quality of the pot Jenny bought. This stuff was grown on the Kona coast of the Big Island right alongside the coffee we all love to drink. We were in for a stoner night.

Jenny lit it and sucked on it hard. The orange tip glowing brightly as it converted its magic into smoke that flowed from her lungs to her brain. She passed the joint to Kelly, who was obviously a new-comer to this activity. I don't think she had ever smoked a regular cigarette. She put the joint to her lips. She nodded to something Jenny said and sucked mightily. She exploded into a fit of coughing and managed to hand back the joint to Jenny. Jenny got up and came forward. She kneeled between the seats and handed it to me. I took a long toke and handed it back. I was at a stoplight when Jenny loomed in front of me and laid a long tongue-twisting kiss on me.

She whispered in my ear. "We're going to fuck this little bitch's brains out tonight." She disappeared into the back leaving me with a rapidly growing hard on.

Jenny took another hit, but this time she leaned over to Kelly and pressed her lips to her prey's. I could see Kelly coughing a little and smoke leaking from their lips, but Kelly held most of it down. I kept glancing in the mirror to see what Kelly's reaction was, but the kiss never seemed to end. Long after the last smoke leaked from their lips and noses, their kissing when on and on, I could see tongues working busily inside mouths. When they finally separated Kelly leaned back in her seat. "Oh, god, Jenny. That was so cool." Kelly was already stoned as the homegrown cannabis clogged her neurons creating new circuit paths for thought.

"I know. It's a great way to smoke, sharing it." Jenny passed the joint back up to me. I took a hit while trying to watch the traffic that seemed to be traveling a lot faster than it was a few minutes ago. I slowed down a little to avoid having an accident. I spotted an exit, and I got off the highway. Divided highway traffic was moving much too quickly for me to handle. I thought I could better deal with the slower pace of a city street. I was getting pretty fucked up. Voices in my head kept whispering to me that I was too fucked up to drive.

I passed the now roach back to the girls. Jenny took it and clipped it to a small decorative clamp on her necklace and sucked it to nothing. Kelly straightaway brought her lips to Jenny's for her share of smoke. Jenny giggled so hard at Kelly's rapid response she almost lost her cache of smoke. She seized the back of Kelly's head, and they launched into a kiss that would have melted any lesbian porno DVD I have today. Their passionate exchange of fluids went on and on. Up in the driver's seat after the two hits and with my eyes plastered to the rear view mirror I was having serious trouble driving. Those voices were not whispering anymore. My eyes darted from the rearview mirror to the edge of the road hoping for a spot large enough for the van. The empty streets of the city were too much for my overloaded brain. I needed someplace to park this van. I wanted to get into the developing porno movie in the back and, even in my stoned state; I knew I had to park before I could.

The rear view mirror was better than any pay-per-view cable television channel today as I watched Jenny climb over the table and slip down next to Kelly without losing their lip lock. They both were holding each other's faces as they kissed. I heard a moan from them, but had no idea who had reached this threshold of arousal.

I then realized I was driving down Hotel Street. A map drawn of downtown Honolulu by a sailor would never show a Hotel Street. We all knew it as "Shit Street." The home of the porno district, strip bars-total nudity, sex shows-simulated and sometimes not so simulated, and hooker pick up street-both female and males dressed as females. Like Indianan Jones choosing the Last Supper Cup, one had to choose wisely when looking for pussy on Shit Street. More than one sailor I knew came away with a mistaken impression of the size a woman's clit could attain.

Anything pleasurable was obtainable here. I don't want to give you the idea it was a rough place. Busloads of tourists, especially those full of Japanese picture takers, stopped down here to check out the depravity and perhaps to enjoy a little on a personal level. The cops patrolled the area heavily to ensure the safety of the tourists. At the time it had to be one of the safest porn districts in the world.

I pounded the van's steering wheel. "Fuck!" I didn't want to be here. I needed a quiet spot to park; somewhere where a lesbian virgin's screams of ecstasy would pass unnoticed.

This pried Jenny loose from Kelly's lips long enough to ask, "What's wrong Joe?"

"We're on Shit Street."

"Really, I've heard about this place. Kelly, have you ever been to Shit Street?" She leaned between the seats to look out the windshield.

The tall brunette joined her between the seats; she shook her head.

Jenny was excited. "Joe, have you ever been here?"

I admitted that I had once or twice-yeah right.

Jenny giggled, that long rolling giggle you only hear from a woman who was very stoned. "Yeah, I bet you fucking live down here."

"No, Jenny. I live in the barracks." This, not so funny, retort brought a long burbling laugh from the Mary Jane twins.

"Show us around. He has to, Kelly, doesn't he?" Kelly nodded enthusiastically with her face nuzzled into Jenny's neck.

"Yeah," Jenny burst out, "We want to see the shit on the street." The pot soaked girls' eyes caught and they burst out in uncontrolled laughter. Kelly holding her sides at her new friend's joke.

She tried to repeat, "Yeah, Joe. Show us some shit." The Roach sisters exploded again in laughter.

"Okay, ladies. Let me get this beast parked." I picked a commercial parking lot figuring I was too stoned to try to parallel park this huge thing. So I paid two bucks for a night of parking. I steered the beast to a back corner of the lot.

After I shut off the engine I turned back to the pair who had resumed making out. "Where first? A strip club?"

Kelly laughed, and said, "Fuck, yes." I smirked at Jenny as to her prospective pussy's enthusiasm. She giggled back and winked at me. My friend, the chief's wife, knew she would have her hand in the bird and the bush tonight.

"Okay ladies, let's go." We exited the rear of the van by falling out. I watched from the concrete as a small cloud of marijuana smoke blow off with the trade winds. Fortunately for the girls they fell on top of me. We got up laughing. We walked out of the lot laughing.

The strip joint I had in mind was on the next block. It was a place dating back to Word War II with fully nude strippers, lap dances and beers priced at the six-dollar level. I had the resources for having fun. Payday was yesterday, and I had the whole wad in my pocket-lap dances for all. When you hit Shit Street with two wound-up bisexual hotties you don't want to worry about running out of money.

I paid the cover, and the girls slowed down at the reality of the smoke-filled, men-filled bar. They hesitated at the dingy, smoke-filled bar. I took each by hand and I pulled them up to the side of the runway. A rail ran along it where our drinks would sit. It was an superb up close and personal view.

Kelly whispered in my ear, "Can't we sit at a table?"

"No, Kelly, if you're going to really appreciate Shit Street you have to do it close-up."

Disco music started and out came a stripper, young, not more than twenty-five or so. Tall, almost as tall as Kelly, nice natural tits, not too small, but not to big to be bruised if hit by one, maybe a C cup. She strutted out in a sequined bikini wearing thigh-high hose. She danced around the runway giving everyone a good first look. Her g-string showed off a well-toned ass. When she saw Kelly and Jenny she gave them a big smile, turned and wiggled her ass at them. They burst out giggling, and then turned scarlet. The stripper smiled recognizing two stoned women and moved on looking for tips. I got two twenties broken down to singles and gave the girls each a small stack of ones.

"Next time she comes around stuff one in her bikini bottom." I was acting like a porno coach.

Kelly squealed and laughed nervously. "I can't to that."

I gave Jenny a level gaze. "Can you do that, Jenny?"

She smirked at me. "Fucking-A I can." She waved the dollar at me and turned back to wait for the stripper. Kelly laid her dollar on the edge of the runway, but didn't commit to anything.

When the stripper made it back to the girls she had lost her top, showing off the perky dark-brown nipples capping her natural breasts. She shook them at the girls and Jenny flagged her down with her dollar. The stripper dropped to her knees and wiggled her tits in Jenny's face. Jenny licked her lips, stood up and stuffed the dollar bill under the thin string of the blonde's bikini. The stripper saw the dollar in front of Kelly and moved over. She leaned down over Kelly brushing her tits in the young wife's face. Kelly snatched up the bill and stuffed it under the g-string on the opposite side from Jenny's.

She leaned back with a serious face then burst out laughing. "I can't believe I fucking did that." Kelly plopped into her seat. She lifted her beer and drained it. She leaned across me to Jenny and pulled her into a tongue-twisting kiss. Fuck, she was starting to really turn me on. The stripper saw the kiss and smiled broadly. She danced away to the next dollar bill.

On the next lap the stripper was naked. Jenny had another dollar in her hand, but wasn't sure where to put it. The stripper lay back on the runway and scooted her bare pussy right up to Jenny who held out the dollar. The stripper reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart and smiled at Jenny, I whispered instructions in her ear. She rolled up her dollar and pushed it into the pussy looking back at her and fucked the stripper with it. The stripper tapped her mons and Jenny leaned down and gave it a kiss. The stripper moaned loudly scaring her. She flashed a toothy smile at Jenny, and then moved over to Kelly.

Kelly was ready with her rolled dollar. She stuck it in her mouth like a cigarette and leaned down and pushed it into the moist pussy of the stripper. Kelly got in a quiet lick on the bald pussy before she pulled back laughing. This time Jenny pulled her in for a kiss. The half-dozen men lining the runway cheered them on. The girls were starting to attract attention.

They tenderly separated their lips and looked around embarrassed. Jenny chugged her six-dollar bottle of beer and the guys cheered as she slammed the bottle down. The stripper finished her set and waiving to the girls danced off stage. Two beers for the girls showed up courtesy of a tall sailor on the other side of the runway. The girls smiled at him, and then kissed each other again. The men around the runway hooted and banged their beer bottles.

Kelly looked at me; her eyes were gleaming. "Joe, this is fucking great, how soon before the next dancer shows up?"

"Oh, there should be another on again soon."

Jenny slid in close to me. "Joe, my panties are so wet you wouldn't believe it. The stripper turned me on so much-and when Kelly licked her pussy, I about died. God, I wish I had done that. I just got a taste second hand."

The stripper from the previous set walked out and asked if she could sit with us. She was wearing the costume she took off during her last act, and a very thin robe that hid nothing. It barely cleared her ass. Kelly jumped over to the empty seat and she sat between Jenny and Kelly. I bought her the customary drink.

"I'm Nadine. You girls sure looked like you liked my act."

Kelly bubbled over. "I'm Kelly and this is Jenny. We're Joe's date tonight."

Nadine looked at me, sizing me up. "Joe looks like he's a very fortunate fellow this evening."

I laughed. "Yes, Joe knows he's a very lucky guy to have such lovely companions tonight."

Kelly interrupted me. She just couldn't hold back. "That was so cool. I've never seen a stripper before. I can't believe you can take off all your clothes like that."

"It's not hard, and they pay me a lot of money to do it."

"They do?" Kelly hadn't considered this aspect.

"Yes, they do. After awhile you get used to being naked in front of strange men," her hand slipped under the table and placed it on Kelly's knee, "and some beautiful women." Kelly's eyes widened as Nadine ran her hand up the young wife's thigh. "Sometimes it's even boring, but when I get appreciative customers like you then it really makes my night." As she talked about appreciative customers she ran her long red-nailed fingers over the front of Kelly's shorts. I thought the girl would have an orgasm on the spot. She might have, but I didn't ask her at the time.

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