Cindy - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by Lekhiket

Chapter 3

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A true tale of how a young wife and mother seeking sexual fulfillment outside marriage discovers an unexpected aspect to her own sexuality.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   True Story   Cheating   BDSM   Oral Sex  

When Cindy and Gene pulled up at the school, it was like they were returning from a voyage to a foreign country. They were changed by the experiences of the voyage, but for now, it was time to find their luggage and get home to be with their families. They had a quick hug, whispered goodbyes, and made plans to meet for lunch in a few days.

For the rest of that Sunday, Cindy was busy taking care of her children, cleaning up the house, washing camping clothes, and finishing weekend chores. She didn't interact much with her husband, but that was not unusual. She was exhausted by the time dinner was finished, but thoughts of Gene were still racing around in the back of her mind. She usually took a shower before bed, but what she needed that night was a long soak in the tub. She locked the bathroom door, filled the tub with water so hot she had to ease slowly into it, and slowly sank down naked into the steaming water. After a few minutes of soaking, her tired muscles finally began to relax. Closing her eyes, she relived the thrill of being ordered by Gene to strip naked in the dark woods and suck his cock. She wasn't sure just what made that so exciting, but for her it was just about the most sexually thrilling thing she had ever done, rapidly followed by sucking him off in the car that morning. Just thinking about doing those things got Cindy very aroused. Despite the hot water her nipples were at attention, and with just a little clitoral massage she was able to easily bring herself up to and over the edge. Remembering the amazing sensation of having a pulsing, ejaculating cock in her mouth made her cum again and again. She lay there in the scented water for a long time, thinking about the new direction her life was taking, until the the water was cool. She finally got out, dried off, put on a chaste flannel nightgown, and went to bed. She was asleep in five minutes. Her husband didn't come to bed until much later, and he did not to disturb her.

Gene could hardly believe his good fortune. He had always been attracted to Cindy, but he never expected that she would throw herself at him the way she had on the camping trip. Not only that, but she seemed eager to do whatever he asked sexually. He had deliberately been rough with her, and Cindy seemed to be turned on by his dominate attitude, and she really got off sucking cock. He had never been with a woman that got that hot just from putting a dick in her mouth. He knew Cindy was probably not getting much satisfaction at home, but her eagerness for sex surprised him. Gene was not a man to pass up an opportunity like this, but he knew he would have to be careful not to get caught. Very careful. His wife wouldn't be amused if she caught him fucking her friend. If he played his cards right, though, he could have a lot of fun with Cindy. A lot of fun.

They had lunch on Wednesday. Cindy worked as a paralegal at a downtown office not too far away from Gene's engineering company. They picked out a restaurant about half way between their offices, so each would only have to walk a few blocks. Gene noticed that Cindy was wearing her full business suit, bra, pantyhose, and all, and he told her that next time she should wear something more creative. Cindy flashed a very big grin and said she hoped there there would be a lot of next times, and that she was a very creative person. She reached across the table and took his hand in hers, and held it until their lunch arrived.

The essence of their conversation that day was that Cindy was looking for a way out of her dull marriage, and she was very attracted to Gene. She wanted to leave her husband, but they were tied together by their children, and she didn't want to do anything right now that would hurt her kids. She saw Gene as her hope for the future. Gene, on the other hand, had a happy and satisfying relationship with his wife, and had no intentions of leaving her for Cindy. Gene saw Cindy as a very pleasant sexual diversion, but he wanted to take no chances on ruining his marriage, and he was very blunt about that with her. It was not what Cindy wanted to hear, but she optimistically said that they would just have to make the best of a bad situation. Cindy was thinking that if she gave herself to Gene, he would grow to love her over time. Cindy was not thinking very clearly, but who does when they are in lust? Gene was thinking that he was a lucky man.

The following night there was a parent's meeting to plan a school fund raiser, and they made plans to have coffee after the meeting. Cindy came home, made dinner, got the kids going on their homework and changed clothes. She wore a loose sweater and a skirt with nothing underneath, knowing it would please Gene, yet not look sexy to anyone else. She arrived at the meeting late, and sat on the other side of the room from Gene, listening to the the PTA officers make their pitch for volunteers to help with the annual school fair and fund raiser. She put her name on the list that was passed around, thinking it would give her more opportunities to be out of the house in the evenings. When the meeting was over, she spoke to Gene briefly and they agreed to meet at a nearby restaurant. He gave her a friendly hug, enough to confirm that she was not wearing a bra, and they left separately.

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