Dragon Clan - Cover

Dragon Clan

Copyright© 2003 by Heathen57

Chapter 6

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 6 - The adventures of a halfelven as he tries to survive in a land where all of the kindred are to be killed. First chapter of a longer story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Magic   Heterosexual   Fiction   First   Violence  

The road to the Tower had to be the easiest that Aldren and Ameni had traveled since they had come together. The troop of men that rode with them provided for fewer watches at night and the chance of being attacked with a group of this size was not likely. They were known to Aldren and the ease with which they integrated into the group was amazing. After what they had endured in the past months, it really felt good to relax a bit.

The first night, they made camp in a site that was used often by men from the tower. There were supplies cached and plenty to eat along with mead to wash it down with. One of the men grumbled that since they had a woman with them, she should do the cooking. Vabryn quickly put a stop to that. "Any woman who can fight with the speed and cunning that the Lady Ameni has shown deserves respect. Besides, do you think you can force her to cook for you?"

After dinner, Ameni was oiling the leather in her armor when a huge shadow passed between her and the fire. She looked up to see the scarred face of Kaldon looking down at her.

"My Lady, I would like to speak with you."

She smiled at him and bade him to sit near. Aldren, who was on the other side reading his late mother's journal, looked up in interest as well.

Kaldon set his great frame on a large flat stone and in his deep gravelly voice started to speak. "I am not much in the way of smart, but I have to say that there are very few that can best me in a fight. From what Captain Vabryn said during our journey today, Lord Aldren is probably one of them. But I never would have thought a woman could have taken me as fast as you did. I need to know how you could do what most cannot."

Ameni set down her rag and replaced the stopper in the container. She thought for a minute before she spoke. "I believe that it comes from my race. The Kindred are physically stronger and quicker than the average human. For all your strength, you would be equal to the average male elf. Do not feel that you have been bested by a mere woman, for my sire taught me to fight in the elven method of Hanbura since the time I could handle a weapon."

Kaldon looked a little more at ease. It had bothered him - a lot - that this young and shapely female could have taken him with no more trouble than stepping on a bug. His people had been taught that women were always weaker and nowhere near equals with the men.

This was no ordinary woman in his eyes though. He had been watching her all day, first with anger then curiosity. Now that she had explained herself, he decided that she simply was more of a goddess than a mere mortal being. That had to be the explanation. No woman could do what she did. Of course to his simple thinking, a goddess should be revered and protected. He decided that he would do his best to do just that.

Having made up his mind, he stood, bowed to her and Aldren and then took his place in the watch. Ameni looked over at Aldren. "Could you tell me what that was about? He looked at me like I never seen anyone else look before. It wasn't lust, I know THAT look."

Aldren was trying to keep from smiling. "For some reason, Kaldon worships you. That was a look of awe. Of course I worship you but for an entirely different reason."

Ameni shoved his leg with the side of her foot. She grinned at her mate, and then went back to her oiling.

They were making good progress and Vabryn figured that they would arrive at the tower by nightfall. Aldren and Ameni rode together in the middle of the troop but the men were giving them some space. They both rode in an easy silence, comfortable in their own company and the ones they rode with. Suddenly, Ameni stopped and cocked her head. Far off in the distance, Aldren could faintly hear a sound that did not seem of this world. Deep as though it was coming from far inside a well.

Far in the distance was a creature in the sky. Even at this distance, they could see that it was huge, probably the length of five horses standing nose to tail. It circled once then dove out of sight.

The rest of the troop had stopped as well. The sighting of a dragon in the sky was a rare sight. It was only thought to happen when the creatures were in a mating flight. Though there were legends of dragons attacking a group of humans, there were no eyewitness tales since nobody survived a dragon attack.

In the lands of the South, dragons were thought to have died out an age or more ago, if they had ever existed at all. Now, Aldren had seen the legend in the flesh. Many things had happened to him since he had left the court of the King, but this was one of the most awe inspiring as well as frightening.

The troop slowly shook off their emotions and once again started up the trail. As they got closer to the tower the landscape changed. Gone were the forests, replaced by smaller bushes stunted by lack of nourishment among the huge rocks. They were now riding close to the northern mountains and the trail was following along the sheer cliffs. The road was wide enough for four horses to ride abreast and bordered on the side away from the cliff by a low wall of hewn stones set tightly together.

The "tower" was actually two towers built into the face of the mountain. They were octagonal with two of the sides buried in the face of the cliff. The massive stones that made up the structures were fit together with such precision that one would have to inspect them closely to see the breaks that defined each block. They rose over a hundred feet to a parapet that would give an unfettered view of road and the valley below.

The towers guarded a set of gates made of wood and iron that closed the way into the interior of the keep. As tall as 5 men and as wide as the road, they looked to be able to withstand any battering ram known to man both ancient and modern.

The sentries at the top called down from their protected positions and the gates were opened. The troop rode through the main gate, into a tunnel about 50 strides long and under another gate that was designed to be dropped in case the first was breached. They rode out into a huge bowl several leagues across, its sides raising several hundred feet and surrounding the entire complex. Several thousand men could be housed here with room for training, drilling in formations and tactics, and any other needs of a standing army.

At the left side and again built into the cliff was a stone palace with a single tower rising above it almost to the height of the walls of the bowl. Most of the troop headed to the barracks leaving Vabryn and his second in command, an older and rather surly man named Halicot, to escort Aldren and Ameni to meet the leader of this enclave.

They passed through the open doorways into a long receiving hall. There were guards standing at their posts at regular intervals along both sides of the hall. At the very far end a man who looked to be several years older than Aldren sat in a tall and ornately carved chair. He was average in height and well dressed. His graying hair was brushed back and held in place by a gilded broach.

Aldren did a quick scan of the rest of the room. Off to one side was a table that held maps and various other parchments scattered in a haphazard fashion. There were tapestries on the walls made of rich fabrics depicting the ancient legends and creatures that were once thought to have walked in the lands. Otherwise, the only other feature was a fireplace large enough to heat the hall and a few chairs surrounding the table and hearth.

The leader, Kendrich, rose to greet them. "Aldren, late of the King's garrison I take it." He offered his hand in greeting. As Aldren grasped his forearm he continued. "Your reputation precedes you."

"As does yours Kendrich. But I am not sure how much of what Vabryn has told you is plain truth or embellishment."

"T'was not just Vabryn, I have sources all over the lands. I know of why you left the King's employ, that it is believed that you have earned the wrath of the High Priest of the new cult for the killing of several priests. I have been told that you are a fair man, honest to a fault, and quick to take retribution when wronged. Such qualities make you a leader of men."

He then turned to Ameni and brought his arm across his chest. "Welcome to the Tower of the Guard, Ameni of the kindred."

Ameni returned the salute. "My thanks to you for your hospitality. May you live long for the span of men."

"I am sure that you are weary from the journey. We shall find you rooms so you may rest. I imagine that tomorrow you will wish to stretch your limbs and sharpen your skills in the practice fields. Vabryn, take them to the captain's quarters for the night. After tomorrow we will find more permanent dwellings."

Vabryn gestured for them to follow. He led them out of the palace and to the first building to the right of the entrance. He found a set of rooms that was empty and sent orders that all of their belongings be brought in. He started to leave when Aldren spoke up. "Vabryn, stay while we are waiting. I need to know what is going on. The invitation to the practice fields sounded more like an order."

Vabryn turned to his old friend, his face somber. "There are those among Kendrich's inner circle of advisors that do not believe you are as good as your legend has it. Others that believe too much of the gossip they hear and fear you I think."

"Legend? Just what legend?"

Vabryn looked surprised. "You have not heard? You are supposed to be the one that can defeat the king and the priests then restore peace to the lands. Ever since you left the king's employ, rumors have abounded about you laying waste to those that oppose you, and giving aid to those that deserve it. The wildest tales have you as one of the Ancient Kindred reborn"

Aldren would have laughed if it were not for the seriousness of his friend's face. This could be dangerous. Expectations of this magnitude had a way of getting one killed if they were not fulfilled. "You know that the only thing that I have done is to survive. And that is with the help of Ameni. I am not the long awaited liberator of the legends. I am just a man."

"I know that. But I am afraid that you will be tested on the practice field tomorrow so be at your best." Then he turned to Ameni. "My Lady, you may be challenged as well. I have seen you fight but the attitude of most here is that women of any race are only good for comfort after a fight. As well, most have never encountered an elf."

A knock on the door signaled the arrival of their belongings. Vabryn took that opportunity to take his leave as well. Following the packs was a meal of roasted meat, roots, and mead. The companions ate, checked their weapons and then settled for the evening. Ameni took a look around the set of rooms that had been assigned to them. There was a large bed, a round-top trunk for their belongings and a small table that held a basin and pitcher of water. A small room was attached containing the facilities that would be needed. A constant stream of water flowed through the facilities to remove the waste. The stonework for these facilities was like that of the towers. Satisfied with their arrangements as well as their safety, Ameni began to get ready for sleep. Watching her remove her armor and leggings, brought feelings of arousal to Aldren and when he touched his mate he found her of the same mind. They made love quickly and quietly as they were both feeling the long days on the trail. Afterwards, they settled into a comforting sleep with their limbs entangled.

Aldren awoke just as the rays of the sun kissed the tops of the walls of the bowl. Ameni was already dressed in her full armor with her knives in her belt and her bow and quiver draped across her back. Aldren dressed quickly, checking his own weapons. They then left the rooms looking for the dining hall for something to break their fast.

The hall was serving hot cereal with honey and roasted meats that had been spiced. Warm bread and a brewed herbal tea completed the meal. When they had arrived there were few in the hall, but before they were finished, the place was full of warriors of all types. Even with the crowding and fighting for a place to sit, Ameni noted that one and all gave them plenty of space. As she looked around at the faces, she noted that the expressions ran from the friendly smiles of Vabryn's troop to some of actual fear. Aldren had also seen this and they finished quickly and stepped out into early morning light.

The walked over to the large field that was used for practice. The area was deserted except for an old man sitting on a rock shelf wrapped in a cloak. His covered head was bowed almost to his chest. He completely ignored them, and they soon forgot about him. Ameni set her bow down and slipped her knives from their sheaths as Aldren pulled his sword from its scabbard. They faced off and started a set of Hambra movements that would loosen their muscles and focus their senses. Soon they were moving in the grace of the exercise, each motion beautiful but very deadly.

After they finished, Ameni suggested that Aldren work on the control of his 'gift'. He had been quietly bringing up the feelings often only to push them down. Each time, he would feel the power become stronger, but at the same time his control was even better. He whispered the words of the ancient tongue in his head and felt the now familiar tingle as he drew the fire of the elements to him. Ameni was standing back watching intently. He seemed to gain a shimmer, almost a glow that surrounded him. He moved into a defensive position and started to battle an imaginary foe. As he moved the aura became stronger and he moved even faster. Like a voice in the distance, he heard Ameni shout to him to control it at that level. He concentrated and found he could stay at this level without losing the thought needed to fight effectively. He forced it back down before anyone showed up. He felt the tingling fade as he returned the power back to the elements. He noticed with delight that the muscle cramping was nonexistent now and the fatigue dissipated faster than before. He was restored after only a few minutes of rest.

Sitting back, Aldren glanced over remembering the strange old man. He was still there wrapped in his cloak, but the hood was thrown back revealing a head of long white hair and a pair of dark eyes that were dancing as he nodded and smiled at the pair.

Aldren was back to his normal energy level when others showed up on the field and began to pair off for practice. Ameni wondered off to the archery range with her bow while Aldren stayed where he was. Vabryn approached and asked if he would spar for a bit before training of the younger men started. They squared off and had a friendly match, both remembering a time many years ago when they were both being taught by the swordmaster in the King's garrison. Aldren had always been the better of the two because the swordmaster pushed him harder than anyone else. After all, Harcon would expect nothing less from his only son. They were soon sweating even in the cool of the morning. Lowering his sword, Vabryn moved to Aldren and clasped him on the shoulder.

"Aye Aldren, it's been many a moon since I have had someone who could make me work in a sparring match. It feels good to be challenged, my friend."

Aldren smiled at his friend. "We both have come into our own, I believe. No longer are we the young boys under my father's eye. Experience has taught you well."

They noticed then a rather large group had gathered to watch them. As the pair turned to face them, there were cheers and congratulations on such a fine display. There seemed to be a look of awe in some of the younger faces. They had just seen a pair of court-trained swordmasters prove their skill, and the newest realized just how far they had to go to attain that level.

But now it was time for Vabryn to start working with the inexperienced troops. Aldren followed Vabryn as he began pairing recruits together to measure their progress. As the pairs would spar, Vabryn would correct mistakes and cajole those not working to their potential. After being asked to help, Aldren started to teach as well. Many of the mistakes he remembered committing in his youth were to be found in these troops today. Sometimes correcting a problem was as simple as changing the grip they had on the sword or perhaps showing them a better way to stand.

Watching one pair he suddenly stopped them. "Do not over extend your sword arm when you thrust. Your balance is off and it is harder to protect yourself. Let your opponent come within range of your sword, don't try to extend your range to them. Let me show you." He drew his own sword from his back and asking the man's partner to come at him, he demonstrated just what he meant. "Learn your range and then you can keep anything out of that area."

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