Abandoned New Wife
Copyright© 2003 by WestPac Widow
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young bride is left alone after only a few months of marriage while her navy husband goes on a tour.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa NonConsensual Reluctant Blackmail Lesbian Cheating MaleDom FemaleDom Light Bond Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Voyeurism Slow
David and I were married in sort of whirlwind fashion. I was about to start another semester of college and he was stationed on a destroyer in San Diego. We had dated through our senior year in high school, with him leaving soon after graduation for the service. I chose to go to a local community college, secretly thinking that this might happen before he got out of the Navy. I didn't want to start a four-year program only to have it disrupted. As it happened, he called me one week and we were married in a hastily put together wedding two weeks later.
We packed what we had in a U-Haul and drove on out, settling in to a small apartment that he had already arranged. Things were great. Even though he occasionally would go to sea for a week at a time, he was always back for at least some part of the weekend. We were alone, we were together, and we were happy. I was able to enroll in a community college there and got a small part time job in an attorney's office. Financially we were tight but comfortable if we watched our spending. The only problem was that we knew that in six months or so he was going to be deployed on what the sailors referred to as a WestPac tour, sending him into the Asian area for six months.
You can imagine my concern and disappointment when he walked in three months after I was there and with a long face informed me that operational requirements over there called for them to leave almost immediately. "You are going to become a WestPac Widow" he joked. That was the name the sailors put on the wives left behind. It was a little bit notorious in that it was thought that the first few days after a formation moved out there were a lot of available women around. In the two weeks that we had left before he deployed, we made the decision that I would stay there and continue in school, much to the concern of my parents. We took care of business and each other until the day he left. I was bawling like a baby as I watched the formation leave the bay, but when I got home I quickly determined that I was a twenty year old woman on her own and had to get my act together.
The everyday living was easy enough. School work and more school kept me busy. I was having a very difficult time with one of my math courses and spent a lot of time studying and at the school math lab with math tutors. As I struggled with it I began to struggle with something else. Sex with David was sweet and loving but not great. I would never have told him, but I had never reached an orgasm with him. I had an older sister that I confided in and she said for me not to worry. It would come in time with him. Basically, he was caring and gentle in his foreplay and sex, but always seemed to get excited and stop short of bringing me off. My release came as a result of my own talented fingers.
This was my struggle. Within a week after David was gone, I found myself wanting him so badly that my hands were constantly on myself. Two or three times a night was common, and I did it at least once in the morning and afternoon regardless of where I was; work, school or home. The immediate satisfaction was rewarding, but I always slipped back into the mode of wanting him. I guess that I was dealing real well with everything else, but what I felt was really abandoned was my pussy.
Beyond this, things were looking up. My little job was perfect and I got a new tutor at school that really was great. He was so different from everybody else. For one, he seemed to understand that some people just don't grasp algebra and have to be taught slowly step by step. The other difference was his appearance. Instead of the studious guy with thick glasses, he was huge and extremely good-looking. I knew he was providing this service as part of a graduate program, but it was only by asking around that I found that he played football on a little semi-pro team in the area as well. That's why he was in such good shape.
We had to sign up on a weekly basis for assistance, and suddenly he was always my mentor. This meant that I saw him at least three times a week. Being around him that much meant that we got to know each other personally. Although we both kept it friendly but professional, little personal things started to creep in. It was in that time period that I started to really sense his presence on a sexual level. His nice personal appearance and especially his size didn't escape me. I made sure I showed no signs of interest, but after a lonely night his smell and the sound of his voice was enough to make me moist. He went from slowly creeping into my thoughts as I masturbated to being the dominant one, slowly pushing David aside. I'm
sure it was just because of my almost daily contact with him. Still, my level head kept it contained to just that and there would be no problem.
Then one Friday afternoon before a three-day weekend I was in the math lab with him. The lab had a large communal area and many small rooms for private sessions. Since it was a long weekend, it was empty except for us. I sensed an urgency about him and assumed that he wanted to hurry and get out even though that was not his normal attitude. We entered one of the rooms in the very back and started going over my assignment. He never sat down as he normally would, so I stood with him, assuming he wanted to get in and out that day. I misjudged his intentions.
He positioned himself behind me as we stood in front of the table. As I started my usual routine of showing
him what was happening, I became more than aware of his breathing on my neck from very close range.
Without turning, I could tell that his face was almost into my neck. Immediately, I pulled away even
though it was a nice moment. We went on talking as if all was normal. Again, I felt his face against me,
actually feeling his lips on my neck. I separated us again, but I gave a slight shudder and what may have
been an involuntary little audible sound. I'm sure he picked up on it.
I was wearing a plain blouse and a relatively demure skirt, dropping down to almost to the top of my knees. As the presence of his lips on my neck turned to small kisses, I was concentrating on trying to avoid any embarrassing confrontation with him. Suddenly I realized that, inch-by-inch, his hands were slowly lifting the hem of my skirt. I was able to break out of it by pretending to have to reach over for a workbook, but as soon as I straightened up he moved back over and started it all over again. His kisses were bolder and his fingers more aggressive. I had to make my move. "Chris, we can't do this," I told him. His response was a muted sigh and more kisses. When I felt the skirt coming above mid thigh, I put my hand on his wrist and told him to stop right then.
He complied, dropping the skirt but moving his hand to my midriff, caressing it slowly and softly. I jerked back in reaction. This was worse than the skirt going up. I was extremely sensitive there and could feel every nerve he touched. As he moved his lips up the side of my neck and started searching for my mouth, his left hand found my breast. Gently pinching my nipple through the thin bra, I sagged a little with the sensation. "Please, Chris. I need to go," I said softly. "I can't do this." His answer to my plea was to turn me around and give me a small, gentle kiss on the lips. Despite my denials to him, I felt it all the way down to my toes, hitting everything in between. I should have pulled away immediately and left the room. Instead, I'm sure he took my hesitation as approval and did it again. Instead of a small peck, he caught me by surprise when it was warm and full. Even when he pulled away it wasn't completely, as he kept gentle contact with my mouth and began running his tongue lightly just inside my lips. My body ignored my mind then and responded, meeting his mouth with mine, our tongues touching.
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