Sarah - Cover


Copyright© 2003 by The Star

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - His wife killed in a horrific accident, he tries to start over. He learns to love again. And learns the truth about the "accident".<br> Of all the stories I've written, this is probably the best.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Incest   Violence  

A week later, I took on a new project that required me to spend a couple of weeks in Phoenix. It didn't take much arm-twisting to decide we'd both go. Gloria agreed to keep an eye on our house and we were off.

Phoenix was fun, since neither of us had been there before and we could learn about it together. The client was glad to see both of us, because he needed serious marketing help and I would need to involve Sarah, anyway. The client and his wife made a big effort to keep us happy and occupied when we weren't actually working. I really wish more of my projects-and clients-were as comfortable and fun to work.

The client had undertaken a major expansion, involving moving his business in a couple of new directions. Once he started, he quickly realized he didn't have the resources to handle the new commitments he'd made.

After ten days of working side by side on it-a first for us and a pleasant surprise to know that we could-we were able to tell the client that we could handle the project for him; that it would take a large percentage of our time for most of a year; and that he would end up with a new factory and a trained shop, management and sales team. He gulped, once-and his wife, twice-at the rate we quoted him to do the work. But he also saw at once that it was the only way he could accomplish what he needed, without defaulting on his obligations.

When his wife asked Sarah if we'd move to Phoenix, Sarah laughed, delighted: "No way! We just got settled in my dream house in Oregon. I am NOT going to move to the desert!" We did make it part of the deal that we be provided a car and a nice apartment near the plant for our exclusive use, during the course of the contract. After all, they were paying expenses as well as our hourly rate. They saved a bundle with that apartment!

On our return home, Sarah did laundry and cleaned our immaculate home. I spent a day catching up on my other projects and thought about another day on the river. The autumn sun wouldn't last forever-this is Oregon, after all! Friday afternoon, we packed up food, clothing and bedding and headed for Sandy, for a weekend on the water.

When I stopped at the office to pay the quarterly moorage fee, Marie, the marina manager, said someone had been asking for me, a couple of weeks before. She didn't know who the guy was, and we shrugged and went on our way.

Before I start the engines, I always engage the blowers for several minutes first, to blow fumes out of the bilges and engine compartment. This time, the blowers didn't turn on.

Muttering under my breath, I went down to the cockpit and raised the hatch over the engine compartment. When I saw what was there, I gave thanks for divine protection! Whoever had wired the explosives to the engines had managed to short out the blower fans in the process-probably somebody more used to cars than boats.

In the salon, my face white, I ordered Sarah up to the marina office. She's not used to me taking that tone with her-at least not since she was little. About to make an issue of it, she saw my face and moved out. I hit the emergency power disconnect and followed her off the dock.

From a pay phone there at the marina, I called Norm Johnson, person to person. Furious, I drove my way through underlings who wanted to 'screen' the call. I refused to give my name, just stating that it was an emergency and demanding, when someone wanted to shift me to someone else, "Are you refusing to put me through to him? What is your name?" Finally Norm came on the line.

"Don't say my name! Do you recognize my voice? Do you know who this is?" He did. Then I suggested, very strongly, that he get one of his agents and a bomb specialist, out to Sandy post-haste. I ended by saying, very nastily, "Now I know how much promises from you people about protecting our identity are worth!" and slammed the phone in his ear.

I asked Marie to keep people away from the pier our slip was on, as much as she could, saying our boat was real dangerous and we'd called for appropriate help to deal with it. Should she call the fire department? I asked her not to-I'd already called the authorities. Just let them handle it.

Back home, I called Bill, asking him to drop everything and come see us-bringing his partner. Yes, I was shaken. These people had tried before, killing Sandy and just barely failing to get me too. I was determined they wouldn't kill Sarah!

Bill and his partner, Tom, who is a bit older than I am, arrived in 20 minutes. I told them everything about the attempts on my life and how I felt my very life was in the hands of bureaucratic ignoramuses. I laid it all out for them, except for the blood relationship between Sarah and me. I asked Bill to draft new wills for us immediately-a chore I'd neglected. And I asked for suggestions.

Tom suggested that we make depositions about everything that had happened, including the names of the agents involved, the dates of our meetings and our specific requests, and their agreement regarding our anonymity. Bill concurred and Sarah and I agreed. There being no time to waste, they called one of their secretaries who was a notary and she came to the house to record, transcribe and notarize our depositions.

Bill also mentioned that he was acquainted with the junior senator from Oregon. Though not a close friend, he felt the senator owed him a couple of favors-BIG favors. The reason he brought it up was that the Senator was at a resort on the coast, addressing a party conference that weekend and Bill felt he could get an appointment with him. "Don't know how much protection it would give you, Mike," he said, candidly. "But personal senatorial interest can't hurt. At the least, it will get departmental Internal Affairs, Inspectors General, whatever they call them, finding out who spilled the beans and who to. Perhaps it will become more hassle than it's worth to go after you."

By the time we were finished with the depositions, Bill had arranged an appointment in his Portland office with the senator. And the DEA agent from Portland arrived on our doorstep. Inviting him in, we seated him at the kitchen table and introduced Bill and Tom. Tom took charge. "Well. Did you people find anything beyond evidence of your monumentally criminal stupidity?"

The agent agreed that it was not good, but denied any knowledge of how the leak could have occurred. The bomb specialist from the FBI identified the setup as one used by a small group of gangland assassins from the midwest. Definitely a paid 'hit'.

Tom demanded to know what the agent and his organization were going to do to keep us from harm. The agent denied that DEA was responsible in any way and said that beyond-someday, 'pie in the sky'-catching the bad guy, there was nothing they could do. Tom told him, speaking very slowly and clearly, that as of that moment, he and his agency were on notice that we held them responsible and would continue to hold them responsible, should anything further happen to me or to Sarah.

When he had scuttled out, tail between his legs, Tom remarked that he was morally sure that the leak had been from the DEA's Portland office. Maybe even from the agent who had just left.

Meanwhile, Bill wasn't comfortable with us being alone. So he did a wonderful thing. He called Mike and Tammi and asked if their son could spend the night with his wife and him-and they stay overnight with us? He ruined his Friday night plans, for the peace of mind of a couple he'd just met. Pretty unusual for a lawyer, I'd say.

Sarah and I were trying to stay cool and collected. But seeing that these people who we respected were taking the threat to us that seriously shook us more than we realized. Going to the kitchen to start thinking about dinner for four or more of us, Sarah found she couldn't cope. She stood, holding the counter, shaking. Tammi arrived and swept into the food preparation, as is her way.

We were seriously frightened.

Although the next day was a Saturday, Bill and Tom both went with us to meet the Senator. A real politician, he went through the 'getting to know you' routine with practiced ease. But then he looked at Bill and asked why this meeting was so urgent and important. Bill and Tom led him through it, while Sarah and I nodded and held hands.

Finally the senator said, "Let me recap: Mike and Sarah came to Oregon to get a new start, after an attempt on his life that killed his wife and almost killed him. When Mike realized he had information the government investigators needed, he came forward with it, requesting anonymity. Immediately after that, a second serious attempt was made on their lives? Do I have it right, so far?" Assured that he did, he asked what we wanted him to do.

Bill answered. "Two, maybe three things. First, get the directors of DEA, ATF and the FBI to conduct internal investigations to root out whoever sold out. And find out who they sold out to and pursue it to convictions. Second, work strongly and openly to eradicate the attitude we saw yesterday: 'It's not my fault. I didn't do it. And if I did, you can't prove it. Therefore it's not my responsibility.' That DEA agent shouldn't be on the government payroll! Nor should any other 'civil servants' who have the same attitude!"

The senator agreed with the first and the sentiment of the second though, a politician always, he didn't commit himself. "You mentioned a third thing?"

"Yes," Bill continued. "We'd like your assurance that, should anything sudden, violent, or unexpected happen to any of us, you will not let it rest until justice has been done."

Near anger, the senator said, "Bill, that's a hell of a thing to ask! 'Specially from a politician. What if, to get passage on a bill that brings millions to Oregon, I'm required to ease off my pressure on, say, the FBI? My loyalty is to Oregon. I can't limit myself to the interests of merely a few of my constituents."

Tom answered, with sadness, but growing conviction, "Senator, you once had a reputation for integrity. If the federal government, by laziness, sloppiness, greed, fear, corruption, or whatever, is putting your constituents in danger, or allowing them to be put in danger, you must act! Isn't the primary purpose of government to keep the peace? Here we have government activities actually leading directly to violence against peaceful citizens, solely because they did their duty as citizens. Can you allow that to happen in your state? When it is in your power to do something about it? Before this meeting, you were ignorant of the situation. Now you're not. Here are Mike and Sarah's sworn depositions about all that has happened to them. You'll do whatever you will about this. But you can't say you don't know anything about it."

Bill and Tom rose from their seats, Sarah and I following, getting ready to leave. The senator said, in a tired voice, "Just a minute, Tom... Bill. OK. You're right. I sometimes get so tied up in 'politics', I forget the human aspects. I'll do as you ask. I'll even do better. I'll get the names of agents who are trusted at the highest levels and have them come to see you. You'll get their names by FAX within the week. Work with them and we'll try to get the threat neutralized if not removed." With a wry smile, he added, "And in return, I expect solid support from everyone in this room, as long as I maintain my integrity."

Shaking his hand, I said, "It's a deal, senator." Sarah followed. Bill and Tom, beaming, pounded his back-I guess they were better friends than I had thought. I added, "Once the boat's safe, if you and your wife ever want a day or weekend on the Columbia, we'd be happy to have you as our guests!"

Grinning, he said, "I'll take you up on that!" and ushered us out of the office.

On the way home, Bill and Tom agreed: "As good as it gets!"

When we arrived at our house, after dropping Tom off downtown, we were surprised to see Gloria and her kids there. "Oh, it's no big deal," she said. "We didn't want to leave your house empty while you were gone. And the kids just love your big screen TV. They've been watching Nickelodeon for the past four hours." Sarah hugged her and cried. That new friends would take such good care of us overwhelmed her.

Sunday, we did leave the house empty while we went to church. Afterward, we invited some of our new friends to lunch. Mike and Tammi came, with Bill, Gloria and their kids. (I became a new 'uncle' to the kids. They are really fun and great kids. And I need the practice, after all... ) After lunch, the guys watched football, drank beer and nibbled on Tammi's snacks. The girls sat around and talked about kids and men-us. Sarah really envies Gloria, because she wants children of her own and soon. Gloria is happy to be a homemaker and mother, but envies Sarah her freedom, without kids to care for.

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