Adventures of a New Bride - Cover

Adventures of a New Bride

Copyright© 2003 by Submissive Susan

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A new bride details the events of her first few weeks of marriage.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Cheating   Uncle   Aunt   MaleDom   Masturbation   Petting   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

In comparison to what had happened on our wedding day and on the plane to Paris, the rest of the honeymoon seemed uneventful. We had a great time hitting all the normal tourist spots, eating too much, and having great sex at all times of the day. Keith pretty well stayed out of the way as he said he would. We saw him occasionally, with him always picking up the tab when we were around.

The one and only time that Keith and I were alone for any period of time happened one afternoon when Colin had fallen into a sex induced nap. I slipped down into the hotel lobby, looking into shops that I couldn't afford. As I was looking into the window of an expensive lingerie shop, I heard a familiar voice say, "See anything you like?" I looked up to find Keith standing there with a suggestive smile on his face.

I told him I liked all of it but could afford none. He insisted that I go inside with him for a few minutes, "Just to look", he said. I was hesitant but went in. The saleslady was very attentive as we wandered about, and the merchandise was unbelievab1e. I looked and touched, but nothing more. It was a bit embarrassing with Keith right there, and I know she assumed he was my husband.

While I was looking through some panties and bras, she asked what size I wore. Since I didn't know if she meant American or French sizes, which I didn't know, I hesitated to answer. All at once Keith said " Size four and 34C." She went straight to them and started showing me what they had. I was standing there dumbfounded. How did he know my exact sizes?

As I started to protest that I couldn't buy anything, Keith whispered to me that he wanted to buy me a few items "for being such a good sport." He and the girl selected some extremely provocative items for me, including two very sexy see through short gowns. I was afraid to know what it cost. Instead of giving them to me, he said he would keep them for me until we got back to his house so that I wouldn't have to explain anything to Colin. It was all so bazaar I said nothing.

The flight home was uneventful. I wore shorts instead of a dress and made sure Colin was seated in the center. I wasn't about to have any repeats of the trip over, still not understanding what gave him the mental liberty to accost me. I was still chastising myself for not only allowing it to happen, but for getting caught up in it like a high school girl with the football captain. Why hadn't I been furious instead of aroused? Never, ever again will I be taken advantage of.

Even though we arrived back in Houston late on a Saturday night, we got up at an early hour. Colin had already made plans to play golf with some of his college friends from Houston, so I got up when he did. The house was quiet because the children had been sent to their grandparents for the weekend. Keith arrived in the kitchen shortly after me and prepared coffee for us. His conversation was light and entertaining as always and I sort of slipped into the mindset that everything was over. When I asked about Debbie, he told me she had a very early tennis match and would be out for a while.

When we finished our coffee, he snapped his fingers and said, "I almost forgot. The bag with your new stuff is in my closet. We'd better get it now. I'll let it be your problem as to how you handle it with Colin." He led me into their master bedroom. I had seen it before during our mini tour of the house. The size of the actual bedroom was surprisingly snug for a house that size, but it had a huge bathroom and two massive walk-in closets.

"It's in here," he said, and walked into his closet. At his beckon, I followed and was amazed all over again at the size of it. He picked up the bag but instead of giving it to me he just sighed and said, "I really envy Colin. I know you'll look great in these." It was then that panic struck.

"Keith, are you in here?" It was Debbie! Keith looked at me as if he had been caught red handed. He put a finger to his mouth, motioning me to be silent. Then he casually stepped out of the closet and told her he had just finished getting dressed. He turned the light off in the closet, but left the door open some, forcing me to step back into the darkness. I could easily hear every thing and could see out if I wanted to, which I didn't. I felt like a trapped rabbit.

"Why are you back so early?" he asked. She told him her partner bowed out with a sick child so she just came back home since there was guest. He told her I was still asleep as far as he knew. At that point, she walked right in front of the open closet door, looking great in a very short white tennis outfit. Their bed was just a few feet in front of the closet and I could see perfectly as she sat down on the edge of the bed and began to remove her shoes.

Suddenly, I stepped back as Keith walked past and brushed open the door even more. As well as I could see out, surely she could see in, even in the darkness. However, her attention was quickly diverted as Keith walked around and sat down behind her on the bed. He kissed her on the neck and said, "the kids are gone" as he slowly lifted her top up.

Just as the top was going over her head, he looked at me in the closet and had a knowing smile on his face. "Watch," he silently mouthed. He continued to lift her top over her head and then off, keeping his attention on me. I'm sure he couldn't see me, but he knew I could see them. I was a prisoner in that closet, wondering where all this was going and certainly wanting no part of it.

The removal of her top revealed a white transparent demi bra. Keith slid his hands around her and gently slid his fingers over the exposed top of her breast where just a hint of nipple was exposed. "I see that you are still entertaining the guys at the club," he said. She just laughed a little and reminded him that he liked it. She had her head turned to one side most of the time as he continued to kiss her lightly on the neck, his fingers caressing her breast.

He slipped his hand inside the right cup of the bra, cupping it fully before massaging the nipple with his fingers. She moaned lightly and pushed back against him. "It's been a long two weeks," she said. He answered by slipping the straps off her shoulders and lowering the bra from her breast. I could see well enough to think to myself that I hoped I would have breast like that at her age after two children. They were larger than I had expected and were perfect.

She moaned slightly and tried to find his lips. I was able to relate with her to some degree. Those same fingers had filled my senses with unwanted pleasure two weeks ago. Unlike me, though, she had no reason to be quiet and her noises escalated as the pleasure increased. His soft manipulations began to become rough as he pinched her nipples harder and started pulling them out away from her chest.

She began a slight grinding of her hips as she tried to push back against him. When he stopped the fondling long enough to discard her bra, she sighed softly. He leaned her back and went to her breast with his mouth then, going from one to the other. Even though his head blocked my view of the action, I could imagine her enjoyment as her mouth opened slightly and her eyes closed as she emitted little sounds. Her arms went around his neck as he alternated between her breast and her mouth, burying his mouth in her neck at times.

His mouth never left her when his hand went down and started pushing the bottom of her outfit off. It appeared to be one piece that was like a panty and skirt combination. She lifted her hips to accommodate him, exposing the rest of her body to me. I had never seen such raw exposure as then. It wasn't like being in a locker room. He laid his body across her stomach so that she couldn't possible see past him where I was. His eyes were looking straight into the closet now, even though he couldn't see me in the darkness. What he did know was that I was watching him take her, and I'm sure he assumed I was excited by it.

His hands went to her knees, and then slowly started that slow, sensual trip up her leg that I well remembered. Just inches up her leg, he took his hand off and crooked his finger at me a couple of times, indicating I should come closer. I stayed put, petrified of being found. He went back to her leg again, then again motioned for me to come forward. He clearly mouthed the words "I want to see you." I hesitated but complied, moving up so that I was in the door, still somewhat hidden. He smiled and slid his body back up on her, attacking her breast and her mouth to her obvious enjoyment. Her hips were moving in a large, circular motion by then.

This was getting to be too much and I was starting to feel it. A tingle within me was starting to override my protest. He continued to block her vision with his body as his hands delivered her pleasure. When he finally reached her crotch, instead of touching it, he used a little pressure on the insides of her legs so that she would open them wider. He slowly spread her labia wide for me to see, exposing a glistening woman and an erect clitoris. I caught my breath. I'd seen porno movies before, but this was different. Did I look like that?

When he started a slow circular massage of her clit, she just wailed, moving her head from side to side. He never stopped watching me and was picking up on my vibes. He must have liked what he was seeing because he slid even higher up on her to make sure he was totally blocking her view, then moved his hand sideways to me. It did it three times before I finally understood that he wanted me to open the door more so he could easily see me. I shook my head no, but he kept insisting.

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