Adventures of a New Bride - Cover

Adventures of a New Bride

Copyright© 2003 by Submissive Susan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A new bride details the events of her first few weeks of marriage.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Cheating   Uncle   Aunt   MaleDom   Masturbation   Petting   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

The next few days following our wedding proved to be both enjoyable and busy. As our attention turned from the last minute wedding planning to last minute trip planning for our trip to Paris, we still had time to spend a little time with friends and share some quiet time with just the two of us. Several times I moved the conversation in the direction of what happened with Blake at the reception. But each time he just laughed it off with some weak attempt at an apology, admitting that it was poor judgment. I began to think that he did not know how far it had gone. Before the "garter tossing" part of the wedding I had gone back to the bathroom and adjusted the garter back down to just above the knee, so he was unaware of how high Blake had put it. (However, my bridesmaid did make a comment that the garter that was thrown didn't look much like the one she had helped me put on before the wedding.) I convinced myself it was just an isolated event caused by a stupid bet, and allowed to go too far under unusual circumstances. However, we saw Blake and Blaine twice in that short period and each time there were little things that were unsettling. Both of them were a little touchier with me than before, and Blake made a few little off-the-wall remarks such as "How have you been, uh, uh, feeling?" as he smiled at me in a very knowing way. I decided to ignore him. What may have bothered me more than anything, though, was the fact that each time I thought about it, I would get that little unwanted tingle, both in my mind and between my legs. Every love session with Colin was torrid, each time driven to some degree by those little illicit thoughts. I spent more than a little time reminding myself that even though I did nothing to attract his attention, I did little to stop it and was aroused by his attention.

Finally, we made the trip to Houston to spend the night with "Uncle" Keith. I still couldn't bring myself to say it, as Colin did, and I think he appreciated being on a first name basis. It was the first time I had been in his home and it was even more than Colin had described. I'm sure he would prefer it not be mentioned as a mansion, but it certainly seemed so to me. But, for all the grandeur, both he and his family was gracious, down to earth, and downright friendly in a Texas sort of way. I had already met all of Keith's immediate family, each of them attractive and interesting on their own. However, Keith was a real piece of work. In just a few hours I found him to be very interesting, very attentive, and even more attractive than I had remembered. We immediately went into deep discussions of the upcoming trip. He apologized about the flight leaving at an evening hour, but his schedule had dictated it. Besides, he reminded us that we would be facing serious jet lag and it is best to travel at night so you can sleep and not lose all of the first day there to the lag. We agreed, not having any experience in the matter.

The next night we started our trip. Each of us dressed casually, each of them in short sleeve shirts and slacks and me in a short light dress that buttoned all the way up the front... I had planned on wearing something different, but Colin chose it for me, then asked me to wear a really sexy black thong and extremely low cut flimsy black bra that really exposed my breast, barely covering my nipples. I had never seen them before and had no idea how he had gotten them past me while packing. He laughed and said, "If they need to search you let's make sure they get their money's worth." I really didn't object, as it wasn't that big a deal and I was pleased that he was so thoughtful and enjoyed the sensuality. It was still light when we took off, but we knew that within the hour it would be dark. The plane was packed, with us sitting very near the front. Colin chose the aisle seat, with me in the middle and Keith at the window. Within an hour, we were served a really decent meal. Keith bought little bottles of wine for us, enough for me to get a little buzz. When they picked up the trays, I noticed Keith quietly slipped the napkin off my tray and his and stuck them in the pocket in front of him. How odd, I thought.

By then it was dark. Many of the passengers had already turned off their lights and were in for the night. Since there were three of us, the conversation tended to last a little longer into the trip. Eventually, though, it was understood without saying that it was time. Colin got each of us a pillow and blanket from the overhead compartment and we got all tucked in. Even though I was having a hard time getting comfortable, Colin seemed to have fallen right off and Keith, being a seasoned traveler, seemed to be out. If nothing else, I could at least be quiet and pretend I was asleep.

After about thirty minutes of being very still, I noticed that Keith was very slowly moving my blanket around. I was facing away from him when he touched me ever so slightly on the leg. I was caught by surprise but didn't move, sitting very still and forcing my eyes to stay closed. The touching became more brazen after a while until he put his hand fully on my leg just about the knee. I didn't know what to do. Wake Colin and tell him? I decided it would be best if I just pretended to be asleep. I was sure it would go away. But I was wrong. Maybe the lack of response made him think I was sleeping and encouraged him because he slowly started an upward exploration of my left leg. My dress slid upward as his hands slowly advanced, feeling my leg both on the inside and outside, his bare hand making small circles on my skin. His advance was slow and deliberate, making it harder to feign sleep. He started unbuttoning my skirt as he went up. I know my breathing had increased and my heart was pounding. I couldn't believe it! First Blake, now this. His advance up my leg took forever.

Finally, with my dress separated way up and his hand well under it, he touched me over my thong. That's when I reached down and grabbed his wrist. That opened the unspoken dialogue. We both knew I was not asleep now, and we were to determine where this was going. I didn't fight him so much but put steady pressure on his wrist, trying to force him away from me and let him know he was not to do it. He never got rough or pushy, but just continued the pressure, slowly starting to caress my pussy with the tips of his fingers through the flimsy cloth. I avoided eye contact, keeping my eyes to the right where my husband was blissfully sleeping through this.

The next ten minutes or so seemed like hours, with me fighting his advancing, ever exploring hand. I turned my head to him and whispered "No, Keith. No." It fell on deaf ears and his massage continued. Finally, I started to relax my hand, both out of exhaustion and the realization that I was not in a position to fight this too much unless I intended to make a big scene. With that loss of panic, my body relaxed a little, my legs parting slightly. He made full contact with me then, cupping me in his hand. After a few minutes of rubbing me with the palm of his hand, my thong was gathered to one side and his fingers made actual contact with my clit. Even though I somewhat anticipated it, his touch still came as a surprise and I involuntarily jerked at the contact. But for all my apprehension, it started to feel good.

With my feelings of guilt starting to give way to his masterful touch, I was really becoming aroused. He wasn't a dirty old man off the street, yet it dawned on me that I really didn't know this guy at all. My breathing continued to increase, my heartbeat was fast, and I started moving slightly with his teasing. His touch never got rough, but continued as slow, gentle movements as he had from the start. I adjusted my body a little and it became more accessible to him. With that, his fingers found full contact with my clitoris and started rubbing it with vigor, making strong little circles then flipping it rapidly from side to side with one finger. I was a goner!! My hand no longer was pushing his wrist away from me, but rather was squeezing it gently and pulling it toward me, encouraging him as if he needed any.

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