Adventures of a New Bride - Cover

Adventures of a New Bride

Copyright© 2003 by Submissive Susan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A new bride details the events of her first few weeks of marriage.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Cheating   Uncle   Aunt   MaleDom   Masturbation   Petting   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

I have a friend from many years ago that kept telling me that for some reason she occasionally seemed to be hit on by men that she knew she didn't come on to and in a couple of instances by men she didn't even know. For example, when she was about 19 she was riding down the elevator at work one mid afternoon and a middle age man in a nice suit was on the elevator with her. It wasn't a tall building, so the ride was short. She said that he never said a word but just reached around her very quietly and quickly and fondled her (ample) breast. She just turned red and walked out when the door opened. Things like this always happened to her. She said that she was watching a football game one Sunday afternoon with a boyfriend (whom I knew to be a very nice person) and one of his close friends showed up. Within the hour, they were sharing her, passing her from one to the other to be kissed and felt. Even though she admitted later after the shock had worn off that she had actually enjoyed it, she still insisted she had said nothing or did anything to make them think she was open to it. I used to laugh at her and tell her to shake it off. She MUST have done something for an unwanted advance like that. However, as the years have passed, I have changed my opinion about her and can easily relate to her situation. Now, I seem to be the one on a revolving carousel of attention that I never invite.

There's nothing special about me. I'm 28, average height and weight and am told I am very attractive. In honesty, I am. I've been lucky to have a really nice figure and my other features are very pleasing. I do not put myself in the category of strikingly beautiful, but I've always had more than my share of attention, as men seem to find me very desirable. I guess it doesn't hurt that I'm pretty intelligent, graduating from high school and college with honors. Although I had many chances, I never had sex with anybody until I met Colin. We were both in college at the time. He was from Dallas and I from a very small town with a strict Baptist upbringing. Rather than hitting it right off, we sort of grew on each other over a short time. He was an engineer student and I majored in elementary education. We decided to get married in late May of that year and would Honeymoon in Cancun. It wasn't our first choice, but with him graduating and starting to look for a job we certainly afford Europe, which was our dream.

The events that started to change my life began a month before our wedding. Colin came over all excited one evening. He has an uncle in Houston that he called Uncle Keith. I had met him and couldn't bring myself to call him "Uncle" anything. He was only about 35 years old and didn't look a day older, if not younger. There was money there from the other side of his family and he had a nice business and family. Colin's excitement was caused when Keith told him that he had to travel to Paris the week after our wedding and wanted to know if we wanted to travel with him as a wedding gift. His own family was tied up with school still in progress and could not travel with him. Even though I was hesitant because it was our honeymoon, I gave in after a few days when I personally spoke to Keith and he assured me that we would have most of the time to ourselves. He would be tied up with business.

Then, during our shower party, Blake and Blain told me that they had a special surprise for me on our wedding day. THAT made me nervous! Blake and Blain are twins that are old boyhood friends of Colin's. By themselves are really neat, attractive, intelligent guys. Colin is, too. Put them together and they are dangerous. They have lived their life in mischief, according to old friends and family. Even though it has been rather harmless fun, they won't hesitate to make somebody a target. They detected my hesitation and assured me I would love it. I think they have always shared girls with Colin and both found me very attractive. Neither of them tried to hide it but Colin felt no danger.

Our wedding day came. Not to get into detail, it was very beautiful and went off without a hitch. The reception was in a local hotel in which Colin and I had a room. As soon as we arrived after the ceremony Colin and I went up to the room to spend a few quiet seconds together before the reception. Imagine my surprise when, after a long kiss, he laid me back over the bed, pulled my dress up, and slid my panties off. I had on a real sexy pair of white panties that were under my garter belt that held up white thigh high stockings. With that, he dropped down on his knees and slowly started kissing up my legs, finally burying his face in my crotch. Totally taken back, I moaned with the intrusion. It was a real pleasant moment that broke up the tension, not to mention it felt wonderful. He went into a feeding frenzy, absolutely bent on making me come. I didn't disappoint him. We had not had sex for a month before the wedding in order to make it special and I was certainly pent up and anxious for relief. We had no real time, so as soon as I came he pulled me up. Then he did something REALLY unexpected. I had on a really pretty garter to throw at the reception. He wouldn't let me put my panties back on, putting them in his pocket, and took my garter off. When I protested and said it would ruin the reception, he assured me it wouldn't and said not to worry. I worried!!

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