Geek Goddess - Cover

Geek Goddess

Copyright© 2003 by Trybble

Chapter 11: Kim

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11: Kim - Geek Goddess is a funny, romantic tale about a naive college student who finds the goddess of his dreams. -- Geek Goddess was one of six finalists for the November 2003 Silver Clitorides Award for Best Story --

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Humor   Gang Bang   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Slow   School  

I've always wondered what it would be like to be a college student on spring break in Florida. I'd never had the time to go, or more realistically the guts to do it. However, I found myself in Kevin's car with Kevin and Amy traveling south on I-95.

Even before the police detective suggested getting out of town to Amy, Kevin and I had already talked about hiding her somewhere so that Nick couldn't find her... We both thought it was merely a matter of time before he tried to hurt Amy again. However, we never thought about leaving the state. When the detective mentioned going somewhere warm, it occurred to me that the safest place for Amy might be at my aunt's place in Florida. Since Amy made it abundantly clear that she wasn't ready to discuss what had happened to her, I took it upon myself to set the plans in motion without first talking to her.

My Aunt Dawn lived just outside of Daytona Beach, so I called her and asked her if I could stay there for a week or so with a couple of my friends. Aunt Dawn was really excited to hear from me, and looked forward to seeing me again. The fact that I was bringing some friends with me didn't seem to bother her. Of course for some reason, I neglected to tell Aunt Dawn that one of my friends was male.

After Kevin's astronomy class on Tuesday afternoon, he and I made a quick trip up north to see his parents. Kevin asked Walt to watch Amy while we were gone. When Walt showed up at the apartment, Jessica was with him. We told him that if anyone tried to get in, call the police immediately. Then we locked Amy, Walt and Jessica into the apartment and told them not to answer the door or the phone. We told them we'd call them on Amy's cell phone to let them know we were back.

Even though Kevin had told his parents he was coming for a visit, he neglected to tell them I was coming with him. They didn't realize that Keven even knew what a girl was, much less was dating one. After their initial shock wore off, his parents were very nice to me. While Kevin briefed his dad on his latest academic achievements in the living room, I talked to his mother while she was fixing dinner. She was a nice person, much like Kevin, and I really enjoyed getting to know her.

Kevin's mom served a nice dinner with pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, string beans and homemade biscuits. She even made an apple pie for desert.

It was during desert that Kevin dropped his bombshell. He said, "I want to go to Florida on spring break with some friends. We have a place to stay and we'll be back before classes resume."

His dad looked at his mom, and together they looked at me. His mom asked, "Are you going too, Kim?"

Nervously, I nodded my head, not really sure what to say.

Mrs. Sparks turned to her son and said, "Would you and Kim mind leaving us alone for a few minutes? I need to talk with your father."

Kevin stood up and collected his dirty dishes. I did the same. Together, we took them into the kitchen and sat them down on the counter.

Kevin put his arms around me and gave me a kiss. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I was so afraid of what his parents might say. He took his hand and wiped the lone tear away. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay, he reassured me, giving me another tight hug"

We stood there just holding each other for a few moments, and then I heard his father call for us. We walked back into the dining room and took our seats at the table tentatively.

Mr. Sparks started to say something, but his wife interrupted him before he could get more than a single word out. "We know that there are a lot of bad things that happen to college students during spring break. We don't want you to get hurt. Just look at what happened to that poor girl at your school who got raped at the shopping mall. I don't want anything like that to happen to either of you."

The moment Mrs. Sparks mentioned Amy's rape, I had bad feeling. I was certain that she would tell Kevin he couldn't go to Florida.

"We know you're 18 now and you can do this without our permission, but we trust that you have enough sense to avoid all the bad stuff. So if you really want to go, Kevin, you have our permission" his mother finished.

Mr. Sparks added, "At first I thought we shouldn't let you go, but your mother convinced me otherwise. Evidently Kim has made quite an impression on your mother. That's not easy to do you know. I think she trusts Kim as much as she trusts you!"

Kevin and I both breathed a sigh of relief. I could literally see the happiness in their eyes. I reached over and gave both of Kevin's parents a big hug. Mr. Sparks put his arm around Kevin's shoulder and together they walked out of the room and into his study. I smiled to myself, wondering if Kevin was getting the old birds and the bees lecture. I suspected his parents didn't exactly address the issue head on when Kevin was younger. After all, geeks didn't have sex, did they? I grinned.

Mrs. Sparks started to gather up the rest of the dirty dishes. I decided to help. With the two of us working together, it only took a few minutes to clean up and load the dishes into the dishwasher. "We worry about Kevin a lot," Mrs. Sparks said, wiping her damp hands on a dish towel. "We just want the best for him. I have this feeling that you're going to be very good for our boy." I smiled at her slightly old-fashioned way of putting it.

When the dishwasher was loaded, she added some soap and started it. Then she walked over to the desk in the corner of the kitchen and sat down. She pulled a checkbook out, wrote a check, folded it in half and put it into my hand. "Here's some pocket money for your trip. Just don't tell Kevin's dad," She winked.

"Thank you," I said, giving her a big hug as I fought back a flood of happy tears. His parents were accepting me in a big way, and it felt so good...

"Take care of Kevin for me, please," his mom said squeezing my hand as a tear formed in her eye.

"I will," I promised. I looked Mrs. Sparks in the eye. It felt like she was giving me a special gift. Then I realized she was. She was giving me her most precious possession, and she trusted that me to take care of him. I hugged her again, and we both got teary eyed.

On the way home, Kevin said, "When dad took me into his study, he told me that he thought you were a very special lady. Then he gave me a check for $1,000 and said don't tell your mom."

I laughed and pulled the check from my pocket that his mom gave me. "Your mom gave me a check, too." I unfolded it and said, "Another $1,000. I guess we're not going to have to worry about gas money!" We both laughed.

We left in Kevin's car right after our networking class on Wednesday afternoon. Kevin volunteered to drive the night shift, and I agreed to finish the trip since I knew how to find my aunt's house. That meant Amy would drive first. Because Kevin would be driving all night, he decided to take a nap in the back seat. That way he would be more awake while he was driving.

I decided to take a nap too. So I followed Kevin after he climbed into the back seat. He sat down and stretched his legs out. I just curled up and rested my head on his lap. He reached down absentmindedly and started running his fingers through my hair.

After a while, Kevin stopped moving his hands. I looked up and saw that he had closed his eyes. I listened to him breathe and was certain that he had gone to sleep. I decided there wasn't any fun in that. So I waited awhile and, then carefully unbuckled his pants, trying not to wake him.

Kevin stirred a little bit as I finished, so I froze. When it appeared that he had gone back to sleep, I used even more care and pulled his zipper down. Kevin woke up a little bit and looked at me, but didn't seem to realize what I was doing. I put my head on his lap and pretended to be asleep.

I waited until the steady hum of the car's motor encouraged Kevin to nod off again. As soon as I thought he was asleep again, I reached into his pants, pulled out his penis and put it into my mouth. Kevin was totally flaccid when I started sucking him, and it felt strange as I felt his penis grow inside my mouth. When he started to get hard, I started bobbing my head up and down on his dick.

He woke up a little bit and stared down at me. I bet he thought we were home in bed as he just put his hand on my head as I gave him pleasure. In time, I could feel the sperm rise through his dick. I moved my head faster and faster, and pretty soon my mouth was full of Kevin's cum.

Then I heard laughter from the front seat. That's when Kevin woke up and realized what was going on. He looked around frantically, trying to see if anyone had seen what was going on.

I sat up and saw Amy looking over her shoulder at us. She saw me look at her through the rearview mirror, and winked at me.

Then I heard a police siren, and I could see red and blue flashing lights bounce around inside the car. I felt the car slow down and pull over to the shoulder of the highway. Amy rolled down her window. I heard her ask, "Is there a problem officer?"

Kevin and I decided that we should pretend to be asleep with my head in Kevin's lap. Hopefully, we wouldn't have to explain why Kevin's dick was hanging out of his pants.

The officer looked inside the car and asked Amy, "Do you realize that you were going 95 in a 65 zone?"

Amy gave him an innocent look, probably batting her eyelashes as well, and responded, "Are you really sure, sir?"

"Yes," the officer replied. "May I see your driver's license and registration?"

In order to understand what happened next, you must realize that Amy was just being Amy. She patted herself in several different places, and then she unbuttoned her shirt all the way to the bottom. Amy wasn't wearing a bra underneath, and I was sure the officer's eyes bugged out of his head at the sight of her perfect breasts.

When Amy started to unzip her pants, the officer must have freaked. Amy had forgotten her briefs again! From against her naked crotch, she produced a driver's license and handed it to the officer. I could smell Amy's juices all the way in the back seat.

The officer took Amy's license and studied it for a few seconds. He handed it back to her and said, "Look I'm going off duty in a few minutes, so rather than wasting time writing you a bunch of tickets, I'm going to let you off with a warning. Take it easy on this highway and keep your speed down. The officers in the next state might not be so kind to you."

With that, the officer walked back to his cruiser and took off like a bat out of hell. At the same time, Amy wiggled back into her clothes.

Kevin zipped his pants hastily, climbed out of his side of the car and walked up to Amy's door. "Amy, maybe I had better drive for a while," he suggested.

Amy laughed and said, "How do you think I managed to have a clean driving record all of these years? I'm doing fine," she responded, waving off his concern. Though Amy did finally open the car and switch places with Kevin.

Kevin took off at a much slower pace then Amy had been driving, while Amy and I curled up together in the backseat and went to sleep.

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Amy and I were a bundle of arms and legs all tangled up together. I looked up at Kevin and saw he was starting to look a little tired. I hollered, "Morning Kevin!" and he nearly jumped out of his seat.

Amy yawned and started to wake up also. "Anyone hungry?" I asked, and received a nod from Kevin and a smile from Amy in confirmation. I told Kevin to head for the next place that had food.

He pulled off the highway shortly after that into a McDonald's restaurant. The three of us climbed out of the car and walked inside. I ordered the scrambled eggs and pancake breakfast, while Kevin ordered a couple of Egg McMuffins. Amy ordered a sausage and egg biscuit and a large coffee.

Kevin wolfed down his breakfast and decided to close his eyes for a minute. Amy and I finished our breakfast, and then I dragged Amy into the girl's room to prepare a little surprise for Kevin. Amy and I were close enough in size that we could swap our clothes. Just for fun, I wanted Kevin to think I was Amy, and Amy was me.

Together, Amy and I came out of the bathroom and walked back to our table. Kevin was already asleep in his chair. We gathered our trash, and then tossed in into a nearby trash can. I woke Kevin up just enough so that Amy and I could walk him to the car.

Kevin crawled into the backseat and lay face down. Amy got in on the other side of the car and pulled his head on to her lap. I hopped in the front seat and started driving. Soon, Kevin was completely asleep again, and Amy was gently stroking his head. He slept that way for an hour or more.

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