Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training - Cover

Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training

Copyright© 2003 by Klaude Smith

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Lisa appreciates Karl's professionalism, but the sexual tension is still there. What happens when they go on a business trip together?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating  

Lisa was trying hard to concentrate on the work at hand, but Karl's closeness to her as he looked over her specs for their proposal was impossible for her to ignore. Ever since their business trip together she'd been unable to think of him in purely professional terms. True, she was glad that nothing had happened that night at the hotel, but the idea of it proved hard to shake. It wasn't just that she felt a strong sexual attraction to him, though that was certainly a major part of it. Karl was an ideal for her; he was the perfect guy, the handsome, charismatic success who had taken her under his wing in so many ways, and she wanted to be with him all the time.

Karl wasn't sure if Lisa was acting any differently towards him or not. He'd been making every effort to remain entirely professional with her, despite that fact that she seemed even more sexually charged to him since their business trip together. He was the supervisor, so he had to be especially careful. He certainly didn't want to get into any kind of harassment situation, but more importantly, he didn't want to do anything that would interfere with their great working relationship. Their recent proposal had gone over well, but they still had plenty of work to do before they closed the deal, and Karl really wanted to make it happen.

Later that week Karl and Trent were chatting over drinks at The Cozy again.

"Man, why can't you hook me up with that sexy brunette in your office?" Trent asked Karl with a salacious grin.

"Which - Lisa?"

"Sure, act like you don't know. You're not fooling anyone, but you can pretend."

Karl ignored that. "I'm not hooking you up with anyone, especially not one of my employees. Besides, you seem to have your hands pretty full these days."

"Uh huh, sure. There's always room on my schedule for that one if you ever change your mind."

"Okay, everybody settle down," Kathy was laughing, trying to get the kids into their seats while Karl took turns tickling her and the girls. Nancy and Karen were squealing with delight as their father played with them, and Kathy couldn't quite maintain the look of stern motherly discipline she was attempting. Karl jumped behind her and started tickling her in earnest, causing her to spasm uncontrollably as she laughed, much to the delight of their daughters.

"Karl!" she squealed. "You're going to make me wet my pants!"

Karl finally relented then, and Kathy gave him a playful swat as he returned to his seat, tousling Nancy's hair as he passed her.

"I can't help it honey," he said with a grin. "You're just such an easy target."

"Hee-hee, Daddy made Mommy pee!" Karen roared, clapping her little hands together.

Kathy threw a glare Karl's way, but he just blew her a kiss.

"Okay, who's hungry?" He picked up the plate of chicken breasts they'd made together and started passing the food around.

Later, when the meal was finished and the girls were in the other room watching television, Karl helped Kathy with the dishes.

"You're going to be mad at me," he said, handing her a platter to put away.

"Don't tell me: you have to go on another business trip."

"Guilty as charged, I'm afraid."

Kathy was visibly upset, but she tried to hide it.

"You just went on one, baby. Can't someone else go?"

Karl put his hands on his wife's shoulders, turning her to face him.

"You know I can't, Kathy. I have to wrap up that deal we started, you know, the big account I told you about." He hated to see Kathy upset, but he also knew she'd get over it quickly. "It just goes with the job."

"Well, for as much time as you put in there, you'd think you'd own the company by now." Kathy pouted a little, though she knew there wasn't any getting out of it.

"You know it won't be like this forever, baby. Just until I get a few more accounts opened, major ones, then I'll be in position to put in less time. You'll see." He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her.

"I just don't like sleeping away from you," she said softly, running her hands across his chest as she leaned into him. She licked her soft lips. "I get lonely without my Karl to tuck me in."

"I miss you, too, baby. I miss you, too. I'll make it up to you when I get back, I promise. We'll go out dancing again."

Kathy gave him a light kiss, moaning slightly as their lips met.

"I'm such a push-over," she whispered, kissing him deeply. When their lips parted again she asked, "Should I go ahead and call the babysitter?"

Karl grinned, both because things with Kathy were so easily smoothed over, and because of the thought of seeing little Ashley again...

Later that week Rebecca and Tandi were in Karl's office when Lisa entered. She carried her briefcase with her. Her overnight bag hung on the back of her chair at her desk.

"Oh, hi Lisa, you're just in time. Rebecca and Tandi and I were just going over the rest of the info for the Wilson account."

Everyone quickly exchanged greetings, then returned to the business at hand.

"I want you two to know that this isn't a reflection on your work here, of course, but I'll be keeping Lisa as the lead contact for Wilson."

Lisa searched Rebecca and Tandi's faces for any hint of anger or disappointment, but both seemed genuinely happy for her.

"Of course," Rebecca said happily, "she deserves it."

"Yes. That's not to say I'm not ready for the next one," Tandi teased jovially.

"Thanks, guys," Lisa said humbly. "I couldn't have done it without your help, obviously. And I really appreciate this opportunity."

"Okay, well, I think we've covered everything. Tandi, Rebecca, hold down the fort while we're gone. I'll keep you in the loop on how this works out."

Lisa looked perfectly ravishing on the plane ride, and Karl found himself having to make a point not to stare at her. They were riding comfortably in first class, but their proximity still aroused him more than he felt it should. It's just the anticipation of the presentation, he tried to tell himself, but he knew that wasn't it. She'd been ready to accept his advances last time they traveled together, and he couldn't shake the memory of kissing her.

For her part, Lisa was also a bundle of nervous energy. Karl had been perfectly professional with her since the last trip, and she had no reason to believe that he would act any other way over the next couple days, but she still felt a strong attraction to him. She tried to concentrate on the upcoming presentation, but it was hard when just sitting with Karl caused her loins to tingle.

"I want to thank you again for this opportunity, Karl," she said at one point in the flight. "I couldn't have done this without your help."

"Well, we're not finished yet," Karl reminded her. "This afternoon is the clincher, so let's not count our chickens." He felt like he could get lost in her deep brown eyes as she looked at him hopefully. "But you'll be fine, I'm certain."

The afternoon went exactly as planned, and both Karl and Lisa felt it was a tremendous success. They returned to the hotel and spent the next few hours finalizing the documentation that the client had requested, taking their laptops with them down to the restaurant so they could eat as they worked. When Karl looked up and saw that it was getting late, he hurried off to call his wife, telling Lisa they'd be more than ready for the next day.

And they were. Throughout the day both of them were in top form, answering questions and explaining the details of their proposal. Lisa looked exquisite to Karl, a stunningly sexy woman in spite of her strictly professional attire and demeanor. Certain movements, when she tucked her hair behind her ear, or slowly bit her lower lip while listening to questions, inspired such desire in Karl it nearly distracted him from the work at hand, but he kept it together.

Lisa wasn't immune to the sexual tension either. If anything, she was more aroused by him. It took a great deal of concentration to focus on the proposal. Karl's professionalism made it possible. She kept her emotions in check, somehow.

The final presentation of their proposal was a cake-walk, and Matt Drake had everything wrapped up for them by the end of the day; the Wilson account had been landed! Karl was so pleased he even allowed himself to flirt casually with Donna, the administrative assistant who'd boldly given him her number on the last trip. He had no intention of following up on that, though. He was just in a bubbly, triumphant mood.

When they stepped into the parking garage he turned impulsively to Lisa, throwing his arms around her and giving her a big bear hug.

"Fuckin'-A, Lisa, that was beautiful!"

Lisa laughed, pleased to be caught up in the moment with Karl, and she hugged him back. "We did it!"

"Whew, that feels good, let me tell you," Karl said as they walked to their car. "I knew Wilson was a juicy plum just waiting for us. And we got 'em. They agreed to everything we proposed and more!"

"It was all your presentation, Karl. You were utterly convincing."

Karl and Lisa both laughed and chatted happily on the drive back. When they reached the hotel Karl put his hand on Lisa's shoulder.

"I'm gonna go call Karen, why don't you get ready for dinner? I want to go out someplace nice to celebrate!"

Before Lisa could respond, Karl had gone off towards his room, leaving Lisa feeling giddy and exhilarated. She didn't want to think about anything except their success, and she went to go freshen up in her room.

"I still can't believe it's in the bag," Lisa said as they danced later.

Karl had taken her to a small dinner club that played some light jazz, and he'd asked her to dance while they waited for their food. Slowly rocking back and forth, Lisa felt very warm and comfortable in Karl's arms, and she didn't move away when he pulled her body close to his. His arms felt strong around her, and she wanted to melt into his arms. Still, the excitement of the day was beginning to be crowded out by the return of her senses; she didn't want to put herself in an awkward situation with Karl after they'd so nearly made a mistake last time.

Swinging Lisa deftly around, Karl dipped her slightly, eliciting a soft peal of laugher from Lisa that was music to his ears. She looked even more lovely now in the soft light of the club, their successful deal still vivid in his mind. He pulled her back up and into his arms, enjoying the feel of her sexy, curvy body against his, and he resisted the urge to slide his hands down to cup her round ass.

"Believe it, Lisa," he said happily. "One of the biggest accounts for our team, and you nab it first time out of the gate. Nicely done, soldier."

"Oh, Karl, only because you believed in me. I'm so grateful for everything."

"Sure, sure. That's enough of that." Karl looked over to see the waiter bringing their dishes out. "Come on, let's eat."

Three bottles of wine and several more dances later, Karl and Lisa were both enjoying a happy glow when they returned to the hotel. They were still comfortable and relaxed when they reached their rooms, once more across the hall from one another, and then it seemed to dawn on them both that they were again in a somewhat intimate situation.

Lisa didn't want the happy, celebratory evening to end, although she knew that she should just say goodnight. Karl was as charming as ever, and she felt even more drawn to his powerful charisma than ever, now that they'd tasted success together. Karl was also riding the high, not wanting it to end, and whether or not he wanted to admit it, he'd spent the evening looking forward to this moment.

They stopped in the hall, still chuckling at some private joke, casually touching each other's shoulders and arms. Lisa bit her lip, considered her options momentarily, and then threw caution to the wind.

"Say, would you like to have a night-cap before we call it quits?" Her voice betrayed her nervous anticipation, and she hoped she wasn't crossing a line. To her relief Karl just grinned at her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"That sounds perfect, Lisa."

They entered her room and Karl closed the door behind them, tossing his jacket over the back of a chair at the table. Lisa likewise dropped her jacket on a chair and looked in the mini-fridge for what might be available.

"How's a scotch and water sound?"

"Great. I'll go get some ice." Karl hurried off with the bucket, anxious to get back to Lisa.

While he was gone Lisa quickly checked herself in the mirror. She felt a little a little tipsy, but good, and she realized that she couldn't stop grinning as she tucked her hair behind her ears, then shook it loose instead. When Karl knocked at the door she jumped a little, then had to laugh at how nervous she'd become.

"Like a little school-girl," she muttered to herself.

"A bucket of ice for the new account manager," Karl announced as she let him in. He passed her and poured two stiff drinks for them, then handed her one.

"To the newest account and the hard work that landed it," he said, clinking his glass against hers.

"To us," she said simply, smiling.

They both took large sips of their drinks.

"You were really tremendous, Lisa," Karl said, running his eyes over her sultry face. Her dark, thick hair framed her sexy face and neck delightfully, and he no longer felt like holding back his attraction to her. He reached out and put his hand to her cheek, gently stroking her soft skin.

"Thanks, Karl," she answered softly, her heart racing. Karl's change in demeanor, while slight, was obvious, and it excited her.

He stepped closer to her, his hand now on her slender neck, and her hair on the back of his hand felt wonderful. He noticed her breath quicken slightly and liked the effect he was having on her. She licked her lips, swallowing nervously, but her eyes were twinkling.

Karl took her drink from her and set both glasses down on the low dresser. He then put his hands on her shoulders and drew her gently to him.

"I mean it, Lisa, just incredible. You're an incredible woman, you know that?"

Lisa was speechless, desperately wanting Karl to kiss her but suddenly afraid of making a mistake. She felt like a child in his arms, unable to control her desire, and the lack of control scared her.

"So smart and creative," Karl whispered, bringing his face closer to hers. "So sexy..." He leaned forward and she raised her face to meet his, their lips brushing slightly. "So fucking sexy." He pressed his lips to hers and she opened her mouth under his, her desire getting the best of her as they kissed. She darted her tongue into his mouth, moaning softly and sliding her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his.

Holding Lisa's wonderful body in his arms was like a drug to Karl. His hunger grew as they crossed the line together, kissing with abandon. He could feel her desire in her feverish urgency, and it served to further inflame him. He didn't care what happened now, so long as he could have her.

When he slid his hands up her back, the silky material of her blouse felt delicious, but not as good as what he knew was behind it. He kissed her passionately as he pulled at it, drawing it up and out of her waist. Lisa merely moaned in response, running her fingers through Karl's hair as he untucked her shirt. When his strong hands found her bare back she let out a small gasp, excited to finally have his hands on her, and she didn't resist when he moved them up to release the front clasp of her bra, pulling it quickly apart. Then his hands were on her breasts, pushing the cups aside as he fondled her firm globes under her shirt, finding her nipples already swollen and stiff. He pinched them lightly between his fingers, and she sucked on his tongue as they necked. Already her legs were trembling with erotic anticipation.

Her mind was racing, an unfocused whirl of desire and concern. She wanted him so badly, and he felt so good as he squeezed her breasts. Before she realized what he was doing he had her blouse unbuttoned and was pulling it off her along with her lacy bra, dropping them on the bed behind her. She could feel his erection through her skirt and it thrilled her to think that he was so aroused by her. Karl, her mentor, now her lover? It was too much, too fast, and she felt out of control.

Karl stroked Lisa's incredible body, running his hands up and down her torso, luxuriating in her soft, smooth flesh, warm to his touch. He felt her shudder as he cupped her delicious, full breasts, quite high and firm, and he was delighted to find that her nipples were quite stiff already, tweaking them playfully. He kissed down her neck to her collar bone, then to her lucius titties, and he sucked first one then the other into his hungry mouth, flicking his tongue over her nips as he massaged and sucked her wonderful breasts.

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