Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training - Cover

Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training

Copyright© 2003 by Klaude Smith

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Lisa appreciates Karl's professionalism, but the sexual tension is still there. What happens when they go on a business trip together?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating  

Our story revolves around some employees at Metro Marketing, Inc., a mid-sized, up and coming marketing firm in Capital City. Karl Davis is a 37 year old mid-level manager who pulls in well over 6 figures, even more with his bonuses, and he deserves it. He pulled in by far the most revenue for the firm over the past several years, handling some of their most important accounts. Athletic and handsome, Karl is living the good life, happily married to his beautiful wife Kathy with two adorable daughters.

Karl had been with Metro since he graduated with his degrees in marketing and design. He'd risen rapidly through the ranks, quickly getting a reputation as a highly effective project manager, and he had several high-profile accounts to show for it. Metro was a fairly diverse marketing firm, more than just an ad agency, and the upper management had been keeping an eye on him as a rising star to watch. He'd been a team leader for a few years now, supervising and directing five staff on various projects, and he enjoyed his job.

His wife, Kathy, was proud of the success he'd built for them, and loved him dearly. They had two beautiful daughters, Nancy and Karen, aged 4 and 6 respectively, and Karl loved his family. He was living the perfect life, and he was grateful for it.

That didn't mean he didn't notice other women, though he was never obvious about it. He naturally had a fairly active libido, but for the most part Kathy was more than enough for him. He'd had a fling or two but he wasn't interested in chasing skirts. Women had always found him attractive and it was rare that he was temped to stray. With the exception of Ashley, the girl who babysat for them, Karl was trying to be a good husband.

How could he turn Ashley down, really? She was such a hot little number, and so clearly horny for him from the first time she'd come over to the house. Kathy had even teased him about her little crush; if she only knew the truth!

Karl tried to put such thoughts out of his head, though. He was at work now, sitting in his office going over project proposals. His office had glass walls on all sides, and with the blinds pulled up (which they almost always were), he was on display. That was how he preferred it. This way he could look out on his staff whenever he needed to, and they could see if he was in the middle of something. The idea was to encourage open communication and cooperation, and it worked.

Everyone on Karl's team worked hard, as did he. The job allowed for a lot of creativity and individual freedom, but it also required flexibility and long hours at times. All of Karl's team had only been with the company a few years at the most. They were just what he prefered: young, ambitious, hungry and driven. Rebecca and Tandi were his hotshots, but he expected great work out of everyone, and for the most part he got it.

Lisa had wanted to work for Karl from day one. She'd interned with Metro while still in college and worked with Karl before he had become a team leader, and she admired his skills and drive. He in turn recognized her potential and was happy to help her hone her marketing skills.

She was still dating Steve, a guy she was seeing off and on through college, but it wasn't very serious. She was too dedicated to her career to make much time for the rest of her life. Working with Karl for the past year had been a great experience for her. He'd really helped her along, showing her the ropes and giving advice, as he did with all of his staff. She felt like she was always learning something new from him.

Karl glanced up from his screen and noticed Lisa staring at him. He smiled, and Lisa grinned back, giving him a wave before hurriedly getting back to her project. Karl watched her for a moment. God she's hot, he thought to himself. He was careful not to leer, but he really had to make an effort not to check her out all day long. She absent-mindedly pushed some of her thick, dark hair back behind her ear. She had a slightly olive complexion which complimented her dark eyes and hair. She always dressed professionally, but even so there was no hiding the fact that she was a regular at the gym.

As he often did, Karl wondered what she was like in bed. Was she aggressive? Sensual? Multi-orgasmic? He liked to think that she was a tiger in the sack, hungry for action, despite the her professional demeanor at work. He imagined getting between those smooth firm thighs and going to town on her...

Of course, those thoughts weren't appropriate for the workplace, and he never let on that they went through his mind. In fact, Lisa was quite relieved to be working for a supervisor who didn't seem to take her looks into account. She'd had jobs before where her boss had either come onto her or assumed she wasn't smart because of her looks. It was frustrating, even though she could handle herself, and she was glad it wasn't an issue with Karl. He never treated her or anyone else in any way but as a professional. He was a demanding boss, but he was also generous and fair. He expected great work out of them, and he usually got it. This was the best job Lisa'd ever had, and she was excited about her career possibilities.

Returning to the work at hand, Karl remembered that the Wilson trip was coming up soon. He needed to prep Rebecca and Tandi for the presentation he wanted them to assist on. Before he could call up his files, though, the phone rang.

"Hey buddy," Trent's voice came over the line. "We still on for that beer tonight?" Trent and Karl went way back. Trent worked in Metro's IT department.

"Oh yeah," Karl replied. "Wouldn't miss it. It's gonna have to be a quick one, though. Kathy and I are going out tonight, and I have to pick up a pizza for the kids and their babysitter."

Karl looked at the clock as he spoke, realizing that it was already after 5. He and Trent often had a drink after work. Karl spent most of his free time with his family, but he still enjoyed keeping up with his old pal. In some ways, Trent was Karl's last link to single life. Not that he wanted to be single, but it was fun to still have a friend who wasn't married with children.

Realizing he had some work to finish before he could leave, Karl quickly got off the phone and back to his files.

Lisa couldn't believe she'd just been caught staring at Karl. She was a little embarrassed, but she also knew that Karl wouldn't think twice about it. Who could blame her? she thought to herself. It wasn't just that Karl was an attractive, charming man. He had an air of calm self-confidence about him that was more reassuring than intimidating. He could lay down the law in the office, but usually he found better ways than intimidation to get the best work out of people. Lisa knew she was doing the best work of her career, and she saw it in her co-workers too. So while there was a definite attraction, it was one of mutual professional respect more than simple physical attraction.

Though she couldn't deny the physical attraction was there, despite her best efforts.

Lisa was proud of her team, of the work they did both individually and as a unit. She got along well with everyone and enjoyed every aspect of her job. Which reminded her, she needed to drop off a couple proposals to Karl before he left for the day. It was Friday, and she knew he was taking his wife out that night. She grabbed a folder of prints off her desk and went over to his office.

"Hey Lisa," Karl called out when she stuck her head through his office doorway. He kept typing away at his computer as she entered. "Forgive me," he said, referring to his pecking at the keyboard, "but I'm trying to wrap a couple things here before I leave. What's up?"

"Oh, I just wanted to drop these prints off for you to look at when you get a chance. There's no rush."

Karl looked up and took the folder Lisa held out. "Oh good," he said sincerely. "I've been looking forward to these."

He stopped his work to lean back in his chair as he flipped through the glossy pictures, nodding slightly as he examined each one. Lisa stood for a moment, waiting.

"You're busy," Lisa said, heading for the door. "I can check back with you later."

"Nonsense, sit down," Karl commanded gently, sitting forward to spread the images out on his workspace. "These look really good. I have a couple thoughts here..."

Lisa sat down and leaned forward, listening to Karl as he went over several helpful observations and suggestions. As usual, he was extremely helpful, giving her good ideas for making her already good work even better. By the time he was finished, Lisa had several more ideas for how to proceed.

"Thanks so much, Karl," Lisa said as she collected her prints.

"No problem, Lisa. Really, I like what you've done so far." Karl had turned back to his computer when he looked back at her. "Oh, hey, will you do me a favor and ask Rebecca and Tandi to step in here when they get a chance?"

"Sure thing. I thought you were trying to get out of here on time for once," Lisa said with a grin.

Karl smiled at her. "Oh, I still plan to..."

Lisa conveyed Karl's message, then returned to her desk to jot down several notes from their discussion. As usual, she felt motivated to work through all the ideas immediately. She also noted how professionally Karl behaved with her. Lisa was quite a striking lady, and to tell the truth she had come to expect men to ogle her, at least a little, in spite of her efforts to wear appropriate, business-like attire for work. She certainly got her share of stares from other men in the office. But Karl had never related to her on anything but a professional level, and it was quite refreshing.

She realized that she would have to tear herself away from work before too long if she was going to make her date with Steve, but she didn't want to stop yet. She ended up spending another hour typing up some new ideas for her project before finally saving her work and heading home. When she left Karl was still going over something with Rebecca and Tandi, though he still gave her a friendly nod as she left.

"Man, I don't know how you handle working with all those hotties!" Trent was sitting down at the table having brought over a couple beers from the bar. Karl just rolled his eyes, accepting one of the cold bottles and taking a drink. "When are you going to hook me up with one of them?"

Karl had to smile. It was true, he worked with some very attractive women. He had a good meeting with two of them just a few minutes before meeting Trent, in fact. Rebecca was a slender redhead with a great smile, and Tandi was an exotic-looking beauty from India with a subtle accent and soft voice that Karl could listen to all day. Of course, he was their boss and kept everything entirely professional with them, but he still enjoyed their charms. And of course, there Lisa...

"Hmmm," Karl said noncommittally. "They're my employees, Trent. You know I don't think of them that way."

"Sure, sure," Trent laughed. "Here's to employee relations, then," he said, lifting his bottle. Karl grinned and clinked his bottle against Trent's, then took another swig. "Just please, let one of their workstations go on the fritz so I can come up and work on it for them."

Karl and Trent were hanging out at The Cozy, a small down-town tavern/nightclub walking distance from the Metro's offices. It was a nice out-of-the way place with a small dance floor and pool tables. Later in the night the crowd would become more animated, but after work it was a good place to have a beer and wind down.

"So," Karl asked, "are you seeing Katrina this weekend?"

"Sure, sure. I'm supposed to call her tomorrow so we can get together. So tonight I'm on the prowl!" Karl chuckled at that. It was true, he thought, Trent probably would hook up with someone new tonight. Though they were both in their thirties, Trent still managed to regularly meet new people. "You should come out with me sometime," he suggested, already knowing Karl's answer.

"No thanks, pal. I'll stick with Kathy, thank you very much."

"I can't argue with that," Trent concurred. Kathy was quite a catch. Besides, Trent knew that Karl wasn't looking for anyone else; he just liked to tease his buddy.

"Speaking of," Karl said, checking his watch, "I really need to get going." He stood up, tossing a couple bills on the table. "I've still gotta grab that pizza on the way home. Give me a call on Sunday, though, maybe we can catch the game or something."

Trent watched his friend leave, then slowly scanned the bar, seeing who else was there...

Lisa resisted the urge to look at her watch again. She had met Steve across town at a different nightclub for drinks before they went to dinner, and she was still antsy thinking of the work she'd left behind. Steve was telling her about the office politics at his job, but Lisa was only half listening. The truth was, she was getting bored with Steve. She found herself wishing they hadn't decided to go see a movie after dinner; she was ready to call it a night.

Karl opened the front door to see Ashley, their babysitter, standing on the front porch. She was dressed in a fairly short skirt that showed off her shapely teen-age legs, and her thin sweater left little to the imagination. Karl met her eyes, willing himself not to look at her perky tits swelling through the fabric. She had a mischievous look on her face.

"Hello there, Ashley. Come on in. Kathy's just getting ready. The kids are downstairs in the den."

"Hi Mr. Davis," Ashley said innocently as she stepped through the door. "It's still okay if you give me a ride home tonight, right? My folks don't want me walking home if it's going to be late."

"Sure, sure, that's no problem," Karl replied, not letting his voice register the excitement he felt.

He and Ashley had only been together a handful of times, and Karl kept telling himself that it had to end, but God, Ashley was a sexy little thing. She'd just turned seventeen that summer, and though he knew it was wrong, he just couldn't help himself. Fucking this little high schooler was so good. She got so excited when he fucked her, so hot. Making her cum was a pleasure he just couldn't deny himself.

Just then Nancy and Karen came tearing up the stairs, screaming with joy to see Ashley. Ashley swooped down and gave them both big hugs.

"Hey! Who's ready for some games?" she said as the girls hugged her, jumping up and down.

"Girls, girls, settle down!" Karl laughed. He addressed Ashley then, "Don't let them bowl you over. They've been looking forward to this."

"Oh, so have I!" Ashley said with huge grin. "I've been waiting all week for tonight."

Kathy came down the stairs at that moment.

"That's good to hear," she said. "These guys are so excited they'll probably wear themselves out in no time. That is, if they don't wear you out first."

Karl had to smile as he watched his beautiful wife come down the stairs. "Honey, you look fantastic!" And she did. Kathy had put on a slinky black cocktail dress that showed off her curvatious body quite well. Ashley felt a little intimidated in the older woman's presence, suddenly returning to the role of teen-aged baby-sitter rather than that of older-man's mistress. She let the girls pull her down the hall to the family room.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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