Jane's Cure - Cover

Jane's Cure

by Mr. Gantry

Copyright© 2003 by Mr. Gantry

Incest Sex Story: Squabbling teen brother and sister make a pact that makes them allies and lovers.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   .

Chapter One

"God, I hate men!" exclaimed my sister Jane as she burst in through the kitchen door and slammed it shut. "Every male in the world is a jerk, as far as I'm concerned."

It was a warm summer's day in July at our house. At age 14, just about to enter high school, I was doing what I did best; goofing off and tormenting my older sister. It was especially fun when she was steamed like this.

"I didn't know you knew any males," I said, sympathetically.

"You little... creep!" she replied, angrily. "You're just like the rest of the them. You have the sensitivity of a rock!"

"Why not," I riposted, flipping through the pages of a sports magazine. "My sister looks like she crawled out from under one."

"ARRGHHH!" she cried and lunged at me. My 16-year-old sister liked to think of herself as a feminine and quiet sort, but that just masked a powerful temperament and generalized quick-to-anger personality. She had never been a tomboy, but was not shy about slugging or shoving her younger brother when she felt justice demanded it.

She landed on top of me and batted the magazine out of my hands; she grabbed my wrists and pinned them against the cushions of the couch on which I had been seated. She was straddling me and I saw a mighty rage in her face.

This is probably a good time to describe my sister and myself. Like some siblings separated by just two years, we had always had a bit of a love-hate relationship; sometimes we were inseparable, sometimes we fought like, well, brothers and sisters.

Our friendship started to go off the rails when she entered high school. She went "boy-crazy" but without much success; she was plenty anxious to get a boy-friend, but was too shy and reticent to do more than just wish. That frustration sometimes turned to melancholy and sometimes to anger, like now.

Jane was really not a bad-looking girl, truth-to-tell. She had a very nice figure, with bigger-than-average breasts and a curvy body otherwise. But she always hid underneath unflattering JC Penney clothes, and rarely wore makeup or jewelry; such "silliness" was frowned-upon by our mother.

As her brother, we had a fairly strong resemblance; we both had dark hair and eyes; we shared the same skin tone and our features were similar. At this point in our lives she was 5-foot five inches tall and about 125 lbs.; I was taller at 5-foot, 7-inches tall and a lean 115 lbs.

So you can see how when she pounced on her in a rage, she had the advantage. "You little... jerk," she fumed, leaning down into my face. "I oughta punch your stupid lights out! Why are you always so mean to me? Why are all boys so mean to me?"

Her anger softened a little with that thought and she settled a little of her weight on mine. The result what that her splayed crotch was pressed directly on top of mine. When it seemed likely that she was not going to spit in my face, I opened my eyes and there was a great show down the semi-open plaid blouse she was wearing; I caught a good glimpse of her white bra and a bit of naked girlflesh beneath it.

This was interesting! I felt my virgin 14-year-old cock start to harden and lengthen in my cutoff jeans shorts; the fact that it was my sister was of no consequence to my eager peter.

"You'd better let me up," I said, my voice creaking just a little.

"And why should I do that?" she replied, a little of her snarl coming back.

I think I said it for shock value. What I said was "Because you're giving me a boner, that's why"

She jerked back away from me; her hands releasing my wrists. "You said what?" she gasped.

"I said that they way your body is pressed up against mine, and with your boobs dangling down like that, you've giving me a boner. A hard-on. A stiffy," I said, savoring the idea and the impact of the words on my oh-so-proper sister.

"God, you're disgusting," she said. "You're a pervert. You apologize or I'm gonna really give it to you!"

Curious, I thought. She was "shocked" but didn't remove her delightful crotch from the spot where it was rubbing against my straining erection. She had to feel it. What was going on? I decided to play along.

"Apologize?" I said. "I can't help it. This is nature. When a girl rubs her crotch against a guy's dick and dangles her boobs in front of his face, well... "

"YOU CREEP!" she exploded. "I WAS NOT RUBBING OR DANGLING ANYTHING! God, you are such a filthy pervert! Oohhh!"

She grabbed my wrists again and pinned me down. With new ferocity, she leaned down and BIT me on the right ear.

"OUCH!" I yelled. Then she moved her face down and BIT me again on the neck. It hurt, but felt kinda... well, sexy...

Then she bit me, a little bit softer, on the chin, and then our faces were inches away.

"You gonna apologize now?" she said, her voice husky and just a little bit... different.

"I guess I'd better," I said, looking into her eyes. "You're pretty strong when you're mad. "How about it we kiss and make up?"

I expected her to make a big show of disgust and let me up, but she surprised me.

"Why would you want to kiss someone who looks like they just crawled out from under a rock?" she said, plaintively.

My heart softened a little; my cock was still pretty stiff.

"Because, closeup, you are really kind of sexy. Those guys don't see it, which is kind of a shame."

"Awwww," she said, and brought her face down to mine. Our lips met in a chaste little kiss; followed by a more fervent one. Then, still holding me down, she began to tongue-rape my mouth; her 16-year-old licker plundering my face, practically sticking itself down my gasping throat.

After two or three minutes of that, she broke the kiss, panting. "Apology accepted," she said. With that she hopped off me and walked without a word into her room, quietly shutting the door.

Chapter Two

The next day we were in the family pool, cooling off. Not being wealthy, we didn't have one of those built-in pools with steps and diving boards; ours was the kind you put together, filled with a garden hose and set up in the backyard.

Still, it was about three feet deep by 18 feet wide, so on a hot summer's day, it was a welcome respite from the heat.

"So," I said, chin deep in the water, "what was it you were so mad about yesterday. I mean, where you came in and said you hated men?"

Jane squeezed some of the water out of her dark-brown wavy hair and let out a big sigh. "Oh, well, I just... I don't know. I don't know how to talk to guys. I don't know how they think. And they're so fickle and so mean..."

I laughed. "You know what? Guys think that about girls. Word for word."

"Really?" she said, her eyes brightening. "Guys are just as intimidated by us as we are by them?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said. "Maybe not the football star and the head cheerleader-types, but the masses of people; sure."

She was silent for a while.

"You're a guy, sort of," she began.

"Thanks a lot," I said.

"Sorry. But what I meant was maybe you could give me some... insights... into guy thinking. I'm 16 years old and this should be the start of all this high school fun with dating and proms and stuff and I've got none of that on the horizon."

"Well, I'll tell you one thing; you could start with a new bathing suit."

"What's wrong with my suit?" she said, standing up. It was a very chaste two-piece pink suit that showed about five inches of stomach but not much else. I also noticed how firm and bouncy my sister's breasts were, and how her nipples seemed to poke out a little through the material.

"Well, if you want me to be honest, it's kind of uncool. It's like what a nun would wear. Guys want to see a little more of a girl in a bathing suit; a little here, a little there; you know."

She pondered for a moment, then glided over in the water near me. Standing up again, the water running sensously off her teenage body, she looked pretty good, and was pretty close. "So how much here and there?" she asked.

"Ahhh, well, uh," I said, stalling. My bathing suit was now tented out with a raging boner and I was a little embarrassed to stand up and show it off. Still, after what happened yesterday...

I reached up out of the water and traced a path with a finger in the air across her suit, showing the areas that should be revealed in a proper, sexy outfit. Her expression was perplexed.

"Why are you down there in the water like that? I can't tell what you're trying to do. Stand up, for cryin' out loud!" She grabbed me by the shoulders and yanked me to my feet. Instantly she spotted the "trouble."

She giggled. "Oh, bro," she said. "You've got another boner. Do you always have a boner, or what?"

I could have said something unkind, but went the other way. "Can I help it if a hot girl starts asking what parts of her body see should show off to get boys excited and it gets ME excited?"

A pleased look come into her eyes. "You think I'm hot?" she said. "I'm what's giving you a boner?"

"Actually, yes. As a sister, you can be a pain in the neck, but as a girl, you are kinda... hot. And especially if you stopped wearing those dorky clothes you always buy."

Ah, I had gone too far. She loved being complimented, but was oh, so quick to anger.

"Arrrr!" she yelled. "Why do you have to be such an... asshole!" I was stunned for a moment: good-girl Jane never used such language. I decided to egg her on.

"What do you care about boners, anyway? With all that armor you wear, no guy would ever be able to get it where it'd do either one of you any good."

"You asshole!" she spat.

"Up your asshole," I replied.

"No, up your asshole," she said and rushed forward, pinning me against the plastic wall of the pool. She grabbed my hair with her left hand and reached down with her right to grasp my swimming trunks.

"Dirty-mouthed little shit," she cursed, again revealing a vocabulary I didn't know she possessed. She yanked down my trunks and up bobbed my eager, stiff penis. She spun me around -- still holding on to my hair as a handle -- and started to spank my bare bottom as we stood there in the water. But the water interfered, and she was stumped for a moment for punishment.

"Let me go!" I said, thrashed about with my arms, trying to recover control of the situation and my hair. "Let me go!"

"Gonna apologize for what you said?" she asked.

"Hell, no! When I get loose, I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"Not until I fuck yours, you little creep!" With that she reached her hand between my firm 14-year-old buttcheeks and used her strong fingers to push them open. Before I could catch another breath, she had drilled her index finger into my virgin butthole as far as it would go.

"Owwww! Owwww!" I said, arching my back. It hurt, but it felt kind of good, too. "What are you doing!?!?!"

"Paying you back for being such a mean little prick," she said, now starting to pump her finger in about out of my helpless shitter.

"Take it out!" I mewled. "I apologize! I'm sorry for what I said!"

She now slid her longer, middle finger into my ass as well "Not good enough. Now you have to say something nice to make up for it."

"Oww--ouch--ooh0o-ow!" I gasped as the two fingers made a deliciously wicked friction in my butt. "OK, OK. Jane's not dorky. She's pretty! She's sexy! She's hot! A lot of guys would get boners if they saw her... " I paused because my hair had been released from her grip, and though my eyes were closed, I could sense some movement.

"Don't open you eyes until I say so!" she ordered me. "And don't turn around until I say so, or I'll stick a baseball bat up your ass!"

Her fingers withdrew from my butt, leaving me with a mixed feeling of regret and relief. I stood there naked in the pool, my stiff adolescent cock still bobbing and jerking with arousal. After a minute, she spun me around.

"Open your eyes," she said.

"Wow!" I said. She was standing there naked in the pool, just a few inches from me. Her "dorky" bathing suit was draped over one side of the pool and Jane was breathing just a little bit heavily.

"What do you think?" she said.

"Damn! You're gorgeous!" I said. And she really did look great naked. Her breasts were full and pert, capped by dark-brown erect nipples; her belly was flat and her legs and ass were toned and sexy.

I started to speak again and she cut me off -- "Don't ruin it!" she warned.

"No, I wasn't going to say anything mean, " I said. "I was just going to say that you have a terrific body. Guys would kill to get to get a look at this body. Holy cow!"

"Your body's not too bad, either," she said. "And that boner looks like it's going to explode," she smiled.

"You could, you know, give me a hand," I said. "Might be good practice in case some date of yours needs a little relief"

"You mean jerk off my own brother? Isn't that a bit kinky?"

"Well, it's better to jerk him off then to have him just burning with desire to fuck your cute cunt, or stick his hard 14-year-old boner up his own sister's tight, hot ass."

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