The Wolf Summers - Cover

The Wolf Summers

Copyright© 2003 by ElSol

Chapter 9a: Erica

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9a: Erica - A wolf in human clothing ascends to be the leadership of his pack. The story of David's summers from the age of 12 to 19.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Aunt   Nephew   BDSM   MaleDom   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   School  

The end of a male story

I opened the backdoor and walked in. Rachel purchased the small mansion so the twins and I could live off-campus; living in a dorm had not been a pleasant experience. The twins whined and Rachel fell for the act. It took her a month to find the right place and the rest of our second semester to finish decorating it. Even with the Lee twins as permanent houseguests, it was too large for us.

I was surprised to see all of them in the kitchen. The Smith twins sat around the table; Joanne Lee was leaning against the stove; and Stephanie was propping up the refrigerator. I smiled, glad for the company before I went to bed.

"Was she?" Sean asked.

"He spent the night at her house... in her room," I replied softly. It did not hurt to say it, but I had to force the words out.

The boys nodded; there was sympathy in everyone's eyes. Sean and Patrick looked at the Lee twins. There was a silent conversation between them. The Lees walked up to me. They each grabbed an arm and turned me around.

"We're sorry, David," Sean and Patrick said when we could no longer make eye contact.

The Lees led me into my room, and helped me out off my jacket, shoes, and shirt. They smelled of a clean morning. I liked the smell, like all the bad things had been washed away by a torrential rain.

They pushed me onto the oversized bed and joined me. Stephanie lay down in front of me; her face rested a couple of inches from mine. Stroking my face, she brought warmth back into my life. Joanne spooned against my back, wrapped an around me, and pulled herself tighter to me.

"It's okay, brother," Joanne whispered.

"We'll always be here," Stephanie finished.

I was sitting on the couch in the covered back porch when Brittany opened the screen door. She smiled nervously before sitting at the opposite end of the couch.

"How are you doing?" she asked. I turned and smiled. Something in my smile must have touched her, she pressed against me. She kissed me; it was not sexual, just an attempt to comfort.

"I'm sorry, David."

When I looked into her eyes, she let me in as deep as I wanted to go.

"Are you?" I asked.

"I'm yours," she replied. "I haven't been alive since you and her... but I would've accepted it if she had been right for you."

"You think she wasn't."

"Rachel said it best--she was the one but would eventually cross the line."

I believed the same thing, but it lasted eighteen months less than I thought it would. Brittany wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me to her. She kissed my temple several as I thought about the eighteen months I did not get to live.

Marelin found us in that position. She sat down across from the couch and studied us. I wondered why she had come but refused to be the first to speak.

"Hello, I'm the cow," Brittany said as way of introduction.

"Brittany!" I said tightly. She sighed and flopped onto her back. She straightened her legs and placed them over my lap.

"Can I talk to you alone?" Marelin asked me, giving Brittany a look of disdain.

"No," Brittany replied before I spoke. "Next question."

"I was speaking to David," Marelin said, anger slipping into her voice. Brittany took her legs off me, spun around, and lay across my lap.

The impending confrontation was defused temporarily by both sets of twins coming out of the house.

"Oh!" Sean said when he saw Marelin. He traded a look with Patrick. They turned to meet the Lees' eyes. The boys put the tray of drinks down and nodded at me before retreating back into the house.

Joanne dragged a chair over and sat down with her feet on the coffee table. Stephanie pulled Brittany's legs up, sat down, and settled the legs back on her lap. I looked from girl to girl while they smiled at Marelin.

"Obviously, this isn't a good time," Marelin said. She got up and turned to leave.

"If you leave now, we promise neither you," Joanne said.

"Nor your cheating slut of a daughter," Stephanie continued.

"Will ever get near David again."

Marelin turned around and looked at the twins furiously. Brittany turned to me and mouthed, "I love when they do the twin-talk thing."

"Don't insult my daughter again," Marelin said through her teeth. She tried to stare the twins down, but they kept smiling.

"You can't stop us from talking to him," Marelin said, giving up on trying to intimidate the Lees.

"Wrong!" Brittany said.

"How are you going to manage that?" Marelin asked despite herself.

"Let me think," Brittany said looking at the ceiling of the porch. "The Lee twins, sisters in the sorority with the hottest babes on campus, live here."

"We don't live here."

Brittany raised an eyebrow at the twins and sniffed.

"They live here," Brittany stage-whispered to Marelin.

"Anyway," she continued. "This is a fantastic place. Shit--it's at least half the size of our sorority house. The Lee twins are very popular, if you know what I mean, and there is over two feet of thick cock living here. I have a feeling, there's going to be a lot of sisters coming... in and out."

She looked at the Lee twins.

"I hear you gotta do it with a Lee to get some Smith action, but Joanne and Stephanie live up to our sorority's reputation for hottie-tude," Brittany whispered to Marelin. "A few sisters have already gone that route, and there's quite a few more who've already purchased their ticket to the Wonder Twins Ride."

"There is at least five sisters that want David," she continued. "I found out they wanted him 'cause they flat-out told me it was cool if they had to have their face in my pussy while he was doing them hard. What is it about him? When a woman wants him, she'll do anything."

"I never saw the attraction," Joanne replied nonchalantly. Stephanie choked and had to wipe juice from the front of her shirt.

"The Lees are going to be running interference because they can't stand your daughter, but those sisters are going to be doing it to prevent her from cunt-blocking them," Brittany said looking at Marelin. "Then there's the rest of our sorority sisters, not a single one of which appreciates a cheap little slut poaching a man one of us wants."

"Brittany," I warned. Brittany shivered at the tone but turned to meet my eyes anyway. I almost smiled, wondering what Rachel had taught her that she could meet my eyes squarely.

"They started it," she said pointing at the twins. "They can call her a slut, but I can't?"

"Yes," I replied.

"That's not fair!"

"I'm not fair, Brittany."

"Why can they call her a cheap slut but not me?"

"Because you're not a slut," Stephanie replied.

"And she is," Joanne added.

"Brittany," I said gritting my teeth.

"Can I call her an expensive slut?" she asked flippantly. I had to grind my teeth to keep from laughing.

"Brittany," I said when I gained control over the urge.

"Look," she said putting a fist into her hand. "She was the one that insisted on faithfulness."

She punched her hand for emphasis.

"She cheated on you last night," she said punching her hand again.

"Under the Committed Relationship By-laws, it qualifies her for the title of slut."

"Brittany!" the Lee twins and I said.

"You're right, whore is a better word for her!"

Stephanie trapped Brittany's legs, and Joanne grabbed her shoulders. They turned Brittany over, who not knowing what was going on went semi-willingly. The twins tightened their grips.

"One on each cheek," Joanne said to me, nodding at Brittany's ass. I looked at Stephanie who also nodded. Brittany, realizing what was coming, tried to get free. Her ass tightened and came up as she tried to break loose. I put my hand on Brittany's ass; she froze.

It had been a long time since I touched her. I brought my hand up and spanked her right cheek. She gasped and pushed her ass up. I spanked her left cheek. The Lee twins released her. Brittany did not turn over; instead her hands rubbed each cheek to get the sting out. She flipped her hair aside and looked at me. Her eyes burned but not with anger.

"Hmm!" Joanne snorted. "She even likes that."

"Pa-lease! You like it too!" Stephanie said wryly.

"And you don't?" Joanne asked defensively.

We looked at Marelin.

"Marelin, I don't want to talk to you, and I don't want see your daughter again," I told her. I pushed Brittany's hands away and took over the job of kneading out the sting I caused.

"If you have something to say, this is your only chance," I said. "Brittany's right--there are going to be a few sorority sisters who will believe it is in their best interest, sexual and otherwise, to keep ANYONE named Covas away from me."

"So you're going to hide from my daughter, like a coward." The girls sat up angrily.

"If you want to call it hiding, go ahead," I replied before the girls spoke. "My word would be 'finished'."

I reached over to the table, took a sip of my drink, and stared at Marelin. Brittany got up from my lap; she sat almost in Stephanie's lap so as not to be touching me. I took a deep breath; frightening any of them was not my intention.

"She made a mistake," Marelin said, pleading for understanding.

"Erica made a choice, Marelin. She chose him," I corrected. "I was the one who made a mistake."

"Do not talk about my daughter like that, David!"

"Brittany, have you been with another man since Erica and I started dating?" I asked. I did not have to look; Brittany was shaking her head.

"Why not?"

"Rachel said Erica would do this. We just had to wait," she replied.

"Do you love me?"

The silence stretched out to the point where they fidgeted.

"You would chosen Erica if she had been faithful," Brittany said; the hurt for having to deny me something was deep in her voice. Stephanie wrapped her arms around Brittany protectively. I stared into the woods behind the house before nodding.

I did not deserve an answer to the question.

"Why did you wait?" I asked still looking beyond Marelin. Stephanie kissed Brittany's shoulder to comfort her.

"When you said you didn't want to have sex with me anymore because of your relationship with Erica, I told you I would wait."

I turned to look at her. There were tears in her eyes, but she held her chin up. She had picked up some of Rachel's mannerisms and added vulnerability to them.

"I did not say 'I do not want to have sex with you anymore'. I said 'I would not have sex with you'," I reminded her. She nodded and leaned her head against Stephanie's. I turned back to Marelin and studied her. I saw where Erica got her beauty; Marelin was thicker, not fat, just a walking advertisement the gym she owned.

"I would have been the second person to know if Brittany decided not to wait. I cannot say the same about your daughter," I told Marelin. "Say what you have to, and go home."

She looked between us and put her face in her hands.

"I can't let you do this," she said looking at the floor. "It'll hurt my daughter so bad, I don't think she'll ever get past you."

I looked at the girls, who all shrugged. Marelin raised eyes to meet mine.

"She had to test you to believe you really wouldn't let her get away with it."

"No, Marelin."

"I know that, and she'll know it someday too. But the way you're walking away will destroy her. Erica loves you!"

Erica said it many times. Her mother's voice echoed in my head; I hoped I would never hear Erica say them again.

"My baby was too young for the rest of her life to come along. She'll never forgive herself if you do it this way. She won't be able to get out from under the mistakes her father and I made."

Brittany and the twins rolled their eyes.

"I'm not asking you to forgive her, David. I'm asking you to be her friend. You were the best friend she ever had; she put no walls up between you and her. She loses everything if you just walk away. I want you to leave her something, so she'll know it was real and won't let it go if she's lucky enough to find it again."

I looked into the woods.

"What does David get out of it?" Joanne asked suddenly. "He said what he had to."

"It's over for us," Stephanie said smiling. Brittany nodded while her eyes drilled into Marelin.

"How do you know what he said?" Marelin asked. She knew playing with the Lees was a dangerous game.

"Before Erica, we were the ones David told everything to," Stephanie said.

"Everything important!" Joanne said. Stephanie and Brittany laughed and nodded.

"Okay," Stephanie continued, "We were the ones David told everything IMPORTANT to."

"We gave that up when Erica came into his life," Joanne said. "Rightly, she was the one he should have been talking to."

"This morning, she made a choice not to be here for him," Stephanie said looking at Marelin, "We were, and David told us everything."

"Important about last night," Joanne said.

"So let's try it again, Marelin," Stephanie said forcefully. "What does David get out of staying your little slut's friend?"

"Like Brittany said, there's quality pussy that wants Erica to stay the fuck away from him," Joanne said smiling.

"What does David want?" Marelin said, her eyes flashing with anger. The twins looked at each other and shared a cruel smile before turning back to their prey.


Brittany, Marelin, and I were shocked. Brittany recovered the fastest though; she cowboy-jumped into a straddle on my lap. She put her hand over my mouth, pushed my head back, and put her lips by my ear.

"Please don't stop them! If you let them to continue, I'll tie every one of my sorority sisters naked to your bed. I will suck your cum out of Michelle's pussy and beg you to fuck me so she can do the same. If they get Marelin and you give her to me for one night, I swear no one will give Erica a bad look."

She looked into my eyes; her breathing was ragged and her heat penetrated through her pants and mine. I nodded--the thought of Brittany and Michelle finally being lovers and not just playing around the edges convinced me to leave the decision to Marelin.

Brittany turned in my lap so she could look at Marelin. She grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her waist. Marelin was still reeling.

"What?" she managed to get out a few seconds later.

"It's simple," Joanne said, stabbing the knife in the only available Covas female.

"Every time he has to be your little girl's friend, you are his," Stephanie said, twisting the knifer. Marelin's eyes blazed; I wondered which one she would try to slap first.

"Don't even play that you don't want him, bitch!" Brittany said in a voice dripping female venom.

"Erica gave him back to us," Joanne said.

"So if you want him, it's by our rules," Stephanie concluded.

When Marelin looked at me, her eyes begged. I would not hurt her daughter beyond what guilt she felt for her choice. Marelin wanted me to do more, and I found I was not against having the knife driven between her ribs and twisted. I patted Brittany's hip to make her get up. I rose from my seat and gave each girl a kiss on the cheek before heading inside.

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