Your Friendly Neighborhood Cuckold - Cover

Your Friendly Neighborhood Cuckold

by Xanzibar

Copyright© 2024 by Xanzibar

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Part Two of "Killgrave Cucks the MCU" Series, Killgrave decides to go after Spider-Man's woman, when he finds out that there is more than one things gets very interesting. When he himself actually falls for Mary Jane they go totally off the rails. Aunt May is looks more like the Marisa Tomei Aunt May.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   CrossDressing   Fan Fiction   Superhero   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Aunt   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Male   White Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Foot Fetish   Leg Fetish   Public Sex   .

“MJ get away from him now!” Peter Parker shouted out. Killgrave was in a conversation with Mary Jane Watson and it was going well, he was telling her that he wanted her to be the centerpiece model in a series of advertisements regarding a product called Invigor. The pitch was phone of course he just wanted an in. He let her know she could trust him and that he meant no ill will. MJ did not have any reason to doubt it. Even to the point where she got angry at Peter for interrupting her in the middle of landing a new gig. It had been a year and she needed this win.

Needless to say Peter slept in his desk lab chair that night. Killgrave used some of the sweet surveillance equipment from Reed’s lab. Mary Jane was lovely. Her alabaster skin was flawless, and her proportions were art in motion. After a couple of days Killgrave realized that Peter really neglected her. She spent most of her time at the shelter and trying to keep them afloat. Killgrave was resentful that the boy would leave such a wonderful woman alone.

One Day Later...

The sun was shining brightly as Mary Jane made her way to the grocery store. She had a list in hand and was determined to get everything she needed for the shelter before it closed for the day. As she walked, she could not help but feel grateful for her new gig with Invigor. The money from the advertisements would make a huge difference in the shelter’s budget.

But just as she reached the store, disaster struck. Two of her bags broke, spilling their contents onto the sidewalk. Frustrated and on the verge of tears, MJ knelt to pick up what she could salvage.

That is when Killgrave appeared out of nowhere, reaching out a hand to help her up. Mary Jane’s initial instinct was to pull away, but something about his gesture seemed genuine. Reluctantly, she accepted his help and together they managed to gather all her groceries.

Killgrave insisted on carrying them for her and even offered to walk her back home since he noticed that she did not have a car. Feeling a bit wary but also touched by his kindness, MJ agreed.

As they walked, Killgrave made small talk and asked about her life at the shelter. MJ opened up to him, telling him about the struggles they faced and how much she appreciated anyone who lent a helping hand.

When they reached the shelter, Killgrave offered to help unload all her groceries and even stayed behind to help organize them in the pantry. MJ could not believe how much easier he made everything seem.

Before leaving, he handed Mary Jane his business card and told her that if she ever needed anything else, she could call him anytime. Despite Peter’s warnings about Killgrave setting off his spider-sense, MJ could not shake off how genuinely helpful and kind he had been.

Maybe Peter was wrong about him after all. But little did MJ know that this was only just the beginning of Killgrave’s manipulative plans.

The attack...

Mary Jane arrived home exhausted from helping Aunt May at the shelter. She could barely keep her eyes open as she let out a sigh of relief, glad to finally be back in the comfort of her own home.

But her moment of peace was abruptly interrupted when three thugs came out of nowhere, surrounding her and demanding that she hand over all her valuables. MJ’s heart raced with fear as she frantically searched for something to use as a weapon.

Before she could even defend herself, one of the thugs grabbed her roughly, causing her to drop everything onto the ground. She screamed for help, but no one seemed to be around to hear her.

That is when Killgrave appeared once again, this time with a sinister grin on his face. He swiftly took down all three thugs with ease, protecting Mary Jane from any harm.

MJ could not believe it. She was saved by the very man that Peter had warned her about. But at that moment, she could not deny the fact that Killgrave had just saved her life.

As they stood there panting from the intensity of the fight, Killgrave looked at Mary Jane with admiration and said, “You know Miss Watson, you shouldn’t be so careless and walk around alone like this.” His words sounded almost patronizing.

But before MJ could even process what he meant by that, he continued saying how lucky she was to have someone like Spider-Man for a husband and how he could protect her better than anyone else could.

Suddenly doubts began to creep into MJ’s mind. If Peter really was Spider-Man, why wasn’t he here to protect her? Why did Killgrave seem more capable in this situation?

He then handed her his card once again and told MJ that if she ever needed anything or felt unsafe again, she could count on him. And with that, he left without another word.

MJ could not shake off the feeling that something was off about Killgrave’s intentions. But she could not deny that he had saved her.

Killgrave’s visit to the homeless shelter was not a coincidence. He had been planning it for weeks, ever since he saw Aunt May and Mary Jane together at the fundraiser. He knew that Aunt May’s kindness and genuine desire to help others made her an easy target for his manipulations.

As he entered the shelter, Killgrave made sure to put on his most charming smile. He greeted Aunt May with a warm hug and thanked her for all the good she does for the community.

“I’ve been meaning to come by and make a donation,” he said as he handed over a generous check. “You truly have a heart of gold, Aunt May.”

Aunt May blushed at his praise and thanked him profusely. But Killgrave was not done yet. He subtly planted thoughts in her mind, making her see him as more than just a kind donor.

“You know, I can’t help but notice how beautiful you look today,” he said, his voice oozing with charm. “Have you been working out? Your figure is simply stunning.”

Aunt May blushed even deeper and tried to brush off the compliments. But Killgrave persisted, suggesting that she should dress sexier because she deserves to feel confident in her own skin.

Before she could fully process his words and their effect on her, Killgrave bid goodbye and left the shelter. Aunt May was left feeling flustered and confused, wondering why she suddenly felt self-conscious about her appearance.

Killgrave’s manipulation had worked perfectly. He knew that planting these thoughts of lust in Aunt May’s mind would weaken her resistance towards him and make it easier for him to control her.

But this was just the beginning of his sinister plans for Aunt May.

Susan the Slut

Killgrave’s hand gripped tightly around Susan’s throat as he slammed into her from behind, his favorite position. She could barely contain her cries of pleasure as he ravaged her relentlessly. “Oh god, Killgrave!

You’re so good at this,” she moaned, feeling the personal file he had laid on her back graze against her skin with each thrust. He grunted in response, lost in his own ecstasy as her tight walls clenched around him.

Suddenly, she let out a loud scream as her orgasm washed over her, causing Killgrave to groan and release himself inside her. They both collapsed onto the desk, panting and sweating. “You always know how to please me, Susan,” Killgrave whispered in her ear, running his fingers through her hair lovingly. “And you always satisfy my every desire,” she replied breathlessly, kissing him deeply.

Killgrave could not get enough of Susan’s lips. They were like sweet nectar to him, addictive and irresistible. He pulled away from their passionate kiss, his eyes dark with desire.

“I need you, Susan,” he growled, grabbing her hips and turning her around. She squealed in delight as he picked her up and placed her back on the desk. Without hesitation, Killgrave entered her again, this time taking her even harder than before.

“Oh god, Killgrave!” Susan cried out, unable to contain her pleasure any longer. “Please don’t stop!”

He smirked against her skin as he continued thrusting into her relentlessly. He loved how she begged for more, how she surrendered herself completely to him.

“Tell me you want to be my slut forever,” he demanded between grunts.

“I want to be your slut forever!” she moaned, feeling waves of pleasure wash over her.

“And do you want to move in with me?” Killgrave asked, knowing that this was something she had been longing for.

“Yes! Please let me move in with you!” Susan pleaded.

But Killgrave was not finished yet. He wanted more power over Reed Richards and his family. He pulled away from Susan and looked into her eyes intensely.

“You need to humiliate Reed harder for that to happen,” he said firmly. “I want him broken and humiliated.”

Susan nodded eagerly, knowing exactly what she needed to do. With a wicked grin on her face, she started planning the ultimate downfall of Reed Richards at the hands of Killgrave, before her pussy exploded all over her master’s cock.

Operation Black Cat

Killgrave spent more money to lure the cat burglar. He literally suggested that a couple of random civilians to surveil the locale he would spring his trap. Black Cat looked at the building with the microchip, the prospective buyer and fence was adamant about the necessity of discretion, as if she ever violated that oath.

Black Cat stealthily made her way through the dark corridors of the building, her cat-like reflexes and agility allowing her to easily dodge any security measures in place. She had been hired to steal a valuable microchip from this vault, and she was determined to complete the job.

As she reached the door to the vault, she quickly picked the lock and slipped inside. To her surprise, she found a man tied up in a chair with a gag in his mouth. She walked closer, intrigued by this unexpected turn of events.

“Who are you?” Black Cat asked as she untied him.

“I’m just a businessman caught up in some unfortunate circumstances,” the man replied, trying to act innocent.

But Black Cat could sense something off about him. His voice had a hypnotic quality to it that made her feel strangely at ease.

“What happened here?” she asked, still suspicious.

“Some thugs came and tied me up, probably mistaking me for someone else,” he explained smoothly. “I have no idea why they would do such a thing.”

Despite her doubts, Black Cat could not help feeling drawn to this man. There was something alluring about him that she could not quite put her finger on.

“Well, I’m glad I could help,” Black Cat said with a sly smile before turning to leave.

“Wait!” the man called out just as she was about to exit the vault. “Could I trouble you for your name? I’d like to thank you properly.”

“It’s Black Cat,” she replied with a smirk before disappearing into the shadows.

The man watched her go with an amused glint in his eyes. He had purposely left his business card on display so that Black Cat would take it and he could track her movements. He wanted to know more about this intriguing thief who had caught his attention.

Black Cat could not shake off the encounter with the mysterious businessman from her mind as she made her way back to her client’s hideout. There was something about him.

Two Days Later...

“If I did not know better I think you were stalking me umm Black Cat.” KIllgrave said acting like he just happens to catch Black Cat double backing to her place on the upper west side.

“What? You! Oh, I think it is you who is stalking me.” Black Cat tried to snap back.

“You normally frequent this area? I had no idea. Do you live close to here? “Killgrave answered playing the part of a dumb civilian to a tee.

“Oh come on now I see how you have been looking at me” Felicia accused.

“Oh you like it when people look at your body” Killgrave stated back, only his was more of a suggestion than a statement.

Black Cat smirked and posed for Killgrave who grinned back, Felicia was very fetching indeed. Felicia, ever the consummate flirt loved the idea of teasing him so she started posing her body in response to his suggestion.

“Oh my, aren’t we quiet the exhibitionist?” Killgrave cooed back flirtatiously. “I wonder how many lovely items of clothing you have on. You are absolutely perfect.” Black Cat blushed, she did not know why but she found the thought of showing her body to Killgrave very arousing, leaning into his flirtatious suggestion as if she wanted to fulfill it to the letter.

Felicia could not believe what was happening. She had been trying to tease Killgrave with her seductive poses, but now she found herself stripping off her clothing for him in the form of an erotic striptease. She could not deny the intense attraction she felt towards him, and she wanted nothing more than to please him.

“Wow, Black Cat,” Killgrave said with a smirk as he watched Felicia’s skilled moves. “You’re quite the performer.”

Felicia’s blush deepened, feeling both embarrassed and aroused at his words. She slowly removed each piece of clothing, revealing her toned and curvaceous body, knowing that she was completely under his control.

“You like being touched by men, don’t you?” Killgrave stated suggestively as he circled around her.

Felicia could not even form a coherent response as her body responded to his touch. She moaned softly as he caressed her exposed skin, unable to hide the pleasure she felt.

“Please...” Felicia whispered breathlessly, wanting more.

Killgrave grinned in satisfaction before pulling her into a passionate kiss. Felicia eagerly responded, giving herself completely to him in that moment.

As their passion intensified, Felicia knew that she was completely under Killgrave’s spell. But for once in her life, she did not mind it one bit.

Felicia moaned as Killgrave’s lips moved down her neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses in their wake. She could not believe how much she wanted him, how easily he had taken control of her body and mind.

“I bet ... you would just love it if I kissed you,” Killgrave whispered seductively in her ear, sending shivers down Felicia’s spine.

She nodded eagerly, unable to form any words as she continued to suckle on his lips. Her hands roamed over his body, feeling every muscle and curve as if for the first time.

Their passion became more intense with each passing moment, until they were both breathless and panting. Felicia could not remember ever feeling this level of desire before, and she wanted to finish this rendezvous with intriguing man. Killgrave was going a little hard on Black Cat than she did with Susan mainly because Black Cat could easily disappear if he left it up to chance. He noticed his skin was becoming more purple by the second. He needed to have sex to further reinforce his suggestions.

But for once in her life, Felicia did not mind being under someone else’s control. In fact, she craved it. She wanted nothing more than to please him, to be at his mercy. She had never felt so turned on in her life. She wanted to show every inch of her body for him.

Feeling emboldened by her newfound desires, Felicia pushed Killgrave against the wall of the building, taking control for a moment. But even then, she could feel his hold on her wavering. Killgrave slid his hands on her hips and said, “I can give you what you need.”

“Please,” Felicia begged again, knowing that only he could give her what she truly needed.

“You do live near here, don’t you?” Killgrave asked. Black Cat was so aroused and turned on that she almost blurted out the answer her resolve was wavering until it broke with what Killgrave said next.

“Come on you can tell me, take me there and I will make sure you will never regret it” Killgrave said pulling a slow kiss from Felicia’s lips.

Two Hours Later

Felicia Hardy’s Residence...

Killgrave had Black Cat on all fours. He grunted as his cock entered her. Killgrave gripped Felicia’s hips tightly as he pounded into her from behind. He could feel her walls clenching around him, each thrust driving them both closer to the edge.

“Fuck!” Felicia cried out, unable to control the pleasure coursing through her body. She had never felt this level of desire before, and she knew that it was all because of Killgrave’s manipulation.

His cock filled her so completely, hitting all the right spots and sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. She could not get enough of him, craving his touch and his control.

“You love my cock, don’t you Black Cat?” Killgrave growled into her ear as he continued to thrust relentlessly.

“Yes!” Felicia screamed, unable to hold back any longer. “I love your cock!”

Killgrave smirked in satisfaction, knowing that he had complete power over her. He slammed into her harder and faster, feeling her body tense up as she reached her climax.

Felicia screamed out in ecstasy, cumming hard around Killgrave’s cock. She could feel him pulsing inside of her as he emptied himself into her, intensifying her own orgasm.

As they both lay spent on the bed, Felicia could not help but think that this was the best sex she had ever had in her life. And she knew that it was all thanks to Killgrave’s prowess in bed. She never had been with someone who could go one time after another. She knew she would not have to worry about not orgasming with this man. He was damn near perfect she wanted to wrap her legs around him and never let him leave.

She turned to look at him with a dazed expression on her face, still reeling from their intense encounter.

“You’re amazing,” she breathed out, a rare moment of vulnerability showing in her usually confident demeanor.

Killgrave chuckled as he pulled Felicia close to him, wrapping his arms around her naked body. “I know,” he replied smugly.

They lay together in silence for a few moments before Felicia spoke up again.

“But what now?” she asked quietly.

“We continue this little arrangement,” Killgrave replied nonchalantly, his hold on her tightening possessively. “And I am not even close being done with you right now, Felicia.” Killgrave growled.

Felicia’s eyes got wide as she felt Killgrave’s cock inflate right back up, courtesy of the pills Reed gave him. Killgrave pushed Felicia down on her back and pressed her legs wider her as he fucked started to slide in and out of her sex while on top of her.

As they continued to fuck, Felicia felt like she was being consumed by the intensity of their desire for each other. The combination of Killgrave’s manipulation and his enhanced sexual abilities made her feel like she was on a whole new level of pleasure.

She could feel every thrust deep inside of her, hitting home inside her, by the heavens his cock basically had a bead on her G-spot like it was guided missile. The constant contact on the sweet center was driving her closer to the edge once again. And as much as she tried to resist it, Felicia found herself begging for more.

“Please, Killgrave!” she moaned, unable to control herself. “Fuck me harder! I need this I need this so much, I love your cock! FUCK!”

Killgrave smirked down at her, knowing that he had total dominion over her body and mind. He pushed into her harder and faster, reveling in the way she responded to him.

“Is this what you want, Black Cat?” he whispered into her ear. “To be completely dominated by me?”

Felicia could only nod in response as she felt another wave of pleasure wash over her. She had never been so submissive before, but with Killgrave’s powers driving her every desire, she found it impossible to resist.

He continued to pound into her relentlessly, pushing both of them closer and closer to the edge. And just when Felicia thought she could not take any more, Killgrave whispered something inaudible in her ear.

Whatever it was seemed to push Felicia over the edge once again as she cried out in pleasure, clenching tightly around Killgrave’s cock as she came undone beneath him.

Killgrave grunted as he reached his own climax, emptying himself into Felicia once again. They both lay there panting and spent for a few moments before Killgrave pulled out of her and collapsed next to her on the bed.

Felicia could not believe how amazing that had been. She had never experienced anything like it before, and part of her was scared by how easily Killgrave had manipulated and controlled her desires.

But in that moment, as they lay together in a post-orgasmic haze.

Six Hours Later...

Felicia laid covered in Killgrave’s cum making her even more susceptible to his suggestions by the concentrated amount of his virus it contained. By the time he left that morning she called him Daddy. She had agreed to be his fuckslut whenever he wanted. He also found out that Mary Jane’s precious little Peter had been fucking Felicia as well and was quiet the little cheater, sleeping with the white hair cat behind MJ’s back.

Bring me Shelter...

Peter’s Aunt was still attractive at her age. Killgrave’s interaction was an odd one, while being able to have sex with any woman was always on the table, fucking Peter’s de facto mom had a naughty evil feel to it. Killgrave could not resist. So, when he came to check on her he was pleasantly surprised that his clothing suggestions were taken strongly to heart.

Killgrave could not stop looking at her gorgeous legs. He smirked as he leaned and closed and suggestively said, “I bet you dressed up this way hoping I noticed huh?”

Aunt May’s face became flushed as if her secret had been outed.

Killgrave could not help but smirk as he watched Aunt May squirm under his teasing words. She was clearly flustered and turned on by him, which only fueled his desire to dominate her even more.

“Do you like the way I look, Aunt May? Do you want me?” he purred, leaning closer to her.

Aunt May’s cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red as she nodded, unable to form any coherent words.

“Good,” Killgrave said, smirking even wider. “I knew you could not resist me.”

He continued to tease and flirt with her for a few more minutes before finally giving the order for her to go back up to her office. Aunt May quickly complied, eager to follow his every command.

But before she could leave the room, Killgrave’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

“Oh, and Aunt May?” he called out, causing her to turn around and face him once again.

“Yes?” she asked, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.

“Why don’t you take off your clothes for me? Give me a little striptease,” he suggested with a devilish grin.

Aunt May’s jaw dropped in shock at his bold request. She wasn’t sure if she should be offended or turned on. But ultimately, it was Killgrave’s command that won out as she found herself slowly unbuttoning her blouse and swaying her hips as she peeled off each garment seductively.

As each piece of clothing hit the floor, Killgrave’s desire grew stronger. He could not believe how incredibly sexy Aunt May looked underneath it all. And when she finally stood before him completely naked, he could not resist reaching out and running his hands over her curves.

But he didn’t stop there. He wanted her body sliding against his own as she continued to strip for him. So he pulled off his own clothes and lay down on the couch, beckoning for her to join him.

Aunt May stood before Killgrave, completely naked and under his spell or her body’s it was hard to tell, her pussy throbbed looking Killgrave. She did not believe how turned on she was by his dominating presence, but she could not deny it either.

“Take me,” she blurted out, surprising even herself with her bold request.

Killgrave’s eyes lit up with desire as he watched Aunt May crawl onto the couch with him, straddling his lap.

She wrapped her legs around his back and pressed her body against him, unable to resist the urge to feel him against her.

He leaned in and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together as they explored each other’s mouths. Aunt May moaned into the kiss, feeling her arousal build with each movement of his lips against hers.

As they continued to kiss, Killgrave’s hands roamed over her body, caressing and teasing every inch of skin that he could reach. Aunt May arched into his touch, wanting more and more of him.

Without breaking the kiss, Killgrave slowly pushed Aunt May back onto the couch so that she was lying underneath him. He trailed kisses down her neck and across her collarbone before taking one of her hardened nipples into his mouth and sucking gently.

Aunt May’s fingers tangled in Killgrave’s hair as she gasped at the sensation of pleasure coursing through her body. She had not felt this desired for a very long time.

Killgrave continued to worship every inch of Aunt May’s body with his mouth and hands until she could not take it anymore. She pulled his head up to hers and kissed him hungrily, urging him on for more.

With a fluid movement, Killgrave positioned himself between Aunt May’s legs and slowly entered her. Their bodies moved together in perfect rhythm as they made love on the couch in Aunt May’s office.

With each thrust, Killgrave showed Aunt May just how much he desired her. And as their passion built and their moans filled the room, Aunt May could not help but feel like the most desired woman in the world. She had never felt so alive, so wanted, and so free.

As their climaxes washed over them, they lay there panting and spent, their bodies still entwined. Aunt May could not believe what had just happened, but she knew that she wanted more.

Killgrave gently kissed her forehead before whispering in her ear, “You’re not done yet, are you? I can tell that you’re still hungry for me.”

Aunt May nodded, unable to deny the truth in his words. She wanted him inside her again, and she wanted him to take her in every way possible.

“Then let’s go somewhere more private,” he suggested, his eyes shining with mischief. “I have a few more surprises for you.”

Aunt May could not help but feel excited and nervous at the same time. She had never done anything like this before, but she felt there was nowhere else she rather be.

The Hotel room up the street.

“Oh! Oh! Fuck! Fuck! I love your cock Master! I love it! More! I am about to cum! Please let me cum baby!

“Cum! Slut, wash my cock!” Killgrave grunted out. Aunt May was head down ass up on the bed in front of Killgrave who had been going at it like a madman on Spider-man’s aunt for the better part of three hours. Killgrave came inside her again before sliding out of her nether lips spanking her ass as she spread her legs further, his cum leaking from her pussy.

“Whose pussy is this now slut?” Killgrave asked rubbing her ass while he asked.

“It is yours daddy” Aunt May said with a hoarse voice.

“Good, I expect you to dress like my proper slut from now on got it” Killgrave cooed aggressively.

“Yes ... Sir.” Aunt May was totally submissive to Killgrave, and he really did not have to give many orders to make her that way, just a proper dicking down.

The next day.

Killgrave cheered loudly as he came home and checked his emails to find that Mary Jane Watson had accepted his offer for a photo shoot. This was perfect. He had a diabolical idea on how he could kill two birds with one stone. He called MJ and made the arrangements to have a photoshoot on the rooftops of one of the high-rise buildings.

When Killgrave originally extended the offer for a photoshoot with Mary Jane it was with the intention of making her wear the sluttiest clothes and go from there. But ever since he found about Peter’s cheating with Felicia, Killgrave had other ideas, he would be her safe harbor in the storm. Albeit a storm he created.

“Great! So, I want you to pose here with this fashionable remake of Amelia Eirhart’s flight suit. I am trying to capture the strong woman energy you exude.” Killgrave told MJ. She beamed; she was even more disarmed than she was before. When she took the offer for the photoshoot, she thought for sure it would be sexist, and showing lots of skin. It made her happy that she was wearing the outfit of a feminist icon.

Killgrave had MJ posing as other powerful and iconic women, such as Rosie the Riveter, Wonder Woman, and even Joan of Arc. As he directed her into different poses, he could not help but think that this must be what Peter saw in her. The strength, the confidence, the beauty.

“You know MJ, Peter must always talk about you. He must tell everyone that you are the most amazing woman he has ever met,” Killgrave remarked casually as he adjusted her outfit for the next photo. “I know I would with everyone who would listen.” Killgrave chuckled flirtatiously.

“Really?” she asked with a hint of hopefulness in her voice.

“Absolutely. And now that I’ve met you, I can see why he is enamored with you. You have this magnetic energy about you,” Killgrave replied with a sincere smile.

MJ blushed at his compliment and could not help but feel flattered. No one had ever spoken to her like that before. It made her feel special.

She thought fondly of Peter suddenly missing him. Then she heard Killgrave exclaim surprised, “Oh my! Umm we should probably go” Killgrave uttered hurredly as if to protect MJ on what he was witnessing.

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