Watching and Lusting - Cover

Watching and Lusting

Copyright© 2002 by Mandil

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Bobbie is fifteen, one day while hiding in the warehouse at the back of his home; he is a witness to an erotic scene between a man and a fourteen years old girl. He soon gets hooked on watching them every day after this first incident and this lead him to desires of his own.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Historical   Cheating   First   Voyeurism  

Naturally Bobbie waited impatiently at home during all of the following day until evening arrived. Thus far, he had been a witness to the most exiting scenes ever in all of his life, and nothing short of a specific order from his parents preventing him from leaving the house would have made him miss Mr. Steven next encounter with Linda.

As he waited in the warehouse for the van to arrive, - he had seated himself on the cement floor in his usual spot - he had a tremendous erection even though he couldn't tell why exactly.

All that he did know was that he felt a strange, never experienced before excitement deep within. The fact that in a very short while he was going to spy on both Mr. Steven and Linda, was thrilling him to the utmost.

At ten pass seven, he was still alone in the warehouse and he was starting to feel disappointed since he now had doubts that they would be coming at all. But at last he suddenly heard the squeaking and rolling of the metal wheels of the wide door as it slid open. Then Mr. Steven's van drove inside the warehouse.

Not a word was exchanged between Linda and Mr. Steven while they were emptying the van of its load of assorted garments. But as soon as this was done, they both sat on the same wooden box and they began to talk.

Linda had on a white short-sleeves blouse with a blue skirt and for the first time ever; she had a matching blue ribbon holding her hair in the back of her head. Bobbie then realized that she was beautiful indeed; from his hiding place, which was barely fifteen feet away, he had a splendid opportunity to examine her.

"You know," began Mr. Steven, "last evening I did ask Denise if she was sorry that she had let me feel her teats before I married her, and she said that she was not. She even admitted that beside helping her bosom to develop, she had found it extremely pleasant to have my hands fondling her breasts on every chance I got to be alone with her."

"She did?" Said Linda in an exited voice." But I suppose this was ok since you did marry her afterward."

"My marrying her had nothing to do with it. Before I met Denise I had a cousin that came with her mother to live with us in Lakeview each summer. She and I went fishing every time the weather was nice. Soon I began to kiss her and gradually she did let me touch her teats all that I wanted and of course we did not get married afterward. She did grow up into a most beautiful girl and she is now married."

"You mean that even though she was your cousin, she let you kiss her and feel her bosom?"

"Yes of course, and I must say that we did more than that also."

Linda was quite serious now. It now occurred to Bobbie that she no longer seemed to be the nervous girl he had seen the first few times she had been with Mr. Steven. As a matter fact even Mr. Steven was no longer joking.

Many seconds went by during which time neither of them said a word. While Mr. Steven was staring at her she had her eyes fixed on the floor and seemed to be in profound thoughts.

All of a sudden, he took two pieces of clothing from the pile and he inserted them under his shirt so as to pretend that he had huge breasts. As soon as the garments were in place under his shirt, he began to slowly walk in front of her in a theatrical manner.

"Of course a girl can always wear falsies." He said this as he exaggeratedly displayed his false breasts to her.

This got her laughing and giggling again as she placed both of her hands on the false bosom or Mr. Steven.

"If I let you feel mine," said Mr. Steven "then it is only fair that you let me feel yours." As he said this his hand reached for Linda's left breast.

At first she tried to pulled away by turning her body completely around, but his hand did follow her and he was soon standing behind her with one hand on each of her breasts.

Bobbie couldn't believe his eyes. Linda just stood there like a statue while he stood pressing his body behind her with his hands opening and closing half a dozen times over her bosom. Her only reaction was to giggle while she remained standing very still. Even Bobbie could tell that by her very lack of reaction to his exploring hands she was giving him the green light to fondle her.

As he stood behind her, he held her in a tight embrace, and while his hands were busy kneading and squeezing her still developing breasts, his lips came in contact with the side of her neck. Then he kissed her right earlobe. From her ear, his lips moved to the side of her neck again. Linda was no longer giggling now,

Bobbie could hear her fast and short breathing thus revealing her awakening passions.

Slowly but surely, he watched her tilting her head toward her right thus exposing the other side of her neck to the wandering lips of Mr. Steven. Soon those same lips were kissing, licking and sucking all over her lower neck, and while he was doing this, his right hand slowly proceeded to pull her blouse out of the waist of her skirt.

Whether she was aware or not of the deed that his right hand was performing, Bobbie had no way to tell. She soon folded her arms over his left hand still on her breast then she closed her eyes as she kept very still. She seemed to be lost in a dream world of her own for the moment.

Now that her blouse had been completely pulled out from the waist of her skirt, his right hand reminded Bobbie of a snake as it crawled under the edge of the material to finally disappear under the garment.

The presence of his hand underneath her blouse didn't seem to produce any visible reaction in Linda. As a matter of fact, even before Mr. Steven's hand had gone underneath her blouse, her emotions had already been fired up. She now appeared to be completely out of touch with the real world and she no longer seemed to care what was being done to her.

Soon Mr. Steven's other hand join the right one under her blouse while Linda's own hands were now hanging at her sides as if to give him a better access to her bosom.

While Mr. Steven stood behind her with both of his hands under her blouse, Bobbie could tell that he was moving them over her breasts, the stretching of the material of her blouse in front was proof enough of that. It was now easy for Bobbie to imagine what he was doing with his hands.

Again his lips began to move over the side of her neck. Then all of a sudden, he forced her to turn in his arms while at the same time he pulled both of his hands out of her blouse.

As soon as they were face to face he quickly placed his lips on hers. It was evident that she was out of her mind with passion as she threw her arms around his neck and at the same time she pulled him even tighter in her arms.

They kissed again and again during which time Bobbie heard the smacking of their lips and he was also a witness to the dancing of their tongues. All the time Linda kept hugging him and pressing herself against him

Mr. Steven then began to undo the buttons at the front of her blouse. If Linda was aware of this, she certainly didn't care. When he was done, he pulled the garment down from her shoulders and she even helped him by letting it fall to the floor at their feet.

Linda was now standing in her white bra as they continued to kiss and while Mr. Steven was stroking her bark. Then Bobbie noticed his tongue slipping into her mouth as she greedily sucked it into her own mouth.

After long seconds, during which time Linda was evidently sucking on his tongue, he managed to pull it out of her eager mouth, but her snake-like tongue followed him into the cavern of his own mouth.

Of course Bobbie knew that they were French kissing, he had often discussed that matter with his friends, but until then

he only half believed that people did that. But now that he was face to face with the cold fact, Linda and Mr. Steven were French kissing indeed, they were doing it right there in front of him. He could even see the glistering of their chins as their mingled saliva was drooling out of their mouth.

But now he was no longer shocked by what they were doing. Had someone before this day, describe to him such a scene as he was a witnessing now, he would have qualify it as revolting to the extreme. Seeing it with his own eyes did make it believable and he didn't felt disgusted in the least.

On the contrary, he was exited by what he was seeing; he even felt envious of Mr. Steven's good fortune in being able to kiss Linda in such a way. As if to confirm his state of excitement, he then noticed that he had a tremendous erection in his pants, his hardness was twitching and jerking of its own and he had no control whatsoever on it.

What happened next, Bobbie never would have imagined that he would see such a scene before he was married. While they were kissing, Mr. Steven hands proceeded to slowly lift Linda's bra, then all at once Bobbie could see the naked side of Linda's right breast.

Never in his short life had he seen such a magnificent and erotic sight. Even though her breasts were not fully developed yet, they were the most beautiful and desirable things he had ever seen. He could see her pink, acorn size nipple in the centre of her salmon colour areola, which in turn was the size of a fifty cents coin.

This splendid scene fired his passions so much that his hand, without his being aware of it, went to the front of his pants and he began to stroke his erection through the material of his pants. Then as he observed Mr. Steven's hands massaging and squeezing both of her breasts, he felt a tremendous climax.

The pleasure was so intense and it went on for so long that he had to use much of his will power so as to make as little noise as possible. But even while he was in the grip of this strong orgasm, he still kept his eyes on the couple in front of him.

Linda's bra was around her neck now and Mr. Steven had both of his hand all over her exposed breasts. For Bobbie, inexperienced as he was it was the utmost in erotic.

Linda now had her eyes closed tight while her back was pressed against Mr. Steven. Her head was resting against his shoulder while both of his hands were busy squeezing and pressing her boobs. Her bra had somehow gotten unhitched at the back and it was now hanging around her left arm having become free of the right one.

Then Mr. Steven took away one hand from her breasts so as to remove her bra completely. Bobbie suddenly had his first completely inhibited view of her young bosom as his eyes for the very first time, felt on her naked pair of breasts.

He was stunned and mesmerized by the provocative sight. What he was looking at was certainly not the bosom of a girl of fifteen, he told himself. Both mounds of flesh were much bigger than he could have possibly imagined and while his eyes remained frozen on her nakedness, he suddenly felt a strong urge to possess her.

He did wish that he could be in Mr. Steven's place, and for the first time since he began to watch them, he actually felt a spark of jealousy for Mr. Steven's good fortune in being allowed to fondle Linda.

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