Watching and Lusting - Cover


Watching and Lusting

by Mandil

Copyright© 2002 by Mandil

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Reluctant, Historical, Cheating, First, Voyeurism,

Erotica Sex Story: Bobbie is fifteen, one day while hiding in the warehouse at the back of his home; he is a witness to an erotic scene between a man and a fourteen years old girl. He soon gets hooked on watching them every day after this first incident and this lead him to desires of his own.

This story takes place in a small town on the Northern American continent and the time when these events occurred was in the early fifties. Most of what I describe here, I learned by mean of a diary that I found in the attic of an old house that I bought. I sincerely believe that everything did really happen exactly as I wrote it since after a short investigation, I discovered that the people in this story really did existed and quite a few are still living today. Of course all the names of the places and of the people have been changed.

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