Young Girl Sex Club - Cover

Young Girl Sex Club


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - What are three girls to do after they are divorced or dumped? How about flying to Hawaii, forming a 'Girls Only Club' and going to work at two hotels/motels and keep them from going bankrupt by working at the oldest profession in the world. Lots and lots and lots of sex in this book.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   InLaws   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Lynn was genuinely sorry for the loss of her Portuguese lover and equally disturbed over the abrupt termination of her sole source of income. She wondered if she was, after all, a born loser. She had failed at marriage, at blackmail, and her most promising career, that of prostitution, had been disappointingly brief. Now that she stopped to think about it, she had been a lousy teacher, too, she admitted ruefully. There ought to be something she could do successfully. One could hardly put an advertisement in the local paper: "Cocks expertly sucked. $5.00 per orgasm. Satisfaction guaranteed."

Ellen and Kalola were duly sympathetic when she related her disastrous adventure of the evening.

"That leaves us right back where we started," Kalola stated gloomily.

"Yeah, even my deal with Joe Moto is a bummer," Ellen put in. "I can pay the rent by going to bed with him every day, but he wants exclusive rights to me. He says if he finds out I'm doing any fucking on the side, he'll toss us all out on our asses."

"I don't know what we're going to do," Lynn sighed.

"Why, we're all going to the island of Maui. That's what we're going to do," said a voice from the front porch, and the three girls gave squeals of delight as Wikiwiki opened the screen door and came into the room.

"Wiki!" Kalola cried, immediately beginning to divest herself of her skirt and blouse. "The gods must have sent you! We were all feeling so blue and now you come to cheer us up. Take off your pants."

"Nothing doing," Wikiwiki declared firmly, placing a huge hand between her nakedly bouncing breasts to hold her off. "No sex until we have talked business. That goes for you two as well. Lynn, please unhand my cock and, Ellen, pull your skirt back down."

"Oh, all right," Lynn agreed ungraciously. "What's this about Maui? What's over there?"

"The new, multimillion-dollar hotel and resort, 'The Hotel Hale-Kaahumanu'," Wikiwiki replied, seating himself in the best chair in the house and determinedly crossing his legs. "You haole chicks are new to the islands, so you may not have heard of the Hale-Kaahumanu, and it was built while Kalola was on the mainland, so maybe she doesn't know about it either. Well, here is the story. The hotel is part of a chain that has places like it in nearly every resort spot on earth. The owner is a rich slob from New York named Euclid J. Barrington-Phaff. He came out here on vacation three years ago, bought up some property near Lahina and started construction. The Hale-Kaahumanu has been open a month and it's already in bad trouble. The cause of this bad trouble is Elmer McFarthingale, the hotel manager. Elmer is a jerk, but he got the job because he is engaged to Evangeline Barrington-Phaff, the owner's nutty daughter. Evangeline was a jet-set party girl and a real swinger until she suddenly got religion about a year ago. The Rasputin in her life is one Mathew Longworth, The Church of the Blood of our Savior. Anyway, Evangeline, influenced by this Longworth kook, is the real boss of the new hotel, and she's turned it into a Sunday School. She even makes poor Elmer require young couples to show a marriage license before accepting their reservations."

Kalola shuddered. "What a horrible place! What would we go there for?"

Wikiwiki grinned fondly. "To take it over. Look, old Barrington-Phaff isn't a bad guy for a haole, but he doesn't know what's going on. He turned the whole thing over to his son-in- law-to-be. I think it's our duty to step in there and save his investment for him. Of course, as a reward we wind up running the hotel and Elmer will be out on his fanny. Here's how we go about it: One of my cousins is the surfing instructor there, and he's screwing the wife of the man who runs the personnel office and does all the hiring. I can get us all jobs... me as a lifeguard and you three in the kitchen. You start out by screwing the chef and you soon fuck your way into better and better jobs until, before you know it, you are so important to the operation that the hotel can't run without you. Then, when the time is right, wham! We take over. What do you say?"

"I guess so," Lynn said, frowning. "How do we know when the time is right, and how do we go about taking over?"

"You leave that to me," Wikiwiki said, tapping the side of his head to indicate that there, somewhere under his beautiful shock of curly, black hair, reposed all the brains that could possibly be required for an undertaking of this sort.

"Okay," Lynn replied, obviously relieved. "But can we do a little whoring on the side as we go along? I hardly got started as a chippy when Tony died. I hate to give it up."

"By all means," Wikiwiki assured her. "That's exactly the sort of thing that a resort hotel needs to liven it up and make it a success. People don't come here from the mainland just to look at palm trees and eat pineapples. When I'm manager, all the hotel employees will be dedicated to the entertainment of the customers. Just be discreet at first, until we get Elmer and his silly fiancee, Evangeline, out of the way."

"Now that that's settled," Ellen said, "how about taking care of us? You promised."

"No, I didn't," Wikiwiki denied. "I said there would be no sex until we were through discussing business, but I can't accommodate you myself. I have to work tonight to raise money for our trip to Maui tomorrow. However, just to show you that I am a thoughtful person, I brought some friends who will be glad to fix you up." He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled shrilly. The screened door instantly popped open, and three beach boys burst into the room.

"I want the fat one!" Lynn cried. "You like getting your cock sucked, lover boy?"

Leaving the girls to enjoy themselves, Wikiwiki slipped out into the night and hurried back to the hotel room where he had left the blonde tourist. He had lied to his new partners. He had plenty of money, but the slender, delicate bride fascinated him and he had not yet had enough of her.

He didn't even bother knocking at her door this time, but pushed it open and went on in. She was in bed with her husband. He was awkwardly making love to her and neither of them heard Wikiwiki's bare feet on the carpet. The beach boy politely waited until they had finished, then tapped the husband on the shoulder. The startled man looked up to see a bronzed giant towering over him and shaking his head in disapproval.

"You do not do it right," Wikiwiki said. "You go sit in chair and I show you mo' bettah how fucky-fucky."

"What?" the husband screeched, both in fear and indignation. "What are you doing in here? This is our room. You get out. Go on, before I call the police."

Wikiwiki still stood there, regarding the husband with sorrowful contempt. "Why fo' yo' haole guy come Hawaii fo' vacation?" he demanded. "To fucky yo' own wife? Tsk, tsk. Yo' gonna be long time married same gal. How many times on mainland yo' gonna get chance fucky cute native chick, hunh?"

"But... but... we're just married!" the man protested. "We're on our honeymoon. Besides, why should I let you fuck my wife. It's not... why, it's not even decent!"

His wife laughed. "Robert," she giggled, "you're absolutely hopeless. The other night when those beach boys took me away from you and I told you afterward they were just being playful and that all they did was teach me an old Hawaiian game played at luaus, you were really stupid enough to believe me, weren't you? What a dope. As a matter of fact, they very thoroughly raped me and it was lovely. Then Wikiwiki spent two hours with me earlier this evening. You really should do as he says. You should sit over there in a chair and watch an expert. You could use a little instruction, you know."

Robert was shocked. "You mean you actually let this man make love to you? And now you're bragging about it... right to my face?"

"You better believe it," she replied feelingly. "Don't act so prissy. I suppose you think I don't know about the Chinese girl you had at the party. And where were you today while Wikiwiki was here? Why don't you be a dear and go out on the town. I'll bet you could pick up one of these pretty brown girls and have yourself a ball. Like he says, how often will we ever have a chance to do anything like this back in Iowa?"

Her husband considered her suggestion thoughtfully. "I suppose you're right," he murmured. "You really don't mind, dear?"

"Are you kidding?" she asked, laughing. "If you could see this guy with his pants off, you wouldn't ask me if I mind. Now will you please quit yakking about it and get the hell out of the bed so Wikiwiki can get in?"

Robert got up then and began dressing. When he was ready to go out, he paused at the door and looked back. There was a tangle of naked brown and white limbs already thrashing frantically at the bed.

"You certainly have changed since I met you at the Methodist- Christian Youth Rally in Sioux City," he said, but the only answer from the bed was the sibilant hiss of heavy breathing and the protesting squeak of the bedsprings.

He closed the door softly behind him as he left. As he walked down the hall to the elevator, he was thinking that Doris was a very sweet girl, even though she had turned out to be bolder and somewhat more adventurous than he had supposed. He wondered if the International Market Place was still open. There had been a cute native girl there who had given him the eye earlier that day. Yes, Hawaii was a wonderful place and everything the travel folders had promised. Perhaps Doris would agree to returning every year for their vacation.

Wikiwiki withdrew his cock from the sucking embrace of the girl's pussy and, turning quickly on the bed, he thrust the head of it between her lips. From the way she gagged and sputtered, he knew this was a new experience for her... that she'd probably never heard of such a thing before. Fine. He liked the role of instructor to the young and innocent. He'd teach her even more. He jammed his tongue into her, wishing, as he often did, that it was as long as his prick. Her skin was so white, so fragile. Her inner thighs were as soft on his cheeks as the caress of a gardenia-scented breeze, and his nose was filled with the perfumed aroma of her musk. What a shame for a jerk like Robert to have won a prize like this! After he became manager of the Hale- Kaahumanu, he would write to her. By that time she would be sick of Robert and he could talk her into coming back to Hawaii to stay. She would make a fine addition to his harem and he knew she would be glad to become a hustler for his sake.

Doris didn't know what to make of having her mouth filled with prick, but as it began to slide smoothly back and forth over her tongue, well lubricated by pre-orgasmic jism, she decided she didn't really mind at all. She stroked his legs, smelling the warm sand and sea scent of them and loved the feel of his softly haired scrotum thudding rhythmically against her nose, and she adored what he was doing to her with his mouth. She felt him suck the membranous flesh of her vulva between his teeth while his tongue did a little dance on the button of her clitoris. He had found her anus with one finger and was forcing the puckery, tightly muscled orifice to yield to him. Suddenly his finger shot into her. The pain was excruciating and yet infinitely thrilling, magnifying her passion and creating in her a white-hot frenzy of lust. He fucked his finger in and out of her and she loved it, wishing it was as large as his cock as she strained her slender body toward him, lifting her lovely legs into the air to spread herself even more for him.

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