Young Girl Sex Club - Cover

Young Girl Sex Club


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - What are three girls to do after they are divorced or dumped? How about flying to Hawaii, forming a 'Girls Only Club' and going to work at two hotels/motels and keep them from going bankrupt by working at the oldest profession in the world. Lots and lots and lots of sex in this book.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   InLaws   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Among those who had attended the party was one who had appreciated it more than most, even though the reason for his appreciation was somewhat less than esthetic. Hoku Hamonu, known among his friends as "Wikiwiki", was a beach boy. He was from Hana, on the windward side of the island of Maui, and was one of the very few natives of nearly pure Hawaiian blood left in the islands. His grandmother had claimed, with great pride, to have been raped and impregnated by none other than Bully Hayes himself, last of the freebooters who had once roamed the South Pacific. The story may even have been true, for there was a touch of the pirate in the make-up of Wikiwiki.

Not that it was readily apparent. His protective coloration was perfect. He wore his wavy, black hair short, scorning the girlish hair styles of the mainland youth so widely copied by most of the beach boys at Waikiki, and all of the well-muscled, cookie- with-cream complexioned, two hundred pounds of his lazy, six-foot frame exuded a kind of smoldering and indolent masculine sexuality. He was so good-looking he would have been considered a "pretty boy" had he been less obviously and blatantly male. Superficially at least, he appeared to be a guileless, happy-go- lucky, good-natured but shiftless slob who happened to be very good at his chosen career of guide, swimming and surfing instructor, and male prostitute. As a matter of fact, Wikiwiki was possessed of a mind that was one-third steel trap and two- thirds calculating machine. As he lolled on the beach, hands clasped behind his fine head, his innocent brown eyes fixed on the distant, heat-shimmering horizon, his mind was busily at work on the problem of the three girls who lived in Number Four at the Pacific Paradise Hotel.

Being a man who recognized talent when he saw it, he considered the girls only a problem to the extent that they had a certain genius that was going woefully and shamefully to waste, a genius he felt would be better and more profitably put to work enhancing the life and filling the wallet of Hoku Hamonu, known as Wikiwiki.

At the party the night before, he had consumed less liquor than most, although he had taken an active part in the ensuing fun and games. From the vantage point of relative sobriety, he had deduced that the girls in question were not rich, although they had spent money like drunken sailors. Handling money wisely was not, he decided, one of their many virtues. No matter. People who could throw such an amazingly and spectacularly successful party (impromptu at that) had no need of other talents. What those girls needed, he saw, was the fatherly guidance of a man. Besides, he also perceived that in gathering them to his protective and manly bosom he would be acquiring a ready-made harem, and he was thoroughly fed up with making love to the fat, middle-aged tourist ladies who were his usual victims.

His decision made, Wikiwiki arose from his reclining position on the sand and sauntered slowly but purposefully in the direction of the Pacific Paradise Hotel. He didn't bother to knock but mounted the rotting steps to the porch and lounged in the open doorway. He arrived just as Ellen finished announcing her seduction of Joe Moto.

"Hi," Wikiwiki said.

Three pairs of eyes, brown, blue and green, opened wide at the sight of his handsome face, broad shoulders and massive muscles.

"Hi, yourself, gorgeous," Lynn replied. "The party is over but you're welcome."

"Take your trunks off and come in," Kalola invited.

"Hold on, you two," Ellen objected. "I saw him first."

"Ladies!" Wikiwiki exclaimed, holding up a hand as if to fend off imminent attack. "Let us remember our manners. I'll be most happy to service you one at a time, but no unseemly conduct, please." He had decided that the colorful pidgin that was part of his act when dealing with rich tourists would be wasted on these babes, so he spoke, instead, in the English he had learned while a student at U.C.L.A.

"I have a proposition for you. No, no! Not that kind! Oh well, all right... pleasure before business, if you insist. Then, when I have satisfied your animal appetites, I will tell you how you are going to make us all rich."

"Oh, we'll love being rich," Lynn agreed. "But, for right now, why don't you remove your trunks? We want you to be comfortable."

"Let me help you," Kalola suggested eagerly.

"Me, too," Ellen offered, showing more enthusiasm than was customary with her.

Wikiwiki sighed and allowed the girls to roll his swim trunks down over his hips. He gazed upon them with fond indulgence as they went into raptures of delight over his long, brown cock with its bulbous, businesslike head.

"Did you ever see such a set of nuts?" Lynn demanded, cupping his scrotum in her hand and hefting the Brobdingnagian balls.

"If you ladies don't mind," he said, gently disengaging six avid hands from his genitals, "I'll first administer to the little blonde."

Ellen's blue eyes sparkled as she jerked her muumuu off over her head. She seemed undaunted by Kalola's catty suggestion that it was obvious Wikiwiki wanted to save the best for the last.

"Come now, little one," Wikiwiki said when Ellen stood naked before him. "Join me in this comfortable chair." He sat down, drew her to him and, lifting her easily by her hips, set her on his lap so that she was facing him, her cunt, so recently used by Joe Moto, poised over the head of the now stiff prick that had swollen and hardened to twice its former girth and length. He continued to hold her out to the full extent of his arms, as a man might do it examining a painting he considered purchasing.

"You're a beautifully constructed bit of ass," he commented. "I hope all of the men who have had you have appreciated the fine points of your body: the delicate shape of your tits, the cute, little curve of your tummy, your really magnificent thighs, and this delicious, pink snatch that is now kissing the head of my cock. Shall we let them get better acquainted?" He lowered her so that only the head disappeared into her body.

"For chrissake, quit teasing," Ellen said to him. "I want that big thing stuck up in me so far it comes out between my tonsils."

"Tsk, tsk," he clucked at her, shaking his head. "I see you have a lot to learn about the fine art of fornication. Slow and easy is better. I raped a blonde chick at your party last night. All her husband had ever done was to hump hell out of her as fast as possible. But even rape must be done gently and lingeringly. Before she left she looked me up and asked me for another date. Now, because you've been a good girl and have listened without interrupting, I will let you have another inch. Isn't that nice?"

Kalola and Lynn, breathless with suspense, were watching intently.

"Oh, my God!" Ellen groaned, "what the hell are you doing to me? I never felt like this before in my life. It's barely in but it feels like it's dancing inside me."

"Only throbbing," Wikiwiki explained. "It is excited and hungry for you, too. I have tried to teach it patience, but it is slow to learn."

He took thirty minutes to lower Ellen all of the way so that she was finally sitting on his thighs, his cock in her up to his balls. By that time, she was a nervous wreck, a mass of insanely tingling nerves, and his body no sooner came in contact with her clitoris than she exploded into a violent orgasm. Smiling smugly, he continued to hold her while she climaxed, then began lifting and lowering her with his powerful arms and hands, occasionally bending her toward him so as to kiss her writhing mouth or nibble at her bouncing breasts. When he finally grew tired of this, he held her snugly against him and rotated his strong hips to drive his cock in and out of her in a slow, perfectly timed rhythm. The watching girls, hearing the familiar, wet, slushy sound of semen, knew that he had at last deigned to complete the act and to honor their hippie friend by filling her cunt with cum. He released her, and she slid from his lap to the floor where she lay on her back, her eyes closed and moaning softly.

Wikiwiki smiled at Lynn and Kalola. "Who's next?"

"But you just did it!" Kalola protested. "How can you..."

"I see it's still hard," Lynn pointed out. "Amazing!"

"Oh, I'm always good for three or more on one erection," Wikiwiki explained carefully. "How about you, Red?"

"I'd like to suck you," she told him. "It's the most beautiful cock I've ever seen, and putting a lovely thing like that in my pussy seems a sacrilege. May I?"

"Be my guest," he replied graciously, "but let's not hurry. I would first like to see you undressed and do a little petting with you. I suspect your figure is even superior to that of the blonde... riper and more lush."

Kalola looked disappointed, but she didn't say anything as Lynn took her clothes off and sat on Wikiwiki's lap, his cock between her legs. They kissed and ran their hands over each other. He murmured extravagant compliments but, although Lynn had figured by this time that he was full of bull, she also knew that he meant the things he said to her, at least in part. As any woman would have done, she enjoyed hearing her breasts, her face and her legs described in glowing terms, and she liked it even better when he kissed each place as he spoke of it.

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