Young Girl Sex Club - Cover

Young Girl Sex Club


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - What are three girls to do after they are divorced or dumped? How about flying to Hawaii, forming a 'Girls Only Club' and going to work at two hotels/motels and keep them from going bankrupt by working at the oldest profession in the world. Lots and lots and lots of sex in this book.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   InLaws   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Lynn was not sure how to explain her new affluence to her friends. She was ashamed to admit that she had fallen in love with her boss and had no intention of trying to carry out the original plan of blackmail. After making love to her, Tony had generously doubled her salary and delighted in buying expensive presents for her. She considered telling them that she was obtaining the money by rolling drunks at the hotel, but doubted that they would believe her.

It was Ellen who solved her problem for her and made it easy for her to confess that she was a backslider from the solemn covenant they had made to hate all men and take them for all they could get. She came into the house one day, the pockets of her slacks bulging, and casually began digging out bills and dumping them on the living room table.

"Auwe!" Kalola gasped. "You rob a bank?"

Ellen shook her head. "Un-unh. Those surfers I've been getting gang-banged by got their monthly checks from their parents, and I sold 'em most of the pot and other stuff I've been holding. I got over five hundred here, and a new surfboard. Now we don't have to worry about paying the rent."

"Ellen," Kalola said, "you make me ashamed for all the bad things I hollered at you the night you stood up Mike Fuda."

"Me, too," Lynn echoed.

Ellen shrugged. "That's okay. I didn't really want to be a blackmailer anyway. I'd rather just fuck and have lots of boy friends, and maybe sell some ass once in a while when some square slob like a tourist wants it. I'm not so mad at guys as you chicks are."

Lynn gulped hard and took the plunge. "I haven't been exactly honest with either of you," she admitted. "About Tony... well, I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt him. He's a great guy and I'm... well... I guess I'm pretty fond of him. But he's been giving me money and I've been holding out because I didn't want to tell you where I got it. Here." She opened her purse and contributed a stack of bills to the pile on the table. "I guess that about puts us out of the blackmailing business, doesn't it?"

"Not quite," Kalola said firmly. "I haven't got any money to put on the table, and I want to do my share. I haven't been lucky like you and Ellen, but I've got a naval officer, a commander, all lined up. I was going to meet him tonight and maybe bring him tomorrow evening. If I do, will one of you help me set it up to frame him... like we had planned?"

"I will," Lynn volunteered. "I can't see Tony tomorrow night, anyway. I did have a date with Buster Kahane, but I can call him and break it. Do you think you can take this commander for much?"

Kalola nodded. "Maybeso plenty. His wife is coming out here in a week. I betcha she'd like to see some pictures of her man with a goddamned naked little native, hunh? If I get enough from him, I'll buy back my contract and then I can go to work again. Nothing is as no good as an unemployed hula dancer."

"I don't see why you don't forget all that hard work and just be a whore," Ellen said. "It's easier and a lot more fun."

"If I can't get out of my contract, I will," Kalola agreed. "Lynn seems to like it."

Lynn looked startled. "Hey!" she exclaimed, "that's right, isn't it? I hadn't thought of what I was doing as prostitution, but it sure is, now that you mention it. Well, what do you know? I've gone and promoted myself. Both for fun and profit, it beats teaching school."

The girls spent the rest of the day on the beach, swimming, sunbathing and watching Ellen struggle valiantly with the art of surfboarding. Kalola went to keep her date with the naval officer that evening and woke them up at one in the morning to report that all had gone well. After letting him kiss her and feel her legs, he had wanted to take her to a hotel room, but she had declined, saying she was too shy to do it anywhere but in her own house and promising that she would give in to him if he would meet her at the Outrigger Bar and bring her here.

Lynn spent the day setting her camera up so that she could shoot through an inconspicuous hole she made in one of the bedroom walls and hid with a trailing vine that grew from a planter.

Kalola went to keep her date and Lynn settled down to wait. Ellen was, as usual, in the cove with a bunch of surfers.

The appointed hour came and went and Lynn, hiding with her camera in the other bedroom, grew restless. She poured herself a drink and, as another hour passed, absently poured and drank three more. She was feeling very little pain when she heard a commotion in the living room and jerked erect with the guilty knowledge that she had dozed off. There were voices and, unless Kalola's commander was a ventriloquist, he had to be a least triplets. Getting unsteadily to her feet, Lynn opened the door a crack to peek out and behold Kalola in the midst of not one naval officer but three enlisted men. She was lying on the couch with her head pillowed on the lap of one and her legs across the lap of another. Her skirt was above her hips and her panties were on the floor. The third man was mixing drinks.

Lynn came out into the room and Kalola, seeing her, waved gaily from her supine position. "Hi, Lynn," she called, "have a drink and meet Jack, Bill and Ted."

"Wow!" the one named Bill cried, "dig the gorgeous, red- headed stuff!" He was the one who had been appointed bartender.

"What happened to the commander?" Lynn asked Kalola.

"He stood me up," Kalola replied. "The sonomobeech! Maybe his wife came from the mainland early. Anyway, who cares? I picked these guys up at the Outrigger Bar."

"But I thought you hated men," Lynn insisted with drunken persistence.

Kalola grinned. "I do... except sailors. It's the uniforms. You ever notice how a sailor's uniform smells different than other clothes? It's so groovy I can't resist it."

Lynn shook her head. "No," she admitted, "I never got that close to one."

"Well, now's your chance, Red," Bill offered gallantly. "You can smell me any time. I'll bet you smell pretty good yourself."

"Watch that guy Bill," Jack warned, wiggling an experimental finger into Kalola's pussy. "We hear he eats at the 'Y'."

Lynn looked puzzled, and all three sailors laughed uproariously. "He means at the crotch," Ted explained, " 'Y'... crotch... get it?"

"Oh." Lynn brightened. "Sure, I get it. I get it every time I have a date with my boy friend. You hungry now, Bill?"

The young sailor blushed. "I never did it in public before."

"Chicken!" the other two shouted, and his blush deepened.

"Let's see how good you are," Lynn said, dropping into a chair, lifting her dress and pulling her panties off. "Come on, Billy Boy. Dinner is served."

He hesitated only another moment, then the sight of Lynn's beautiful legs and thighs was too much for him. He dropped to his knees in front of her and began kissing the soft, perfumed flesh. By the time he had reached her pussy it was moist and bubbling with passion. She locked her hands in his hair, pulling his face hard against her steaming crotch.

"I've never had the nerve to try that," Jack said, licking his lips and watching with envy.

"Aw, come on," Kalola encouraged him. "It don't bite."

He looked at her smooth, brown limbs and gaping, pink vulva surrounded by a halo of black hair, then impulsively bent his head and timidly touched her raw cunt flesh with the tip of his tongue. He became motionless with surprise. Then, with a groan of long suppressed desire, he began sucking and licking her greedily, if somewhat inexpertly.

Kalola turned her head on Ted's lap, unbuttoned him and took his cock out. "I get hungry, too," she laughed. "Fuck me in the mouth, honey."

They were in those positions when Ellen came in with two of her surfer friends. "Looks like quite a party," she declared. "Let's get in on the fun. Hey, what a bummer! The booze is almost all gone. Here, Danny, take some money and go to the liquor store for more." She went to the drawer where the three girls had hidden the loot that she and Lynn had accumulated and handed the young man two twenties. "Better get some grub, too." Then she removed her clothes and got down on the floor on her hands and knees so that the other one could kneel behind her and fuck her dog fashion.

Danny returned after a while with the liquor, some food and a dozen friends of both sexes he had found sitting on the sea wall along Kalakalua Avenue with nothing to do.

Kalola, who was temporarily disengaged from the sailors at the moment, was delighted. That the impromptu affair had grown to a full-fledged party tickled her happy Hawaiian heart.

"Why don't we have a luau?" she cried and was cheered by the enthusiastic response she received. Obviously the house was not big enough to accommodate a luau, so they took over the courtyard, around the perimeter of which were the shacks that made up the Pacific Paradise hotel. "We don't have time to dig an imu and roast a pig," she said, "but we can always get one catered from one of the big hotels." More people were dispatched with more money and instructions to bring back all of the ingredients for a first-class native feast. They were lucky. One of the hotels had held a luau earlier that evening and it had not been well attended. The chef was most happy to dispose of the leftovers, including most of a roast pig, pineapple, poi, limu, opihis, roast kukui nuts, sweet potatoes and mullet all wrapped and still steaming in the green leaves of the ti plant. Liquor had been purchased in copious quantities. Willing hands quickly set up the feast, and the happy crowd of revelers were joined by all of the inhabitants of the Pacific Paradise Hotel.

There was food, booze and babes and the word spread through the streets of that back-alley district of Waikiki known as "The jungle." Guests began to arrive in a steady stream. They were clad in shorts, bikinis, muumuus, beach robes and even nightgowns. They brought ukeleles, guitars and bongo drums.

It was not a quiet party. Had Joe Moto been home, it would never have gotten started. Joe, however, chanced spending the evening with some Japanese friends. He had drunk much sake with them and had won quite a bit of money at the gambling game known as "Hana Fudd." So, as he turned from Lewer's Street onto Kuhio Avenue, he was in a mellow and even somewhat expansive mood.

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