Young Girl Sex Club - Cover

Young Girl Sex Club


Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - What are three girls to do after they are divorced or dumped? How about flying to Hawaii, forming a 'Girls Only Club' and going to work at two hotels/motels and keep them from going bankrupt by working at the oldest profession in the world. Lots and lots and lots of sex in this book.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   InLaws   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Lynn, Ellen and Kalola were gathered in Lynn's room. "Everything has worked out just as Wikiwiki promised it would," Lynn was saying. "We've fucked ourselves into important positions on the hotel staff, though his clever, conniving, Evangeline is no longer here to dominate Elmer and dictate policy, and now, what with the show Kalola and her troupe put on every night, plus the fact that Ellen has gotten jobs here for every whore, professional or amateur, on Maui, this has become the most popular resort hotel in the South Pacific. We're sold out and have reservations ahead for six months. Elmer showed me a letter this morning from Euclid J. Barrington-Phaff praising the management to the skies. There was a personal note at the end assuring Elmer that he had no cause to worry concerning the breaking of his engagement with Evangeline, that the old man has disinherited her and has no further interest in her conduct or whereabouts. So I guess everything is just dandy."

"The hell it is," Ellen replied glumly. "Without Wikiwiki around, what fun is it? I miss him."

"We all do," Kalola agreed unhappily. She took a long, reflective drag on the marijuana cigarette she was smoking and passed the butt to Lynn. "Besides, this isn't the way it was supposed to work at all. Wikiwiki was supposed to wind up as manager of the hotel. Instead he vanishes and Elmer gets all the glory. You don't suppose he's dead, do you?" she asked Lynn.

"I don't think so," the redhead replied. "I figure his disappearance has something to do with Evangeline. To get her out of our hair, he had to take her a hell of a long way from here maybe. It's just taking him a long time to get back... I hope."

"This whole caper has been more trouble than it was worth," Ellen declared. "I told you right from the first that the easiest and nicest way for us to make a living was just to be whores and maybe sell a little pot or 'L' on the side. I didn't mind going along with it while we had Wikiwiki, but now we've lost him, too. Gosh! Nobody fucks the groovy way he does. The Reverend Longworth was pretty good, but Elmer ran him off after Evangeline copped out."

"Well, we have to stay here and do the best we can without him," Lynn declared loyally, "just in case he does come back."

The other two nodded in silent, sorrowful agreement.

It was on the following morning that Elmer came bustling into Lynn's office, beaming with excitement and happiness.

"We got it!" he cried, waving a cablegram in the air as though it were a triumphal banner. "We got it!"

"Got what?" Lynn asked mildly.

"The convention!" Elmer chortled. "See? This is from the boss in New York. The old boy swung it, by George! We are going to host the A.A. of S.P.M. convention. Do you know what that means, Miss Charles? Why, this is one of the biggest convention groups in the country. Every hotel from Florida to California has been angling for it. If we handle this one successfully, we'll become the top convention hotel in America. That's what it means!"

"And what is the A.A. of S.P.M.?" Lynn asked.

"That is the 'American Association of Sanitary Papergoods Manufacturers, '" Elmer burbled.

"Like scratch paper and paper cups?" Lynn inquired.

Elmer reddened. "Not exactly. As a matter of fact they make toilet paper," he explained, "but they're just about the biggest group in the whole U.S. Now here's what I want you to do. We'll have the usual entertainment and activates, but to cap the climax I want you to organize a luau just like the one you put on to save the Pacific Paradise Hotel."

Lynn raised an auburn eyebrow. "Just like that one, Mr. McFarthingale?"

"Why, of course. Now don't be modest, Miss Charles. I wasn't there, unfortunately, but I overhead some of the kitchen help discussing that affair one day and they agreed it was the greatest thing that has ever been done in the islands in modern times. You're really quite famous for it, you know. Can you do the same thing here for the Hate-Kaahumanu?"

"Well, yes, I suppose so," Lynn said doubtfully, "if you're sure that's what you want. All right, I'll get started with the arrangements right away."

"Fine. Oh, by the way, I understand the A.A. of S.P.M. members are inclined to be somewhat on the prudish and strait- laced side, so perhaps it would be well to tone down the... er... bawdier aspects of any entertainment you schedule."

"Now why the hell doesn't he make up his mind?" Lynn muttered to herself as Elmer went hurrying out of her office. "He sure can't have it both ways."

She took her problem to Koko, who suggested that perhaps Elmer had heard only an expurgated version of the Pacific Paradise affair, and he therefore recommended that she keep it clean.

"Most of those guys will bring their wives," he told her, "so, if I were you, I'd pass the word to Ellen to have her girls lay off the married men and be discreet with the single ones."

"Sounds like it will turn out to be a very exciting occasion," she predicted glumly. "Maybe I could put up a maypole and let them dance around it, or we could have a taffy pull and bob for apples. Get the whip out, Koko. I need a little stimulation."

Grinning evilly, his wicked, little eyes gleaming, he took the white leather whip from his dresser drawer as Lynn bent over a hassock and pulled her dress up to reveal her ass, faintly crisscrossed by fading marks from previous sessions of this kind.

"Lay it on," she commanded him. "I want to really feel it this time." She suffered through the first dozen blows, waiting patiently for her reward--the strange experience of mind expansion and greatly increased awareness that came when the pain diminished. He had doffed his trousers, and when she looked around to see that his cock was stiff, she motioned for him to stop. He sank to the carpet beside her and she rolled onto him from the hassock, her open mouth receiving his throbbing prick. She sucked him greedily, bobbing her head up and down so that her lips touched every part of the shaft while her tongue danced around the head.

"Do me in the ass," she begged him, reluctantly surrendering his cock before he could come in her mouth. "God but I'm hot! Fuck it into me hard, Koko."

He obliged her, his prick forcing its way through the confining stricture imposed by her sphincter muscle. Because he knew that was how she liked it, he was brutal and rough with her, and her muffled groans of pain increased his own excitement. He came too quickly to suit her, but she loved the hot gush of his jism in her ass.

She thanked him and left the room to return to her office and begin making plans for the convention. She drew up a tentative list of activities, but it somehow refused to go right, and she realized that it was hopeless in her present mood. For once, an hour with Koko and his little white whip had failed to satisfy her and calm her nerves. She found herself remembering Tony and regretting his death. She also thought of Wikiwiki and regretted his defection.

"Damn!" she exclaimed in vexation and left the office with no particular purpose in mind. She crossed the busy lobby and went out to the moist, tropical heat. She had walked through the extensive and beautifully landscaped grounds for some time when she came to a thick hedge, beyond which was the beach, the lazy, creamy surf and, hazy in the distance, the low-lying island of Lanai. The beach was crowded with tourists from the hotel, and she thought for the thousandth time how utterly ridiculous they looked in their Bermuda shorts, bright Aloha shirts and bikinis with their soft, fat, white, elderly bodies revealed. Disgusted, she turned away and walked along the hedge toward the snick- snicking sound of hedge trimmers. The gardener was a big man, burned black from the sun. She thought him quite the ugliest human she had ever beheld. His muscular body glistened with perspiration and his face was deeply scarred and puckered by the ravages of some old disease. He glanced at her as she approached and continued with his work.

"Hello," Lynn said, coming up to stand beside him. "I wonder if you would do me a favor."

"Sure," he said, putting down the hedge trimmer and turning to face her. "Whatsa mattah yo' need help fo'?" he asked pleasantly.

"I would like very much to have you fuck me," she told him calmly. "Over there under that pandanus tree looks like a good place. No one could see us there from either the hotel or the beach."

He stared at her with small, black eyes and absently scratched at a mosquito bite on his ribs. "Yo' no make fun?" he asked at last. "Yo' no kid?"

"No kid," she replied firmly. "Come on." She took his arm and walked with him to the shade of the pandanus tree and began removing her clothing. Not until she had stripped herself nude did he apparently decide that he believed her, that this miracle of the beautiful, white woman was, indeed, a fact. He wore only trousers, and she had to help him unbuckle the belt. He was too dazed to do anything but stare at the ripe, full, womanly body in front of him. She knelt on the grass and drew his pants down to his ankles, taking his big, soft prick in her hands and pressing it to her check before she touched it lovingly with her red lips and ran the tip of her tongue around the head of it. It grew, swelling like a fat, black puff adder rapidly stiffening. She ran her hands over his thighs and the cheeks of his ass. His body smelled strongly of perspiration and old urine, and the stink of him excited her.

"Hey, lady," he said, looking down at her from his gargoyle's face. "Yo' maybeso gonna suck my cock, hunh?"

She smiled up at him. "Later, if you can do it more than once. But I want you to fuck me first. Are you ready?"

He laughed good-naturedly. "Lady, I Old Moke. Ask any wahine... she tell yo' Old Moke do it all day, all night, too." He dropped to his knees in front of her, gently pushed her over so that she fell on the grass, then mounted her and began working the bulbous head of his cock into her.

"No, no!" she protested. "Not like that, Moke. Like a bull with a cow. Shove it in hard and all the way."

He grunted and heaved his heavy hips at her. Not even Tony or Wikiwiki had been built like this, she thought, and she nearly swooned with sheer delight as she felt the thing go into her like a steel wedge bent on splitting her up the middle.

"That's it!" she sobbed. "Now fuck hell out of me! Pound me to pieces, Moke! Punch the shit out of me with that woman-killer of yours! Only make me come. Please make me come!"

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