Young Girl Sex Club - Cover

Young Girl Sex Club


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - What are three girls to do after they are divorced or dumped? How about flying to Hawaii, forming a 'Girls Only Club' and going to work at two hotels/motels and keep them from going bankrupt by working at the oldest profession in the world. Lots and lots and lots of sex in this book.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   InLaws   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"What are you doing here? I didn't send for you," Evangeline asked as the tall waiter in the too-small uniform came into her room carrying a pitcher of ice water. She was face down on the bed, her words muffled by the pillow into which she had been crying.

"Perhaps some mistake," Wikiwiki suggested meekly, setting the pitcher and glass on her bedside stand and viewing with appreciation the delightful, feminine shape so barely concealed by a lacy nightgown and negligee. Through the filmy material gleamed the pink-white contours of sensuously rounded thighs and the prettiest ass he had yet beheld. "Is something wrong that you cry so hard?" he inquired solicitously. "Has some man been unkind to you? How could anyone be mean to such a lovely angel of a girl."

Evangeline raised her tear-puffy face from the wet pillow to regard him with curiosity. She was a dyed-in-the-wool chauvinist, considering herself by birth, by race and by social position, far above anyone with a darker skin than her own. Yet she was sick with despair and heartbreak, and the tall, young man, as handsome as a Playboy ad, spoke to her gently and with compassion, and in her desperation she found herself responding to him.

"I have been betrayed!" she sobbed dramatically. "The faith around which I have built my life has been destroyed. I believed the Reverend Matthew Longworth to be a saintly, righteous, pure man, and now I find he has feet of clay. I caught him doing despicable and depraved things with one of the kitchen sluts. I hate him and I hate the God he pretends to worship!" She went into a sudden rage of temper, beating her fists on the bed and kicking her heels as though furiously pedaling a bicycle. "The dirty, no-good, mother-fucking, shit-assed son of a bitch!" she screamed shrilly, her profanity reminding Wikiwiki that this girl had been a swinger and, reputedly, a hell-raising, little bitch before getting religion.

"There, there now," Wikiwiki murmured soothingly, "don't let a bastard like Longworth upset you so. You're too fine and sweet a girl to throw your life away over a fink like him. Look, we islanders have Oriental blood, and we understand how foul blows to the spirit and the heart can be relieved by revenge. This is what you should do to make yourself happy again. You must revenge yourself on this man. I will help you."

Evangeline turned over and sat up, her gray eyes interested and already darkening with the murky passion of the evil thoughts stirring in her brain. "Yes!" she hissed. "I see that you are right. I will be revenged! I will cut his damned heart out!"

"No, no!" Wikiwiki protested. "Nothing so crude and so quick. Vengeance, to be effective, must be done with subtle cruelty so that the victim suffers over a long period of time, so that you may enjoy his writhings and twistings and his cries for mercy before the final moment when you tire of the sport and dispatch him to meet his gods. That is the Oriental way."

She nodded. "I see what you mean. But how do I go about it? A slow poison perhaps?"

"No. Mental torture is the best. You must destroy his image of himself and the one he presents the world. What is his reason for being here in Hawaii? And what is the thing he considers his greatest accomplishment. I will tell you. It is you."


"Of course. The rag-tag of followers he has in his church in New York mean nothing to him. His greatest pride lies in the fact that he had converted one of society's richest and most famous women... you, Evangeline Barrington-Phaff. Through his lies and his deceit, he has turned you from the gay, happy, carefree life you once led and humbled you to the position of apostle to him. How can you most painfully damage him? Easy. You must deny him and all he has taught you. You must become a sinner on the grand scale, a veritable hellcat of a female, a low, lewd, lascivious and lustful wench, a depraved and degraded slut. Furthermore, you will be killing two birds with one stone."

"How so?"

"Elmer McFarthingale. Believe me, it pains me to tell you this, but I feel it's my duty. As you know, servants are the last ones from whom secrets can be kept. I happen to know that Elmer is marrying you only for your money. Would any man who really loved you have allowed a stinker like Longworth to treat you this way?"

Evangeline considered this news, then bobbed her head in agreement. "You're right. I should have seen what he was up to. I was only marrying him to please my father anyway."

"Tell me," Wikiwiki questioned her, "is Longworth aware that you saw him in his act of debauchery with the kitchen chick?"

"No. The door was unlocked and I didn't knock. I only opened it enough to see what was going on and then I ran back to my room. Do you know what that monster was doing to that young girl? She was on her hands and knees on the bed and he was kneeling behind her. He had his thing in her rectum!"

"Tsk, tsk," Wikiwiki clucked. "Are you ready now to begin your revenge?"

Evangeline looked startled. "Yes... well... that is I guess so, but I don't know how to go about it. If I'm to become a fallen woman, I'll first have to find a suitable partner... I mean, a woman of my social position, I can't just do that sort of thing with anyone."

Wikiwiki shook his head. "I see you have a lot to learn about revenge. What will the shock value be in doing something like that with a respectable, acceptable man? No, to really degrade yourself, you must find someone who is as far beneath you as possible, a member of the working class... better yet would be a menial, a servant like myself."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that. I see. But who can I start with?"

"Well," Wikiwiki replied after appearing to give the matter his thoughtful consideration, "he should be a native, because that makes it even worse, doesn't it? He should be a servant... such as, oh, for instance, a waiter. On the other hand, I wouldn't suggest you begin with someone so ugly he would be repulsive to you. You can work down to that sort by gradual stages."

"But how?"

Wikiwiki hung his head and murmured Modestly, "How about me? I would be most happy to be of service to you in this matter."

"You? Hummm. Well, why not? For a native, you are very attractive. Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Oh, not at all!" he assured her feelingly, his greedy eyes on magnificent breasts that rose and fell under the sheer gown as her breathing increased in rapidity due to the mingled emotions of hate, fear and excitement at the daring thing she was about to do.

"That's very kind of you," she replied. "I suppose you've heard of the reputation I had before I met that Longworth character, so you'll be surprised to learn that I am still a virgin. Will it hurt?"

"Yes," he answered honestly. "It will hurt a little and it will be messy. There is usually some blood. But just think how the pain and the blood add to the degradation. Remember that you are about to be fucked by a black, ignorant savage, and a servant at that, one you wouldn't ordinarily stoop to speak to... except to give a command. Ah, your revenge will be very complete with my help! If you are ready, let's do it now. Later, you can tell Longworth, and the whole world, what you have done. You can be seen necking with me in public, and we can arrange to get ourselves thrown out of the best and the worst places in the islands for unbecoming conduct. I will teach you to dress, look and talk like the lowest and cheapest whore. Lay back down on the bed and pull your gown up. See, I am removing my trousers."

"I... I don't know," Evangeline quavered, her face contorted with indecision and sudden doubt as she gazed with wide, frightened eyes and sagging chin at Wikiwiki's naked loins from which arched up the fearsome length of his bronzed and quivering prick, the small, vertical mouth in the darker head already drooling in anticipation. "I don't think I should. Maybe I better..."

"Too late!" he cried and launched himself upon her like a young panther. A brutal knee went up between hers, forcing her legs apart as, with one ripping motion of his hand, he tore her gown from neckline to hem, exposing her great, gorgeous breasts. "You've been spoiling for this for years," he grunted. "A good fucking is all you've ever needed to make a woman out of you. That's it... fight me. Make it rape and then it will be even better when you tell it to Longworth. When I'm through with you, you'll be ready to screw anything with a cock and balls. You'll crawl on your knees and beg and whine to get it from any man. You'll fuck in the back seats of cars, on the beach and in alleys between the garbage cans and think you're lucky to get the chance. They'll call you 'splatter ass' and 'punchboard' and 'roundheels' and you'll love those names. Longworth will hate the day he ever met you. Say goodbye to your maidenhead. After this you're a slut... lower than that girl from the kitchen."

With one mighty lunge of his powerful body, he drove his cock into her to the hilt. He grinned in delight to feel the head of it tearing its way through the tender, membranous lining of her cunt. His laughter was as loud as her piercing scream of agony. The shock and the pain of the initial assault kept her from fighting him as he slowly began to fuck her, his big cock probing her hitherto untried and unused, inner person. He was deriving more pleasure from her than from any other of the many women and girls he had rolled in the hay during his busy career. In the first place, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever known and, as he deliberately prolonged the act, he was extremely conscious of the lush, creamy body under him, of the fabulous breasts crushed against his chest and of the soft, womanly thighs that surpassed in beauty the thighs of Aphrodite. Not normally either an unkind or even unchivalrous fellow, his intense desire for her was not unmixed with hate. He was aware of her racial prejudice, and it gave him a certain fiendish pleasure to have outwitted her and conquered her.

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