Wild For Horses - Cover

Wild For Horses


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Teen Tanya can think of nothing but horses day-in and day-out. What she wants for her birthday is to go horseback riding, so her mom finally breaks down and the whole family goes to a dude ranch. Tanya, her mom and brother get to ride horses and get ridden while in the process.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Tanya and Jason got up early the next morning and had a big breakfast at the main ranch house. Then they reported to the stables for their first riding lesson.

They were to be taken out on an easy trail by the young cowboy they had seen the first day riding the beautiful dark mare.

The cowboy's name was Bill and he had sandy-colored hair and blue eyes. He reminded Tanya immediately of the boy in the picture she had seen at the drive-in, "The Wild Stallion." And immediately she liked him.

He said, "Up you go now," and he made a stirrup with his hands.

Tanya put her boot in his hands and he hoisted her up.

She squeezed her thighs together around the horse's back in anticipation!

She never realized it would be so high up here! The ground seemed far below! And she had to spread her legs so wide!

She never imagined that a horse's back could be so thick. Now she understood why, in cowboy movies, cowboys walk bowlegged.

She thought her legs would be permanently parted open at the end of the day.

"It's great up here, Jason!" she called to her brother enthusiastically.

Jason didn't want Bill to have to help him up on the horse and he managed to climb up himself. It was his first time on a horse too.

He spread his knees and gripped the saddle.

Bill showed them how to hold the reins loosely. And he showed them how, if you pulled on the reins one way, the horse would turn, and if you pulled the reins the other way, the horse would turn the other way.

He gave each of their horses some sugar from the palm of his hand.

Tanya was riding a mare named Betsy. And Jason was on a stallion named Mick. Both of them, according to Bill, were very docile animals.

"There's really not much more to it, except just getting used to the feel of riding, and learning not to lose your head. Your horse has to learn to trust you. You have to earn his trust. You have to show him that you're in control."

Bill swung his thick leg into the stirrup and his other leg over the back of the horse. Tanya admired his thick leather riding pants with a fringe.

She wished she could have a pair of riding pants like that.

With a "whup!" Bill started his horse trotting slowly.

They rode around in a circle around the corral a few times, just to get the feel of it. Tanya hated riding around the corral. She felt as if she were in kindergarten.

Then Bill leaned over and opened the fence, and they rode out in single file, with Bill in the lead. He was taking them through some gentle, sloping forest trails to a spot where there was a lake where they would have a picnic.

Tanya was very curious about Bill and she chattered and asked him lots of questions.

"Are you married? How old are you? Did you grow up around here?"

He told her he wasn't married, he was twenty years old, and he was from around here. He didn't mind the chattering girl. He had dealt with plenty like her.

The fresh country air and the physical pleasure of riding along atop a striding horse seemed to intoxicate the budding sixteen year old.

Her cheeks took on a rosy color in the sun and her eyes sparkled.

She kept stroking the hide of her beast, wishing she were more advanced and could have a powerful stallion to gallop on and jump over fences on.

"How long will it take before I can learn to jump and gallop?" she asked him.

"Oh, I don't know, that depends on how much you practice. Riding a horse is just like anything else. Takes practice. And then you got to see if you got any horse-sense."

"Horse-sense?" she asked him tossing her long red hair.

"Yep. Horse sense. Some people are born with it and some people never have it as long as they live. It means having a feeling for horses, for how they think and how they react. You got to learn to think the way a horse thinks."

Tanya said coyly, "I've been crazy about horses ever since I was a little girl. I've always wanted to have one of my own, so I could go riding, but my mother was always afraid to let me. She was afraid I'd get hurt or something."

The two of them had trotted along ahead, and Jason was lingering behind.

He was letting his horse amble down the daisy-strewn path, while his head was in the clouds. As the horse moved, his hips swayed back and forth in the saddle.

He was day-dreaming, fantasizing. He was recalling what it was like to be sucked off by Ramona. He was remembering the thundering of horse's hooves on the screen right when he blasted off into her sweet mouth.

He was thinking about how he tried to get down into her muff with his fingers. But she wouldn't let him. He'd never actually touched pussy. He'd only gotten into her muff fur.

Then he remembered the end: When she'd sat down on his lap and his cock had gone right up her.

His prick stiffened in the saddle as he recalled the tight wet feeling of her cunt. Fuck - that was so good! Ever since then, he could hardly think of anything else.

But he also remembered the harsh words she said later in the car with Howie. About wanting to have Howie too - have both of them at the same time. And how she had been touching Howie while telling him she wasn't his girl.

He couldn't figure it all out. It was too much for his adolescent consciousness.

But all he know now was that he was out in the country, in the midst of all this fragrant foliage, under the hot sun, on top of a swaying beast.

And his sister had reached up to take his penis in her hands yesterday in the car, and, she had brought him off. The feel of his hot sperm lying in the palm of her hand while she squeezed his throbbing dick - ahhhhh!

The young boy sighed and he leaned forward on the saddle slightly, to rub his cock against the leather. The horse swayed on.

Bill looked back for Jason. "Hey, sit up in the saddle!" he called out.

They walked on for hours, picking their way through the forest.

Tanya kept pressing Bill for more information about himself. But he didn't say much, so gradually she started telling him all about herself.

"Did you ever see a picture called, 'The Wild Stallion'? It's all about this horse who wants to be free..." she rattled on.

Bill chewed on a piece of grass reflectively.

He glanced at Tanya from time to time. He was wondering if she was a virgin.

Her breasts jutted out of the clean white shirt she was wearing. And her blue jeans fitted her crotch and hips and legs very tightly.

He saw the way that, sometimes, especially when she was talking about horses, that she slid her crotch back and forth in the saddle.

He thought about what he would find if he pulled her to the ground and opened up those tight jeans of hers. He thought of her lying underneath him, with her legs raised and spread wide, her cunt wet and open to him. While he fingered her and prepared her to take his piece for the very first time.

He moved uncomfortably in the saddle. He looked up at the sun. It was almost directly overhead now. It was almost time for lunch.

They came to the lake and dismounted their horses.

Bill showed them how to take care of their horses first, before taking care of themselves. They gave their horses water, and patted and talked to them.

Then Bill spread out a blanket on a flat piece of ground and got down the lunch that had been packed for them by the ranch cook.

Tanya opened up the basket and spread out some cold chicken and bread and cheese and cold apple juice. It was a real feast and everyone was hungry.

Bill sat off to one side smoking a cigarette watching the two kids.

There seemed to be some kind of minor flirtation going on between them. He could recognize that kind of thing easily. The way Tanya let her fingertips linger just ever so much longer than necessary on her brother's hand when she passed him a piece of cold chicken, and the way she let her ankle touch his as she casually stretched out her legs.

She had taken off her boots and thick socks to air out her feet.

Jason was hot and wanted to go swimming. Bill said they could.

Jason and Tanya had both packed bathing suits in their saddle bags.

The two youngsters scampered behind trees to change into their suits.

Bill had no intention of going swimming. He hadn't packed along a suit and anyway he didn't like swimming in bathing suits. He only liked swimming in the nude. So he lay down in the shade and he pulled his cowboy hat down over his eyes.

But he kept one eye out on the kids in the lake to make sure they didn't drown. Tanya's lithe body, her two pert little boobs and her two round ass mounds bobbed and floated on the take.

"Jason, stop it!" Tanya's voice floated out over the lake.

The two kids were surfacing and diving between each other's legs.

Then Tanya came running up over the spongy bed of the forest, to the blanket where Bill lay. He stared up at her gleaming, dripping body.

She was drying her face and then she looked down at him. She glanced at his crotch, and wondered what kind of equipment he had. His blue jeans were tight and pulled in that area.

Then Jason came running up to the blanket dripping wet too.

Bill pulled the big Stetson back over his face.

Jason's body was tight and hard, and lithe also.

The two kids stretched out to dry in the sun.

Bill got up and said he was going for a walk.

The truth of the matter was, he got a hard-on and he wanted to walk off into the woods and jerk it off. Since the two kids were out of the water now, he could do so. He left them both lying on the blanket, their bodies drying in the sun.

Once he was out of sight, Jason opened one eye.

Tanya was stretched out and her hand was near his waist.

Her eyes were closed. He stared at the water spilling drops down her firm, tanned thigh and his dick got hard. He wanted to shove it up her pussy meat.

"Touch it again, Tanya," he told her forcefully.

She giggled. "Not here, silly," she said to him.

"Yes, here. Why not? Bill can't see us. Anyway, he wouldn't give a shit. Come on before he gets back. Touch it. Look at it. Look how big and hard it is."

Tanya couldn't resist opening her eyes to look.

His big, wet, gleaming prick head was pushing out of his swimming trunks.

It looked delicious. She felt a desire to put her mouth on the big piece. But she didn't dare. Instead she only touched it.

Jason shivered. "I want to put it in you," he said.

He reached for her but she moved away. "No!" she said.

"Come on, I won't shoot off. I promise. I just want to put it in."

He grabbed her by the hook on the bra of her bikini and pulled her closer.

He said, "Have you ever tried it before? You'll really like it."

"No, Jason, no, I just don't think I want to. I don't think we should."

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