Wild For Horses - Cover

Wild For Horses


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Teen Tanya can think of nothing but horses day-in and day-out. What she wants for her birthday is to go horseback riding, so her mom finally breaks down and the whole family goes to a dude ranch. Tanya, her mom and brother get to ride horses and get ridden while in the process.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Loretta Reynolds came home from her convention cheery and happy.

Her paper on women's rights had been so well received and she had had such a good time that her whole outlook on life was revived.

Sitting around the kitchen table with her children and her husband that night, she asked them what they had been doing and how they had gotten along during her absence.

Jason said "Fine," somewhat unenthusiastically.

His mother noticed that something seemed to be troubling him.

"Darling, what's wrong?" she asked her oldest child.

"Aw, nothing Mom," said Jason looking away from her.

"Jason went out on a date with Ramona but it wasn't entirely successful," Burton filled in, holding his wife's hand and squeezing it.

"Oh, poor baby," said Loretta, shaking back her strawberry blonde hair. She sighed. "Everybody has a few bad dates in their life. It's not the end of the world. Besides, I always told you, you and Tanya both, that I never liked that girl."

"How about you, Honey," she turned to her daughter. "Anything interesting happen while I was away? How's school?" she smiled at Tanya.

Tanya said, "Aw, school's okay. I got a job, you know."

"A job?" Loretta looked at her husband in surprise.

"Yeah, at the Burger Joint. But it only lasted one day."

"Oh. What happened?" Loretta asked, interested.

Tanya blushed. "The pig who runs that place tried to come on to me. I quit. I couldn't stand it. I felt so terrible. I wanted to make that money so bad!"

"Well," said Loretta cheerfully. "It seems like a lot of things have happened while I've been away. And here I've been thinking that you guys couldn't get along without me. How wrong I was. I bet you didn't even notice I was gone."

All the members of her family protested that that wasn't true.

"We did miss you Mom! We really did!" said Tanya.

"Anyway," Loretta said, "I'm glad to hear my children are maturing. Going out on dates and getting jobs on their own. Burton, I'm sure you must be behind all these changes." She looked at her handsome husband fondly.

She squeezed her thighs together under the table. She couldn't wait until later when she and Burton would get in bed.

"Anyway," she added significantly, "I've been doing some thinking and going through some changes of my own, while I was away. And I've decided that a certain young lady who lives in this house and has a birthday coming up in two weeks should get what she wants. In fact I was thinking we could all use a vacation."

Tanya looked up expectantly when her mother said those words. Her eyes were shining and her breath was hesitant.

"So," Loretta went up with a smile in her eyes, "I've made reservations for all of us to go to a dude ranch in the mountains."

"Oh Mom!" Tanya cried out, throwing her arms around her mother.

"Honey, are you sure we can afford it!" Burton asked.

"Wow! A dude ranch! Just like real cowboys!" Jason said.

Loretta laughed. "Just wait. I haven't told you the best part. At this convention I was awarded a ten thousand dollar prize as the First Lady Lawyer of the Year. So our vacation is all paid for. We're leaving next week."

Burton looked somewhat disturbed. "I don't know if I'll be able to get away honey, you know," he told her. "We have some important plans for the new library project to draw up next week, and I can't just leave my job."

Loretta said, "Oh come on, that office can run without you. Let somebody else draw up the plans for once." She was not terribly sympathetic.

Burton gave his wife a look which meant, we will discuss it later.

The two kids went to bed that night full of happy dreams. Especially Tanya. Finally now, her dreams would be fulfilled.

She would finally find out what it was like to have a horse between her legs.

That night, in the master bedroom, husband and wife had an awkward reunion.

"Look, I know you don't think much of my career to start with, but this now... expecting me to just take off on a minute's notice, just because you won some money."

Loretta sighed. "Burton, you know that's not true - I do think very highly of your career. But I just thought that for once, since we have the money, we could all take a vacation together, like a real family. We never did have our honeymoon."

Burton shook his head and sat down on the bed.

Loretta was in a silky off-white negligee, brushing her strawberry blonde hair at the make-up table. This wasn't exactly how she imagined her first night in the bedroom with her husband after she had been away for a week. Not having an argument.

"Look, honey," she said to him, going over and sitting down beside him, and running her long fingers through his silky black hair, "let's not argue tonight. We can talk about this in the morning. There are a lot of other things I'd rather be doing right now." Her fingers started stroking his shoulders. "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I missed you." he turned to her with a smile.

He pushed her hair out of her face and then suddenly his lips dropped to her breasts. He pushed the silk of her negligee aside and fervently began licking and pulling on her nipples with his tongue and lips. Instantly she got hot.

"Oh darling!" She got up on the bed and spread her legs.

The silky negligee scooped between her legs, folding in silky folds.

She leaned forward and parted his terry cloth robe. She bent forward and gently extracted his penis and balls from between his legs.

Then, breathing heavily, lightly kissing them, holding and caressing them, she began to lightly pass her tongue over the flesh of his genitals.

She could feel his cock stiffen in her hands.

She looked up in delight. Every night in Miami she had masturbated thinking about him. Since she had married him, she felt like a new woman. He made her feel so young, though she was a couple of years older than he was.

Burton turned on the bed to face his wife.

He slipped off his robe and parted her legs. He loved to watch her bending over him like a willing servant, licking his balls, servicing his cock. He watched his rod stiffen under her tongue.

Her butt was high in the air. He could smell how her sex was blooming.

Then he reached for her. He pulled her butt around to him.

He lifted up the fragrant hem of her negligee and he stuck his face underneath it. Now he was under her negligee, seeing the world through the silk of her nightie.

Her crotch hair bloomed out at him like a strange, exotic flower. He could smell the erotic odor of her cunt quite clearly. He saw her cunt lips were hot and wet and he knew she wanted him.

Grasping each other by the waist, they rolled over, and over on top of each other on their big double bed and when they stopped rolling, his lips were glued to her open wet cunt and her mouth was securely fastened down around his rod.

She was sucking and licking him, taking him into her mouth.

And he was licking and spearing her cunt, penetrating her with his tongue.

They hadn't even kissed, except to kiss hello in front of the kids. But this kiss, to the genitals, was their real hello, their real embrace.

"Oh honey!" Loretta breathed, "I missed you so much!"

She licked up the side of his penis shaft and ended by going down over the top.

He tasted his wife's cunt meat again and remembered this was what he loved her for. Her cunt tasted so succulent, so hot and fresh.

On the outside, she looked like a very proper lady, a lady lawyer who never even took a shit. She was very intimidating and she looked as if she were all business.

But when she spread her legs and when he put his tongue into her cunt hole and felt how she shivered and tasted how her cunt juice flowed, it gave him an incredible feeling of power and security. Because he knew she was in love with him.

He knew that no man had ever made her feel as good as he made her feel. And it gave him power to think that what his tongue was doing to her pussy hole was the best thing in the world to her. He speared her cunt flesh again.

She moaned. "Ohhhhh, that feels so good!" and she shook.

He sucked and sucked and sucked her out until she came on his tongue and his tongue was coated with her thick white pussy cream.

His hot cock was throbbing and trembling in her mouth. But he didn't want to blow his wad in her mouth. No, he wanted to fuck her. He pulled her around under him on the bed.

"What are you going to do to me now?" she smiled happily.

She spread her legs wide, making a v-shape for him to fall into. She put her fingers to her cunt and held it open.

He directed his cock to her open hole. Then he slid in and lay on top of her.

They both groaned at the tight wet contact.

He started poling into her slow and easy, establishing a nice steady rhythm.

Loretta was groaning underneath him, stretching out her toes.

"Oh darling! Darling! I can't wait! I can't wait!"

He grinned to see his beautiful wife on the verge of coming.

She crossed her legs above his back and held on tight to him.

He rammed his cock into her soft wet tight cunt and suddenly he was exploding. His stream of hot cum spurted out into her hot wet twat and she squeezed him.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" she was gasping as they came together.

Later as he was drifting happily off to sleep, his arm, around her, she interrupted his thoughts and said to him drowsily, "We'll be able to do this every night on our vacation in the mountains."

He woke up instantly. "I am not going to the mountains with you and the children and that's that!" He turned away from her and closed his eyes.

The fact that she made more money than him had always been a sore point between them. Loretta always said she didn't see what difference it made.

But she was a woman and she couldn't understand.

She couldn't understand how important this library project was to him and his career. And she couldn't understand why it pissed him off that she should just summarily make this decision without him - that they were going on vacation.

So, what happened was, Loretta and the kids made plans to go up to the Catskills alone, without Burton. He agreed to come up and join them for the weekend.

He even said he would try and see if he could get a three-day weekend.

Jason was sad his stepfather wasn't coming. He really enjoyed spending time with the older man. He wasn't so enthusiastic about going off with just a couple of girls - seeing as they were his sister and his mother.

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