Wild For Horses - Cover

Wild For Horses


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Teen Tanya can think of nothing but horses day-in and day-out. What she wants for her birthday is to go horseback riding, so her mom finally breaks down and the whole family goes to a dude ranch. Tanya, her mom and brother get to ride horses and get ridden while in the process.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

The music came on and the lights in the parking lot came on.

All over the lot, boys were getting up from girls, and girls were getting up from boys. In the white convertible it was no different.

Howie pulled his face up from Tanya's beaver. His face was dripping wet. He smiled at her.

Tanya was terribly embarrassed. She looked down and realized for the first time what she had let him do to her. She saw that her beaver was completely open and exposed to him, he could see it and everything. She lifted her leg and pushed away from him. Then she closed her legs up quickly and felt for her panties and jeans in the car.

Howie wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Mmmm, beaver sure was good, he was thinking. He glanced at Tanya, trying to hide her pussy triangle while she pulled her panties on. She saw him looking and she blushed and turned away.

"Well, what are you looking at?" she asked him.

"Who, me? Nothing." he said, as he zipped his cock back in his pants.

"Hey, how you guys doing back there? Everything come out all right?" Jason asked.

Ramona was discreetly lifting up off Jason's penis. She reached up under her skirt and wiped off her cunt with her panties. Then she slid over on the seat and pulled her wet panties on. She pulled her skirt down. She looked away and lit a cigarette while Jason wiped his wet penis off on a tissue and zipped it back into his pants.

He looked at Ramona's back, scarcely able to believe that everything that had happened had really happened. He was feeling so happy! He turned around.

"Everything's fine back here, pal," said Howie.

Jason saw that Tanya was sitting close up against the door on her side, looking away and not talking.

"How'd you like the picture, Sis?" he asked her.

"It was good," she said. "It was really good! But I don't see why all those horses had to die!" She was recalling the sensation she felt between her legs, from Howie's tongue just when the horses plunged over the cliff.

But she still felt embarrassed about what had happened.

Howie kept trying to put his arm around her as they drove home.

They stopped off to get ice cream at the ice cream parlor and then drove home.

Burton was sitting in the den watching TV. "Well, did you kids have a good time?" he asked.

"Yes sir!" said Jason, squeezing Ramona's arm.

"We sure did!" said Howie, winking at Tanya.

Tanya blushed and said goodnight. She said she was very tired, and she thanked Howie for taking her out. Then she went into her room.

The boys still had to drive Ramona home. Jason wanted to drop Howie off first, but he didn't feel like going home yet. Jason got pissed.

"Come on, man," he said out in the car again. "Get lost."

"Oh, let him come along, Jason," said Ramona coaxingly.

So Jason let him come. All three of them sat in the front seat.

"Well, it sure sounded like you two were having a good time in the front seat," snickered Howie. His thigh was pressed up against Ramona's thigh.

"Hey, shut up, man. I mean have a little couth. We got a lady in the car you know."

Ramona giggled. She only said, "Sounded like you guys were having a ball yourselves in the back seat. Did Tanya let you go all the way?

Jason objected again. He didn't think this was the kind of thing girls and guys talked about together. But Ramona laughed and she said:

"Look, I'm only going to get the whole story from Tanya tomorrow anyway. What's the big deal?" She was feeling fine now. She had seen the jealous, angry way Burton had looked her up and down when she came in with the boys.

It made her feel good. Let him be jealous. Let him get real jealous. She imagined what it would be like when he finally came around begging her for it. She wanted him to want her real good and hard, like she wanted him.

She liked the idea of him wanting her so bad that, although she was only a sixteen year old girl, she could wind the thirty- five year old man around her little finger.

"Yeah, she really let me get some!" Howie said with relish.

He was recalling the feel of Tanya's cool fingers grasping his pole, and her sweet hot pussy between her struggling thighs. The taste of her beaver was still on his tongue.

"Jesus Christ! The girl's my sister! I don't want to listen to this!"

Jason, driving, swerved on the road. He had to be more careful.

Ramona giggled and she squeezed his thigh. "Jason's so conservative," she said.

She reached over and squeezed Howie's thigh. "Not like you. You seem much more like a real bull - you go in and get what you want, don't you?"

Howie grinned in the darkness. Personally he was kind of turned off by Ramona's vibes. She was so forward, and she thought she was such hot shit. He really preferred shy girls, like Tanya. And he didn't like girls with big tits. It turned him off. He liked thin girls with small firm titties like Tanya. But he didn't say anything. He just let Ramona feel his thigh. He was feeling too fine to object to anything.

Jason said, "Hey - what are you trying to say? That I don't go in and take what I want? I got what I wanted from you tonight, didn't I?"

Ramona and Howie laughed. Jason sounded so defensive.

"You got whatever I decided to give you, Jason, that's not the same thing as a man taking what he wants from a girl, and making her understand that things are going to go his way!" Ramona thought of Burton's strong arms. She wished she were going to see him tonight. But she had to play it cool.

"Oh yeah? And what do you know about men! You're just a kid yourself, like us. You're younger than us! I bet you haven't had half as much as experience as you make out like you had!" Jason stared at her and saw she was squeezing Howie's thigh.

"Hey, cut that out!" he said, his hands wobbling on the steering wheel. "You keep your hands off my girl! He shouted at Howie."

"Howie! I'm not your girl!" Ramona turned to him and smiled.

"Yes you are! After tonight... ?" Jason was furious.

Ramona ran her fingers through his hair smiling.

"Jason! Tonight didn't mean anything! Just because we did some things... that doesn't mean... !" She shook her head and looked at Howie.

He at least seemed to understand. He was holding her hand and squeezing it.

"I mean, I bet Howie here doesn't think that your sister Tanya belongs to him just because they did some stuff together tonight! Jason, you're so foolish!"

"I am not foolish! I think, if that's your attitude that you're disgusting! Burton was right about you! You really are the wrong kind of girl!"

Ramona sighed and stared out the window. If Jason only knew how Burton was speaking from experience. She almost had an urge to tell him how she had given her very first blow job to none other than his stepfather, and that his stepfather had loved it!

"And leave my sister out of this! If that's how you feel, Howie Manilow, then you can get out of this car this minute! I'm not driving you home, or anywhere!"

Jason suddenly felt very loyal to his sister. He felt he had to protect her honor. He braked the car. They came to a sudden stop. They were out on the shoulder of Interstate 41. It was a clear night and the moon and stars were shining in the sky.

"What a lovely night it is," Ramona breathed looking above her.

Howie was waiting somewhat uncomfortably. Was Jason really serious.

"Come on, I'm waiting. Get out of this car!" said Jason to his best friend.

"Oh Jason, be serious, we're not going to leave Howie out here. And if that's the way you feel then I should get out of the car myself. Come on, let me out!"

She started to try to climb out over Howie but Jason pulled her back down.

"Sit down, Ramona! Come on, sit down! I don't want you to leave. Come on!"

She sat back down in the car and all three were silent.

"Want to smoke some grass?" Howie asked in the silence.

Howie and Ramona had both smoked before, but Jason never had. He knew his mother and his stepfather would really kill him if they ever knew that he was fooling around with any drugs. But he felt so miserable now, and he had been feeling so great before! He took the joint and tried inhaling.

But he was also a young man who was on the football team and he had never even smoked any cigarettes. It was against the coach's rules. So he didn't know how to inhale. Ramona and Howie tried to instruct him.

"Keep your lips slightly open. And try to draw in some air when you inhale," Ramona leaned over and explained to him while he smoked. He took in too much smoke and started coughing.

"Like this," said Howie taking the joint from him. Howie inhaled expertly. He held the breath in his lungs for a while.

"See - try to hold it in your lungs for as long as you can, then let it out slowly, like he's doing," Ramona said. They watched the blue smoke pour out of Howie's nostrils.

"You can tell if you really inhaled if it comes out your nose," said Howie.

Suddenly his head started to reel. That last toke really gave him a hit.

"I don't need you to tell me," Jason said indignantly.

Ramona puffed and got a hit too. It made all parts of her body go tingly. Her very fingertips tingled, and all the skin covering her body felt like thousands of tiny fingertips. Her senses long to be touched. She longed to be touched all over. She passed the joint to Jason. Then suddenly, she and Howie were kissing!

Howie had his arms around her and was pressing her tits to his chest.

"Hey! What the hell do you two think you're doing!"

Jason was jealous and he was pissed as hell. Why the fuck did Howie have to come along and fuck everything up? He pulled Ramona out of his friend's arms.

She now lay across Jason's lap. "Mmmm, Jason," she said. "Kiss me. Let's fuck again." She was wrapping her fingers around his neck and pressing against him.

Jason blushed. "I don't like the way you talk. I'm taking you home," he told her.

She and Howie were giggling and laughing and very high.

Jason wasn't high at all. He started up the car.

"Or why don't we have a threesome. A menage a trois?" Ramona was saying.

She and Howie burst into meaningless laughter.

"Yeah, come on Jason. Don't be so uptight," said Howie.

"I have to bring this car back in half an hour, or Burton will be pissed as hell. I'm not even supposed to be driving after dark!" he said.

"I'm not even supposed to be driving after dark!" Ramona mimicked him. "Oh, Jason," she turned to him scornfully in the car. "You'll never be a man, like your father." The words came out before she realized it.

"What the hell are you talking about you didn't even know my father."

"I mean your stepfather!" she said, making things even worse.

"What do you know about Burton?" He was coming to the turnoff to her house.

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