Wild For Horses - Cover

Wild For Horses


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Teen Tanya can think of nothing but horses day-in and day-out. What she wants for her birthday is to go horseback riding, so her mom finally breaks down and the whole family goes to a dude ranch. Tanya, her mom and brother get to ride horses and get ridden while in the process.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

The movie went on. The boy managed to ride the horse all the way back to the ranch. He tied it up in the corral and went in to tell his father.

His father was furious at him for risking his life so foolishly. But he was proud of his son for bringing in the horse that so many grown men had failed to catch. He organized a posse now to go out and catch the rest of the herd that was now without a leader. All through that first night the boy heard the wild stallion's piercing cries as he lived through his first night of captivity. In the morning, no one could get near the wild beast.

Ramona was lying in Jason's arms now, thinking about Burton, while Jason timidly felt her boobs under her blouse. He couldn't believe how big and round and full they were. He couldn't believe she was letting him touch them.

He didn't see even a minute of the picture. Who cared about the picture?

In the back seat, disgustedly, Tanya was wiping her sperm- filled palm on Howie's blue Jeans. She was furious at him and she told him so.

"What did you do that for! You're disgusting!" she told him.

Howie grinned. He said, "I thought you didn't mind!"

She said, "Shut up! I'm trying to watch the picture!"

But now Howie wanted to get a little something from her. He was hungry for her sweet little titties and he wanted to touch her cunt. He saw the way she kept rubbing her thighs together.

A struggle developed in the back seat as Howie tried to get into Tanya's panties.

"Cut it out! Stop that! Take your hands off me!" Tanya said.

They were shaking the car around with their wrestling.

"Hey, calm down back there, you two!" Jason called over the seat. "We're trying to watch the picture!" He grinned. He was feeling so extraordinarily happy.

"Tell him to keep his hands off me!" Tanya yelled.

"Hey, take it easy with my little sister!" Jason called. But he didn't even bother to turn around and look.

Howie said, "Okay, okay, Jesus. You don't have to tell the whole world."

He took his hands off the squirming Tanya.

She pushed away from him and leaned forward in the seat to watch the movie.

Now the posse of men was taking off to look for the herd of horses. The boy went with them, leaving the wild stallion tied up in the corral.

Howie pulled away from her too, sitting against the car door, sullenly. Some fucking date, the girl didn't even want him to touch her. He was pissed and he didn't even bother to watch the show. He looked around him at the other cars filled with kids.

He could see cars shaking, and he even saw a girl's two feet - colored with red toenails, sticking out one window. Some lucky guy must be having a good time in there, he thought to himself bitterly. He really wanted to get in Tanya's panties.

He wondered what kind of panties she wore. He was dying to get close to her.

He waited until she was real involved in the picture again. Then he tried to move closer again, and get his arm around her.

"Quit it," she pushed his arm off and moved away.

He sat there, stymied, for a moment. Then he said to her:

"Just put your legs up on my lap, okay. I just want to hold some part of you."

"All right, all right, here." Tanya leaned against the car door on her side.

She stretched her legs across the seat. Her feet were lying in Howie's lap.

Howie was contented for the moment. He began playing with Tanya's sneakers. He untied her laces and took her shoes off. She was wearing a fresh pair of gym socks. He looked up to see if she was noticing what he was doing.

She was not. Her eyes were glued to the screen.

He started stripping off her socks until her feet were naked.

He began stroking her arches. She had such pretty dainty feet. And her toenails were painted red. Her chubby toes looked just like candies.

"What are you doing now, you pervert?" she whispered.

"Just relax. Jesus. I'm only playing with your toes."

Tanya sighed but she let him do what he wanted. At least he wasn't trying to feel her up. Though she realized how wet and turned on her cunt was.

From watching all those fantastic horses, and their bodies, sweating and running through the desert. She dreamed of riding a horse like the boy. Stretching out her body along the horse's racing body.

Her pussy was wet and open inside her tight jeans. The seam of the crotch of the jeans was so tight that it was splitting her teenaged beaver open. She shifted uncomfortably, so her jeans wouldn't cut into her cunt so much. Then she went back to watching the picture.

In the front seat, Jason decided he was going to try to go all the way with Ramona. But she didn't want to. Jason kept trying to get his hands inside Ramona's panties.

"Stop it!" she giggled. "Watch the show!"

She was watching the movie now, kind of interested. But she felt her date's hands keep trying to get up under her skirt.

Finally she let him. He pulled her up on top of his lap. He spread her legs wide. He loved the way she was making him feel. So strong, and aggressive and experienced and manly. He knew what he wanted and he was going to get it, he was determined.

He slid his hands up under her skirt and down into her panties. His dick got instantly hard again as he slid his fingers first through her fuzzy muff hair and then down into the wet crack of her cunt.

"Jesus!" he groaned in the dark. It was the first time in his life that he had ever touched pussy. Ramona giggled and pretended to try to push his hands away, but actually she was loving it. She spread her legs wider as she sat on his lap. She could feel that his cock was hard again in his jeans.

Jason bent his head and opened the first button of her blouse. He slid one hand up under her blouse and unhooked her bra. Then he slid his hands back down into her panties.

Her pussy was wet and her crack was split wide open.

He stuck his fingers in and wiggled them. Ramona squealed and wiggled on the seat.

He bent his head forward and put his lips on her breasts. He was pushing into her tits with his lips and feeling up her cunt! He was pushing her hard down into his lap where his cock was erecting.

In the back seat, Howie was working his way up Tanya's legs. He was tickling her ankles, stroking her shins.

"Come on, cut it out," Tanya kept saying. He was so distracting.

But she felt how his fingertips gently brushing her feet and knees were sending little electric signals directly to her crotch. She squirmed uncomfortably. Now Howie was sending his fingers up her thighs.

Suddenly he lunged at her and started unzipping her jeans.

"Quit! It!" Tanya spat out while she struggled with him.

"Come on, Tanya, let me just feel it! It'll feel good!" Howie tried to convince her. They were tussling, but Tanya was just trying to watch the movie.

The posse, on thundering horses, were riding out to the canyon to catch the herd of horses. But the wild stallion, tied up in the stall, knew his friends were in terrible danger. He whinnied and reared up on his hind legs, trying to send them a signal.

Tanya stared fascinated at the terror in the horse's intelligent eyes and at the way his huge, black nostril holes flared up as he sniffed danger.

Now Howie had the zipper of her jeans down and his head was kissing her groin.

"Howie!" she whispered loudly, but her cunt was boiling.

"Come on, just let me! I just want to touch it!" he told her.

Tanya was extremely excited. Howie was trying to pull her jeans down over her butt, and she lifted her butt up to help him get them down.

Howie's cock was pounding hard now with excitement - she was going to let him! He couldn't believe it! His lips found her pussy hair!

"Mmmmm," he whispered, as he tussled with her panties now.

"No!" she objected, angry. The best part of the movie was coming up now!

He was going to make her miss it! The wild stallion was breaking the ropes that held him tied down, with his brute animal strength! Now he was free! He began galloping off over the plain, having jumped over the corral fence. He was going to warn his comrades, and try to lead them from danger.

Suddenly Tanya realized that Howie had reached his objective. He had pulled her panties off and he was nosing into her pussy.

She was terribly excited as she watched the picture, but she knew she shouldn't let a boy do this to her! She kept her thighs held tightly closed. But they were wet at the top where her pussy was oozing.

"Tanya! Open up! Let me get in there!" Howie fiercely whispered.

In the front seat, Ramona and Jason giggled. They looked at each other.

They heard what Howie said. But they were having a disagreement of their own. Jason wanted to go down on Ramona, but she wouldn't let him.

"No! I said no! Now cut that out!" Ramona told him, pushing his head away.

That was just too personal for her. She would let Burton do that to her, but not this green little kid. She wriggled around on the seat pushing him away.

But his cock was really hard and he wanted to eat pussy. He had never eaten pussy before and it pissed him off that she wouldn't let him.

It was making him feel stupid and like a kid, when he wanted to force her and feel manly. But it was she who was in control of this situation and not him.

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