Wild For Horses - Cover

Wild For Horses


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Teen Tanya can think of nothing but horses day-in and day-out. What she wants for her birthday is to go horseback riding, so her mom finally breaks down and the whole family goes to a dude ranch. Tanya, her mom and brother get to ride horses and get ridden while in the process.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Tanya heard someone coming into the locker room. She was crying and she didn't want anyone to see her. Plus she heard Dick's voice and she certainly didn't want to have to face him again. She saw a locker open. She slipped inside.

It was Trixie's locker and she pulled it closed behind her.

Then she was standing, cramped in the locker, her face up against the picture of the horse. She tried to control her breathing so no one would hear her.

To calm herself down, she slipped her hands between her thighs. It made more room that way too. She held her breath.

"Dick, I-I have something to tell you," a girl's voice said. It was the woman named Betty who ran the night shift. She was a pretty little blonde woman of about twenty. She had big tits and she was somewhat short with plump thighs.

"Yeah?" Dick said gruffly, pushing the girl down on the bench.

Tanya could see everything from her hiding place. But she didn't want to look. She stared at the horse in front of her nose.

She was thinking about what Trixie had said - how staring at the picture of the horse in the green pasture made her feel peaceful and tranquil.

Tanya stared at the powerful black flanks of the beast.

"Dick, my husband, I mean, I-I think he suspects. I mean he's gonna kill you if he finds out... about what you make me do." The blonde said lamely.

"Take it out and suck it," the bald proprietor said.

"Oh!" said Betty helplessly. She started to unzip her boss' pants.

Dick spread his legs widely and put his hands on his hips. He obviously enjoyed tormenting and torturing his female employees. Abusing them sexually, and holding over them the threat of firing them.

"I thought you said you liked this job," he said to Betty.

"I-I do," the pretty blonde said lamely. She had his dick out now. His cock was huge even though it was still limp. It looked like a big piece of sausage from the kitchen. It looked disgusting, and Betty looked disgusted, to have to put it in her mouth. But she swallowed once and opened wide and stuffed it in.

"I thought you said you really needed this job," said Dick, watching her ironically, "and I thought you said that you really liked sucking my cock."

"Uh, uh, I do," Betty said taking his piece out a bit.

Tanya could see that in Betty's mouth, Dick's tool had gotten hard. Now it looked like a thick hard piece of sausage. She didn't envy Betty one bit - having to put that thing in her mouth.

She thought about what would happen if Dick should find out she were in the locker spying on him. It got her so scared that to calm herself, she pushed her fingers up under her skirt and into her panties. She began rubbing into her pussy bush.

It felt good. She closed her eyes and thought of a horse. A big powerful black one, with muscles like steel! Yes, and it would carry her off, away from all the Dicks of this world.

"Suck it, Mama, suck it!" the fat store owner was saying.

He wrapped his thick meaty hands behind the young blonde's head and he shoved her face against his big groin. Poor little Betty's face was plastered with an expression of horror and disgust. But what could she do? She had three little ones at home and an unemployed husband. She needed this job. And there was only one way to keep it!

Tanya had never witnessed a cock-sucking before and it really grossed her out. But she was fingering herself well in the locker and it felt good. She tried to spread her legs wider open in the limited space.

Her nose was rubbing up against the picture of the horse and she was imagining she could smell the horse's sweat. How good it would be to have a wild beast between her legs. To grip it with her thighs as she stroked its flying mane.

Her cunt was wet and her fingers were sliding in and out.

"Uh!" she groaned as she felt her pussy widen and open.

But fortunately her cries were covered by the cries of Betty.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" poor Betty groaned as her throat was stuffed with Dick's big penis. She was totally out of control. Dick was totally in control.

He was shoving his cock down Betty's throat as if she were nothing more than a machine in his kitchen, like the one for grinding up sausage meat. And her only purpose was to eat his cock and provide him with a hole to shoot his wad down. And he was close to it too. His cock was hot and throbbing. He felt the blonde's big tits pushing against his thighs as he shoved it to her. He felt the big pointed spearhead of his dick-shaft shoving down her wet meaty throat and he told her to get ready, that he was going to come.

"Hold on, cunt, I'm going to shoot!" he told her.

"Uhhhhhhh!" poor Betty cried in dreadful anticipation.

Tanya was staring fascinated, her fingers deep up her wet nookie.

"Shhiiiiiittt! Oh God! Shiiiit!" the hot Dick shouted as he shot his hot spermy wad down the despairing Betty's throat. He shot off again and again.

Betty's mouth was dripping with his hot grey sperm when he pulled out of her.

"That's better. Thanks, cunt," he told his employee.

He zipped up his pants and walked out whistling. He hadn't even heard what Betty said about her husband.

The dismal Betty was left alone, to cry in the locker room. She went to the little sink and washed out her mouth, trying to spit out his cum. Suddenly she heard a noise and she turned around. She saw Tanya!

Tanya judged it a good moment to come out of the locker.

She went up to Betty. "He can't do that to you," Tanya said.

Betty looked up wildly. "Who are you! What are you talking about!"

"I saw it!" Tanya said fiercely. "I saw it all. That's against the law."

"What! What are you talking about? Nothing happened!"

All Betty wanted was not to get in trouble, and not to lose her job.

"It's sexual abuse on the job," said the idealistic Tanya.

"Get out of here! Get out! I'll tell Dick! I'll tell Dick you were watching!" Betty started screaming hysterically. Tanya stared at her uncomprehendingly.

"I'm new here. I just started working here this morning!"

"Get out! Get out! Dick! Dick!" Betty started screaming.

Dick came back in. "What's going on here?" he asked the two girls.

"She saw! She saw! She saw everything!" Betty screamed.

"What's going on here! What are you talking about! What did you see?" he turned to Tanya. But Tanya was now afraid and confused. She didn't want to lose her job either. It would mean losing the horses and everything.

"Nothing! I didn't see anything! It was just a mistake!" And she turned and fled, still wearing her uniform.

Jason picked her up outside the Burger Joint in the car. He had a friend with him, a guy named Howie. They noticed right away how upset she was.

"Hey Sis, what gives? How was your first day at work?"

"It was horrible! Don't even ask me about it!"

Tanya climbed into the back seat. "Hurry up! Drive away!"

Jason wheeled the car out of the lot with a screech of rubber.

Howie turned around and looked in the back seat. He liked Jason's little sister. He thought she looked real cute in her uniform.

"Hey, you look real sexy in that uniform," he told the crying girl.

"Why the hell are you crying?" Jason said insensitively.

"You wouldn't understand! Men! You're all the same!" Tanya said.

Jason and Howie laughed, but Howie reached across the back of the front seat to her knee. "Hey, it can't be all that bad!" he told to her.

"Keep your filthy hands off me!" Tanya snapped.

When they got home she went directly to her room. She dialed up Ramona. Ramona answered the phone. Tanya told Ramona all about her day at work. She said:

"And can you believe it? That filthy pig makes girls give him blow jobs in the back of the restaurant. And if they won't do it, he fires them. Just like that."

Ramona grinned at her end of the line. She was thinking: what does Tanya know about blow jobs? She said, "Wait a second. You mean you actually saw it?"

"Yes! I'm telling you! I hid in a locker!"

Ramona giggled. "Sounds pretty kinky to me!"

"What do you mean kinky! It was the most horrible thing that's ever happened to me in my life! Oh Ramona, what am I going to do? I don't even want to go back there in the morning! But if I don't work, how am I ever going to get to ride a horse?"

"Talk to Burton about it," Ramona suggested.

"Say, what is it about you and Burton?" Tanya said.

"Whaddya mean?" Ramona said suddenly, defensively.

"I don't know, it just seems like there's something funny going on between you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Ramona. "I thought you told me he didn't even want you or Jason hanging out with me anymore."

"Oh, I know. I don't know. I just feel so crazy. I don't know which way is up anymore. Oh, Ramona, all I know is I want to have a horse."

"You'll get one," Ramona said confidently. "Look I have to go now," she added. "I have to get ready for my big date tonight," she giggled.

Tonight was her big date with Jason. He was taking her to a drive-in show.

"Oh yeah, good luck. Break a leg," Tanya told her.

She hung up. Someone was knocking at her door.

"Come in," she called out, staring into the mirror.

It was Howie, Jason's friend, who had driven her home.

"Hi, hope I'm not bothering you. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" Tanya said without much interest.

"Well, I was just thinking, I mean, I wanted to know if, I mean. Well, what I wanted to say was, why don't you come out with me tonight. I mean you and me, could go out with Jason and Ramona. We could do a double-date."

Tanya laughed. "No, thanks, Howie, but I don't think so."

"Why not? Hey, you know, I really like you." He sat down near her.

Just then Burton walked by on his way to the kitchen.

"Hi, Howie," he said to his son's friend. He stepped into the room.

"What's happening?" the older man asked the young man.

"I was just trying to convince Tanya here to come out with me tonight."

"Tanya, why don't you go?" Burton said jovially. He liked to encourage his children to go out.

"I'm awfully tired from my first day at work, Burton," Tanya said. She bent over and started unlacing her sneakers. All she wanted to do was pull off her wet pantyhose.

"Aw, go on out and have a good time, honey. It will help you to relax."

"I don't want to, Burton! No offense, Howie," she added.

Burton invited Howie to dinner. He asked his stepson:

"So where are you taking Ramona?" He had decided not to forbid Jason from seeing the girl. He was afraid it would seem too suspicious.

"We're going to the drive-in. There's a movie playing called, 'The Wild Stallion.' It's supposed to be great." He kicked Howie under the table.

"The Wild Stallion! Why didn't you say so!" said Tanya, her eyes growing.

And so, Jason and Tanya and Howie all piled into the front seat of the old convertible and went off to pick up Ramona on the other side of town.

Tanya and Howie got into the back seat of the car and Ramona joined Jason up front. Then they drove to the drive-in. This was actually Tanya's first date.

Although Jason only had a temporary license and it was illegal for him to drive after dusk, Burton had let him take the car if he promised to be careful.

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